Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #84

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If Brian had 20k in his own account why did he steal the money out of Gabby's account?
I think it's possible that, without thinking things through, he accessed her accounts in part out of thinking it would create the appearance that she was still alive, just off on her own.

He may have concocted a story he was initially planning to tell the cops about why GP wasn't with him (and why he had her van) but then the attorney convinced him to not say anything.

His money might also have been not liquid -- such as a 529 as mentioned above, or a CD that incurs penalties if accessed before it matures.

I think it's possible that, without thinking things through, he accessed her accounts in part out of thinking it would create the appearance that she was still alive, just off on her own.

He may have concocted a story he was initially planning to tell the cops about why GP wasn't with him (and why he had her van) but then the attorney convinced him to not say anything.

His money might also have been not liquid -- such as a 529 as mentioned above, or a CD that incurs penalties if accessed before it matures.


They were suspicious of texts that were sent made to look like she was still alive, something like that, to throw them off, so to do it with banking accounts makes sense. Trying to find the article.
Travel w Firearm across State Lines?

Agreeing w posts commenting about difficulty of knowing different states' laws re firearm handling, registration, storage, etc. Also agree that State A's concealed carry firearm license issued to an owner there may not be recognized by States B, C, or D to allow owner to carry concealed in those states.

But the "Safe Passages" section* of a fed statute allows an owner transporting a firearm across state lines to have a defense against some state gun crim charges under certain circumstances.

A person traveling like BL may have had protection against state firearm charges for merely having firearm in his possession. IDK.
Not familiar w details of BL's travels or firearm, so I'm not saying it would/would not have applied. Just a point of info. my2ct.

* Summary "....persons traveling from one place to another have a defense for any state firearms offense in a state that has strict gun control laws if the traveler is just passing through (short stops for food and gasoline), provided that the individual is not otherwise prohibited from possession of a firearm, the firearms and ammunition are not readily accessible, that the firearms are unloaded and, in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment, the firearms are located in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console. .[12][13]" bbm
^Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia

See also 18 U.S. Code § 926A - Interstate transportation of firearms
18 U.S. Code § 926A - Interstate transportation of firearms
§926A. Interstate transportation of firearms

@Skigirl @MollyDDD
Travel w Firearm across State Lines?

Agreeing w posts commenting about difficulty of knowing different states' laws re firearm handling, registration, storage, etc. Also agree that State A's concealed carry firearm license issued to an owner there may not be recognized by States B, C, or D to allow owner to carry concealed in those states.

But the "Safe Passages" section* of a fed statute allows an owner transporting a firearm across state lines to have a defense against some state gun crim charges under certain circumstances.

A person traveling like BL may have had protection against state firearm charges for merely having firearm in his possession. IDK.
Not familiar w details of BL's travels or firearm, so I'm not saying it would/would not have applied. Just a point of info. my2ct.

* Summary "....persons traveling from one place to another have a defense for any state firearms offense in a state that has strict gun control laws if the traveler is just passing through (short stops for food and gasoline), provided that the individual is not otherwise prohibited from possession of a firearm, the firearms and ammunition are not readily accessible, that the firearms are unloaded and, in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver's compartment, the firearms are located in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console. .[12][13]" bbm
^Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia

See also 18 U.S. Code § 926A - Interstate transportation of firearms
18 U.S. Code § 926A - Interstate transportation of firearms
§926A. Interstate transportation of firearms

@Skigirl @MollyDDD
Right - carrying across state lines is allowed/gives you a defense if arrested, but the above conditions renders carrying it at all rather pointless if one is doing it in a law-abiding fashion. Having it in his possession would only be compliant if all the above conditions were met. That would not give him cover to carry it on his person (much less concealed) in any state outside of where he is permitted, since most states don't have reciprocity. If I recall, the discussion was about whether a concealed carry permit in FL would have allowed BL to have a concealed weapon with him on the trip.
Firearms, Again.
Right - carrying across state lines is allowed/gives you a defense if arrested, but the above conditions renders carrying it at all rather pointless if one is doing it in a law-abiding fashion. Having it in his possession would only be compliant if all the above conditions were met. That would not give him cover to carry it on his person (much less concealed) in any state outside of where he is permitted, since most states don't have reciprocity. If I recall, the discussion was about whether a concealed carry permit in FL would have allowed BL to have a concealed weapon with him on the trip.
@Skigirl :)Thanks for your additional post.
Seems we're both saying the same thing, re Safe Passages section of fed law. I did not intend to disagree w your post. Just offered info re fed law, for others not you.

You made a germane point --- the fed law would not allow a person to carry concealed. Not the same way a person w FL carry-concealed-permit could carry firearm on his person (meaning, on the body/in holster/in clothing) in FL. Right.

And if BL wanted to carry concealed lawfully in states other than FL, he would need to see if those states had carry-concealed-permit reciprocity w FL, and if not, he would have handle/use/store his gun to comply w those laws. my2ct.
Of course we're talking ^ about a hypo. person who wants to comply w laws.
:mad:Not a person who :mad:strangles girlfriend, :mad:leaves her dead in forest, :mad:flees 1000+ miles away w'out telling any one.
Gun Laws in Different States?
Florida Concealed Carry Gun Laws & CWL: USCCA CCW Reciprocity Map hopefully this helps answer whether he could legally carry with a FL CCW
@iamnotagolem :)Thanks for your post re carry-concealed-permit reciprocity agreement among some states. Yes, this link is the sort of tool (assuming current & accurate) a person could consult to plan firearm handling/storage while traveling across state lines.

While traveling in states w no carry-concealed-permit reciprocity agreement w FL, a person could check state laws* to see if his contemplated use of gun is legal.

For ex, some states allow open carry** and there are different types*** of lawful open carry of handguns.

Now, little/no relevance to GP's death, so just a point of info re gun laws. my2ct.
* Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia
** "Open Carry in US."
Open carry in the United States - Wikipedia
*** Types of open carry. Map & spreadsheet identify the type of lawful open carry in each state. From ^ wiki.
I think it's possible that, without thinking things through, he accessed her accounts in part out of thinking it would create the appearance that she was still alive, just off on her own.

He may have concocted a story he was initially planning to tell the cops about why GP wasn't with him (and why he had her van) but then the attorney convinced him to not say anything.

His money might also have been not liquid -- such as a 529 as mentioned above, or a CD that incurs penalties if accessed before it matures.

Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #84

The piece of the article quoted in Kristin's post says the money is in checking and savings accounts.. Those sound pretty liquid to me. JMO
Regarding the fact Brian having all that money yet he used Gabby card.

Hopefully there will be answers soon, also about Gabby's Murder, we may have to wait for the police report.

IMO, Brian and Gabby had their own money but pooled their resources into one account in Gabby's name. Brian and Gabby used the card. Own money used for their personal use. Brian"s trip to parents home and return while Gabby stayed at hotel over a week.
Many years ago, I was engaged, we shared bank account, when we broke up we divided the money up, Card may been his name but I put some money in his account as he would be away to work in the Mines so I was paying his bills etc the card was in his name I knew his PIN. When we broke up, out of his $10,000 I was given $2.000 as I worked part time and he worked full time on his period of work shift up in the Mines, yet his parents sent the police to my workplace over theft of the money. My Ex came to the rescue.
The money Brian took from the card could be the amount that he put in, while he didn't use it all or Van return to stay at parents place police are still investigating.
One thought which has crossed my mind regarding BL Parents IMO, not excusing their behaviour when contacted by Gabby family but her missing they made a bad decision, discovered their error and in cases when happens the best thing people they go silent.
They would found it annoying their son is addressed by the girlfriend's Dad in a girls name Brianna or Brendan(all of us agree this was rude) who stated he done this with all his daughter's Boyfriends. GP Dad even stated this. Christmas card /birthday card/phone call for Brenda/Brianna over the years would made the L fumed. So when son returns home tells them he and Gabby gone their separate ways, she will collect van later. They are glad it over, no questions. No talking about it.
( Bad decision/ and action which they made and been judged over)
How many parents are friends/ or talking terms with their Children's Ex's when they split up.
Three weeks later, Gabby's family contact them, "Are the kids alright" (even I would be puzzled by this) then Gabby Dad message would refere to BL nickname, well BL Parents would got very angry, and it is possible they made a bad decision not to answer the calls.
L's made some bad choices, going to the Lawyer was the only way they could get out of the mess, but the situation was worse than they imagined, for years and history they will be judged, due to their bad judgement.
Have Gabby's parents, on their own behalf or for the benefit of her foundation, filed documents concerning her estate? What is the status of the money that BL is charged with taking? Does GP's estate (or the bank) have a claim against BL's estate? Is GP's bank on the hook for the false payments, in which case the bank would have a claim against BL's estate?

If the Laundrie's account is accurate that no claims have been filed against the estate. Did the lawyer not send a bill?

I wonder if BL was a miser. Twenty thousand dollars in the bank but no cell service to his phone.
Have Gabby's parents, on their own behalf or for the benefit of her foundation, filed documents concerning her estate? What is the status of the money that BL is charged with taking? Does GP's estate (or the bank) have a claim against BL's estate? Is GP's bank on the hook for the false payments, in which case the bank would have a claim against BL's estate?

If the Laundrie's account is accurate that no claims have been filed against the estate. Did the lawyer not send a bill?

I wonder if BL was a miser. Twenty thousand dollars in the bank but no cell service to his phone.
When did BL not have cell service?
It has been widely reported here, especially in discussions about the Moab stop, that Gabby's phone was cellular network connected, but that Brian's was WiFi only. I don't have a link, however.
BL says something about not having a phone, to LE, in the Moab video.

He clearly did have a phone, which he produced shortly after saying that, so one interpretation was speculated that what he meant was he didn't have cell service.

And if that's true, I think it would be part of his "resisting human society" (my paraphrase) which he had referenced in his instagram and other places. Comments about humans infesting the earth, trying to avoid disposable plastics, etc.

All MOO and of my memory of the Moab video
BL says something about not having a phone, to LE, in the Moab video.

He clearly did have a phone, which he produced shortly after saying that, so one interpretation was speculated that what he meant was he didn't have cell service.

"I was holding onto the keys because I didn’t want to go anywhere, and my big fear is, I don’t have my phone. I don't really – I don’t have a phone. So if she goes off without me (inaudible), I’m on my own," Laundrie told the officers.

About 40 minutes later, as police were preparing to take Laundrie to a hotel for the night, an officer asked him for his phone number and Laundrie pulled his phone out of his pocket, but this portion of the body camera footage is redacted, so it is unclear what Laundrie and the officers are saying.
Brian Laundrie's conflicting stories about cellphone
I don't think that finding additional body parts would necessarily be reported...
It could be that gators may have found some body parts and lunched on them. Gators eat everything, including bones. Just a thought...

I'm afraid you're correct about gators. They can crush a skull. They'll also preform what's known of as the death roll whereby the gator creates a spinning maneuver in order to drown its victim. Typically, they don't often attack humans.

"People getting killed by alligators is extremely rare," said Adam Rosenblatt, an assistant professor of biology at the University of North Florida who studies how alligators respond to changing environments.

Between 1999 and 2019, alligators killed 10 people in the southeastern U.S., according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In that same time period and in the same area, nearly five times as many people were killed by dogs, and nearly 12 times as many people were killed by lightning, he said.

Florida alligators caught eating second corpse in a week

Then, there's the story of gators swallowing people whole. I believe they must possess the biggest appetite of them all.

Human remains found inside 500-pound alligator. How common are alligator attacks?

I think BL was propped in a tree when he shot himself at the Reserve or
maybe laying on his hammock, snacking on s/t.
Had his journal nearby.
Had Gabby's bank account access. Could have walked out of there.
Had used money she saved instead of touching a cent of his own driving back to Florida.

I'm not sure we know the truth about BL flying home then returning to the SLC area five days later to rejoin Gabby. Whose money purchased the airline tickets?

What was his purpose after Gabby died? It's as if he flew out to Salt Lake in order to kill her, like he allegedly did. Then, drove her van home alone while stealing over a thousand $$ from Gabby's two bank cards.
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