Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #84

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Let it be

Image source: Gabby Petito: Parents reveal matching ‘Let it be’ tattoos as row over Brian Laundrie deepens

Beautiful. How sweet and how sad.
Thank you @PommyMommy. Yes, that is our Gabby -- the world's Gabby.
Yet, because he chose suicide, he denied justice for Gabby's family. I hope they do sue the L family for whatever they can recover, even if it's only $20,000. Not a small amount of money, and it's still a means of accountability- particularly if his parents knew more about the situation than they've let on.

How about a Wrongful Death Action:
2015 Wyoming Code
SECTION 1-38-101. - Actions for wrongful death which survive; proceedings against executor or administrator of person liable.

Universal Citation: WY Stat § 1-38-101. (2015)

1-38-101. Actions for wrongful death which survive; proceedings against executor or administrator of person liable.

Whenever the death of a person is caused by wrongful act, neglect or default such as would have entitled the party injured to maintain an action to recover damages if death had not ensued, the person who would have been liable if death had not ensued is liable in an action for damages, even though the death was caused under circumstances as amount in law to murder in the first or second degree or manslaughter. If the person liable dies, the action may be brought against the executor or administrator of his estate. If he left no estate within the state of Wyoming, the court may appoint an administrator upon application.

Source and more info here:
2015 Wyoming Code :: TITLE 1 - CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE :: CHAPTER 38 - WRONGFUL DEATH :: SECTION 1-38-101. - Actions for wrongful death which survive; proceedings against executor or administrator of person liable.
I'm confused as to what time period the text messages were sent that the FBI says were to make LE think Gabby was still alive. Gabby's mother thought some of the messages, like the one referring to Stan, was not Gabby. Is the FBI confirming that BL sent messages to Gabby's mother? Law Enforcement was not on the case until BL showed up in Florida, so when is LE saying Brian sent these messages? One of the warrants was for LE to obtain all electronic devices after BL arrived in Florida. Was BL sending notes between his phone and Gabby's after he returned to Florida? That would be an interesting ruse. Not talk to LE and then claim 'she left me. see?'. It all fell apart when the body was found. It was alleged that Gabby phone's was never found. Is this true? (Although you wouldn't need the device to see the messages, Brian would have only been able to send messages between the two devices while he retained the devices.)


From the information that has been released now, it seems that BL faked those text messages on his way back to FL after he killed Gabby. Gabby's phone was reported as "turned off" as of Sept. 1 and was never turned back on from anything that was reported.

According to the reports released from LE Gabby's phone has never been found. No the device is not needed to retrieve the text messages.
Because she probably said two words to him:

“we’re done”

He was nothing without her.
She was his possession.
Her best friend called it.


That is most likely exactly how BL felt about Gabby being a narcissist as he seems to have been.
Also considering that Gabby is apparently the one who spent money on the trip while he contributed nothing financially.

That is most likely exactly how BL felt about Gabby being a narcissist as he seems to have been.
Also considering that Gabby is apparently the one who spent money on the trip while he contributed nothing financially.

100 percent agree and he also controlled her.

Text book Narc behavior (moo)

The price she paid was too high.
100 percent agree and he also controlled her.

Text book Narc behavior (moo)

The price she paid was too high.
Unfortunately it (DV) happens every day to women and men everywhere. It will never actually stop.
Criminals are criminals; they do not obey the laws. Never have.

Need to make ways for abuse victims to get help and not have to be so afraid and think they have nobody to turn to for help.
Because she probably said two words to him:

“we’re done”

He was nothing without her.
She was his possession.
Her best friend called it.

I think this makes a lot of sense, she probably was like we’ve gotta stop doing this and wanted to feel her own way and be her own self without that weight over her anymore.

From the information that has been released now, it seems that BL faked those text messages on his way back to FL after he killed Gabby. Gabby's phone was reported as "turned off" as of Sept. 1 and was never turned back on from anything that was reported.

According to the reports released from LE Gabby's phone has never been found. No the device is not needed to retrieve the text messages.

Yes Brian did fake the text messages. It was mentioned in a few broadcast.
I'm confused as to what time period the text messages were sent that the FBI says were to make LE think Gabby was still alive. Gabby's mother thought some of the messages, like the one referring to Stan, was not Gabby. Is the FBI confirming that BL sent messages to Gabby's mother? Law Enforcement was not on the case until BL showed up in Florida, so when is LE saying Brian sent these messages? One of the warrants was for LE to obtain all electronic devices after BL arrived in Florida. Was BL sending notes between his phone and Gabby's after he returned to Florida? That would be an interesting ruse. Not talk to LE and then claim 'she left me. see?'. It all fell apart when the body was found. It was alleged that Gabby phone's was never found. Is this true? (Although you wouldn't need the device to see the messages, Brian would have only been able to send messages between the two devices while he retained the devices.)

I don't think the texts to GP's mother were addressed by the FBI. What the statement says is (BBM)

"After Ms. Petito’s death, there were several text messages identified between Mr. Laundrie’s telephone and Ms. Petito’s telephone. The timing and content of these messages are indicative of Mr. Laundrie attempting to deceive law enforcement by giving the impression that Ms. Petito was still alive."

Nothing was said about messages sent from GP's phone to NS's phone. I think we can infer BL sent those but the FBI didn't say that. And remember some of us (including me) were surprised when NS said she was sure one of the fairly late messages did come from GP.

I think the FBI intentionally stayed away from mentioning those texts. For one thing, the FBI doesn't really have a date of death. And for another, in the grand scheme of things they don't really matter (although I like details pinned down too.)

I don't think we know for sure whether her phone was found. Investigators haven't told us. But I think it's a pretty safe bet BL was dead before GP's body was found. So if there was a "ruse" that continued to the time he was in FL, IMO it ended before her body was found.


From the information that has been released now, it seems that BL faked those text messages on his way back to FL after he killed Gabby. Gabby's phone was reported as "turned off" as of Sept. 1 and was never turned back on from anything that was reported.

According to the reports released from LE Gabby's phone has never been found. No the device is not needed to retrieve the text messages.
I had actually forgotten about that Sept. 15 affidavit stating the phone had been turned off for "approximately 15 days." It also didn't mention the Aug. 30th text which was likely from BL. So the fake texts were second on the timeline, but still probably concurrent with the Aug. 30 - Sept. 1 trip back to FL. Unless the FBI had records from later. I'm very curious, but we'll probably never know exactly. I wonder if her date-of-death has been established, either through evidence or BL's notebook.
How about a Wrongful Death Action:
2015 Wyoming Code
SECTION 1-38-101. - Actions for wrongful death which survive; proceedings against executor or administrator of person liable.

Universal Citation: WY Stat § 1-38-101. (2015)

1-38-101. Actions for wrongful death which survive; proceedings against executor or administrator of person liable.

Whenever the death of a person is caused by wrongful act, neglect or default such as would have entitled the party injured to maintain an action to recover damages if death had not ensued, the person who would have been liable if death had not ensued is liable in an action for damages, even though the death was caused under circumstances as amount in law to murder in the first or second degree or manslaughter. If the person liable dies, the action may be brought against the executor or administrator of his estate. If he left no estate within the state of Wyoming, the court may appoint an administrator upon application.

Source and more info here:
2015 Wyoming Code :: TITLE 1 - CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE :: CHAPTER 38 - WRONGFUL DEATH :: SECTION 1-38-101. - Actions for wrongful death which survive; proceedings against executor or administrator of person liable.

GP's family could sue BL's estate for Wrongful Death (although I don't think the suit would be brought in WY.) But assuming they won, the maximum they could collect would be less than $20,000. His estate was supposedly around $20K but I'm pretty sure some expenses are "off the top" and are protected against legal action of any kind. For example, estate filing fees, burial/cremation expenses up to a certain amount, any personal income taxes BL owed for 2021, executor's fees, some attorney fees, and some other expenses like death certificates and advertising costs for notices to creditors. Those add up. Plus, to bring suit her family would have to pay an attorney. It's quite possible if a suit was brought, the L's wouldn't fight it so the attorney costs would be less. But if it did go to court, those fees would go up alot and there'd be no "shielding" of GP & her reputation in court. All in all, it's hard for me to see how it would be worth it.

More importantly though, an action like that could make her family look vindictive IMO. While some people might want to "make the L's suffer" in any way possible including by bringing such a lawsuit, there would also be people like me who would find the action petty since there's really no money to speak of at stake. (And after all, the L's didn't kill GP.) And since the 4 adults in GP's family appear to now work for the GP Foundation, looking petty and allowing GP's reputation to be "on trial" in an entirely optional lawsuit wouldn't be helpful to them in that work. It seems to me it would be much more advantageous (including financially) to keep to the high road. Right now they own that road but that could change.

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Per the affidavit, Aug. 27th was the last known communication. I'm really curious if that changed once LE searched her hard-drive.

The FBI's statement yesterday stated that she was found in SC near where they had been seen together. That's new information, as we had never heard anyone claim to have seen GP there at all. <modsnip> Now we know somebody saw them together. So, was that also on the 27th? Before? After? I wonder how near it was to the time of the crime.

I know these things are of no importance now. Just curious.
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Unfortunately it (DV) happens every day to women and men everywhere. It will never actually stop.
Criminals are criminals; they do not obey the laws. Never have.

Need to make ways for abuse victims to get help and not have to be so afraid and think they have nobody to turn to for help.

IMO his flight home to mom & dads house during the trip was giving Gabby the ‘silent treatment /ghosting’ . All to teach Gabby a lesson and for her to beg him for his forgiveness…her to get back in line. I bet he shared that he was moving -her things- to storage cause it was over.
He went back to continue the trip.
He must of felt in control of her again.
Verbal abuse, controlling threats are just as bad (or worse ) than physical abuse. And there are no police reports or
X-rays to produce of verbal or controlling abuse.
Sometimes it can be a silent precursor to murder.

The courts, the system needs to recognize this type of abuse when considering punishment, incarceration, victim protection etc…something needs to change.
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