Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #2

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@PommyMommy cleaned up our timeline (@JerseyGirl and @JudgeJoe

MAR 17: IG Post- 1 yr anniversary
JUL 2: GP announced her engagement to BL


: Van Life Road Trip Began for Gabby Petito and BL - GM is the owner of the van
JUL 5: The couple stopped at Kansas' Monument Rocks
JUL 8: Their next stop was Colorado Springs
JUL 10: Petito updated her Instagram with photos of her walking at Grand Sand Dunes National Park
JUL 16: Petito’s smiling in a photo from the couple’s next stop at Zion National Park
JUL 20: Petito informed her Instagram followers that they were at Cedar Breaks
JUL 21: The next stop was Bryce Canyon National Park
JUL 26: Petito posted a photo relaxing in hot tub at Mystic Hot Springs
JUL 30: The couple stopped at Canyonlands National Park Mesa Arch

AUG 10
: JF met Gabby and BL near Moab, Utah where they chatted about 40 min. JF and his gf then set off on a hike to the Delicate Arch. When they got back to the parking lot, Gabby and Laundrie were gone.
AUG 12: The couple took a hike at Arches National Park
AUG 12 Moab, UT PD police incident report - no criminal charges,respond to an incident involving BL and Gabrielle Petito
AUG 12 Arches National Park - reservation only campsite (per PE)
AUG 13: BF posted an Instagram photo from their next destination in Moab
AUG 17: BL returns to Florida via airplane to move their things out of storage returns Aug 23

AUG 19: YouTube travel video posted
AUG 21: Gabbys dad orders Uber eats
AUG 21: Gabby told her Dad on FaceTime that they had lost power during a stop in Salt Lake City.
AUG 23: BL returns from Florida trip via airplane (Where was the van parked?)
AUG 24: The couple were seen checking out of a hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah
AUG 25: Petito’s family spoke to her for the last time over the phone and she said she was in Grand Teton National Park
Last phone call between Gabby & her mom, Nicole Schmidt. Last Instagram post from Monarch Wall in Ogden, Utah.
AUG 27 - Gabby's uncle posts there was a snapchat Gabby sent a friend -heading to Yellowstone (in Dailymail article)
AUG 27 & 30: text messages from Gabby’s phone sent to mom
After August 30th, Gabby’s parents weren’t able to get in contact with Gabby or her fiance. Her fiance’s mother also was not responding to any phone calls.”
AUG 30: Text from Gabby to Mom - No service in Yosemite

: BL returns home to FL alone, retains an attorney & is uncooperative with the investigation
SEP 10: The family alerted the National Park Service.
SEP 11: Gabby’s family report her missing 7 PM
Sep 11: Van seized at the home of BL parents in NorthPort FL - FBI
Sep 14: BL family lawyer issues statement
Sept 15: NorthPort police names BL as Person of Interest
Sept 15: Gabby's family issues another statement (?)

Let's fill this in -
ETA: added August 12 domestic response Aug 13
(@Seattle1 )
added Dailymail info about BL trip to Florida for the "storage unit move" returning Aug 23 and Gabby's snapchat to friend they are heading to Yellowstone
ETA - GB owns the van
The August 23rd date of return is still in question. The only place I have seen that date is Gabby's uncle's notation. A cashier in the same Daily Mail article recalls seeing them both on aug. 21st (Dad orders eats, but is it for 1 or 2?) Only staying a few days versus 7 to help move stuff in to parents house then makes more sense. And a day or two of "making up" in a hotel before starting out again also makes sense. Then reality hits quickly, nothing has changed....
Gabby was self revealing what she thought was her mental illness to the officers in Moab. Whether or not she was diagnosed/medicated I have not seen reported.

On the next page of the report, the boyfriend says that neither one of them is taking medications for their problems. I’ve lost the link for that tweet, so you can consider it my opinion only.
I just can't shake the feeling, after reading those police reports, that he just left her there to either starve or get attacked by animals. It seemed like she was actually afraid of him doing this, and he wanted to prove a point in anger. IDK. It's messed up and it seems like he literally could have just driven away and left her stranded, knowing she probably wouldn't survive the hike back.
So @oviedo more for timeline…

Aug 30: Last text to Mom, NS, said “No service in <Yosemite>”.

Did TDM screw that up? No service in Yellowstone? Idk why she (or he) would text Yosemite when they had supposedly made it to Tetons & were headed to YNP.
I believe this is why Gabby's mom was questioning if this text was an imposter text because it only stated "No service in Yosemite." This was not a typical text from Gabby to mom. MOO
I wonder what he told them about moving her things out of their house?

Looks like the Utah police incident was 12 August.

Laundrie flies to FL to remove "their stuff" (her stuff?) from his parents house. 21 August?

25 August, Gabby calls mom and says she is in Grand Teton NP. Never heard from in a reliable way since. I believe he's texting on her phone after that.

Neither one of the couple called police, someone called police on them - that's all UT police will say. Could have just been a parking-related incident. But I suspect it was more.

To me it sounds like they broke up, but perhaps decided to continue onward (or "got back together"). SLC to Grand Teton is about a day's drive, but they had been taking a slow pace up until whatever it was that happened in SLC.
I think this also.
I don't think they are protecting him!
I think they are doing g what their lawyer tells them to do!
Her mom said his parents love her!
So I do not think they are doing g this out of spite they are following g legal consul!
Following lawyers advice to protect him.
They could pick up the phone and call her parents and discuss the situation but they are not willing to put their son at risk, they are protecting him.
it is their choice to do what the lawyers are advising, which I understand it is smart to follow the lawyers advice, especially when you are guilty.
It would not surprise me if there was an unwanted pregnancy that precipitated an argument. They were gone 6-8 weeks which is about the time you’d figure out if you were pregnant. It sounds like she was ready but perhaps he wasn’t. Now that she’s missing, his true colors are showing. They were likely there all along but love is blind.
I was thinking the same thing. As previous posts showed her pinterest with baby clothes and baby beach towel.
It was probably the best option for them though, if that's what he was doing. Separate from the person you're fighting with and locking yourself in car when there's no where else to go is not a bad way to try and defuse a situation.

The other option would be to leave them and drive off...which clearly happened another time, we just don't know the circumstances of that particular incident.

Once again, the question of whose car it was comes up. Since it was hers, he should have been the one walking off to cool down, rather than barricading her out of her own vehicle.

If so, he's even dumber than I thought. He makes himself look like a potential murderer in order to cover up a suicide? Time for him to say so, I'd think, as he and his parents are going to be heavily investigated from this moment onward.

He would know when he last saw her and approximately where she must be.

Of course, if he is in the grips of an untreated mental illness, perhaps he's not thinking clearly.

It's also one of the few places to buy good groceries in Moab.

But her distraught behavior in no way rises to the level of an involuntary commitment - which is what you are suggesting.

However, the Daily Mail pretends to be a newspaper...

The policeman in question left off dealing with Gabby and BL in order to go to the scene of an intoxicated driver - he is just contributing what he saw and heard before he went to that other scene. Neither Gabby nor BL is reported as intoxicated.

In the other officer's report, we learn that at no point did Gabby stop crying long enough to make a statement. So, that explains why there's no statement. The only thing she manages to say is that she was just trying to get BL's attention and didn't intend to hurt him. Both BL and GP beg the officer not to consider it a DV case, as I read it. The driving issues are unaddressed by LE, as far as I can see.

The word "bipolar" is shorter than the word "depression." Just saying. It's also shorter than schizophrenia.

Of course the two policemen could be wrong - but until some other entity (like their police department) agrees, I'm going with the fact that the Moab police have confidence in their report or they wouldn't have released it.

A first responder was told they had some condition, the first responder notices certain behaviors, makes a judgment call that leads toward MH support instead of jail.

It was 5000 customers, no reason given by Rocky Mountain Power (no fires nearby either, no unusual weather:

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) – Over 5,000 people have been impacted by a power outage in Salt Lake City, Friday afternoon. According to Rocky Mountain Power, 5,148 customers are without power in the Sugar House and Salt Lake City areas. Crews are currently looking into what may have caused the outage.Aug 20, 2021
Lavender bolded : It's going to be very hard for the Petito's to accept such an outcome, based o nthe BF's lack of action.
Even if she left a note, they're going to be furious and have tons of questions.
Who can blame them ?

Orange bolded : Sounds broken hearted. :(
I'm in the process of catching up on all of this. This statement is... interesting though. Unless there has been more than BF being named a POI after this, there is no indication that BF isn't telling LE where he last saw GP, just that he isn't talking to the family which, honestly, is the right thing to do in this circumstance, especially if they are convinced he did something to her.

Since I'm catching up there is a good chance I will change my mind, but I do subscribe to the theory that when he last saw her, she was alive, and that something has happened since then. Not talking and lawyering up isn't a bad thing or admission of guilt, especially when you KNOW the court of public opinion is going to immediately look at you as the responsible party.

Also, I am of the opinion that GP was the one who sent the texts and added to Spotify before something happened. Service is known to be sketchy in that area, and we have no reason to think it WASN'T here until told otherwise. The mother not being sure if it was GP texting her is just that - she's not sure. She has no way to know for sure currently.
Here is the media thread to help you catch up - Northport police statements include that he is not talking to them.
WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 8/25/21 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE No discussion*
It was probably the best option for them though, if that's what he was doing. Separate from the person you're fighting with and locking yourself in car when there's no where else to go is not a bad way to try and defuse a situation.

The other option would be to leave them and drive off...which clearly happened another time, we just don't know the circumstances of that particular incident.

Petito family says her boyfriend 'left Gabby in the wilderness with grizzly bears and wolves while he sits in the comfort of his home' as their daughter is missing

What if he drove off to cool down for awhile? He comes back later and she is gone. He waits awhile then calls his parents who tell him to come home. He doesn’t report her missing because he doesn’t know she is missing until he gets home. He may or may not have mentioned to anyone where he last saw her but now he is advised not to talk to anyone. He realizes the domestic incident report will eventually make him a person of interest so he clams up.
Well let’s put the ownership of the van to rest now please. <modsnip>
This really infuriates me
Still behind, but concerning the ownership of the van - If LE truly thought BF was responsible for GP's disappearance in some criminal way, and they were able to detain him for theft of the van, wouldn't they have done this already?? We've seen it a million times in other cases.
Respectfully, police transcripts are not a medical diagnosis.

Mental health issues are not something cops are good at detecting IMO. At least, they are far from experts at it. Only doctors are.

And we certainly should not be taking the boyfriend at his word since he is a POI. The POI could be making things up like crazy to cover his own rear end for his own behavior, and even for her own behavior.

And mental health issues revealed by domestic violence arguments are not something people should be discussing casually on a place like this as though people have any idea what they are talking about! It's totally inappropriate and UNFAIR to any and all victims in this situation. IMO

Again, GP revealed this information to the responding police officers. I once again suggest taking the time to read the transcripts many of us have posted here. I am deeply sensitive to those suffering with mental health issues. I suffer from anxiety myself.

Cheers. ✌
It sounds like BL may have left her on the side of the road before-I have a feeling that is why she reacted the way she did, bc she knew he would do it

I could not agree more. If she was willing to launch herself over him to get into the passenger seat, she was very afraid of being left. I wonder if that was a frequent coping tool of his when they argued.

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Once again, the question of whose car it was comes up. Since it was hers, he should have been the one walking off to cool down, rather than barricading her out of her own vehicle.

I get that a lot of people think it of more significance that it is her vehicle (i.e. her name on the title), but in such a tense situation, if he's trying to separate from her, locking her in her own van wouldn't have worked, she could easily get out. If he's trying to keep away from her to diffuse any tension between them then locking himself in that van was probably the smartest thing to do.

The circumstances of him arriving back home in the van and without Gabby are a whole different story.
Still behind, but concerning the ownership of the van - If LE truly thought BF was responsible for GP's disappearance in some criminal way, and they were able to detain him for theft of the van, wouldn't they have done this already?? We've seen it a million times in other cases.
If the van was never reported missing there would have been no cause to detain him for theft of said van.
If so, he's even dumber than I thought. He makes himself look like a potential murderer in order to cover up a suicide? Time for him to say so, I'd think, as he and his parents are going to be heavily investigated from this moment onward.

He would know when he last saw her and approximately where she must be.

Of course, if he is in the grips of an untreated mental illness, perhaps he's not thinking clearly.

It's also one of the few places to buy good groceries in Moab.

But her distraught behavior in no way rises to the level of an involuntary commitment - which is what you are suggesting.

However, the Daily Mail pretends to be a newspaper...

The policeman in question left off dealing with Gabby and BL in order to go to the scene of an intoxicated driver - he is just contributing what he saw and heard before he went to that other scene. Neither Gabby nor BL is reported as intoxicated.

In the other officer's report, we learn that at no point did Gabby stop crying long enough to make a statement. So, that explains why there's no statement. The only thing she manages to say is that she was just trying to get BL's attention and didn't intend to hurt him. Both BL and GP beg the officer not to consider it a DV case, as I read it. The driving issues are unaddressed by LE, as far as I can see.

The word "bipolar" is shorter than the word "depression." Just saying. It's also shorter than schizophrenia.

Of course the two policemen could be wrong - but until some other entity (like their police department) agrees, I'm going with the fact that the Moab police have confidence in their report or they wouldn't have released it.

A first responder was told they had some condition, the first responder notices certain behaviors, makes a judgment call that leads toward MH support instead of jail.

It was 5000 customers, no reason given by Rocky Mountain Power (no fires nearby either, no unusual weather:

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) – Over 5,000 people have been impacted by a power outage in Salt Lake City, Friday afternoon. According to Rocky Mountain Power, 5,148 customers are without power in the Sugar House and Salt Lake City areas. Crews are currently looking into what may have caused the outage.Aug 20, 2021

My point was that I wasn’t suspicious of the Yosemite/Yellowstone issue, since it’s so common for people to mix them up completely innocently. And no matter what you think of the Daily Mail, I can’t see how it’s their mistake—the step-uncle says ‘Yosemite’ on his handwritten timeline.
However, I feel extremely suspicious of that text. It’ll be extremely interesting when LE traces the phones. I suspect that they’ll see that the two phones, his and hers, are traveling together for days after there’s no sign of Gabby’s presence.

And by the way, ‘bipolar’ is the same length or shorter than ‘anxiety.’ The police report seems reasonable to me, too.

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