Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #28

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IJK, how far do you have to go? My relative in the area asked me to visit near there and I was having second thoughts. I like my dog.
I have never been to that Preserve, so I can't speak to it specifically, but I am a Louisianian and am familiar with alligator habits. They typically stick to the water and will not bother you if you are walking on land or even swimming in the vicinity. The small to medium sized ones will leave you alone. It takes a very large alligator to view a living adult human as a food source. As referenced above, they can't really chew up large things so they death roll to remove parts and will also stash you in the water for a while to let you soften up. That being said, right after hurricane Ida an adult man in Slidell, LA was killed and eaten by a 12' alligator that snatched him right off of his back porch... but that is the only instance I know of regarding a human being eaten by an alligator.

If you have a small dog I would not bring it. Alligators will definitely try to eat your dog if the dog gets close enough to the water. They can shoot out of the water very quickly without you even knowing they were stalking you.
First I would question the outdoor skills of the commenter. Likely they've never done any wilderness treks or they would know that just going on the AT with a backpack doesn't mean you have survival skills. It may just mean you have backpack skills. There is a huge difference as so many on this thread have pointed out.
Thanks for saying this. Some thru hikers do the whole AT and still don't have survival skills. It's easy to re-supply on the AT, there are shelters, water, privies, motels, Walmarts, hostels, people willing to help out. Most of the AT, you can see a town if you get a view. It's not what I'd call wilderness at all. There are road crossings all day every day. There are interstate crossings (BL could easily have been dropped off at one of these)....
And the AT is super crowded. it's so busy out there, people are being asked to split up their thru hikes. And 2021 is, like, the year of extreme busy-ness in natural areas. And, this is a fun time of year to hike.
So, no hardship there at all....
The most wilderness-y area is Maine, but still the only really inaccessible stretch is 100 miles, and that's gradually becoming more accessible.
Now, if someone has done the whole PCT (NOT what's-her-name who wrote Wild, who was not at all a thru-hiker :rolleyes:) or the CDT or even the Colorado Trail, we'd be talking "backcountry survival skills". They're a lot more rigorous.
The scariest is seeing the flip on the dime BACK the ability to instantly tone themselves down when police arrive. Not all can do that.

Many can do that because their violence toward women is based on dominance, not the more visual violently angry person that wants to fight anything in sight when they get mad. My mom's ex-boyfriend (now dead, may he rot in hell) was yelling at her (and maybe slapping her, it was hard to tell) while my fiancé and I were sleeping upstairs. He went quiet when he heard me coming down the stairs and even after I whacked him in the back of the head as I went by he still sat mouse still. Its hard to give someone their come-uppence when they play the statue in front of someone they can't overpower. Its why they keep it so secret and learn not to show it.
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Folks have been mentioning BL flying home for a period of nearly a week without GP.
Has there been any further discourse on this / MSM discussion?

IF he was an abusive, narcissistic, controlling partner, leaving her for this period of time to have experiences of/on her own seems misaligned with typical behaviour.
There is nothing in MSM or any statement by LE to back this up. There has been speculation that Gabby may have not been honest about this because whatever actually happened was embarrassing (like another fight and he did actually take off and leave her so she had to stay in a hotel) but it’s just speculation. It would make sense to me now that we have so many witness accounts to his angry behavior and Gabby being worried about being stranded, etc. I’ve certainly hidden bad aspects of relationships from my mom.

i also remember BL’s sister starting to mention something about him flying home because “that’s what he…” then she stops herself.

Either way the story hasn’t been confirmed by LE or MSM.
Not sure if this has been brought up, but it’s possible BL’s parents are being questioned by police today. It would explain them leaving and LE following. Just a possibility IMO.
Let’s hope!!!
Possible that investigators have found something in the reserve search that ties back to them?
For those chatting about Brian going through the AT, here's a 5 min video of the entire length of the AT. What people fail to understand is that this is a busy trail, I've done it and there were people all around ( I did it twice in the fall of the year). It wouldn't be likely he'd be there long and not be noticed. Not saying it's impossible, but it's unlikely to travel to such a well travelled area with so many people. If he's looking to hide out, he'd be better off in the reserve in FL.

I've been saying this for days every time someone brings up the AT. It's almost as if people think 'hiking trails' and automatically default to "desolate areas without any wifi or possible human interaction"

If you aren't familiar with the lay of the land somewhere, people document their hikes on YouTube/various social media CONSTANTLY. It's easy to get a gist of what people necessarily deal with.
How about we teach young boys to be good people and we won’t have to worry about training our daughters to avoid them.
Definitely both. Boys don't seem to be raised with much guidance at all, in a lot of families, it seems. There's not a lot of parental bonding, father/son activities where values could be imparted, and so on. Boys tend to be left mostly to their peers, which doesn't always work out, and is a type of abandonment, IMO.

Or worse, not all dads are good role models, to put it mildly. These issues get passed down through generations, in some families.
I guess its not confirmation, but the couple that talked about the argument or incident do have receipts that they were there. Other than perhaps overstating the severity, I don't think they would entirely make up the incident. Either way, it provides information for the timeline.
Good point. It sounds like it has been confirmed that it was them and therefore (a) they were in that location at that time and (b) Gabby was alive at that point.

It’s so hard to keep up with these threads!

Something I can’t stop thinking about is the demeanor of his parents. I mean, running out for milk? I think I’d skip whatever meal/recipe needed ingredients that I didn’t have if I were in their shoes. They just seem so…unbothered by their life circumstances at the moment.
I am going to disagree here. They have barely left in a week. They need food and milk won’t keep that long. It’s unreasonable to expect them to stay inside all the time and not eat.
Its really not that difficult. You would be surprised at how fast you adapt and overcome. You can also go without food/water longer than most people believe, also. Unfortunately, there is a lot of litter and trash in the woods but you can use that stuff for survival. Most people could easily survive especially with some anxiety to push them towards survival.

I lived outdoors for most of my life. I didn't even own shoes that fit my feet until I was well past teenage years (and I still don't wear them). It's always a little baffling to me when people don't realize that there are millions living on this globe that exist primarily outdoors with at best what Americans would consider "primitive shelter".
I've been saying this for days every time someone brings up the AT. It's almost as if people think 'hiking trails' and automatically default to "desolate areas without any wifi or possible human interaction"

If you aren't familiar with the lay of the land somewhere, people document their hikes on YouTube/various social media CONSTANTLY. It's easy to get a gist of what people necessarily deal with.
I'll admit I don't what it's like during this time of the year, but in the fall with the cool dry weather and the leaves turning, it's not a desolate area!
It's the "willing to please" that's the kicker. Mothers have to stop raising their daughters to be "pleasing" and "nice". That programming puts them at risk. Everyone should be raised to be courteous, but also to be able to draw boundaries and have limits, and to recognize red flags. Too many women are psychologically hobbled by this "be nice" thing.
That rings a bell. Back many decades I was a psych major, and we had a beautiful gal, an associate professor, giving the 101 lectures, actually at the University of Florida, coincidence. One of the first things she said was, "hey, to sum it up, you have to get it out of your head that everyone will like you. Be yourself." I remember that whole scene like it was yesterday. Silly but it had never occurred to this young person, me, that I didn't have to be sure that everyone likes me.
I think is he’s in the reserve he is no longer alive but I still think he could be long gone and the vehicle was left there purposely as a decoy to buy him more time to flee
First time posting!

I don't think there is a discrepancy. It's all about power dynamics. He feels he has more power than "restaurant staff." But, the male police officer clearly has more power than him. Therefore, he has no problem treating restaurant staff like trash, while trying to portray Mr. Nice Guy to the police. IMO.
Welcome! Great first post! Totally agree!
In the body cam footage Brian seemed to indicate the attention their fight outside the cafe drew had bothered / embarrassed him. That seemed to be his primary motivation for wanting to calm her down while it was happening. If they fought, he did not want it to be so public.

He came across as “the calm guy”, a character depiction that’s been (and continues to be) a major point of contention throughout these threads, as many argued the cool collected togetherness he displayed is an act typically mastered by manipulative abusers.

Now, maybe it’s just me but THAT version of Brian, mastered act or not, greatly contradicts with the temper tantrum throwing madman narrative being touted as of late.

So which is it?

The Brian in the body cam footage who was understandably embarrassed to have had eyes on them (or as abuse claimers have put it, an aversion to being outed as an abuser) while fighting OR the “Brian” who allegedly stomps in and out of a busy restaurant in the midst of a temper tantrum (and for what?!) making a full-on public spectacle of himself?

Because given what we’ve SEEN and what we KNOW to be true it’s not conceivable for him to be both of these people in my opinion.

I personally think he could easily be both of those people. IMO, he could have changed in the presence of the police because police come with consequences, he could have been in “spin mode” and was constantly watching Gabby to see what she was going to say. He could also have been upset in the cafe where he didn’t see any authorities present and felt more comfortable to behave more aggressively.

This is one example of people with abusive behavior who try to manipulate authorities: When Abusers Hurt Themselves to Get Victims in Trouble

There are many others available via Google. I’m not staying BL was anything in particular, just not sure we can say he must be an abuser or he must be as he appeared to the cops… people can be both those things.
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