Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #29

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Brian Laundrie may have lied to parents, could be 'almost anywhere'

Brian Laundrie may have lied to his parents about going to a 25,000-acre Florida reserve and could be “almost anywhere,” a search-and-rescue expert says.

The FBI has spent the past week scouring the Carlton Reserve for Gabby Petito’s boyfriend after his parents reported him missing Sept. 17 — three days after he told them he was going on a hike there.

“People that are trying not to get caught for something sometimes use people, right? So he may have told his parents that’s where he’s going,” Chris Boyer, executive director of the National Association for Search and Rescue, told Insider.

“They may be telling the authorities that in all honesty, but he lied to them.”
IMO I don’t this this is the case at all. BL regularly posts shunning social media and being “connected”. Prior to GP he seems to have zero social media presence at all. He makes comments about spending too much time online. I don’t think he wanted the online / influencer stuff or attention at all. I think that is why he was so frustrated because that seemed to be GPs focus.
As long as GP was doing the SM stuff, she wasn't focused on him.
As the search for answers continue, a retired Green Beret is offering a $5,000 reward for any information provided to the FBI that results in an arrest. Brian Laundrie, who has been named a person of interest in the case.

In a Facebook post, Jerry Torres, a neighbor of the Petito family, says he has a daughter and wants to help.

“My daughter and I offer our deepest condolences to the family of Gabby Petito. We are offering a reward of $5,000 for tips leading to an arrest. 1-800-CALL-FBI // 303-629-7171.” said in the video.

Another individual, Steve Moyer, is offering an additional $1,000 on top of that.
Reward being offered for info leading to arrest in Gabby Petito case

people need to be careful offering rewards, there is likely to be a strategic reason why this hasn’t been done through official channels. MOO.
So now we have this story coming out yesterday about the Mexican restaurant incident in Jackson around 1-2pm on August 27th. I won't discount Jessica Schultz's encounter the previous night on August 26th quite yet. Jessica did say she only saw Brian. I wish she would give a bit more context on how* she saw him. Like was he in the drivers set, was he outside the van, was Brian trying to park the van at the spot where it apparently sat for days on end? Was no one in the passenger seat? I mean 8pm, it was fairly dark out by then. Was Gabby so upset with Brian she refused to sit in the cab with him? How many times did that kind of thing possibly occur? Where Gabby would hide out in the back of the van whilst Brian drove so they did not have to speak to or see one another. Would Brian lock* Gabby in the back of the van? (I really hope he didn't do that.) Now, as for Friday, August 27th. What if after the fight at the restaurant, the fight continued in the van all the way back to Spread Creek Campground and then they calmed down. Because remember, we have the Bethune's driving by recording the van at 6:30pm and someone closes that back door. If Gabby is already dead in the back of the van why would the back door to the van be open? But! If Gabby is still alive, how strange that they're both cooped in the back of that van and have not taken a campsite and are still parked in that random spot. Yet, Brian seems to have made himself comfortable because his flip flops are outside the back doors and there's also a book and what could possibly be Gabby's wallet or sunglasses case sitting atop the book. I had said in another post a few days ago that Gabby could have still been alive when the van door closes in that video and they just wanted to be left alone. I mean after such an utterly embarrassing display at a restaurant I probably would have gone off on a walk to get away from Brian completely. Here's another thing, what if Gabby did go on a hike alone and Brian went after her? Crossed the river and in a violent rage he attacked her in that grove of trees? It's possible. Alternatively, another fight could have ensued in the back of the van later in the night on the 27th, Brian kills her and disposes of Gabby after dark as we've speculated in other theories. The noise is what gets me. Now we can't know this for certain but it is entirely possible he killed Gabby where they found her in broad daylight and no one heard a thing. With the river acting as a sound dampener.
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When did BL's parents hire their lawyer? On what day?

Haven't seen it stated, but would have to guess it was the day their attorney said he spoke to Brian on the phone (which I *think* was 9/13). I would imagine if an attorney is going to represent someone, they at least have to talk to them since the attny is in another state and a physical meeting wasn't possible at that time.
Hmm… I see most people calling her by her name or initials or her Social media handle if they want a nickname. Same with the Bethune’s. I think very few people are insisting on calling them weird stuff like dog lady. Moo. Just use their names.
No one is insisting on calling them anything. Just use whatever you know 'everyone else will recognize. Anyway, I'm done with this topic.
See, I didn't even know she had an airstream. All I remember is that she had a dog and is a graphic designer. Anyway, at least 3 people thought he acted weird 1) tik tick jeep lady 2) piglet restaurant GUY, not his girlfriend who did not recognize him, and 3) blue heeler lady. If I were any of those people I would rather be referred to in generic terms rather than have my name posted over and over on a message board. Besides, with the RV RW&B people, it was the lady who discovered the van while she edited their dash cam on Saturday night, not the "couple". The hubby was the one who analyzed the open/closed door frames. So we're gonna have to memorize a heck of a lot of full names instead of using the non-offensive, affectionate nicknames, IMO
To consolidate the characters, I believe the airstream lady, graphic designer, and owner of blue heeler are the same person! MOO
Her dad stated that he did and she was alone in the hotel and her dad sent her take out food. Thats all i’ve seen on this officially.
And that's the problem with this story, the only source is what GP has told her dad.
There is no mention that she reported the quite dramatic Aug 12th incident to anyone (including her dad), else her family would have been aware much earlier that things were going terribly wrong. So I wager that she would also not tell him when she and BL had a fallout and either tried to reconcile in the hotel or spent their week apart from each other. The "BL helped dad with storage in Florida" story increasingly looks like a white lie to me, to keep up the facade.
New here so please excuse, there's no possible way I could dive through 30 pages prior so if any of this was rehashed, I appologize in advance.

As a preface, I want to state that I take no position on whether Brian committed murder or not. I simply think we do not possess enough evidence right now to condemn a man's life. Now that he is missing and could possibly be suicidal, I especially take pains to avoid judging his life. That's for a jury to decide, not me. Or social media.

I won't go into a longwinded post and I'll try to keep it as short and concise as I can, but a few things bug me about this case:

1. Despite many people trying to place their ex's face on Brian, the body cam and witness statements only confer that they were in a physically toxic relationship. Gabby, the witness Christopher, and Gabby's friend Rose all confirm that Gabby assaulted Brian. The 911 call and body cam show Brian would fight back. People seem to be all about DV here, but refuse to acknowledge that a small blonde girl could very easily be the aggressor sometimes. Even if she is not alive anymore.

2. Brian returning home without Gabby. While I get the whole "going about your daily life to appear innocent", both Brian and his family's actions during the time when he first returned home with the van did not appear to be people pretending. If you know your son committed murder and has something to hide, you're not sending him out to mow the lawn. Idk, that just seems weird to me. Almost as if Brian thought everything was fine at that point. That would imply that Brian and Gabby agreed to part ways - and the only way I can see someone leaving their S.O. in the middle of nowhere is when they're being left with someone they both know and trust. (more on that later)

3. The Aug 27/30th texts. If you just killed someone, and are pretending to be them, you don't make the mistake of texting them their grandfather's first name. There would be no reason for Brian to even message the mother about GP's grandfather. You'd want to have as little interaction as possible, I'd assume. Also, with all the planning GP and BL were doing with where they were going, and given their current location, making the mistake of saying Yosemite seems off as well. I know people get the two confused, but I'd imagine that would be after the fact upon recollection, and not while on the actual trip when you're right near Yellowstone. These were pretty glaring and suspect mistakes. Almost too glaring. [removed stan theory so this doesn't get deleted lol] The wording is definately strange, and can be read as "Can you help send the authorities now...". That could imply a third person being involved.

4. Speaking of third person, now that police have announced there are no ties between the lesbian couple and GP case, people seem to have just forgotten that someone actually murdered those 2 poor women, which means there is a killer in the moab area. Gabby, and these two women aren't the only ones to go missing in the past few months in the moab area. Ty Erick Harvey also was reported missing on August 30th, 2021 in Moab. There was another man missing in June of this year in Moab but for the life of me I cannot find the article anywhere now that it's been drowned out in the sea of news reports with any keywords related to it bringing me back to GP case instead.

Grand County Sheriff seeking info on man missing from Moab area | Gephardt Daily

5. The fact that Brian is still listed as a person of interest, as opposed to a suspect, could be very telling of what evidence (or lackthereof) the police have to actually link him to her death. Either they think he's dead (which I doubt highly considering the efforts they're still putting forth) or they do not have enough evidence to charge him. Even after the autopsy? That potentially leads back to either an accident or third party.

6. Rose. Has anyone else heard reports that Brian's Instagram has been following and unfollowing Rose Davis, GP's alleged bff? Rose gives me bad vibes. Not only does she look exactly like GP in terms of size, shape, eyes and hair, but she came forward to the dailymail making statements that I found to be odd. For instance, Rose reported that Brian would set up hammocks for her and GP, but would not sit with them at the beach - preferring to sit alone. To me that sounds like someone who is uncomfortable being around Rose and GP at the same time. Why? Rose also stated she believes GP loved BL and BL loved GP.. but then went on to recount a time when BL stole GP's ID to stop her from going out dancing with Rose. According to her, GP came home and physically assaulted BL for this. She called it jealousy, but that's one sided. Could she have been a bad influence? Drugs? Could she have previously had a "thing" with GP that BL found out about and he was trying to do what was in GP's best interest? Why would Rose have a tracking app on GP's phone if she hung out with the both of them? Especially after only knowing GP for a year? I know a lot can happen in a year, but that just seems weird. Rose also stated that GP's friends back in NY were "bullying" her about GP staying with BL. Odd choice of words to describe friends trying to "look out" for their friend. Why would they "bully" her if Rose herself said they loved each other?

I have a whole bunch of other theories (or moreso questions) regarding Rose, but until we get more evidence they may as well just be wild conspiracy theories. Are police so focused on BL that they've ignored Rose's locations on her phone? Could she have met up with BL/GP after all? Did BL leave GP with Rose? Was there some sort of triangle going on? I mean, they both look alike, so it's not too far fetched to think BL might have been attracted to her. Going further down that rabbit hole, could Rose have been the one who checked out of the hotel that last time and not GP? That could potentially explain the Yosemite text.. and why Brian drove back to FLA and carried on as if nothing was wrong, not reporting her missing because he didn't think she was missing. If BL/Rose did have something going on, it would explain the reports of his Instagram following and unfollowing her during the time he's been missing. If any of these have been answered via evidence that I've missed please feel free to correct me.

I have a bad feeling the truth of this case is going to be much more complicated than people are claiming it to be. There are too many strange occurrences. I realize Occam's Razor says BL is not speaking, so he most likely had a hand in the death, given what we know. It's what we don't know that has me questioning all of this.

Edit: I definitely went more longwinded than I intended but tried to keep each point to at least a few sentences to get the full point across... apologies!
1. where did Rose ever say Gabby assaulted Brian?
2. cause and effect are missing in so many instances of this kind of thing. If I hit you in our home and then push you as we go out the door and then you slap my arm away as someone walks by, the scene is only going to be you slapping me.

I agree, people put their individual bias on a situation when they encounter it, much like that police officer did when he stated he had a "toxic wife" and then proceeded to put his ex-wife's face on Gabby. Additionally, toxic relationships include two people-and one can be an aggressor and the other can become aggressive as an effect. I'm not an aggressive person, but if someone grabs me on the street, I'm going to swing. I'm not an abusive parent, but if my child runs toward a busy street I'm going to grab them and pull them back. However if all someone witnesses is an adult grabbing a child's arm and yanking them, for all literal purposes, that would be abusive.

Sigh. Here's the facts, the LE did nothing wrong, in my eyes. They were working with what they had. They had never met Brian or Gabby before in their life. Gabby sadly made admissions that she was mentally unstable and Brian supported those admissions. Gabby admitted to be aggressive, Brian admitted to reacting to her aggressions by trying to hold her off. Neither wished to press charges and so they were released. We are viewing that video after a plethora of information has now come out and Gabby was found murdered. DV charges are serious, they affect your life and so they have to be considered carefully before being pressed. LE were face with two young people with their whole lives ahead of them and I believe they did a good job. I do, however, believe there was a breakdown in communication with local and state PD which resulted in the officers not being fully aware of the 911 call that originated this stop.
Josh Benson just said on WFLA that although the Laundrie's neighbors said in an interview with FOX News that the family went camping one weekend, they will not give any more interviews. Josh speculated that they may have an exclusive with FOX but IMO it's also possible LE asked them to refrain from speaking to the media about it.
I've followed so many tragedies over the years, but this is almost Shakesperian. People often talk about the benefit of hindsight, but hindsight here is a curse, it's painful and getting harder and harder to read. It's becoming increasingly clear that it really wasn't Gabby who was falling apart (which most of us already knew), it was Brian.

He was becoming angrier by the day and Gabby was stuck in a tiny space with him, hundreds of miles from home, 24/7.

Reading about the incident at the restaurant made me cry, because I think this was the petrol on an already raging fire. Poor kind Gabby, always trying to make things better, went back to apologise to the staff and got back in the van with someone who was apoplectic. Brian would have seen this as a humiliation and betrayal. She didn't back him up.

This incident is also important because Brian was arguing with a hostess. I have no idea the gender of the manager, but we've seen how Brian interacts with men and we now have more details on how he interacts with women. It's a shame the female police officer/ranger didn't speak to him on the police stop, because that may have set the alarm bells ringing so loudly as to be deafening even to the police officer.

I don't think Gabby was alive for much longer after this. I think they argued in the van, or more accurately, he terrorised her, possibly to the point of him hurting her. She tried to run away, maybe jumping out of a moving vehicle, leaving him trying to park in a rage.

Gabby ran away from the road, thinking he would have caught up with her and run her over, but there's no cover in that area and he caught up with her and killed her. Her death may or not have been pre-meditated as such, but I think a beating was and I think he beat her, kicked her and possibly worse until she didn't make a sound. That's cold blooded murder.

Brian and his family need to spend the rest of their miserable lives in a cell.
You deserve a BAM!!! But, my that was harad giving it. I think you nailed it quite clear!!!!
Interesting listening to JB Live and they are saying the neighbors who told Fox about the "camping trip" never mentioned it to the other reporter - and now won't talk to anyone but Fox? Did I hear that correctly?
Is anyone else listening live??
True. But the other park employee or officer, the woman, had a completely different take on the situation, and was vocal about it, repeatedly. She had a long talk with Gabby about her relationship seeming "toxic", and she turned out to be right. If she could be that insightful, others could learn to be, too. She also pointed out to the other officers, that BL wasn't the only one with marks on his face.

But you're right; it's easy to critique from the peanut gallery. When you're in the middle of a highly emotional scene, and are receiving some mixed signals from the parties involved (minimizing the situation (when not crying hysterically), claiming they're engaged (which they no longer were) & in love, etc.), it's a lot of messy stuff to wade through and make sense of.

Still, I'll be interested to hear how the PD's review of the handling of the situation goes.

If you read that article you will see that she agreed with the other officers about how to handle the case. And there is no evidence that shows the other officers didn't think there relationship was toxic. That whole buddy/buddy conversation they were having was the officer gently instructing BL how to make his part in it less toxic. Anyway, having a toxic relationship isn't illegal. LE aren't social workers.

But here is what Hulls said in the article:

After consoling Petito, Hulls discusses what to do with her colleagues.

They had several options. With the facts suggesting Petito was the aggressor, they could’ve taken her to jail. But Hulls said the situation appeared to be more of a mental health crisis than a case of domestic violence.

What Petito did to Laundrie “was emotional,” Hulls said. “She shouldn't have done it, but it wasn’t done maliciously.”

“I wouldn't have called (the relationship) unsafe. If we had any reason to think any one of them was in danger, we would’ve separated them,” she said.

Arches park ranger warned Gabby Petito her relationship with Brian Laundrie seemed ‘toxic’
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