Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #3

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Maybe her anxiety and mental health issues were a result of spending two years under the thumb of abusive and controlling boyfriend. Who knows what this person may have put her through?
And yet their (BOTH) SM, blogs, YT show differently.

They show a loving, fun, happy-go-lucky, adventurous couple out enjoying life and the world.

Amazing how SM can portray a whole different lifestyle than what one is living.
I do not have one ounce of sympathy for them. One makes choices in life. They're suffering the consequences of said choice.
Yeah. They’re the ones who didn’t respond to communication from a desperate mother, just wondering where the heck her daughter was.

They’re the ones who didn’t bother to report Gabby missing, even if their son was unwilling to.

They’re the ones who continue to refuse to do the right thing.

God knows we’ve seen this sort of behavior before, and on some level I kind of understand it. That doesn’t mean I have to like it though.

No sympathy here either.
Well I don't think they'd have time to murder a couple all while the cops were responding the the initial domestic call the witness made. Literally they'd have to have murdered them after they got into a fight and between being pulled over.

We can only assume where BL was all night. We know where he and Gabby were supposed to be. Moab is small. There is no such thing as strangers there. Everyone is a friend. Young people are naive. They work hard at their hospitality jobs until closing time. Then watch out. Its where are we going to party and hang out. I never met you before but hey come hang with us and sleep on the couch. It is a very free spirited place. It takes me back to younger days in So. cal. So I could absolutely entertain the idea that there might be a connection.
It most certainly would change the course! I agree with NS, the text citing Yosemite was most likely not sent by her daughter, GP.

Also, I think it unrealistic to expect cell phone data location (cell tower pings, triangulation, etc.) available on this date because tower location data (pings, triangulation, etc.,) requires a search warrant pursuant to US Supreme Court 16-402 Carpenter v US (2018).

Pings/location data not to be confused with call/text history records which are readily accessible. MOO

I really wish there would be an update/clause to this. I personally feel the cell phone tower pings are the current “wave of the future” for helping solve missing persons cases in general. I know that changing laws and procedures is very difficult. As well as privacy concerns and of course adult human beings the right to “disappear” if they so chose to do so. I just wish LE had the tools to be able to access this stuff right off the bat and can verify….we located this person. They are safe. They just don’t want to be found right now. If we could get to that point I feel LE could really get that first 72 hour jump on missing persons cases. Will we ever see that day? Idk. But I personally hope so.
SEP 15, 2021
Gabby Petito's stepfather tells her boyfriend 'to step up and do the right thing | Daily Mail Online
The stepfather of missing van-life woman Gabby Petito heaved with emotion Wednesday as he stared out onto the vast mountain range in Wyoming where his daughter was last seen, then turned to face the camera and pleaded for help in finding his stepdaughter.


'Our family's aware of the statements made by his attorney,' Schmidt said, forcefully. 'It's unacceptable. It is unacceptable to us. We deserve more. Gabby deserves more information out there. She deserves to be found and brought home safe. And we need you to step up and do the right thing.

'I understand a parent's wishes are to always protect their children, no matter what,' he continued. 'I understand that. But it's also about teaching your children the right thing and doing the right thing, no matter what the circumstances are. Whatever may have transpired or didn't transpire, they need to come forward and start speaking to law enforcement agencies and be forthcoming with information.

'The longer they don't, the longer it's going to take to bring her home. And we need her home now. So, they have to. It's not a matter of sit back. They have to come forward, for Gabby, for everyone.'


He spoke about Gabby's love of the outdoors, how they used to camp together when she was younger.

'It was nothing like this,' he said. 'Not that long ago, she took a trip like this, more along the West coast, California area, and fell in love with the area. She wanted to come back. She wanted to do all these parks and hit all these beautiful places around here and experience life. That's really what she's about, she's about living in the moment, experiencing life, and just enjoying it.'

He appealed to the public for information on his daughter, especially people who may have been traveling through the region around the time of her disappearance, in late August.

'If you were out in this area, if you been out here in this timeframe and have pictures or video, please go back and see if there's anything in there where you may have seen here,' he said. 'And call the tip line. All that information's going to help us.'

Just catching up with this case. What do you all make of him flying home for six days to move belongings out of storage, that's very strange? Is there any consideration that he may have taken GP back to Florida - ala - Lecticia Stauch?
A lot of the art is art from Chuck Palahniuk's novels.
Most of which center around murders and serial killers.
You're correct that it's not his art (and some is cartoon copies, it looks like he may make stamps). However, his apparent obsession with Chuck Palahniuk is a little over the top IMO.
I was unfamiliar with Chuck Palahniuk but realize that he is the author of Fight Club.

Gabby had Fight Club related items sold from her online shop. So they may have shared the interest. Creepy but maybe not significant.
I did some work on this in grad school. In the US it is harder to initially take in, harder to hold, and harder to overcome evaluation and adjudication thresholds in 5150 type assessments and orders than any developed democracy. This is due to systematic ACLU cases in each of the US federal district courts from a couple of decades ago.
I live in CA I have an adult family member 35 who has paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar 1. I can’t tell you how many 5150 then 5250 holds and hospital stays he’s been placed on by LE. It never ends my ex husband who was a retired PD died of cancer 3 years ago was very sympathetic to mental illness
I've read every single post on all these threads and have some random thoughts / comments. So this is all over the place, just thoughts and opinions bouncing around in my head.

First of all, this is just a devastating story and my heart is breaking for GP's immediate and extended family. I read in a MSM article that there are younger "school-age" siblings, which makes me even sadder.

1) From the police report, describing the two, the LEO wrote that they "...desperately didn't wish for anyone to be charged with a crime." "No charges were filed and no one wished for charges to be filed." ( This reminded me of a DV incident that happened to a friend of mine. During an altercation, she hit her husband and then her husband stabbed her in the arm. When the cops came, my friend didn't want to press charges. The husband's sister was recording it all on her phone, and she shared her video with the cops, to prove that my friend had been the one who "started" it. They immediately arrested the husband, because stabbing someone is "Assault with a deadly weapon" in California, and now they had proof he did it. It didn't matter that my friend didn't want to press charges. It may be different in Utah, but my thought is that if there had been more tangible evidence of assault, the LEOs would have moved forward with charges, even if GP and BL said they didn't want to.

2) On the topic of her dad sending her UberEats, I don't think there's anything weird about that. It's just a nice thing to do. I've ordered food to be delivered to friends and family a gazillion times and been on the receiving end of it as well. (But it would be interesting to find out whether BL was there at the time, as the timeline indicates he was in Florida doing the sus storage unit stuff.)

3) Extremely speculative and MOO: One of the things I've been thinking about is the YouTube video posted on the 19th. I've been wondering whether BL was the one who edited and posted it as an "alibi" for how great everything was going with #vanlife. My fear (echoed in multiple threads) is that they broke up and that's why he flew back to Florida, and then he came back with some premeditated bad intentions. The timing of the video feels important. IDK!
Just catching up with this case. What do you all make of him flying home for six days to move belongings out of storage, that's very strange? Is there any consideration that he may have taken GP back to Florida - ala - Lecticia Stauch?
We know she was still alive after that, as she last spoke to her family on August 25.

The consensus seems to be that he may have returned home during that particular period, after they had an argument or something.

The storage situation may be an excuse after the fact, as his family may not want to play up any potential strife in their relationship, which could explain what ultimately occurred (motive).
SEP 15, 2021
'How could you do this to Gabby?' Petito family lashes out against Brian Laundrie (

On Wednesday, Gabby's extended family said: "Everyday the search for Gabby continues the Schmidt and Petito family becomes more desperate. They are frantically searching for answers and information in their daughter’s disappearance while Brian sits in the comfort of his home."

It went on to state: "Brian claims he wants to sit in the background while we search for Gabby in the wilderness of the Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks. Brian left Gabby in the wilderness with grizzly bears and wolves while he sits in the comfort of his home. In his home!"

It asks him: "Brian, how could you do this to Gabby? You selfishly remain silent while Gabby is all alone in the wilderness. Brian, your silence is reprehensible! We beg you to do the right thing and help us bing [sic] Gabby home."

It ends with: "Brian, whatever happened in Wyoming, happened. The only thing you can control is what you do now. Tell us where Gabby is. You tarnish your love for her with your silence."

The pictures Gabrielle Petito posted on Instagram on August 12th in Arches National Park in Utah show a couple in love. The police report made the same day shows a couple in turmoil.
While that may not be the rule, is it really that uncommon? Literature, including some of the best at portraying love, has had such swings as a central element.

Beyond that images seem the most accurate to us, we've been taught "pictures a worth a thousand words, but actually pictures can be very deceiving. I'f this couple wanted instagram followers, then a "van life freedom and joy with a love affair pictures are also to a degree part of a product -- a story that can be part fiction.

Lastly when it comes to pictures of women smiling, this can be deceptive. I dont mean the women are being deceptive, but rather as a documented and social effect: women are taught to and encouraged to smile even when -- or especially when - uncomfortable. consider the sexual assualt defendants, like Weinstein, whose lawyers and shadow PR passed pictures over the transom of his victims smiling with him after the date of an alleged harassments or assaults. In fact people who know some of the psychological research know that the smiles can actually be from discomfort.
Just catching up with this case. What do you all make of him flying home for six days to move belongings out of storage, that's very strange? Is there any consideration that he may have taken GP back to Florida - ala - Lecticia Stauch?
Yes I agree remember David Westerfield who murdered little Danielle Van Dam and traveled all over with her dead body in his motor home. GP’s van had no windows who would see her?
Could her disappearance be related to the other two bodies found close to the same location around the same time frame? If the two separated, maybe he came back and she was gone so he assumed she had left already via a flight? It doesn’t make any sense he wouldn’t be willing to talk to LE with his Attorney.
I live in CA I have an adult family member 35 who has paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar 1. I can’t tell you how many 5150 then 5250 holds and hospital stays he’s been placed on by LE. It never ends my ex husband who was a retired PD died of cancer 3 years ago was very sympathetic to mental illness
Yes and sadly it is much much harder in the US to get these than any developed country
Most people know someone that could help move things from/to storage. Or, you could pay someone. A lot cheaper than a roundtrip air ticket and paying for Gabby's hotel room for a week.
This makes zero financial sense. There's another reason.

His dad could have called her dad for help. He wasn't far away.
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