Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #38

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Possibly instructed by Lawyer not to for reasons we don't know.

They have long passed the point where they could make a statement to garner public sympathy. At this point, with all the questions in the media swirling around them, and any attempt to answer would only lead to more questions and scrutiny. The ONLY way the public would ever feel sympathetic to BL's parents is if it somehow turned out he wasn't the killer and they went through all of this for nothing (pretty sure this will never happen). So, with so little chance to save face, the next best thing to do is just shut up.

Better to be thought a guilty party than to open your mouth and remove all all doubt.
Yes- totally hidden 30-50 yards off trail. Easy peasy on the busiest of trails.

The thing I keep wondering about though, is his access to media & communication. He left his phone at home, so unless he had a replacement (which someone somewhere is paying for), he’d have no access to news & thus no knowledge of how big this story grew or what’s currently happening. He wouldn’t know how deep to lay low or for how long. Does he know about the bullhorns outside his parents’ house? Or GP’s memorial yesterday? Very curious about what he knows & how. Most MP cases/ homicide cases are not this big- not even close.

BTW, welcome to WS!
I don’t think that a loner like him cares about the outside world. It’s all about his happiness and his peace of mind. That’s all he’s thinking about now. It’s all behind him. Remorse? Doubt it MOO
I know the FBI is seeking information from anyone who was in the vicinity of Spread Creek Dispersed Campground between August 27 and August 30, but I'm surprised they haven't also asked people who were in Coulter Bay Village (where Miranda Baker picked him up at the showers) on August 29 to come forward as well.
It's possible that in the days since Miranda Baker first came forward, they were able to corroborate that he was there because GP's ATM card (or his own credit or ATM card) was used at the general store or he accessed an ATM machine (which would capture an image), or they were able to get security footage from one of the stores there. On the flip side, perhaps they have evidence that he was someplace else, so they don't believe he was in Colter Village. It will be interesting to see what they have when they release warrants and/or bring it to trial.
Circumstantial evidence is anything that needs an assumption or explanation to prove what is alleged. So for DNA evidence, you need to compare the DNA found to an offender's DNA. That requires a step and someone to testify to explain the step.

Direct evidence is something that speaks for itself. Like a video recording of a crime being committed or eye witness testimony. You can watch the tape and see what was recorded. The witness can testify as to what they saw with their own eyes.

The issue with even eye witness testimony is even though it is "direct," the value depends heavily on the trustworthiness of the witness. Juries are instructed to come to their own conclusions on if they believe the witnesses. So if your eye witness is a criminal, will juries discount their testimony? What about explicit or implicit bias? It also depends on the memory of the witness. There are lots of studies using line-ups that show eye witness testimony is not always reliable, particularly when the witness is not familiar with the defendant.

There are books written about these topics. I don't think many people actually understand the difference when they claim there's "only" circumstantial evidence when the actual problem in many cases is jurors are expecting CSI style scientific evidence (which is circumstantial by definition).

Thanks so much @Alethea this is really helpful to me as I am one of those people who didn't understand the difference. I feel much more informed on this now! :)

I also referenced CCTV as I guessed there may always be some doubt over whether witness testimony is 100% reliable, whereas something recorded on video or CCTV for example, can literally be seen with our 'own' eyes, and not be refuted.

Thanks again!
If the Sun is not an acceptable news source, please delete:

Sleuths' new theory suggests Brian 'may have wrapped Gabby's body in tarp
It's allowed. I haven't read it but I'm assuming they are thinking of the tik tockers story of picking him up. Just because he said he had a tarp doesn't necessarily mean he used it in a crime. There was no sign of any tarp in the helicopter footage when the body was found, apparently. People who saw it reported seeing possible clothing on the body, though. Imo
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I just have to say that my husband and I are very private people and neither of us would be comfortable being on tv for any reason. However, that said, I would have a representative make a statement on our behalf and I would cooperate fully with LE. They have to know how the public feels about their silence. IMO
I completely agree. It's turning what should be a respectful, albeit intensive, investigation into a 3-ring-circus. I find that so disrespectful of Gabby's memory. But, that's just MOO.

And the worst is Dog the Bounty Hunter, or should we say, Dog the Coffin Rider, showing up to get his 15 minutes of fame from her death. Dr. Phil got in on the action early as well.

While I get that this is an interesting case (I'm here, after all.), I also feel that too many are using it to their own advantage, and that makes me sad.

YES. I was saying this earlier to another person - if I was a neighbor, I'd be LIVID. First we've got media around all day and then we've got people on bullhorns early in the morning yelling at the Laundries, Dog the Bounty Hunter showing his mug, etc.

When I saw that Dog got involved, it infuriated me so much. I know I can't be alone in that.
I'm hating that we even consider this beating strangulation etc.

But I feel BL is impulsive...I don't see a long process, planned out, IMO it would be more like a push, shove, fall down on a big rock type of situation. i also keep wondering if he is ever caught whether he will say it was all in self defense.

I think though-- why, if it was my described scenario, he wouldn't call for help.

IMO everything he did after the fact was deliberate and calculated.

All of this expressed is MOO.

I think he snapped in a fit of rage and knocked her unconscious and kept her in the van a few days hoping she would wake up. He would have known it was game over for him if he called for an ambulance. His reasoning or lack thereof just shows how dangerous his thinking is. This is what leads me to believe he has done more.
Problem being once she is deceased, it can't be proven if he ever had permission to use the card on the trip home. His disappearance, aggressive behavior at the restaurant, the 911 call reporting him slapping her and BL taking the van and driving home leaving her alone all adds up and not in his favor. If they have any evidence, such as DNA at the scene, he is screwed. IMO.

I agree with your points. I do see how a defense attorney will see the other side.

There is no way to prove he did not have her permission to use the van and card.

In the extensive interview, LE found no evidence to charge him with abuse but they did question her intent to harm him.

Unless he states that he has never been to that sight, his DNA there just means he has been there and not that he was there at her death.

The best evidence, outside of a confession, is linking him to the manner of death. If it was by strangulation, I am not sure what the link could be. There could be one, I just don't know what it is. If by an instrument of force, then a DNA link to that instrument (that otherwise should not host his DNA) would be strong evidence.

I don't think that type of evidence currently exists or he would be listed as a suspect in her death. They need to find him alive and let him convict himself through interrogation.
It is Brian's parents who could stop the Just cooperate with LE. Tell them what they know.
Exactly. If they did the right thing, the protesters, at least, would subside. In the end, all of these people invading their neighborhood are there because of their son and their inaction...... I do feel for the neighbors though. I'm going to guess that we are going to see LE on scene more to at least try and rein in some of the chaos to at least keep it centralized at their house. Bottom line - if GP was still alive, none of this would be happening.........
I think the parents did what many of us would do at first - have your child come home where you can see them and protect them. But when the truth came out, or at least when you realized Gabby was missing and her parents were frantic, would most of us have called a lawyer? YES! But when that lawyer told us to go dark and not communicate with GP's family to help find her? Nah. I think then most of us would have a new lawyer turn him in and we'd join the Petito's in the search.
I would think that it wouldn't have been very risky for them, legally, to text back to her parents in the early days and say, "No, we haven't seen her and we are as surprised as you are that she hasn't been in touch. We don't know where she is. I wish we could help!!! Praying for her and you!!"
Problem being once she is deceased, it can't be proven if he ever had permission to use the card on the trip home. His disappearance, aggressive behavior at the restaurant, the 911 call reporting him slapping her and BL taking the van and driving home leaving her alone all adds up and not in his favor. If they have any evidence, such as DNA at the scene, he is screwed. IMO.

I agree with your points. I do see how a defense attorney will see the other side.

There is no way to prove he did not have her permission to use the van and card.

In the extensive interview, LE found no evidence to charge him with abuse but they did question her intent to harm him.

Unless he states that he has never been to that sight, his DNA there just means he has been there and not that he was there at her death.

The best evidence, outside of a confession, is linking him to the manner of death. If it was by strangulation, I am not sure what the link could be. There could be one, I just don't know what it is. If by an instrument of force, then a DNA link to that instrument (that otherwise should not host his DNA) would be strong evidence.

I don't think that type of evidence currently exists or he would be listed as a suspect in her death. They need to find him alive and let him convict himself through interrogation.
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