Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #46

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I think this is quite possible...and its all coming true, isn't it? He's managed to get the entire world hating people they don't know. Its probably going to kill their business. They're near retirement age - an awful time to lose income and become the poster children for helping someone the world considers a murderer to abscond. MOO
There are choices you make...they choose the wrong path and they don't have to stay on that path. But yes it comes with consequences. Hate is a harsh word...people just want to find Brian. They should have been more forthcoming and its really not too late to change. Every news station would love to talk to them... Most everyone would be open to listening to their story and If they really wanted to find BL maybe its not too late for them.
BL was likely admonished by the lawyer not to talk about what happened regarding Gabby, even to family members. His sister may have meant that she wasn't able to talk to him about all this stuff regarding Gabby but she wish she could have. That would make a lot of sense and it could explain her statements in the most charitable light. But it does demonstrate why the parents would have been advised to say nothing.

Cassie Laundrie specifically said she had not talked to Brian since he returned to Florida. This interview took place after the family camping trip.

"Brian Laundrie's sister Cassie Laundrie breaks silence on Gabby Petito case | ABC Exclusive - ABC7 New York" ABC Exclusive: Full interview with Brian Laundrie's sister on Gabby Petito
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Sorry, I can't remember, but do we know for certain he came home with them on the 8th? I thought no one actually saw him. Or, was the 14th the last sighting?
We don’t know for sure. BL’s lawyer said he returned from camping with his parents, but if I remember right he didn’t specify the 8th, just said they went camping September 6-7. The campground record shows Roberta Laundrie had the campsite reserved for September 6-8, so I guess it’s anybody’s guess what day they actually returned. Just like it’s anybody’s guess if BL actually returned with them.
Nobody knows BL’s whereabouts for sure on what dates, we’re all just speculating.
10 years of abuse without bruises just PTSD and financial disasters. If you knew anything about NPD abuse it’s as damaging but does not follow the same path. The person that „loves“ you does every thing in their Power to make you fail.

Yes I agree there are different forms of abuse.. My post was directed at the notions that GP has been physically abused long term by BL. As far as mentally abused, I do think both of them have/had personality types that when put together are just toxic. GP very well could have been mentally abused by BL IMO. Which is why having a victim witness coordinator at the scene would have been a necessity IMO. But, IMO it would not have changed the outcome of what happened to her. She was clearly not in a state ready to leave him and most likely would have returned to BL even after a day in jail. JMO.
it's really unbelievable behavior IMO seems like he is enjoying the attention just a bit too much

I don't say this with any disrespect but this is I'm sure the highest profile case this attorney has ever worked on and he is not used to receiving anywhere near this amount of attention. And experienced journalists know this and they know to keep pressing the buttons to get a response.

When I was a new attorney at a very big law firm, someone from a national newspaper got my name off a court filing in a case I was working on. They called my office and left a voicemail for me to call them to discuss the case and make a statement. I was so excited, I couldn't believe someone from a famous newspaper knew my name and wanted to talk to ME. I drafted a whole long statement about how our client did nothing wrong and this is an attempt to smear an important business, etc., etc., and brought it in to my boss excited to show her my masterpiece. She put it on the table and looked me in the eye and said if I ever gave a statement on behalf of a client without getting approval from the firm's management committee and the client's CEO I wouldn't work there anymore. I wanted to die. In retrospect now as a partner and more senior attorney I understand there was a much nicer way this could have been handled so I'm not defending that part of it at all.

I tell this story to show that the journalists KNEW to contact the junior attorney because they knew they had the best chance to get a statement from someone who didn't know any better. Here, they keep texting this guy because he apparently doesn't know any better and his clients are obviously not savvy in PR and crisis communications. It is your job as the attorney to KNOW how these things should be handled. And if you have never handled a high profile case, it is your duty to at the least partner with someone who has. JMO
Regardless of the fact that she was the registered owner, the vehicle from all indications were shared. I do not think that someone saying lets take a break and cool off is a red flag for DV. Ill leave it at that.

Except you would have to take Brian's word that he was telling the cops the truth. Imo, he was in CYA mode. Taking control of a vehicle or home and locking the victim out is domestic abuse 101.
Here's the thing. I have clients who truly do not seem to know the difference between the truth and a lie. I largely ignore what they tell me and look at the data, written communications, and anything else objective we can find to piece together the story and then try to get that client's "side" of it to see what really happened.

I make it my duty to make sure those clients never speak to the press. Never release "just one statement to get MY SIDE of the story out." Because I, as their trusted advisor, know that story is likely full of exaggerations or lies that would not take that long to pull apart. If my client released some statement against the advice of counsel, the last thing I would do is release my own statement to "correct" it because then you are TELLING the world that your client is a liar.

So constantly texting the media with bits of information that objectively contradict with other public information (like when the Mustang was picked up, if Cassie saw BL) is really bordering on malpractice. I have never seen anything like it either in my own practice or in following other cases.

Thank you Althea for this info. Any lawyer and family and friends related to this case should remain silent, but either they just want to get their point out, want their moment of fame, want to be part of the intricate part of the case, but cannot figure out Silence is Golden!
…In the same post, Gabby said she had been "thinking about how much I miss" Charleston and her godmother Flora Rocco.

She then hashtagged the words morbid, spooky, and Monday motivation.

Flora has shared her own tributes to the YouTuber, whose body was found in a Wyoming national park on September 19.

She wrote on September 22: "If only I could put my arm around you one more time...I miss you so much."

Flora added: "Justice for Gabby.
Gabby sleuths believe she was 'sad' as they spot hidden meaning in pic
Real life has been busy so I haven't been able to keep up. Do we know the last time LE says Brian is actually seen in person? tysm
Actually seen by someone other than his parents, I believe would be the neighbor who said BL was riding bike with mom and doing stuff in yard or driveway. Sometime between Sept. 1 and who knows … Sept. 10 maybe?

Many, many posters here on WS saw an emotionally abused young woman terrified of her abuser and falling all over herself to take on all the blame. I am one of them, based on personal experience having had been in an emotionally and eventually physically abusive relationship myself. Perhaps if one has not had experience in such, it is harder or impossible to recognize.

we are all speculating but there are facts there. The LEO in the second bodycam video pointed out several marks on gabby. On her face, and on her right ebm: sorry, her left arm, not right). Why they did not take photos of those and record those just like they did for BL is beyond me. So she did have evidence of being stuck or physically handled in such a way as to leave marks.

yes, but per her own admission, she was hitting him. they would have had to arrest her as well. I understand DV completely.
You do not think locking someone out of their own vehicle is a red flag?

No, as the vehicle was shared. They were engaged, and per GP he normally would say, lets take a walk apart. It looks as though he may have been trying to de-escalate the situation. That sounds like the right thing to do as apposed to continuing an argument. It sounds like everyone is twisting legal ownership into the issue.
Is it conceivable that this is all a tactic to later claim ineffective assistance of counsel?

I don't think so, those claims are usually made over failure to raise certain defenses in Court. Like failing to move to suppress evidence, etc. There may be a case about outside conduct but I think that may fall more into the malpractice area.

Maybe Cassie is the one telling the truth. Brian was mia when she was at the campground and he was already on the run...jmo
Lawyer said that they "left as a family" maybe he failed to mention Brian's name deliberately and as a family was the parents and Cassie and whoever or not went with her to the campground. Likely two vehicles left at the same time, all "family" members. That lawyer is really a piece of work. JMO
Does anyone have that pic that someone took and people thought it was BL, GP and his sister by the waters edge? thanks

Campers at the Fort De Soto Park in Pinellas County, Florida, believe they may have captured Brian Laundrie walking in the background of a selfie (NBC2)
*Is this the one?
I wonder if either one of them--or both of them--could have been receiving the enhanced covid unemployment. Wasn't it an extra $600 per month? That would have come in handy.

That extra $600 ended in July 2020 or somewhere around there. Then in January it was replaced with an extra $400/mo, which ran out early September 2021. But quitting jobs to be traveling doesn’t qualify you for UI and it would be fraud if they were claiming it since you had to be available to work at all times.
BL was likely admonished by the lawyer not to talk about what happened with Gabby, even to family members. So his sister may have meant that she wasn't able to talk to him about all this stuff regarding Gabby but she wish she could have. That would make a lot of sense and it could explain her statements without having intentionally misleading. But it does show why the parents were probably told to say nothing and why that was good advice.

If BL didn’t tell his family anything, it would protect them… but somehow I doubt that’s the case, especially with the bizarre range of activities and family behavior following his return. Does anyone really believe BL could get away with only telling his family that “We broke up. She left. I don’t want to talk about it.”

Then they find out GP is missing, so it’s not “Oh well, she could be anywhere, maybe with friends” it’s immediately “Let’s call our lawyer.”

More likely, BL probably told them about “how he was abused by her… and look there’s even a police report!” and that he was the “victim” of the 110 pound female for whatever else happened.

All Speculation / MOO
I don't say this with any disrespect but this is I'm sure the highest profile case this attorney has ever worked on and he is not used to receiving anywhere near this amount of attention. And experienced journalists know this and they know to keep pressing the buttons to get a response.

When I was a new attorney at a very big law firm, someone from a national newspaper got my name off a court filing in a case I was working on. They called my office and left a voicemail for me to call them to discuss the case and make a statement. I was so excited, I couldn't believe someone from a famous newspaper knew my name and wanted to talk to ME. I drafted a whole long statement about how our client did nothing wrong and this is an attempt to smear an important business, etc., etc., and brought it in to my boss excited to show her my masterpiece. She put it on the table and looked me in the eye and said if I ever gave a statement on behalf of a client without getting approval from the firm's management committee and the client's CEO I wouldn't work there anymore. I wanted to die. In retrospect now as a partner and more senior attorney I understand there was a much nicer way this could have been handled so I'm not defending that part of it at all.

I tell this story to show that the journalists KNEW to contact the junior attorney because they knew they had the best chance to get a statement from someone who didn't know any better. Here, they keep texting this guy because he apparently doesn't know any better and his clients are obviously not savvy in PR and crisis communications. It is your job as the attorney to KNOW how these things should be handled. And if you have never handled a high profile case, it is your duty to at the least partner with someone who has. JMO
Agree. Reminds me of a somewhat flustered Jose Baez adding Cheney Mason to Casey Anthony's defense team.
That extra $600 ended in July 2020 or somewhere around there. Then in January it was replaced with an extra $400/mo, which ran out early September 2021. But quitting jobs to be traveling doesn’t qualify you for UI and it would be fraud if they were claiming it since you had to be available to work at all times.
If you were laid off from your job you qualified. I wonder if they were 'employed' my mom and dad in the Juicing business? Just a thought. That would have qualified them.
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