Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #52

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There's no strategy, he just doesn't know what he's doing.

There's absolutely no reason to need to establish a record or correct the record when your only job is to 1) help your clients avoid being charged with a crime and 2) defend them in court if they are.

I get it, though. The natural inclination is to respond to point out when someone is wrong. It feels bad and wrong to let someone publish something that you know is false. I have sat there while Bloomberg News put out a story about one of my clients that was just completely wrong. The clients did not want to dignify it with a response so every time the reporter called or emailed trying to get a statement from me, I had to say we had no statement at that time. We won the civil lawsuit and no criminal charges were ever brought. If we engaged in the media back-and-forth there would have been twice as much press as there was from ignoring it.

So the right answer was to ignore the press and focus on the case. IMO unless you are a plaintiff attorney trying a class action case, the right answer is usually to not engage with the press. Very few lawyers can successfully manipulate the media and they all usually have the combination of 1) sympathetic cases and victims, 2) abhorrent defendants, 3) personal charm and charisma that strikes the right tone in their representation.

Don't talk to the media! That's my advice to everyone, always. Don't do it!

Yes, this has been clear from his first appearance on the scene. Even lawyers who don't practice criminal law or even litigate at all (ahem) wouldn't make these rookie mistakes.
A post from this morning got chewed up so I am posting a similar thought.

Imo, the Laundrie's would not cut of their daughter and grandkids like they have, unless they knew something, as in everything. If they knew nothing there would be no reason to cut them off.

I would suspect that some damning evidence will be revealed that their timeline couldn't possibly be correct, so they are trying to cover themselves. It's characteristic of lies that people cannot keep track of or continue telling for very long. IMO.
Exactly. There is an old saying…for those who continually lie…”they don’t know where the last one ended before the new one began”

Bertolino usually comes out with a changing story when things heat up. As he tweeted “upon further communication with the FBI…”
Also, just so everyone knows, you can go to the police or FBI to correct statements you have given to them. In fact, if you are going in for multiple interviews, the first thing they will ask is if you had anything to add or correct from your last interview. They know that you may go review records or think hard about things you discussed and they give you the opportunity to correct it. It is not held against you as long as you are honest.

I have had clients go into interview 3 or 4 and say, you know what, I've been thinking about this so much and I think I got my dates wrong on one point. I printed out some emails that I think will help us with the timeline. And since you are correcting your statements directly to them, they will take the new information and add it to your statement.

You don't, at any point, have to also tell the press about this. You just have to tell LE. Who cares what the press thinks about you? Particularly if you actually are connected to a horrible crime. You can't worry about reputation rehab while you are in the middle of an investigation IMO
After watching all of the LE stop body cam videos, I will never understand why that group of law enforcement people came to the conclusion that this was a "disorderly conduct" incident. And, even worse, that Gabby was the perpetrator.
It seems they may have been trying to lessen the ramifications of making a filing of anything more severe (like domestic violence?) in order to not impact the future legal consequences of either BL or Gabby. I do think they were trying to put the couple's best interest at heart.
But it didn't work because their evaluation, fact gathering & checking, judgement, and biases were skewed. They fell for BL's tap dancing and labeled Gabby with mental problems. But I don't think it was because they didn't care. I think it was because they didn't have proper training or tools to deal with this situation.
I hope Gabby's family can forgive them. Because I do think if it had been a perfect police stop that BL should have been arrested. Gabby would have at least had to reflect longer on the problems that BL created for her. Her family would have been more aware of her situation and perhaps been able to provide the tools she needed to separate. At least, it would have been one more chance for her.
They simply failed her. She might have been able to do it ~ had she had one more chance.

I have experienced this personally on two very different occasions. Frequently, the police will side with the aggressor. They are not lawyers. They will lie to you. Some of them just want to get in and out of the situation and go home safely. OTOH, I have encountered helpful officers who go out of their way. I can say that the further back in years I go, the nicer the police. Then coming forward, it gets worse. That means to me that the world is getting worse not better MOO. Don't expect legal advice or even truth. If you need legal advice, hire an attorney. If you want the truth, talk to someone who really cares about you.

I also wanted to add and I hope it's okay, that I have watched years of couples living or traveling in RVs and there is no privacy. You can smell each other in the worst circumstances, even the bathroom business. So, if you have relationship problems or are young or inexperienced, then don't travel together in such a small space such as an RV where you are together constantly with no where to go when you need time apart.
I'm getting the feeling that Ma and Pa Laundrie are desperate for people to believe their stories. I think their attorney is making specific statements at their request.

And could normal looking people be that silly?... Yes.. . yes indeed, they can, and be so repeatedly.

This has all the air of a very badly planned ( using the term loosely ) project to somehow rehabilitate Brian, and allow him some chance of escape from the electric chair .. ( I don't know how it is done, Federally,, maybe , like in Argentina, they shove them out of a plane , or make them jump off Mt Rushmore ,.. I dunno ) ..

It was a mad claim that Brian had gone 'missing' at the exact point when all hell broke loose in Wyoming, Gabbys body being found, which, obviously, Brian had not made plans to account for this. I genuinely think he told his parents that he had taken care of that aspect of his crime, and I think they actually believed that, maybe being fooled by his own claims of his 'outdoorsy' skills.. ..

But it has soooooo many loose ends, it's like the knitting after your cat has got to it.
I keep getting stuck on this and can't parse it out just yet. MOO! Gabby's father, shortly after she was reported missing, mentioned something about whatever happened in Wyoming, happened.

My opinion is that something happened there (before anyone realized she was killed), and that both families knew about it. I think whatever that "something" is, would be publicly embarrassing for either Gabby or Brian, or someone else involved and they are keeping it very close to their chests.

It may be something Cassie would NOT want to discuss in front of her kids. When she says that the world does not need to know what the FBI knows, well, that something in Wyoming maybe be really touchy personally to someone.

I think they're all talking about the murder? I can't imagine anything else coming close to being as embarrassing as... murdering your fiancé? I'm not sure why we need another bad act when we have evidence of a homicide.
Brian Laundrie flew home to Florida during cross-country road trip with Gabby Petito to 'empty and close' storage unit: lawyer
Tue, October 5, 2021, 12:57 PM

Brian Laundrie flew alone to Florida from Utah during his cross-country road trip with his fiancée, Gabby Petito, to "obtain some items" and "empty and close" a storage unit, a lawyer for the Laundrie family said on Tuesday.

Laundrie flew to Tampa from Salt Lake City on August 17 and returned to Salt Lake City on August 23 to "rejoin" Petito on the couple's "van life" road trip, the attorney, Steven Bertolino, told Insider.

"To my knowledge Brian and Gabby paid for the flights as they were sharing expenses," Bertolino said.

Laundrie, 23, went to Florida "to obtain some items and empty and close the storage unit to save money as they contemplated extending the road trip," Bertolino said.

When asked where the storage unit was, Bertolino told Insider he had "no idea."

Josh Benson
· 2h
JUST IN. #Laundrie family attorney says #BrianLaundrie went to the reserve on Monday, September 13th, not Tuesday, September 14th. @wfla
Is there any particular reason why anyone should believe Bartolino? Or care about what he has to offer? Unless he gets his client to turn himself in, his information otherwise is useless. He's allowed for the torment of bereaved people, in public for an extended period of time. I think its time to pack away his podium and wait for more reliable information from LE.
Hi there - not a regular contributor, but have been following this case every day.

Was listening to JB live on WFLA YouTube (can't get the .com or app here in the UK), and they kept saying about Gabby being alone for a week (during the really weird story of the storage unit), but I am sure I can recall hotel workers recalling that she was staying in a hotel. It's not as though she was camping alone in the wilds? I may have gotten my dates mixed up regarding this, but why do reporters keep saying she was scared and alone during this break?

Bc they take one data point (the Moab stop) and want to make it a universal truth. If she was "afraid" that day, the context was a terrible day with him threatening or implying he'd drive off without her, being hit, being humiliated and embarrassed, being told she could go to jail, fearing in those fraught moments the end of the relationship, etc. That doesn't mean she was a timid girl who couldn't handle a week alone in a hotel while her boyfriend went back to the East Coast to supposedly take care of some business.

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How do parents forget the last time they saw their child when he’s involved in his gf’s missing persons investigation (Gabby was still only “missing” at the time he left—but “only” is doing next to nothing there. That was still a big deal).

If they knew he was going for a hike and where he was going, then they would have known when he left (didn’t they say they’d last seen him on foot with a backpack?) and therefore their internal alarms would be ringing when he wasn’t home hours later. They’d start the panic. But, then they wait a full work-week to report him missing and somehow “forget” the date he left???? Of course it was a hectic chaotic time for them blah blah but there is NO WAY you’d “forget” when you last saw your child in that scenario.

They’re trying to be intentionally obtuse and I’m not having it. MY OWN OPINION

I DONT THINK ITS LEGITIMATE TO “FORGET” THE DATE IN THAT SCENARIO. Could argue there is so much going on that the date does get confusing, but I think there’s so much going on that the date he slips away and you don’t know where he is is the date that you remember most clearly.

This “mistake” is the absolute turning point in my honest opinion, from when I gave the benefit of the doubt to them, until now. Plus, M-F is a HUGE time gap to not report. I am furious.

My entire “benefit of the doubt” situational lense just flipped on it’s head. There’s no way. It’s not practical or natural to not recognize the date he left and have it stained in memory. No way. Nope. Not having it. I gave them a lot of wiggle room. No more. Maybe it seems silly for that to be the turning point because you guys have been saying it all along, but this ties it in a pretty bow for me. I do not believe it’s possible for his parents to have actually mistaken/forgotten such an important date, under these circumstances.

I’m done.

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Also - I noted from Cassie's interview / interrogation (or 'confrontation' as it might be perceived), that the Mustang is not exclusively Brian's (not sure if this has been said before). Cassie said 'their' Mustang. What I get from this is that it was a shared-use car maybe that their parents had ownership of? I can't see BL using such a gas-leech? In the same way that when Dog found cans of used soda on a trail - BL wouldn't have purchased these (after such disgust of disposable items in the past). Well, of course, unless his life was in the brink and the whole thing was phony, after all ....
I’ve read through most of the various threads here and I’ve tried to think of ways that the Laundries could be acting in good faith with no knowledge of Gabby’s death prior to her being found. I give up. I could understand them correcting one thing if they remembered something pertinent that they had forgotten to share previously. This, however, has been a pattern of obfuscation from the Laundries and their attorney, IMO. The totality of these actions just do not make sense.

For me it starts with the cross-country flight home to clean out a storage locker. Did BL tell his parents about the altercation in Moab and convince him to take some time away? I cannot make any sense of the Mustang story. They just randomly decided to take their son’s car home from where it was parked without thinking that he would come back to it? That’s completely illogical unless you know he won’t be coming back.

Now, today, he went camping the day before he was seen purchasing a cell phone? Give me a break. I don’t even know the purpose of all these stories but I know that they make no sense. My best guess is they know BL’s alive and they’ve decided to try to confuse things as much as possible. I suppose it’s also possible something terrible happened within the home when the parents learned of Gabby’s disappearance and they are covering up BL’s death but I don’t know why they would do that. I suppose it’s also possible that BL is some sort of criminal mastermind who has confounded his entire family as well as various law enforcement agencies, but IMO it’s much more likely that his parents are trying to help him.

I’d also have a much less negative view of RL/CL if their attorney would just stop talking, so there’s that.

All JMO.

Some good points there..

Your hypothesis regarding something terrible happening within the Laundrie home and the parents subsequently covering up BL's death... My question would be why?

Assuming by "something terrible" you mean BL took his own life, what purpose would this serve for the parents to cover it up?

The only reason I could think there would be a cover up is if BL confessed to his parents, a blazing row ensued, and there was some kind of physical altercation between BL and his parents that resulted in BL's death.

Other than that (which seems very outlandish and implausible to me), I can't think why they'd mislead LE and cover up BL's death if it was that he'd committed suicide.

It sounds as if I need to update the timeline but the information seems to be shifting ? @PommyMommy i will check the media thread in the morning to see what supports the latest revisions - thanks for updating it and to others who supply the MSM links under the WS rules - I’m the one needing to catch up now …
A post from this morning got chewed up so I am posting a similar thought.

Imo, the Laundrie's would not cut of their daughter and grandkids like they have, unless they knew something, as in everything. If they knew nothing there would be no reason to cut them off.


I totally agree.

From before we ever became aware Gabby was missing, this family has behaved as if they have something to hide.

Today's revelation makes it more clear than ever that they have been obstructing, as it's absolutely impossible they didn't know the exact day Brian disappeared.
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