Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #56

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Based off the newest Dr Phil episodes, they found out about the van being there on the 11th. If the police had gone there on the 10th they would have relayed the info to Gabby's parents that the van was in the driveways wouldn't you think? They only went there on the 11th. JMO
Her mom said "that's when I got the feeling Gabby was gone; the day we found out the van was in the driveway"

It's not a matter of opinion, the NPPD were at the Laundrie house on the 10th. We have seen the redacted police reports.
Did anyone notice when Brian Entin was following CL's pickup truck, he drove into another neighborhood, stopped and gave the FBI directions - that is the neighborhood where CL previously owned a house which was sold in March 2021 at 5100 Linksman Place which is 3.3 miles away from the L house on Wabasso. This house on Linksman Place backs up to a substantial greenbelt. I had looked up this house when it was shown in the news article I linked earlier in another thread. Here is the home on Zillow: 5100 Linksman Pl, North Port, FL 34287 | Zillow

Here is the property record:

What I don't know is if the property is currently occupied. BL's Brother-in-law (BIL), in the video where BIL and CL (sister) talked to the protestors mentioned that they fix up houses and he and BL did work on the house that the Laundries currently live in on Wabasso prior to the parents moving to the house, so it is possible that this house on Linksman Place is a fixer upper that either the L's fixed up and sold it or sold as a fixer upper. The person who bought the house lives in a Northern state which could indicate a snowbird or a house flipper. That person may not live there full time. Sometimes people will sell a house and the new buyer does not think to change the locks (something you should always do) so it is possible that BL could gain access to this property if unoccupied with a key he used during the remodel.

Now look at this google map: Google Maps

The neighbor lady who lives on Ulster Avenue which is behind Wabasso said BL went into the woods at the end of their street which are the woods south of O'Reilly Auto Parts. That is a greenbelt that connects with the greenbelt (possible golf course) along S Sumter Blvd that leads to the greenbelt behind the house on Linksman Place.

I'm certain the FBI knows all of this and I'm late to the party. LOL.
Good information. If you head south out of Myakkahatchee Park on Big Slough Canal, it would take you just west of that neighborhood, or meet up with an east branch that would run just south of that neighborhood. Probably would not be difficult to stay hidden the rest of the way in cover of night.
I am well aware of the charges thank you. So...if there is reasonable explanation for why he left with the card while she was alive that means he is guilty of theft which is far from murder. We don't know anything about the bank account and if he deposited money into her account before or shared money.
I'm just trying to look at this unbiased as possible as difficult as it is.
I think he left with the card because it was in the van. We always left our cards in the van when camping. What is not clear to me, is that he left with her phone. Who had that? Someone else? Maybe. We really don't know.

In the full video from the protesters, at one point (as I recall) the protestor was again pointing out the impact of Gabby's death on her family and James said something like, yes we know, we could have lost someone, too. I found it curious. MOO!!!!
Great catch. I still think he's flopping at someone's house, this makes sense, an empty house close by. It also is easy to drop off BL at the Reserve and he could walk out and back to that house. Also, sneak back to get supplies in the middle of the night BEFORE he is reported missing.
The photo of a Bl or a look-alike leaving the house on Sept. 17th. Was that verified to be him or still unsure?

I don't understand - is the claim that CL drove near a house where BL is hiding while he was being followed by the FBI?

Edit - sorry I think I meant to reply to the person you were replying to
I agree that it seems pretty likely that they had their tent set up near where she and the fire ring were found. In the Dr. Phil interview, her stepfather said that he had identified her by the sweatshirt she was wearing. The fact that she was wearing a sweatshirt makes me wonder if it happened at night. Maybe they had an argument while sitting in front of a campfire, and he became enraged and grabbed one of the rocks that was near the site.

Yep, a rock seems plausible to me, or a flashlight. Maybe the arguments over several days had built up between them, and the one from the restaurant was still fresh in their minds. They might not even be speaking to each other but they were supposed to sleep in that little tent together. So maybe Gabby was depressed and sitting by the fire instead of sleeping and that ticked BL off again. It doesn't have to be some new fight or important fight to cause the ending of Gabby's poor life. Every argument they had seems mundane and petty in hindsight - fights over money, the phone, a friend, the blog, a dinner gone bad, etcetera. The truth is more horrific if the fight was over something unimportant, which it probably was.
A scenerio. Let's suppose GP and BL parked next to the creek bed. BL wanders off to explore, take photos, look for natural edibles, whatever and leaves GP in the van to work on her blog. After about an hour, he returns to find her missing from the van. He looks across the little footbridge of sticks and sees a man beating GP up. She looks dead. BL panics, hitches a ride to Jackson. In the process, he realizes she might NOT be dead. He bails out at Jackson, hitches a ride back near the crime scene, checks around to see if the assailant is gone, confirms GP is dead.
He knows the MOAB PD have both of them on body cam and assumes they're going to think he did it. He grabs her cash and cards and heads back to North Port.
Do you think ONE juror might believe that story? After all, nobody has come forward as a witness to seeing him actually murdering her. Could it have been another nearby camper who thought she was alone and seized the moment?

A similar scenario has crossed my mind.

This is long, folks, but stick with me...

I've watched the video filmed by Red, White and Bethune, of them passing in their van, and for whatever reason, each time I watch it I get the chills, and I've watched it a good few times now. It was giving me the chills even before it was revealed that GP's body was found not far away.

It's the setting and location that gives me the heebie-jeebies, and here's why:

As we know, Gabby's van was parked in a place that was very visible to passing vehicles (the van of Red, White and Bethune being a prime example), yet at the same time it was away from the main camp ground and parked in an undesignated spot, if I understand correctly.

It did strike me that - as a woman - if I was camping alone or sleeping in the van alone in that spot, I'd feel very, very vulnerable.

The van is far enough away from other campers who could come to your aid if need be, but somewhere where a passing vehicle - driven by an opportunist with unsavoury intentions - could quite easily spot that there was a female there alone.

And the darkness - it would be absolutely pitch black there! There were trees that someone could've hidden behind and watched her, not to mention the fact that the van was positioned close to the little footbridge that was an 'escape route' for a perpetrator in terms of quickly getting her body out of sight of any other vehicles driving past.

When Red, White and Bethune approached the van door was pulled shut from the inside - was this GP in there alone feeling a little unsafe and afraid?

These thoughts are obviously based on the presumption that at some point, BL took off on foot, leaving GP in the van alone.

Maybe they'd had another argument and he took off for some head space in his beloved wilderness, and she stayed behind to work on her beloved blog (the two things that were seemingly pulling them in opposite directions).

  • Did he then return and find her gone?
  • Did he drive off without looking for her as he was still sulking from their earlier fall-out?
  • Did he look for her and find her body then fly into a blind panic thinking he didn't stand a chance of this not being pinned on him, especially after the Moab traffic stop by police.

Although BL's actions indicate otherwise, we can't rule out that something along those lines actually happened.

MOO, JMO etc
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LE can get an arrest warrant and justify a man-hunt for fraud, and the prosecution/LE don't have to tip their hands about what evidence they have already collected on the homicide, assuming there was a homicide. It also gives LE/prosecution more time to gather and analyze even more evidence before anything that might assist BL in covering it up, or explaining it, is revealed.

Defendants are entitled to a speedy trial. Once a person is charged with a crime, certain protocols are set in motion. It's more beneficial sometimes to charge a suspect with a more provable lesser charge, in order to get him or her into custody, while not jeopardizing the main investigation they're conducting against them.

When it comes to more serious charges like murder, LE usually will want to get as much investigation done as possible, including questioning and evidence gathering. The possibility of getting a confession. They may need more time to ensure their case is rock solid enough to go to court. All MOO.

Thank you so very much to both of you, this is exactly the info I was looking for.
A scenerio. Let's suppose GP and BL parked next to the creek bed. BL wanders off to explore, take photos, look for natural edibles, whatever and leaves GP in the van to work on her blog. After about an hour, he returns to find her missing from the van. He looks across the little footbridge of sticks and sees a man beating GP up. She looks dead. BL panics, hitches a ride to Jackson. In the process, he realizes she might NOT be dead. He bails out at Jackson, hitches a ride back near the crime scene, checks around to see if the assailant is gone, confirms GP is dead.
He knows the MOAB PD have both of them on body cam and assumes they're going to think he did it. He grabs her cash and cards and heads back to North Port.
Do you think ONE juror might believe that story? After all, nobody has come forward as a witness to seeing him actually murdering her. Could it have been another nearby camper who thought she was alone and seized the moment?

I don't think any juror would believe that story. They might consider it, but not ultimately believe that's what happened.

Occam's razor means that the most obvious thing that happened is probably what happened.

Occam's razor - Wikipedia

Especially given BL's behavior afterwards. If you saw the love of your life fiance (maybe) being beaten to a pulp, why would he "panic" and then run? I stand by the idea that that would be extremely bizarre behavior and not at all normal or likely. Would it even enter a guy's mind that he can't report this crime because they might pin it on him? (When you should have no blood or wounds on your hands, no scratches, no bruises, if you are innocent?)

And then he goes on the run for several weeks while those bruises and scratches heal. (Evidence). He might very well think that, if he was full of bruises and scratches and her blood.

He could have told his family those bruises and scratches came from rock climbing and just camping accidents, and they believed him, but LE would not have been fooled, if they'd been able to examine him right after it happened. That's probably why BL is on the run right now.

People in campgrounds are not usually lying in wait to harm someone else.
Do you think anyone believes a "foreign faction" killed Jon Benet?
At first, it created confusion and chaos, but not sure anyone buys that story now.
Strangely, some people seem to believe that, amongst other farfetched (impossible) scenarios.

I don't and would think reasonable people don't either.

The person that killed her lived in that house. And so did the people that covered it up and staged the most bizarre and implausible scenario LE has ever seen.

To bring this back to the topic of Gabby's death, it's quite clear to me that Brian is culpable. Not some fanciful bogeyman.
Great catch. I still think he's flopping at someone's house, this makes sense, an empty house close by. It also is easy to drop off BL at the Reserve and he could walk out and back to that house. Also, sneak back to get supplies in the middle of the night BEFORE he is reported missing.
The photo of a Bl or a look-alike leaving the house on Sept. 17th. Was that verified to be him or still unsure?

Not verified.

This photo, IF it is BL - still unconfirmed - places him two blocks from Wabasso: Photo shows person who looks like Brian Laundrie walking Florida street
It was 19 days into September before Gabby's body was found due to NO assistance from BL or his parents. Despite their silence.

They were content to let her rot in the wilderness, possibly be scattered by animals or to be never be found at all.

Just remember that.

Even if they knew she was beyond help, that doesn't mean she didn't deserve to be found and properly laid to rest by her loved ones. Before she no longer was recognizable.

Not to mention the evidentiary value of finding her body before too much time has elapsed. If it had been an accident or self-defence or someone else, don't you think finding her more quickly would be MORE beneficial for proving BL's Innocence?

To this day, BL and his parents will not co-operate with regard to the circumstances of Gabby's death.

I'm sorry but I'm going to negatively judge them for that. As GP's family rightfully does. JMO.

This is what I keep coming back to - she was left out there alone for weeks in the dirt with the insects and animals and weather. What person does that to someone they supposedly loved? Even if he killed her in the heat of the moment, how do you then steal her money and drive off home in her van and go bike riding and camping with your family, knowing she’s out there, knowing her family are clueless about her whereabouts? That almost more than the actual killing tells you how little value and respect there ever was for her, how dark this person’s soul is, IMO.
If you think about it, though, if the parents knew what had happened and were still acting normal during that time, they all had to be total sociopath.
No, I agree they didn't know. I just don't know how he kept the truth from them. Lie? Say nothing? Half and half? None of it really fits. I have a theory but it's grasping.
I've been trying to come up with a scenario where Brian is innocent of murder. I'm unsure if pure conjecture is allowed, so my apologies if it's not. Anyway, all we go...

Gabby calls her parents during Moab stop.
Gabby's father does not like Brian and has cruel nicknames for him and this really sets him off.

Her parents are angry and call Brian to read him the riot act. Brian is resentful of this and intimidated.

Brian and Gabby argue and Brian tell her he is going on a solo hiking trip. Gabby threatens to leave him if he does. She has a friend she was planning to meet up with. He goes anyway.

Brian returns and Gabby is gone. He's still angry at her parents, angry at her and takes off for home.
In the meantime, Gabby is murdered by some stranger. <modsnip>

The murderer takes her phone and heads to Yosemite. Murderer texts her mother by accident. Murderer meant to text a friend. (This happens to me. Alot, lol!) Murderer turns the phone off.

Brian tells his parents what happened. He tells them her parents threatened him, and so they refuse the calls/texts from her family.

They get a lawyer when the calls persist. At this point they don't believe anything truly bad has happened. They feel Gabby's parents are threatening Brian and overreacting. Gabby is with her friend. She'll show up and all will be well.

Then Brian realizes that Gabby is truly missing, and not off with friends. He realizes that he was wrong to take the credit card and van. He realizes he's in trouble no matter what. Bottom line is that he left her alone and now she's dead.

Some people are locked up for years before they go to trial or prove their innocence. This would feel like
death to an outdoors person like Brian. He may be innocent of murder but he did leave her alone and feels guilty.

He runs.
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The calls on 9/10/21 are reported to have come from inside the house.

Two 911 calls were made from the Laundrie home on September 10, nine days after 23-year-old Brian returned home to Florida without Gabby.

One of the calls, both cited to be a "Public Service" CFS, came at 3.58pm, documents show.

The second came just over two hours later at 6.29pm.”

Three 911 calls 'were made from family home day Gabby was reported missing'

The 46 pages of redacted 911 calls can be seen here:
Brian Laundrie manhunt: Dozens of police calls to Florida home after Gabby Petito was last seen | Fox News

The 911 calls confuse me, because this is the same time the L's supposedly refused to talk to police and just handed them a card.

So when the 911 cops responded, they would talk? They were allowed in their home?

I NEED to know what those 9/10 calls were! Any guesses?
I wasn't imagining this scenario as if he confessed to killing. My point, as many others are saying, is if Brian and his parents were innocent, they wouldn't have ignored GP's calls.
That's the very reason so many people think Ls knew something. Because, if BL was innocent, they wouldn't have behaved that way.

Guilty or innocent, it was cruel to ignore GP's parents.

As for what I'd do if my son were guilty, I'd do the right thing. What that means varies by person.
I am pretty sure I have never declared that BL was innocent.
I'm not familiar with the rules of "dispersed camping" but if there are numbered spots where you have to camp within them, then that's a regular campground, IMO. I think of dispersed camping more as you can park in this designated spot, but you can pitch your tent anywhere nearby, because there are no services, no bathrooms, no extras anyway. Just take all your garbage out with you, etc. But I don't know the specific campground rules at the park they were at.

If someone saw a flat spot where a tent would go at Spread Creek spot where she was found, and a fire circle with a little bit of burned material in it, that may very well indicate someone was camping there with a tent, IMO - at least for one night. And then she was found right there. A five minute walk to the van is really not very far. I have camped in a lot of "walk in" camp spots even at state parks where you have to carry things into the campsite from your vehicle, and it can be a bit of a walk.

I would imagine a lot of campers do sleep in their vans. But Gabby referred to their van as a "tiny van" and there are several pictures of their tent in her videos and tiktoks.

I still think he killed her in or near their tent, maybe using the tent for cover to hide what he had done, for a day or two. Because she was really left out in the open.

Speculation only.

Yea designated does imply that, I understood it to mean there were other places cleared out as opposed to the this looks like just a wide spot in the road, where the van was parked. MOO

from Bridger-Teton National Forest - Dispersed Camping Areas (Undeveloped Campground)

What is Dispersed Camping?
Dispersed camping is the term used for camping anywhere in the National Forest OUTSIDE of a designated campground. Dispersed camping means no services; such as trash removal, and little or no facilities; such as tables and fire pits, are provided. Some popular dispersed camping areas may have toilets.There are extra responsibilities and skills that are necessary for dispersed camping. It is your responsibility to know the camping rules and regulations to make your experience safe, and to keep the natural resources scenic and unspoiled for other campers.
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