Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #58

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We do know though that SB put out the correction about the 14th to the 13th departure date for Brain, and in this correction he specifically references the FBI contacting him to clarify the date due to conflicting evidence. For the parents to be lying about the 13th now after the FBI gave them the opportunity to get it right, and considering they are providing this info to LE as Brian currently has a Fed warrant out for him would be very dangerous ground for them at this point. Perhaps that adds strength to the 13th being a legitimate date. Time will tell...
Very good point.
BL was considering/planning to work on a wwoofing farm, and that's not something a person undertakes if they have no love/experience with growing things.

I think there's a very good chance he had a seed vault, or at the least, he had a collection of organic seeds. We know his parents were cleaning up the raised gardens in the backyard this past week, but maybe those beds were for Brian to grow things.

RE the seeds:

He may have seeds, but they’re not going to help him until he finds a place to settle and has a few months to wait.

In the BEST of circumstances, he may be able to get a harvest of radishes and lettuce in a few weeks, which is not going to sustain him. Also, depending on what planting zone he would decide to settle in, he may have to wait until Spring to start planting.

As a small scale gardener with a lifetime of experience, I can tell you that sometimes, even with luscious organic compost and playing Blues for them every day, the garden just doesn’t produce like you’d hoped. One year I was able to can 22 pints of green beans as well as eating them fresh 3-4 times a week and the next year I didn’t even get enough to eat them fresh once a week.

I agree that Alaska would be a good place to disappear. I think work would be pretty easy to find and no one would ask too many questions.

Anyone know what the next charge up would be regarding the money withdrawn/spent on the CC?

For instance (only using these as an example):
"Theft $50-$100 Class C Misd."
"Theft $101-$500 Class B Misd."
"Theft $501-$1000 Class A Misd."

His charge is over $1000. Is there a charge after that? Or could it as easily mean $10,400 as $1,001? Hopefully that makes sense. I'm trying to figure out if he could have a substantial amount of cash still from that.
curious. When BL returned to FL, what interactions and whatever else did GP do or have? Meet anyone of interest perhaps?

From the crime scene, how far was the van captured in video from that location? and what was that date compared to last date GP 100% known alive.
I agree with you but creatives crave alone time to create.

I think it was a problem for them as a couple. He created alone and she needed him to create. I don't think that's what he wanted but didn't realize it until they were actually traveling. He couldn't do what he craved and resented her for being able to do what she craved.
I'm not doubting your creativity, but I don't think BL was all that creative. He hated the time Gabby spent on her project, but he was perfectly capable of using that time to go off alone to draw or sounds like he spent the majority of that time hovering over her and nagging at her to hurry up and finish. jmo
RE the seeds:

He may have seeds, but they’re not going to help him until he finds a place to settle and has a few months to wait.

In the BEST of circumstances, he may be able to get a harvest of radishes and lettuce in a few weeks, which is not going to sustain him. Also, depending on what planting zone he would decide to settle in, he may have to wait until Spring to start planting.

As a small scale gardener with a lifetime of experience, I can tell you that sometimes, even with luscious organic compost and playing Blues for them every day, the garden just doesn’t produce like you’d hoped. One year I was able to can 22 pints of green beans as well as eating them fresh 3-4 times a week and the next year I didn’t even get enough to eat them fresh once a week.

I agree that Alaska would be a good place to disappear. I think work would be pretty easy to find and no one would ask too many questions.

The raised beds at the house sure don’t look like he was into seeds.
I'm not doubting your creativity, but I don't think BL was all that creative. He hated the time Gabby spent on her project, but he was perfectly capable of using that time to go off alone to draw or sounds like he spent the majority of that time hovering over her and nagging at her to hurry up and finish. jmo
I saw zero daVinci like mode in his repetitive and unoriginal cartoons..
RE the seeds:

He may have seeds, but they’re not going to help him until he finds a place to settle and has a few months to wait.

In the BEST of circumstances, he may be able to get a harvest of radishes and lettuce in a few weeks, which is not going to sustain him. Also, depending on what planting zone he would decide to settle in, he may have to wait until Spring to start planting.

As a small scale gardener with a lifetime of experience, I can tell you that sometimes, even with luscious organic compost and playing Blues for them every day, the garden just doesn’t produce like you’d hoped. One year I was able to can 22 pints of green beans as well as eating them fresh 3-4 times a week and the next year I didn’t even get enough to eat them fresh once a week.

I agree that Alaska would be a good place to disappear. I think work would be pretty easy to find and no one would ask too many questions.


Yes, the only concern would be the bounty and being recognized. however, would he be turned in? Many don't want the attention, they're off-grid already for a reason....some criminal themselves. It would also likely be a much easier place to springboard from to another country via multiple methods/routes.
I am still confused about the timeline after BL returned home up to the missing persons report on the 11th.
SB retracted and said the Laundries last seen BL on the 13th yet in another statement he said CL searched for hours in the reserve AFTER BL failed to come home that night, which would make it the 12th. He was reported missing on the 17th. The car was noted at 2:42 on the 14th.
The news cameras arrived on the 11th.

My questions are
1. After news cameras arrived on the 11th, BL did not leave in the mustang, LE and onlookers would have captured that.. Right?
2. If BL took off after the phone calls started on the 10th, LE would not have even known to have him under surveillance, wouldn't that happen only after the missing persons report?
3. If he were already gone, RL and CL together would have drove the car and left it there, Wouldn't that be the only way it got there?
4. Could the searches in the reserve be being used as training? Its perfect conditions for training right?

BL took off on the night of the 10th with those calls, he wasn't there to be monitored and his parents dropped the car off to be found with this crazy story because they told LE that BL had an attorney they could talk to.
CL went to the preserve under trickery for LE to see how far he will let it go on that he and his wife drove the car there.
I think back to the reports that neighbors say he hopped the fence.
my head hurts:confused:
IMO, BL is all about his needs, and his needs only. I have brought up the likening of BL as a Juvenile fledgling having difficulties with making it on his own. I watch Eagle Nests on live cams periodically for entertainment and knowledge. The juvenile Eagle who cannot quite make it completely out of the nest has a distinct cry, or screech. It wants food now! It doesn't want to be left alone for long, because that means there's no food!
If ever they do leave the nest, it is not for long, and not very far...because it doesn't want to work at all for him/her self to obtain food. So they return to the nest, and screech ! It just wants it now ! How juvenile!!

We have been informed from the Moab incident of BL's 'Juvenile' behavior. Something didn't go his way...and he screeched. Again, as later reported, an incident at the restaurant...something didn't go his way....and he screeched.

It is comfort and laziness IMO, that keeps BL returning to the nest. Not necessarily a food issue, but failure to fledge nonetheless.

He will be found, if he's his own screech. He will continue to try and fail to make it on his own.

Patience Grasshopper!
How does his months long hikes on the AT and cross country trips with GP fit with that though? GP was more independent, for sure, but for their ages, their lifestyle was pretty exceptional on both their parts (save for living with his parents). IMO we just don't know enough about him.
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