I’m triggered by this thread for a couple of different phrases thrown out but I will not run away. I’ve suffered from bipolar disorder for much of my adult life. Like your husband, many will throw out that term whenever women get upset. Some men just don’t know how to cope with their wive’s condition. They don’t know how to deescalate the situation or face their own faults which may have sparked the episode. Frustrated, they throw that word in their face to hurt. Mine used to do the same thing. Not anymore…
Being bipolar not a joke. It’s not funny. I am missing certain chemicals in my brain. Bipolar Disorder is a lifelong condition and I accept that. I manage mood swings by following a treatment plan with medications and psychological counseling. My 16 year old nephew had bipolar disorder and he hanged himself cause the kids at school didn’t understand him. As far as I’ve read, Gabby and Brian both self diagnosed their condition as OCD and haven’t taken meds for it. Off my soapbox and I apologize for this tangent post. Note: In fairness, genders may be reversible in my post.