Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #80

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exactly my point. he wasn't missing, he wasn't a poi. so why are you saying they should have reported him missing?
Well, this depends on the state of mind BL was in. If we assume the earlier statements by SB, that he went for a hike, nothing out of the ordinary about it, his parents weren't immediately concerned then, sure, no real reason to call anybody.

If we use the recent statements, he was grieving, extremely upset, CL wished he could have stopped him, and consider that in light of everything else that was going on, missing person seems to move a little higher up on the list of possibilities at the point. The situation becomes a little more urgent.
Well, this depends on the state of mind BL was in. If we assume the earlier statements by SB, that he went for a hike, nothing out of the ordinary about it, his parents weren't immediately concerned then, sure, no real reason to call anybody.

If we use the recent statements, he was grieving, extremely upset, CL wished he could have stopped him, and consider that in light of everything else that was going on, missing person seems to move a little higher up on the list of possibilities at the point. The situation becomes a little more urgent.

All of this and the parents actions after BL went "missing" make it seem to me like they knew he was dead or at least would not come home.
Since Gabby's phone has apparently never been found, What are the chances that somebody came across her after she was dead and stole her phone? IF that is what happened vs BL dumping her phone somewhere.

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Since Gabby's phone has apparently never been found, What are the chances that somebody came across her after she was dead and stole her phone? IF that is what happened vs BL dumping her phone somewhere.



Personally, I think extremely unlikely.

For one thing—it’d be close to insanity to involve oneself in a possible murder for the sake of a phone.

For another, I think the strange message sent to Gabby’s mother was from BL, and sent after she was dead.

I would guess that the FBI knows a lot more about phone locations than it’s told us.

(And if I’ve missed recent information, I hope someone will set me straight.)

Because that's not how domestic violence works. What a lot of assumptions you've made - I wouldn't make them.

Some people are not known well t0 anyone outside their immediate families. That's a fact.

Rage is not proven to be a chronic problem in this case. Many other explanations (disassociation...many other mental states besides rage, which to me as a biological scientist, has a specific meaning - which corresponds closely to what ordinary people observe).

The entire world may very well have been tiptoeing around this young man (if I were betting, I'd say so - you have no evidence, but the world has evidence that PERHAPS some people were tiptoeing around him).

What do coworkers have to do with this? Publix? His parents' employees? <modsnip>.

It seems to me we've both made assumptions. Yours are different from mine but they are still assumptions nevertheless.

You've seemed to assume DV violence works in only one way. Obviously that's not true. Research can show us common patterns but that's all they are-- common. It's certainly possible for domestic violence to occur and not fit a common pattern. And it's possible for people to be mistaken about the occurrence of DV.

You've also seemed to assume BL wasn't rage-filled. Actually I was making that point too. My point was that perhaps he hadn't been walking around for years about to explode with rage. Your point seems to be that people who aren't biological scientists with specific training might mistake a tendency to dissociate for rage. I'm not too sure about that nor am I aware of any evidence BL dissociated under stress. And no, I don't see evidence of people "tiptoeing around him for years." We have one co-worker saying he got mad easily. We have Rose saying he was "controlling" but she didn't seem to talk about seeing anger much less rage. A Publix co-worker said B & G were "happy and cheerful." It's not even clear this guy had even ever had a traffic ticket. So no, I don't see bubbling rage or frequent dissociation based on what we know from documented sources. And we can't use the apparent outcome as proof there must have been red flags that people close to him knew about. Obviously there are things his family & GP knew we don't know. But I don't see the person you see in BL.

Since Gabby's phone has apparently never been found, What are the chances that somebody came across her after she was dead and stole her phone? IF that is what happened vs BL dumping her phone somewhere.


I don't think the timeline works for that. I think a message was sent from her phone on the 30th saying "no service in Yosemite". Brian would have had to have been driving to Florida at that point as it's a long drive. So either Brian sent it using her phone during his trip, or someone else sent that message who knew about the trip (which I don't find likely). But hopefully the FBI will figure it out.
I don't think the timeline works for that. I think a message was sent from her phone on the 30th saying "no service in Yosemite". Brian would have had to have been driving to Florida at that point as it's a long drive. So either Brian sent it using her phone during his trip, or someone else sent that message who knew about the trip (which I don't find likely). But hopefully the FBI will figure it out.
Working backwards from the known time BL entered North Port (about 10:30 AM IIRC) he could have left Grand Teton area as late as about 8 PM local time in WY on the 30th and drove straight through with only gas stops.
Why were they looking for him?

Lots of reasons but I pointed out another plausible alternative yesterday, around the optics. Put yourself in their shoes

LE call at your house & impound van midnight- ish. Loads of 911 & Petito calls. Brian starts to change his story- that this was more than a split. You call your lawyer 11.30pm(?)
You have conference meetings with lawyer on 12th. Nicole does a press conference on 12th. Brian's starting to act more agitated but you still haven't got the whole truth out of him. You arrange & have another conference call for the 13th.
Brain claims to be going out for a hike cause he needs that to make himself calm down.
He's still not back after a few hours. You try to call him. Then you check & realise he's left his phone, so you can't call him to get him to return - he's had long enough

Time progresses. SB notes that this looks really bad optics - he looks like a/ a fugitive or b/ that he doesn't give a damn that Gabby's parents distraught while Brian's on his jollies. ( It's one thing to choose silence, but to go missing is very awkward) Parents agree that it's best that they bring him back. Off they go.
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its not private property next to the road. There is a strip of land that belongs to whatever agency owns the road.
Typically a utility easement. AT&T just tore our front yards up along the street installing fiber optic cable in the subdivision. No notice. Just showed up and did it.
Since Gabby's phone has apparently never been found, What are the chances that somebody came across her after she was dead and stole her phone? IF that is what happened vs BL dumping her phone somewhere.



Way back in the threads it was reported that Gabby’s phone stopped communicating on or about the 31st or September 1st.

Gabby’s mother claims she received an odd text from Gabby’s phone on the the 30th and suspects that text did not come from Gabby.

BL arrived home on Sept 1st.

BL’s phone did not have a data plan and he relied on WIFI.

I suspect BL was using Gabby’s phone for the drive home. I also think Gabby’s phone allowed him to access her money. I also suspect that Gabby’s phone was dumped, along with his own, close to home when it was no longer required and he needed to get rid of it.

IMO BL had Gabby’s phone from the time of her death until he got close to home. I don’t believe someone came across Gabby’s body, stole her phone, and then didn’t report that they had stumbled across a body, unless of course, you happen to be Brian Laundrie.

Entertainment awards? What about a Pullitzer? ; )
I know journalists who have won local Emmys specifically for journalism (one was for covering Ohio's COVID Dewine briefings and the other for reporting on the Rhoden/Gilley Pike County massacre). I don't think that they are awarded by the same organization that does the Primetime Emmys, but am not sure.
That piece of grass is city property though according to city records. The first 2 or so feet of property in that subdivision is city property (can't remember exact footage) Would have to find link again but I have seen it in the past week or so.

yes I recall Entin saying this in an early show.
IIRC it's called the 'swale' over there.
Soon after he reported that, the grifter/'protestors' took an interest in litigation over CL's removal of the sign
Since Gabby's phone has apparently never been found, What are the chances that somebody came across her after she was dead and stole her phone? IF that is what happened vs BL dumping her phone somewhere.


IMO, no chance. BL is the only person involved.
NewsNation’s Rich McHugh will look into the cases that were impacted by the searches for Petito and her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie.

Entin will also dive deeper into the death of a Utah couple, Kylen Schulte and Crystal Turner.

Jennifer Coffindaffer, a former FBI agent, will also answer viewer questions about where the Petito case stands.

You can watch the special on NewsNation at 9/8c on Thursday. You can also watch it live on this page at that time:
Gabby Petito's final days: NewsNation Special Report
I don't pretend to know, but I doubt that this was a new phenomenon. He was a loner so maybe not many people knew. jmo
I bet Cassie knows.

I bet Cassie knows too........ and I keep thinking about "will she ever talk"?????

Her words in that one interview are carved in stone with me.... "that's what he always does... full stop.
That's where he chose to be. jmo

And not to mention, the vaguely cryptic name of the hiking trail that Brian decided to take as being “the last hike he will ever go on”
And of course his parents somehow had a supernatural calling to go on a morning walk down that same path in that reserve...

Brian Laundrie found: Parents may have just missed discovering son themselves
All of them were encountered under the power lines outside of the trail where investigators found Brian Laundrie’s remains that morning.

The parents entered the park on foot, with Roberta carrying a red backpack that appeared stuffed with water bottles, the outline of which were easily seen bulging through the fabric. Chris’ hands were empty, and his pockets did not appear full.

The couple walked at a steady pace toward the Live Long trail, just off of South Powerline Trail in Sarasota County’s Big Slough Preserve. Before they entered there, they peeked into brush nearby, returning empty-handed but complaining about the presence of a reporter and asking to be given at least 25 feet of space.

Then they entered the Live Long trail next to a wooden marker labeled 149 at around 7:40 a.m. – with Chris repeatedly stepping into areas of brush, popping back out at least a half dozen times.
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