Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #81

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Wildly, wildly insufficient. Only a couple hundred followers, as I recall. moo

I recall it was only a couple of hundred followers too. That's nowhere near enough to even be considered an influencer.

50,000 followers? Maybe. To grow a SM account to that size organically takes a LOT of time and effort. A lot of "Influencers" these days buy their followers to con brands and retailers into thinking they're a good bet to send free merchandise to for promotion.

Also, in the initial stages Influencers don't earn money in the way many think they do. What tends to happen is they're sent freebies, such as watches, hiking boots, backpacks, tents, in return for these items being 'reviewed' (promoted) on the Influencer's SM platform. Only once an Influencer has a serious following - upwards of 100k people - would brands start to pay for collaborations or promotions of their product.

Being able to earn a living from being an Influencer is a pipe dream for many.

I recall it was only a couple of hundred followers too. That's nowhere near enough to even be considered an influencer.

50,000 followers? Maybe. To grow a SM account to that size organically takes a LOT of time and effort. A lot of "Influencers" these days buy their followers to con brands and retailers into thinking they're a good bet to send free merchandise to for promotion.

Also, in the initial stages Influencers don't earn money in the way many think they do. What tends to happen is they're sent freebies, such as watches, hiking boots, backpacks, tents, in return for these items being 'reviewed' (promoted) on the Influencer's SM platform. Only once an Influencer has a serious following - upwards of 100k people - would brands start to pay for collaborations or promotions of their product.

Being able to earn a living from being an Influencer is a pipe dream for many.


(Am just thinking of the mood, in the final weeks of the trip)

Also NJJen, do you think she'd feel she had to be interacting with those few hundred followers? eg via DMs etc, to try & maintain follower numbers?
Am just thinking about the time she had to spend doing that & whether that was also a source of tension or jealousy?
( And trying to figure out what she was doing in the SLC hotel for those 5 (?) days beyond working on her editing, website)
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Has there ever been anything concrete that has come forward publicly between August 12th when Brian was dropped off at the motel in Moab...and when they are both seen on the Fairfield security cameras in SLC on Aug 24th (other than what was going on when Brian was in Florida between the 17-23rd.)
Has there ever been anything concrete that has come forward publicly between August 12th when Brian was dropped off at the motel in Moab...and when they are both seen on the Fairfield security cameras in SLC on Aug 24th (other than what was going on when Brian was in Florida between the 17-23rd.)

Just looked at the Timeline
Gabby uploads blog 19th
Gabby's Dad Facetimed her 21st, orders her pizza, helps her w tech problems ( website iirc)
( + a Facetime with Cassie but I don't think Cassie gave a date)

ETA website chat w Joe on Dr Phil, 'getting the email to work '
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Next question is did anybody, in the earlier threads establish whether their final California destination was real?

Whether it was established- from anybody other than Brian - that their final destination would be California?
( He tells LE 3 weeks on farm in washington & possibly another WOOF in Oregon, then plan to head to California)

& Re the WOOFs -is it possible to just rock up & start work & get your free bed & board? Do they operate their workforces on that kind of ad hoc basis?
No, you can't just rock up to a WWOOF. You have to make detailed arrangements with your host - date of arrival, date of departure, nature of the work, etc.

Getting started | WWOOF
No, you can't just rock up to a WWOOF. You have to make detailed arrangements with your host - date of arrival, date of departure, nature of the work, etc.

Getting started | WWOOF

Is it your feeling that those weeks on the farm/farms had actually been booked.

I'd thought he said 3 weeks doing that, but I might have misheard him
No it doesn't, imo, it's just another imperfect day where reality doesn't meet their prior expectations. More tension & irritation

The ABC 20/20 clip is interesting
'.... smaller van than I usually see.... they were struggling...... not going viral'

the still photo at 2:23 in that video appears to show 2 tents...i don't recall seeing the blue one before, but i don't do the instagram account where that picture comes from? tia to anyone who knows...
Is it your feeling that those weeks on the farm/farms had actually been booked.

I'd thought he said 3 weeks doing that, but I might have misheard him
I don't recall any detailed WWOOF plan, just general back and forth chit chat about the organization. I easily could have missed it though. jmo
What kills me is in the ABC 20-20 special last night, they said that G&B lived w his parents for 2and a half years....but it was ABC who interviewed Cassie, who clearly said SHE and her husband lived w G&B at her parents home for a year. She said her parents were in NY at the time. Go figure....jmo

One thing that’s sure IMO is that dates seem to be stretched out a lot more in their personal timelines and own words (“we’ve been travelling for 4 months” *cough* one and a half is more apt after leaving NY on July 2nd). Were Brian and Gabby even together 2 and a half years ago, now almost 3? From what I remember they got together in 2018, did they go on one date and move in together down to Florida to live with his parents on day one? Bear in mind in 2018 Gabby was 19 and she had been living in NC previously. That’s a long relationship (due to age) with all that movement from here to there and into the Laundrie’s house in the space of 4 years… JMO. Does one live in another state and randomly start a relationship and move to another state within 6 months and into the in-laws home? Help? MOO.
I recall it was only a couple of hundred followers too. That's nowhere near enough to even be considered an influencer.

50,000 followers? Maybe. To grow a SM account to that size organically takes a LOT of time and effort. A lot of "Influencers" these days buy their followers to con brands and retailers into thinking they're a good bet to send free merchandise to for promotion.

Also, in the initial stages Influencers don't earn money in the way many think they do. What tends to happen is they're sent freebies, such as watches, hiking boots, backpacks, tents, in return for these items being 'reviewed' (promoted) on the Influencer's SM platform. Only once an Influencer has a serious following - upwards of 100k people - would brands start to pay for collaborations or promotions of their product.

Being able to earn a living from being an Influencer is a pipe dream for many.


I can confirm this. We were gifted a car rooftop tent by a lovely company in exchange for publicity due to a tv show pilot we produced with promised episodes to air next year which haven’t even been filmed yet… They will be and we have very, very few followers, hundreds if that. The companies will not promote us but we sure well will promote them. I’d feel rather embarrassed if we took freebies and didn’t talk about them. In the future more companies will partner up etc. But it’s a long, long road. Especially as mentioned “an organic process” without buying followers just as Gabby was trying to do, transparency and hard work.
Actually, I am wondering. Does Garrison mean that they moved out of their 'rented' accomodation, put that stuff into storage, changed their address to Wassbasso Ave, went to NY and then commenced their travels?
Gabby told the police at Moab that she was from New York. That was a little confusing until now.
Good point. I wonder how many days they were in Jackson and if he was afraid something had been left behind there?
THIS.........(((was afraid something had been left behind there?)))).............I always wondered if when he was hitchhiking/making alibi ....if he realized since he mainly drove if he realized he had the van keys in his pocket he ended up going back jmo
Meant to add....BAD artwork IMO. LOL

Right? I've stopped accepting the projections of even my friends' SM was all Camelot until out of the blue "we're getting a divorce." Like, WTH did THAT come from? No one wants to air dirty laundry I guess.

you got that right.......
A many-year friend, beautiful, very satisfying job, mother of 4 young teenagers, happy happy happy..... just got admitted to detox before rehab.
NO ONE........ had a clue based on an active FB page. ..except for hubby.
But we are told that Gabby went back in with Brian and she asked for their money back. This indicates some level of dissatisfaction with their food and/or service. It also shows Gabby was on board with whatever their reason was for not paying.

Frankly, the manager's story really looks like an attempt to minimize what really happened. If “there were no loud voices, no one got angry and no fit was thrown," then how did Nina and her boyfriend even notice that something was going on?

Nina: "My first thought was that they were displeased with the service,” she said, “and they were walking out or they were trying to get out of paying their bill, but it was a scene."

When the manager says they were trying to leave without paying that doesn't necessarily mean they tried to sneak out without paying. It sounds like they said, "we're not paying" and walked out, with the waitress following them out and demanding they pay. Eventually they relented and paid. But they still felt for whatever reason that they shouldn't have to pay.

Source for most of above: Online Sleuths Are Skeptical Of Wyoming Restaurant Manager’s Account Of Night Gabby Petito Was Last Seen

What I do find a little off in all of this is that it doesn't sound like Brian and Gabby were actually fighting with each other. It was both of them vs the restaurant. So how did this eventually lead to Gabby being murdered? Could it be completely irrelevant? Does it merely show that one and/or both of them was in some kind of bad mental state?

There are so many possibilities...some lame, but some simple. Maybe they left money but not the 18% tip. It could have just been a friggin tip.
The whole point of Van Life vlogs, insta's, etc. is to promote Van Life.

As stated, oh, along about Threads 2-4, there are lots of Van Life youtube channels, many of them by women traveling solo. Many are young women, but there are Van Life channels featuring various ages of people. People typically choose a favorite channel or two based on similarity to their own travel style. So, if people mostly cook out (as we do), we watch camping and Van Life videos where people do their own cooking. If we're planning a tent trip to, say, Sedona, with perhaps a couple of nights in a hotel, we watch videos that feature restaurants. Etc.

There was and is a niche for Van Life couple adventures. There aren't a lot of Van Life couple adventures (in fact, the one guy we watched, who used to travel with his wife, is now traveling with his father - because the wife is home with their babies, so we don't watch any more). The things that the two men do each day are not the things that the couple did together. The other solo woman traveler we used to watch...well, we don't any more, because she mostly started staying in one place for as long as she could (28-30 days) and it got boring.

For the demographic in which Brian and Gabby would have appeal, the couple angle (cooking for and with each other, kissy face photos, romance atop various rock arches) is super important. Of course they have to keep the narrative as one of having a good time. There aren't tons of Van Life youtube channels featuring a stylish young woman and her artistic fiancée and the style elements that Gabby incorporated into the van and tent.

It has occurred to me, though, that Gabby wasn't posting anything about businesses they might have gone to (such as the coffee shop in Moab). It's a courtesy to the owners to do so, and is much appreciated - and certainly leads to being remembered kindly if the travelers happen to pass that way again. OTOH, if Gabby felt they were already pushing local buttons by remaining 6 hours in a coffee shop (would love to know how much coffee or tea they actually ordered), then she probably would take that approach.

I don't think Gabby stayed in the hotel at Colter Bay, because it's booked up so far in advance and it's rather expensive. There is a campground there, though. Sometimes young people who are staying in campgrounds will allow another young couple (or an old couple!) to share their campsite. So far, I haven't seen any credible evidence that she was actually there - so if anyone can point me to it, that would be great.

And your knowledge is pointing out another great feature of this "van life", that so many of us never had a clue about!! The niche has soooooo many variables.

EVERYBODY wants to be a Youtube star. There are so many attempts and so many failures out there. Its just like anything else in this world..... only so many will ever get to the top.

given the bits and pieces we know of this volatile relationship, do we really think this would have panned out big time?
Instead, they are famous for horror, and fantasies of what could have been.

And I think the "kissy-face" would have really died out.....

Some of us here may even remember the famous Loud family back in the 70s.....

An American Family - Wikipedia
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What I'm really puzzled by is why BL asked both hitchhikking rides to take him to Jackson. I always assumed he actually wanted to go to Spread Creek, and freaked out on MB because they were taking the alternate road, but then he asked the second ride the same thing.

Woman Who Drove Hitchhiking Brian Laundrie Noticed 'Nothing Extraordinary' — Until They Got Near Van

"He asked where I was going and said, 'Well, can you take me to Jackson?"

She told him she wasn't going to drive him there, since it's in the opposite direction from where she lives.

"He said, 'Well, okay, can you at least just take me down to Spread Creek?'"

I think this was easy IMO he was trying to get the heck out of dodge ..

Especially if he killed her the night before and walked all night into town in a panic.

I looked up Jackson there is an airport and Greyhound bus terminal with daily flights and buses.

Probably backed out when both rides weren’t going there…or at least the second one. The first ride was but he didn’t realize Jackson Hole is Jackson…

I don't "know" that. jmo

He said they changed their address to NY. Quite sure he said THEY.jmo

He may have said that. But to "change my address" when I've moved I have: rented an apartment, connected utilities, got a job (unless I moved because I already had a job in the new area), got a new driver's license if needed or changed my address on my old DL if still in the same state, registered to vote or changed my address on existing registration, and insured my car with new company if required, changed registration/bought new plates, etc.

So far as we know, neither GP nor BL did any of those things in NY. I think they were just visiting for GP's brother's high school graduation. They may not have intended to return to live with the Laundries but I don't think they were NY residents either.
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