You are Casey's Mom or Dad....

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First off, if I were CA and GA I would have never let 31 days go by without seeing my grand-daughter... especially since she lived in the same house as me!!

I wouldn't have allowed the media circus to carry on as it has in this case...

I would have cooperated with authorities by any means needed...

I would ask my daughter to undergo some psychological treatment to determine if something is wrong with her...

Mostly I would be praying to God trying to find some answers about myself, cause I would imagine that parents in their position go through periods of self-blame and such...

and most of all, I would accept the facts (and not the lies)...
I think this has been CA and GAs biggest down-fall, allowing themselves to carry on in Casey's world of lies, when all the evidence points in the opposite direction

I would never wish anyone to be in the position her parents are, and I'm sure if they could go back, they would have handled it all very differently
I agree with you on this thought. I am a mother also and if one of my kids got in trouble, it is a mothers nature to take care of them , no mater how old they are , or what they may have done. In the eyes of GOD as long as you ask for forgivness it will be granted I am sure Cindy and George have both ask GOD to help them through this time in their life. I am sure we all have skeletons in our closet that we do not want revealed. This is not the first case that has been reported of a Mother,Father.Sister,Brother commiting a crime like this. LETS ALL pray for the family and hope they get some peace of mind while they are dealing with this hard time in their life's. If it were me I would already be in a Mental Hospital with all the publicity that this case has created
When my grandson was 4 he took a small pencil eraser from the beauty salon where they were. His mom saw it and asked where he got it and of course he said Miss so and so gave it to me. My daughter knew this was not true so she made him go back to return it and apologize. The lady said he could have it, well no not now, he did not ask first. My daughter then took him to the police station, took him in and made him tell what he had done. The officer on duty realized what his mom was trying to do and immediately played along by taking him to a cell and putting him there. They both walked out and left him for about 10 minutes and went back to get him. He has never to this day taken anything that she knew of. The officer gave him a stern lecture about what happens etc. This was a really small police department so no other prisoners were there. This episode has stuck with him for years and he is almost 16.

KC has never had to own up to her ways and her parent s continue to cover for her.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :thumb:
I sure wouldn't be there calling her *beautiful* or *sweetheart*.................
it's so late now.........CA/GA spoiled her to tough love, no rules.
Now it shows.........
First off, if I were CA and GA I would have never let 31 days go by without seeing my grand-daughter... especially since she lived in the same house as me!!

I wouldn't have allowed the media circus to carry on as it has in this case...

I would have cooperated with authorities by any means needed...

I would ask my daughter to undergo some psychological treatment to determine if something is wrong with her...

Mostly I would be praying to God trying to find some answers about myself, cause I would imagine that parents in their position go through periods of self-blame and such...

and most of all, I would accept the facts (and not the lies)...
I think this has been CA and GAs biggest down-fall, allowing themselves to carry on in Casey's world of lies, when all the evidence points in the opposite direction

I would never wish anyone to be in the position her parents are, and I'm sure if they could go back, they would have handled it all very differently

Wow! ITA! I have nothing add. GREAT POST! :clap:
I would say...&(tch you're a liar. You best start talking or I am through! You will rot in this cell and me & your dad will never so much as send a card. Do you think I am some kind of idiot? You've done nothing but lie since day one! If you did something, you better tell me. I have no way of helping you if you don't. At this point I we simply need the truth. Startr talking.

If I got one more dumb a$$ lie....I'd say.........

Good-Bye Casey.
I have to tell you, I didn't have the opportunity to read everyone's answers to these questions as I am jumping on between work assignments, but ..

If that were my daughter (and ironically I do have an 11-year-old daughter named Casey !!) this would NEVER have progressed to the point it is now.

First, if my daughter and my granddaughter lived under my roof and I was as responsible for them as GA and CA seemed to be, I never would have allowed 30 days to go by without seeing my granddaughter.

I never would have allowed there to be a babysitter where my granddaughter was supposedly spending the night and I not know who this person was and where they lived and where I could contact them by telephone.

Last, and certainly not least, there would never have to be a trial to determine guilt or innocence because FIVE MINUTES is all the time I would have needed in a room with her alone six months ago and she would have confessed to everything from shooting Abe Lincoln all the way down to being on the grassy knoll looking at JFK through a rifle scope.

You know, I love my child dearly, but there is definitely a point where "unconditional love" runs out !! Where was the unconditional love everyone should have had for Caylee? Again, I LOVE MY DAUGHTER WITH ALL MY HEART, but she takes someone else's life, she damn well better run for hers - especially if it is my grandchild !!

When I watched those tapes I wanted to get up out of my chair, march my butt right down to 33rd Street jail (I live in Orlando by the way) and beeeech slap that girl. How dare she say "how do you think IIIIIIII feel ?", "what about MMMMEEEEEE", while her darling little daughter is rotting in a garbage bag right around the corner from where she ought to be sleeping safely in her little bed.

I know I have said this before, but my brother is LE here in Orlando and very, very, very, very good friends with the lead investigators in this case - that little woman better buckle her seatbelt because I think she is in for a bumpy ride !!

WHEW !! I feel better now !!
I have to tell you, I didn't have the opportunity to read everyone's answers to these questions as I am jumping on between work assignments, but ..

If that were my daughter (and ironically I do have an 11-year-old daughter named Casey !!) this would NEVER have progressed to the point it is now.

First, if my daughter and my granddaughter lived under my roof and I was as responsible for them as GA and CA seemed to be, I never would have allowed 30 days to go by without seeing my granddaughter.

I never would have allowed there to be a babysitter where my granddaughter was supposedly spending the night and I not know who this person was and where they lived and where I could contact them by telephone.

Last, and certainly not least, there would never have to be a trial to determine guilt or innocence because FIVE MINUTES is all the time I would have needed in a room with her alone six months ago and she would have confessed to everything from shooting Abe Lincoln all the way down to being on the grassy knoll looking at JFK through a rifle scope.

You know, I love my child dearly, but there is definitely a point where "unconditional love" runs out !! Where was the unconditional love everyone should have had for Caylee? Again, I LOVE MY DAUGHTER WITH ALL MY HEART, but she takes someone else's life, she damn well better run for hers - especially if it is my grandchild !!

When I watched those tapes I wanted to get up out of my chair, march my butt right down to 33rd Street jail (I live in Orlando by the way) and beeeech slap that girl. How dare she say "how do you think IIIIIIII feel ?", "what about MMMMEEEEEE", while her darling little daughter is rotting in a garbage bag right around the corner from where she ought to be sleeping safely in her little bed.

I know I have said this before, but my brother is LE here in Orlando and very, very, very, very good friends with the lead investigators in this case - that little woman better buckle her seatbelt because I think she is in for a bumpy ride !!

WHEW !! I feel better now !!

Love! Love! Love! Love your post!!! Hear's a toast to SANITY!
I have to tell you, I didn't have the opportunity to read everyone's answers to these questions as I am jumping on between work assignments, but ..

If that were my daughter (and ironically I do have an 11-year-old daughter named Casey !!) this would NEVER have progressed to the point it is now.

First, if my daughter and my granddaughter lived under my roof and I was as responsible for them as GA and CA seemed to be, I never would have allowed 30 days to go by without seeing my granddaughter.

I never would have allowed there to be a babysitter where my granddaughter was supposedly spending the night and I not know who this person was and where they lived and where I could contact them by telephone.

Last, and certainly not least, there would never have to be a trial to determine guilt or innocence because FIVE MINUTES is all the time I would have needed in a room with her alone six months ago and she would have confessed to everything from shooting Abe Lincoln all the way down to being on the grassy knoll looking at JFK through a rifle scope.

You know, I love my child dearly, but there is definitely a point where "unconditional love" runs out !! Where was the unconditional love everyone should have had for Caylee? Again, I LOVE MY DAUGHTER WITH ALL MY HEART, but she takes someone else's life, she damn well better run for hers - especially if it is my grandchild !!

When I watched those tapes I wanted to get up out of my chair, march my butt right down to 33rd Street jail (I live in Orlando by the way) and slap that girl. How dare she say "how do you think IIIIIIII feel ?", "what about MMMMEEEEEE", while her darling little daughter is rotting in a garbage bag right around the corner from where she ought to be sleeping safely in her little bed.

I know I have said this before, but my brother is LE here in Orlando and very, very, very, very good friends with the lead investigators in this case - that little woman better buckle her seatbelt because I think she is in for a bumpy ride !!

WHEW !! I feel better now !!

Well please tell your brother to pass onto the lead investigators just how brilliant and professional I think they've been. Great job guys!
I will certainly tell him !! He got on here with me one day, just kinda sat behind me and said a lot of "uh huh" and "hmmmm" and "interesting" !! He has now gotten to the point where he runs when he sees me coming - says I am too nosy !!

He will say "well, what do you want to know?" and get me all excited - then says "uh huh", "hmmmm" and "interesting" .... right along with I CAN'T TELL YOU !!!

He's a few years younger than I am, but he's taller and carries a gun !!! Just kidding, but seriously he is good friends with all of them, they go camping and motorcycle riding and all of that together for years now, and these men are true professionals, doing a professional job - slow and steady wins the race, and they will win this race for Caylee !!
Well, my mom is a Southern feisty woman. I would confess to anything she wanted me to lol. If I were hiding one of her grandchildren or had killed them I would be afraid to get out of prison lest she snatch me bald. She would ask one time, "Where is the baby?" If I didn't answer immediately it is bald city. My mom does not coddle or play games.
I will certainly tell him !! He got on here with me one day, just kinda sat behind me and said a lot of "uh huh" and "hmmmm" and "interesting" !! He has now gotten to the point where he runs when he sees me coming - says I am too nosy !!

He will say "well, what do you want to know?" and get me all excited - then says "uh huh", "hmmmm" and "interesting" .... right along with I CAN'T TELL YOU !!!

He's a few years younger than I am, but he's taller and carries a gun !!! Just kidding, but seriously he is good friends with all of them, they go camping and motorcycle riding and all of that together for years now, and these men are true professionals, doing a professional job - slow and steady wins the race, and they will win this race for Caylee !!

Have someone go camping with them and bring lots of whiskey and a tape recorder! :thumb:
I have to tell you, I didn't have the opportunity to read everyone's answers to these questions as I am jumping on between work assignments, but ..

If that were my daughter (and ironically I do have an 11-year-old daughter named Casey !!) this would NEVER have progressed to the point it is now.

First, if my daughter and my granddaughter lived under my roof and I was as responsible for them as GA and CA seemed to be, I never would have allowed 30 days to go by without seeing my granddaughter.

I never would have allowed there to be a babysitter where my granddaughter was supposedly spending the night and I not know who this person was and where they lived and where I could contact them by telephone.

Last, and certainly not least, there would never have to be a trial to determine guilt or innocence because FIVE MINUTES is all the time I would have needed in a room with her alone six months ago and she would have confessed to everything from shooting Abe Lincoln all the way down to being on the grassy knoll looking at JFK through a rifle scope.

You know, I love my child dearly, but there is definitely a point where "unconditional love" runs out !! Where was the unconditional love everyone should have had for Caylee? Again, I LOVE MY DAUGHTER WITH ALL MY HEART, but she takes someone else's life, she damn well better run for hers - especially if it is my grandchild !!

When I watched those tapes I wanted to get up out of my chair, march my butt right down to 33rd Street jail (I live in Orlando by the way) and beeeech slap that girl. How dare she say "how do you think IIIIIIII feel ?", "what about MMMMEEEEEE", while her darling little daughter is rotting in a garbage bag right around the corner from where she ought to be sleeping safely in her little bed.

I know I have said this before, but my brother is LE here in Orlando and very, very, very, very good friends with the lead investigators in this case - that little woman better buckle her seatbelt because I think she is in for a bumpy ride !!

WHEW !! I feel better now !!

I would LOVE to know what your brother thinks of this case! You know, the Yuri thread is in the sticky threads where we can write our thoughts...hoping and praying he continues to read here!
Well, my mom is a Southern feisty woman. I would confess to anything she wanted me to lol. If I were hiding one of her grandchildren or had killed them I would be afraid to get out of prison lest she snatch me bald. She would ask one time, "Where is the baby?" If I didn't answer immediately it is bald city. My mom does not coddle or play games.

Ha!!! Mine Too!!! I can SO relate! CA "seems" to fit this Mom "profile" but yet FAILS at every opportunity. The latest NG film footage was heartbreaking, was it not? CA behaved as if any given moment she was going to scream out to KC to "stop the bull we know what you did!" but hid her face in her hands instead of doing so. It was SO apparent that she knew. She Knew. She knows. Nough said.
This case has made me reflect upon my first and only marriage. My ex was a complusive thief. He COULDN'T stop. It was a sickness with him. He was in the military when we met/married. He was in the miltary because a judge gave him the choice of joining the military or going to jail after a retail theft bust. In "bedroom" talk he spilled his guts about his childhood. According to himself, his theft spree began in Jr. High when he was made manager of the "school store". A small business inside the school where students purchased pencils, pens, notebook paper, etc. He doctored the books and pocketed a profit. He continued this into his High School career. Can't remember if it was 11th or 12th grade, but, he was caught, busted, and expelled from school. I asked him how his parents reacted and he said, they didn't. He related story after story after story to me of all the horrible petty crimes he commited as a minor child, and his answer every time I asked what was the consequence/punishment for your actions it was "nothing". He believed his parents were "too scared" to punish him. I begged him to now look at his past from a more adult set of eyes, in order to learn a huge life-lesson, but he didn't see it. He continued to steal. He was a downright klepto. Stealing almost daily. Tiny things. Big things. No difference to him.
I left him when our son was 3. Fearful of his immorality.
I never remarried or changed my name.
A year ago, my son (now 27) decided he wanted to find his father, good or bad. Despite the fact that his father had legally changed his first name, and moved 3000 miles away, I found him. The first few phone calls where down right hysterical. Listening to him deny himself and pretend to be somebody else...But after being called out on all his games, the gig was up, he relented admitance. But no heartfelt admission of guilt for abandoning his son. No kind words were spoken. My son felt WORSE after finding his father than he ever felt before! Be careful what you wish for!
My children are all grown now, I have one younger than Casey and two older than her, and I can honestly say I don't think I would have had to ask them anything, I believe they would have come to me, no matter what. All I ever had to do is give them the LOOK. That came from years of rearing and demanding complete respect and honesty. I was raised knowing right from wrong and they were too. I guess in Casey's case, I would have went to her bedroom with her instead of Lee, and five minutes later the truth would have came out or only one of us would have.
This is something that puzzles me about this case. Cindy gets protrayed as this bad A$$ who nobody can back down from, not her daughter, not her son, nor her husband, yet, she seems to "refuse" to act like her normal bad A$$ self where KC is concerned...very confussing....I must admit, the newest jailhouse visit tapes released yesterday made me cry. I SO felt for Cindy but yet at the same time I was SCREAMING at her through my TV set to confront KC straight up! I HATE lies and denials. CA KNOWS the truth! I think she would feel better about/with herself if KC admitted it. Who exactally does KC think she's fooling? Nobody except her family cause even though they KNOW she's lying through her teeth, they refuse to call her out! That's sick and destructive to the family dynamics. JMHO!
This is something that puzzles me about this case. Cindy gets protrayed as this bad A$$ who nobody can back down from, not her daughter, not her son, nor her husband, yet, she seems to "refuse" to act like her normal bad A$$ self where KC is concerned...very confussing....I must admit, the newest jailhouse visit tapes released yesterday made me cry. I SO felt for Cindy but yet at the same time I was SCREAMING at her through my TV set to confront KC straight up! I HATE lies and denials. CA KNOWS the truth! I think she would feel better about/with herself if KC admitted it. Who exactally does KC think she's fooling? Nobody except her family cause even though they KNOW she's lying through her teeth, they refuse to call her out! That's sick and destructive to the family dynamics. JMHO!

If Cindy confronted her she would have shut down and left.Cindy had a missing granddaughter she knew Casey was the only one who could lead them to Caylee.She probably thought Casey gave her away or sold her.At that point Caylee was missing still.JMO

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