Your very first impression of this case

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If Casey is a blackout drunk, I guess I can buy that she could lose track of her baby....

what's the most disturbing is that even when her friends asked her to her face where Caylee was... she showed NO SIGN that anything was wrong & she just simply lied.

Sick. And there's no believable excuse why an innocent person would even be able to do this.

Good point on the blackout thing, but then that in, itself is an explanation, so why couldn't/wouldn't you tell the cops where the baby was the last time you can remember where she was. Like, 'She was in the car with me while I was eating pizza and drinking the fifth of gin at the check-cashing place, but when I woke up at TonE's, she wasn't there I had no idea where she was. When TonE got there, I was alone and he didn't see Caylee. We found the pizza box, but we left it since TonE doesn't like pizza.' Then, the cops could at least have a place to start. They could confirm her story that the baby wasn't there, that she was upset, whatever.... Then the cops could start looking at surveilance tapes and talking to people and organizing searches in the area. But I still am having a hard time understanding how can your baby go missing and you just go on with your life...until you're caught with your pizza box smelling like death and absolutely no rational explanation for anything.
My first, knee jerk impression was that Casey sold her. I thought Casey was making up the kidnapping story to protect herself from having sold her. My husband was more forgiving. He insisted for several days that he believed Casey was trying to find Caylee on her own. The first 911 call, and the last one released, changed his mind. When we heard Cindy say "I've given you a month; I'm not giving you another day", he changed his mind.
My first post!
In the beginning, I honestly believed based on Casey's demeanor that she killed Caylee intentionally, not accidently. I have three children and I would NEVER be so nonchalant about them missing for even an hour much less for over a month? I start to get upset if they are even 10 minutes late coming home from their curfew. I still cannot get over the fact that Caylee was missing for over 30+ days and NO ONE, not even her grandparents who saw her often reported her missing! Because it has been so long with no signs of Caylee coupled with the behavior of Lee, Casey's brother, I don't think the outcome of this case is going to be happy at all.

I agree 100%. "NO ONE" says it all. Not the GPs, not Lee, not another relative, a neighbor, a friend, NO ONE noticed Caylee wasn't where Casey said she was. NO ONE. And that is so sad.

(and congrats on your first post.)
I first heard of little Caylee Anthony when a picture of Casey flashed on the screen with the news that the child had been missing for 31 days and the mother had never called 911.

Immediate thoughts of both myself and DH were "she's killed her," that's why she never reported it.

Everything we've heard since hasn't convinced us otherwise, in fact, it's solidified our opinion.
My first impression, after learning that Casey had not reported Caylee missing until after a month went by, was that she had done something terrible to her daughter, and up until the time she spoke with authorities, she was trying to cover her tracks. The thing I keep coming back to is, what kind of a mother would wait that long to call the police, even if there had been a kidnapping and there was concern for her daughter's life? What mother wouldn't be frantically searching for her daughter after she went missing? And what kind of parent wouldn't call 911 if there had been an accident? Everything I've seen since I first learned of this case has only reinforced my initial impression.
First impression......What is wrong with mothers these days??!!
First impression same as now that Casey gave Caylee to someone she knew to spite Cindy. Her not concerned attitude makes me think she knows where Caylee is and that she is safe. She told her friends that her Mother was interfering with her life and I still believe Caylee is alive and with someone Casey knows.
First impression same as now that Casey gave Caylee to someone she knew to spite Cindy. Her not concerned attitude makes me think she knows where Caylee is and that she is safe. She told her friends that her Mother was interfering with her life and I still believe Caylee is alive and with someone Casey knows.

This was pretty close to my first impression also, that Casey was hiding her from from the grandparents due to a family squabble. There are a lot of things pointing towards that - her total lack of concern, and most notably the Myspace blog by Cindy.

I still kind of think that, if it weren't for the cadaver dogs hitting. It's hard to believe tho that if Casey were just hiding her from the GP's, she would have sat in jail this long and not told the real story. Unless she's afraid of spending time in prison on the child neglect charges and is trying to figure out a way to get out of them, and will then reveal who has her.
I wrote the following in my blog when I first heard about Caylee.

Something is very, very wrong here regarding the disappearance of Caylee. When I first heard this story last week, I found it odd right from the start.

I have a feeling this child is not alive anymore and eventually it will all surface. This all happened around *June 9th, should this be the truth of the day Casey left with Caylee to bond.

When Did Some Mother's Just Stop Caring? Caylee's Mother Casey Holds The Key!

Although I wrote June 9th as this is the day that was first reported that Caylee was last seen, but the date is June 16th based on what the Anthony's have spoken.
I didn't even listen to this case on the tv shows or read here for awhile at first. I was reading in the JonBenet forum and about the update in her case at the time. It took reading here and looking at all the information for me to conclude that Caylee is deceased. I sure hope the two cases don't end up the same way, unsolved for years and years.
First impressions were that Casey had something to do with the baby going missing, that the baby was likely dead and that Casey didn't care. Then you add in the party pics, the phone calls, etc. and you really can't see it another way.
We were getting ready to eat dinner when it came on the news. My first words were that she was a liar and she did something to that baby. My 8 year old son stated "Yeah, Mom - if I was missing you'd be screaming and driving the police crazy until they found me!!!" Out of the mouths of babes.
When the news first broke on tv, I immediately pulled up Websleuths to see what was on here. I really wasn't sure if what I actually saw wasn't some cable news spin. Something was absolutely not right with what I was seeing, hearing and reading.

I thought then and believe to this day that there are SERIOUS problems within this family. It was a power struggle that got out of control and in the middle was this beautiful little girl. It curdles my stomach to think that anyone in this family allowed this to happen. In fact, the only one I feel is above reproach is Lee. Something in my gut tells me that Lee wasn't asked to get involved in this until the last minute, when things were spiriling out of control. Right away it opened some old wounds involving a family experience that didn't get to this level, but was hell for 12 years.

Common sense tells me Casey did something that resulted in Caylees demise, but I am not 100% certain. I knew Susan Smith was guilty the minute I saw her boo hooing on TV, and begging for the carjackers to bring back her babies. I knew the minute I saw Scott Peterson with his baseball hat pulled down over his eyes that the SOB killed Laci and Conner. Right now I have equal distain for Casey, Cindy and George. Casey is lying, plain and simple. Whatever Casey says cannot be proven. Is it as simple as Casey just wanting to cover her own evil deeds or is she covering for someone else?

No one in this case has said or acted in a way that has made any sense, even to this day. What does make sense is this is a case that has shown us nothing but the main
parties wanting to manipulate all the information that is coming out and no one is giving anyone, LE included, any avenue to search for Caylee. Why??? Because I ask this question continually, I have hope Caylee is alive. It is probably only about 1%, so I won't be surprised if she not.

It hurts me that these people put this child in the middle of their own personal problems.
My very first feeling on this case,was Caylee was murdered by Casey! I have not changed my mind at all. I still feel that way. She is such a great liar just like Mark
Hacking was!!! IMO
My first impression of this case was when I saw Cindy in court and thought of how bizarre she was acting. I had the feeling right away that something bad happened to Caylee and that Cindy was covering bigtime for Casey. George acts bizarre as well and I don't think it's because his granddaughter is missing. In my opinion, the whole family is covering for Casey and knows the terrible truth about what happened to little Caylee. I hope Casey gets what's coming to her!
I also saw such a disconnect between the Cindy, who made the 9-11 call and the Cindy who announced to the news that she supported and believed in her daughter.
I first heard a CNN report with the 911 calls, shortly after the story broke. My first impression, I admit, sounds kind of horrible and cynical, but I immediatly thought the mother killed the child intentionally and attempted putting off detection by not reporting her missing. About 2 weeks earlier my dog had gone missing for a period of 6 hours, and I remember thinking, "Wow my dog was lost out of the yard and I immediatly began intensely searching, this girl loses her child and doesn't call the police, she must have killed her."
My first thoughts when I heard Caylee was missing was, Why? Why does this have to happen again? Why are there parents who don't treasure the best thing they'll ever have in their life?
The more that came out, pictures of Casey at the clubs, the jail recordings etc, just got my blood boiling.
I would love to think somehow sweet Caylee could be safe, but there's this little thing called common sense that won't let me do that.

My first impression is that this would be a looooooooong drawn out case and Caylee will never be found. I avoided reading or listening to anything about this at first because I didn't want to feel sorry for people I cannot do anything to help. But a person close to me kept sending me emails about it and I couldn't ignore it any longer.
Now I am so caught up in it I check news updates constantly to see if anyone has found Caylee yet.

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