YouTuber reveals she gave her 4-year-old adopted son with autism to another family

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<modsnip> It breaks my heart to see these people adopting children just to use them as props while so many people wait years, and years, and years to adopt a child because they want to care for someone, to love someone and to protect someone. This case and all the cases like this disgust me. That boy was adopted for all the wrong reasons. Yeah, they most likely didn't hurt him physically, but some damage had to be done to this poor boy on a psychological level.
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This happens quite often, checkout second chance adoptions on Facebook. It's an agency that "rehomes" adoptive children and lists them on Facebook. It's heartbreaking but eye opening to see the number of kids on there.

Oh my God that facebook page was the saddest thing I've seen in a long time. They post pictures of children and people comment underneath "interested" like it's a pic of a piece of used furniture being sold on the Facebook marketplace. The caption on the pictures describe these poor children as if they are cats in need of a home. Wow.
Oh my God that facebook page was the saddest thing I've seen in a long time. They post pictures of children and people comment underneath "interested" like it's a pic of a piece of used furniture being sold on the Facebook marketplace. The caption on the pictures describe these poor children as if they are cats in need of a home. Wow.

You know something is very wrong in this world when the pages like this exist and have ready "supply" of children and takers. In every adoption I know (and in my own) the home study was difficult. My adoptive parent friends and I have all remarked on the candid conversations we had with social workers who seemed like they were trying to dissuade us based on the conversations of issues that can be present in adopted children--particularly in adoptions from countries where children often languish alone with little care.

I also have friends who had children who were incredibly damaged and were dangerous at one point or another. These families did not resort to "re-homing" but rather to intensive family therapy and changes in the parenting structure. Things were hard but got a bit better.

When you have a biological child who has disabilities (either genetic, from birth or through an accident) you just don't return them because they won't fit into your uterus anymore. You adjust your expectations. You adjust your family structure. You do what you need to do. That said, I also know people who had children who were severely emotionally disturbed and were removed from the family based on abuse/potential abuse issues by the child to parent or siblings. These are heartbreaking cases and never entered into lightly. But at 4, it seems like he just wasn't what they wanted to deal with.

This is not an easy issue but I find it hard to believe that this family didn't get warnings about the range of issues. I also question that if this child had such issues that you go crowd source for another or have another child biologically. He had needs that were important to be met---increasing your family size is the least logical thing to do.

I hope he has a loving family and thrives. He now has to get beyond a second abandonment.
How Did YouTubers Myka Stauffer And James Stauffer Choose A New Family For Huxley?

Re this interview with the lady from Franklin County Children Services - The 'optimist' in me thinks the poor boy was pawned off on a family they found online through 'rehoming'. But the pessimist in me thinks he is no longer alive. All they would have to do is release a recent photo of the boy with his new family to lay all rumours to rest. We will see if they have to sense to do that.
How Did YouTubers Myka Stauffer And James Stauffer Choose A New Family For Huxley?

“One place we do know Huxley is not is with the state government of Ohio, where the family lives. Val Turner, a spokesperson for the family's local child protection agency, Franklin County Children Services, confirmed to BuzzFeed News that Huxley is not in its custody.

"The adoption for the Stauffer family is an international adoption which does not involve our agency," Turner said, adding, "It appears that [Myka] made arrangements with an individual person, versus an agency."

Thank you. I guess I can lay that to rest!
I think one of the most shocking posts was from August 2018 when they were talking about potentially another adoption and she asked: “We are praying about adopting again. And my husband wants me to ask what special needs would you consider minor or relatively easy to manage that most people wouldn’t consider easy?”

That sure makes it sound like they purposely wanted a child that other people would give them kudos for being such saviors, but didn't want anything that would actually be work.

I think with the boy they just "re-homed," they maybe originally thought he had a brain tumor, and imo, in their heads they thought that was something they could throw money at, get him good medical care, and he'd recover and get all caught up. They truly were not prepared or willing to take on full on special needs. Which would be honest - if she hadn't posting non-stop about how full on "blessed" she was and how much he liked being snuggled hard, and how she wouldn't ever trade him, and the whole fake social media pandering.

Fabletics finally cancelled their sponsorship and association with her.

YouTube mom Myka Stauffer says she gave up adopted son with autism

Yeah what really gets me is looking at her Instagram and YouTube videos about this child she’s constantly featuring a happy, well-bonded child, discussing all his gains and achievements and how close he is with his brother. He SEEMS attached in videos.

And she used him constantly to get hits and likes and attention. They even appeared on tv due to being successful parents of an adopted, special needs child.

They chose to have another child at least a year after they adopted this little boy. So
Knowing his challenges they made that decision.

But now it’s all too much?

There’s something about the woman (and I’m speaking about her and not the husband because she’s the one who does the social media and is always talking to the camera) that is phony, IMO. She says all the right things but her affect seems fake. It all about appearances and “show” to me.

Poor child. And this “rehoming” business should be illegal. That’s what happened in the case of the little girl whose parents dumped her in an apartment alone at age 11, after duping a judge into changing her age to 22. Anyone can get a child. They’re barely vetted, it seems. A predator could take one of these kids.

Yeah what really gets me is looking at her Instagram and YouTube videos about this child she’s constantly featuring a happy, well-bonded child, discussing all his gains and achievements and how close he is with his brother. He SEEMS attached in videos.

And she used him constantly to get hits and likes and attention. They even appeared on tv due to being successful parents of an adopted, special needs child.

They chose to have another child at least a year after they adopted this little boy. So
Knowing his challenges they made that decision.

But now it’s all too much?

There’s something about the woman (and I’m speaking about her and not the husband because she’s the one who does the social media and is always talking to the camera) that is phony, IMO. She says all the right things but her affect seems fake. It all about appearances and “show” to me.

Poor child. And this “rehoming” business should be illegal. That’s what happened in the case of the little girl whose parents dumped her in an apartment alone at age 11, after duping a judge into changing her age to 22. Anyone can get a child. They’re barely vetted, it seems. A predator could take one of these kids.


Her husbands fake tears in the video posted upthread were pathetic. Both of them seem very phony imo.

I can’t believe “rehoming” isn’t illegal. It seems like a no brainer, but apparently not. So sad.
Oh my God that facebook page was the saddest thing I've seen in a long time. They post pictures of children and people comment underneath "interested" like it's a pic of a piece of used furniture being sold on the Facebook marketplace. The caption on the pictures describe these poor children as if they are cats in need of a home. Wow.

From one of the pictures “
Zander is 8 years old and was adopted domestically. He has healed from much of his early childhood trauma, but has exhausted his adoptive family in his healing process”

WTF !!
It's weird how the Stauffers took off for Bali to vacation for a month with only their youngest child, right after "re-homing" Huxley. Is it possible they gave him up to someone not in the United States?
From one of the pictures “
Zander is 8 years old and was adopted domestically. He has healed from much of his early childhood trauma, but has exhausted his adoptive family in his healing process”

WTF !!

Another “listing” from that website said -

But according to the information provided by her parents, “This family has drastically changed their lifestyle and have left their faith and extended family for a quiet, secluded life.” It is their hope that “a different family will step forward who can provide her with the socialization and continued relationship with God that she desires.”

A car is something that doesn’t fit with your lifestyle anymore, not a CHILD who you adopted!!

eta - I saw it in the article at this link - When Families Un-Adopt a Child
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Another “listing” from that website said -

But according to the information provided by her parents, “This family has drastically changed their lifestyle and have left their faith and extended family for a quiet, secluded life.” It is their hope that “a different family will step forward who can provide her with the socialization and continued relationship with God that she desires.”

A car is something that doesn’t fit with your lifestyle anymore, not a CHILD who you adopted!!

eta - I saw it in the article at this link - When Families Un-Adopt a Child

I went and read many descriptions of the darling children listed on this website. While I’m sure some information was held back for privacy reasons and only shared with interested families, I saw no child whose rejection could in any way be “justified” by the adoptive families. In many cases, they already had multiple children, some with special needs, and had no business adding another to their family. The “excuses” were upsetting. The child didn’t “bond” with the other children or the mother. Some said they weren’t told the extent of the child’s disabilities. Ummm..children don’t come with a guarantee! Some children had been with these families for years! And yet, each child had a glowing description by their current parents and some even sweetened the pot with money. It was disgusting.
Some said they weren’t told the extent of the child’s disabilities.

I know that it's true that sometimes foreign adoption agency's aren't entirely transparent because they're desperate to get a child placed, BUT thanks to Myka I will now always question this claim - because she and her husband were very well informed and warned about the condition of their son, and they still have to gall to claim 'they didn't know' about the extent of his disabilities.
When you give birth to a child, you have little idea of what their condition and future medical issues will be. Of course, in prenatal visits one might be forewarned of some serious conditions to prepare for.

But in general, we don't know what the future holds. We just fall in love with our baby and hope for the best.

As adoptive parents, we did the same thing. And I couldn't even imagine 'rehoming' them. It makes me sick to read some of those descriptions.

I can understand there are some situations, with violent children, where you can't put your other kids at risk. But this 'lifestyle' change excuse is pathetic. ugh
"The Case of Huxley Stauffer is now being investigated by the local authorities" this was annouced on BuzzFeed.News
I'm glad Delaware County Sheriff's office will be investigating rehoming of Huxley.

How can a 4 year old boy express he wants a new family. I researched the practice of rehoming child of international adoptions. It's legal in some states for parents to give away precious children. If the child comes from a international adoption you have the right to give away your child, if the child doesn't fix the mold by some parents, it's ok to rehome that child. Signing paperwork allowing children to go live with a different families, showing no concern for the child's safety and welfare. Some children have been tossed around several times by different families. This type of practice of rehoming needs to be against the law in all states.
Ohio sheriff's office is trying to locate YouTube star Myka Stauffer's autistic son | Daily Mail Online

As BuzzFeed News first reported on Tuesday, the Delaware County Sheriff's Office in Ohio has launched an investigation seeking to track down Huxley to make sure the child was safe.

Tracy Whited, a spokesperson for the sheriff's office, told the news outlet it is working with 'several other agencies' to find the child.

'We’re very aware of this case,' said Whited. 'We are investigating, but it is an active case, and as such, we cannot divulge too much information just yet.'
Ohio sheriff's office is trying to locate YouTube star Myka Stauffer's autistic son | Daily Mail Online

As BuzzFeed News first reported on Tuesday, the Delaware County Sheriff's Office in Ohio has launched an investigation seeking to track down Huxley to make sure the child was safe.

Tracy Whited, a spokesperson for the sheriff's office, told the news outlet it is working with 'several other agencies' to find the child.

'We’re very aware of this case,' said Whited. 'We are investigating, but it is an active case, and as such, we cannot divulge too much information just yet.'

I wonder why the Stauffer’s wouldn’t just supply LE with the location of Huxley so they wouldn’t have to “track him down.” Or can’t the new family contact LE so Huxley’s safety can be determined? LE should not have to do the work to “find the child.” Can the Stauffer’s be charged with concealing his whereabouts?
I wonder why the Stauffer’s wouldn’t just supply LE with the location of Huxley so they wouldn’t have to “track him down.” Or can’t the new family contact LE so Huxley’s safety can be determined? LE should not have to do the work to “find the child.” Can the Stauffer’s be charged with concealing his whereabouts?
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