Zach Adams on trial -kidnapping/murder Holly Bobo 9/20-22, 2017 GUILTY

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good night Niner if there is a verdict will message you and let you know

Well said, bleuboy.

With so much local gossip and tips coming in, it is certainly difficult to believe that Dicus could unilaterally shut off that direction of the investigation towards those four names.

How much power did Dicus have? Even so, it is difficult to imagine within such an important agency that this abuse of power could have gone on for such a long period of time.

I agree that an investigation into how this was all handled in 2011 needs to be done.

The TBI must make sure this gross mistake is never repeated within their agency ever again.

I wish Karen and Dana could sue Dicus for all the harm he caused in this case and the grief he made the family endure. He is to blame for these suspects having freedom for so many years. He is to blame for the forensic evidence not being there, and it taking years to locate Holly's remains. He is the reason the state was handed a much harder case to try. He gave 'the idiots' as he called them...years to destroy evidence.

In the end he was the idiot and they were able to fool him and in turn he had focused on the wrong man to the point of being obsessed. It became more about satisfying his raging ego and being right (even though dead wrong) and because of that these individuals were allowed to keep roaming when they should have been arrest much sooner back in 2011.

But even with all the damage he caused JN the ADA still put on a masterful case filled with compelling CE. She should be highly commended no matter how this case ends. She made the best of the mess Dicus had left her.
I'm sitting here explaining, mulling this case over with my Grand doggy. She is staring at me. Ploughed thru half a can of mixed nuts. Never been a stress eater. Apparently today I am. If a verdict doesn't come soon I may need a rescue and an extraction. Lovely Pinio chilling if anyone cares to join me. Soon.
I've been stress eating today too. Every time my Taptalk notification goes off I'm running for the phone. [emoji16]

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I have a random OT question about spoof cards (I think that is what it was called). Don't think I had heard of that before this case. Anyway - if someone uses a spoof card to call my phone - and I don't answer but later hit redial - will my phone call back the actual number that dialed my phone or will it call the spoof number that was put in?

I asked my son this last night and he sent me a spoof text. The calls would go back to the number of the spoof not the caller's real number. Things could have been different in 2011. Also, I learned last night that there is an app you use instead of a card now.


I guess they are they for the reading and answering of the question in open court, per twitter. We know there is not a verdict reached yet because they're asking a question. Unless it's about the verdict form.
Apologies if I am posting tweets same as Emi. I cant read the tweets so I follow on twitter and post.


Sounds like it might have had something to do with the different charges, maybe

I think exactly the opposite...I think it was about facts (aka evidence) ...had it been about charges etc. he can then attempt to clarify.
So we are just waiting on the question?

Bravo we are waiting for Zach to arrive
As a single mom, I can hardly sleep at night on just this case in trial, much less being a juror, I cannot imagine.

There have been several nights this past week where in the middle of the night, I think I have heard a noise, and my heart races and I swear I am picturing Autry or Zach and then I remember I am nowhere near their neighborhood and I laugh at my own ridiculousness.

This would be 20x worse for me if I were a juror!

I can only imagine your cases, oceanblueeyes. They sound terrible!

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Even now when I pass by the beautiful brick home sitting up on a hill where the young attractive couple lived before they were murdered, I always have such a deep wave of sadness come over me. They too were very good people, so much in love, two beautiful little children, and with a bright future ahead of them.:(

I can fully understand your reaction. This is a very horrible case to follow.
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