Zahra Baker MEDIA links only **NO DISCUSSION**

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Mods, please forgive...this is the best I can do with so much information online right now.

Rad Berky says extra security planned...2 metal detectors instead of one. Elisa, Adam, and Emily will all be in same courtrm. In video they talk about having a Facebook page that will post updates during the hearing. Here is that link:

WCNC also said the DA will have police on the witness stand that will testify as to why they charged Elisa and only Elisa.

Hickory Daily Record

Elisa's 4 Felony charges from Caldwell County have been transfered to Catawba County, indicating a plea deal in the workings.


Cousin Cathy Winkler has visited Elisa almost a dozen times.. She said Elisa is confused, scared, trying to decide if she is making the right decision or not.
Elisa Baker pleads guilty to murder of stepdaughter, Zahra

" NEWTON -- Elisa Baker entered a guilty plea Thursday morning to second-degree murder and other charges related to the death of her 10-year-old stepdaughter Zahra Baker nearly a year ago.

Elisa Baker entered the pleas following an apparent plea agreement between her attorneys and prosecutors.

According to the agreement announced in court Thursday morning, Baker will face between 177 and 222 months in prison -- roughly, from 15 to 18 years.

During the hearing, a judge told Elisa Baker that the maximum penalty for the murder and other related charges would be 722 months, or more than 60 years."


Read more:
Thanks, N-Soul. Here's an article from the Raleigh N&O with, I'm sure, the same details:

The sentence, let me say first, is a "good start." We try to be good people, Soul, but we still want some kind of equality between good vs. evil. (Some would call it "revenge.")

As the standard phrase goes, it won't bring Zahra back, but if she was asked, I think she'd say, "No, thanks, I like it UP HERE much better. I can run, swim, climb a tree, anything I want to do. And everyone up here loves me. There is no evil here, just goodness and mercy."

Enter, I hope, the Federal Government. It's their turn to take a crack at the evil, evil (IMO) hag.
I watched Rad too ... the defense and prosecution are working on a plea deal for Elisa. :banghead:

They need to cut her up into little pieces. :cow:

That's a good start, CarolinaWoman, but I would like to also see her head on a pike. (Please forgive, but that's how I feel at this time. Maybe if the Feds stick it to her, I'll be in a better mood...)
I'm almost as speechless now as I was when the verdict came back on FCA.

Elisa Baker, 43, was sentenced today to between 14 and 18 years in prison after pleading guilty to second degree murder. She was charged with 10-year-old Zahra's murder in February. She also pleaded guilty to charges of obstruction of justice, bigamy, obtaining property under false pretenses and identity theft.


International Drive was also searched. That was where Elisa’s legal team found a handsaw they believe was involved in the case.

another snipped:

On Sept. 24, Adam was in Burke County, north of Valdese, Whisnant said. After work, he tried to get a ride home with Elisa but she told him she couldn’t get a ride because she had been stopped by a trooper and her eldest daughter would have to give him a ride. Whisnant said police found no evidence a trooper stopped Elisa that day.

Justice for Zahra

Zahra's dad: Bring my little girl home
Hickory locals: Justice system 'failed that girl'

Zahra's grandmother Karen Baker yesterday watched anxiously from her Newcastle home as the courtroom drama unfolded live over the internet. She found it sometimes too painful to watch.

"All we feel now is sadness and exhaustion, but also a kind of relief that this is all finally over ... and knowing we will get Zahra back, and can bring her home where she belongs," Karen Baker told the Bulletin yesterday.

Karen Baker said she was also relieved for her son - and Zahra's father - Adam, who not only had to deal with the loss of his daughter, but accusations he was responsible.


The Hickory Police Department will have to coordinate with the district attorney’s office, the Australian Consulate and the medical examiner to determine when Zahra’s remains can be released and who will take possession.

Adam said he wants to take Zahra’s remains home to Australia. It’s unknown if he will get them or if they will be released to Emily Dietrich, Zahra’s birth mother. Adam said he hasn’t talked to her since the ordeal began nearly a year ago.
Zahra Baker's birth mum Emily Dietrich blames girl's dad Adam for murder

"Although the evidence showed he did not take part in the murder, Dietrich still held him responsible, WCNC reported.

"I still hold a lot of resentment towards him. There's a big difference between being not guilty and being innocent, and I don't think he is innocent of what happened. He had played all his own part," Dietrich said, in an excerpt of an interview with WCNC due to go to air in the US on Sunday night."

more @
The Baker saga is far from over

The question of who killed 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker was officially answered when Elisa Baker pleaded guilty in court Thursday. However, Zahra Baker and her family will not be soon forgotten in this community.

Zahra’s legacy

What’s next for Elisa Baker?

What awaits Adam Baker?

details at
Thanks, N'Soul.

I must say, I agree with Dietrich -- Adam married that harridan, agreed to accompany her back to the US with his daughter, who did not want to leave her grandmother & her home & her hometown & her friends & her doctor & her free medical benefits which were so very necessary for her health and proper physical stature due to her growing out of her prosthesis probably yearly or more frequently due to her age, etc., etc., etc. Surely, Shirley, he knew what a b**ch (IMO) she was -- but she may have been weaving her spider's web around him...

And if he was the father in Oz that he was here in the US, little Zahra wouldn't have been missing very much if he went without her -- he probably worked long hard hours there, too.

Anyway, I don't know if EB just charmed or scared him to death, but something apparently kept him from checking on his only child. Maybe he thought it was her role as the woman of the house -- unless he just did not give a dayam about her -- forget about taking her out for a walk or out for a hamburger, just the two of them; or taking her to see a doctor when she had those black eyes, or when it was noticeable that she needed a new leg. Ohhh, it just makes me wanna holler when I think about it. Anyway, he may not have had a hand in the actual murder or the dismemberment, etc., but he put her in harm's way, putting it mildly, and allowed it to happen by simply ignoring it. (All JMHO.)

Why isn't that negligence of some sort that would be recognized by law??? Grrrrrrrrrrr. :furious:

I could go on & on, as so many of us have & want to......

end of mini-rant

Elisa Baker moved to jail in Charlotte

"CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - The woman who pleaded guilty last week to murdering and dismembering her 10-year-old stepdaughter is now being held in a Charlotte jail."

"Baker is facing federal drug charges and is being held in the Mecklenburg County Jail while she awaits a trial on those charges."
:seeya:Wow! And thanks, Noetic Soul for the Change-of-Address notification on our EB!

I had been looking on the NC DOC database to see where they were gonna lodge her nailed b*tt, and I couldn't find it. So -- now the Feds have her, huh?! Well, I'd really like to know how she feels about this new residence & what she will face next. It surely didn't take 'em long, did it??

I just can't seem to wipe this smile off my face.

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