Zani Timeline- Other ZannyThoughts- Zanny Searches on Caseys computer

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There are no coincidences in this case. Nothing is done that is not done in an effort to cover up the former step.
Okayyyy. Can someone point me to where WS is talking about that? The fact that JG was LE and worked? on the Caylee case?

Also: I quoted myself so I could add more of what I am behind in realizing about ZG: Zanny the Nanny in a children's book? Where does the connection between this book and Casey come in? Is it known that she was aware of this book or character?

And: One Tree Hill: I have done my 'homework' a bit on this and understand there was a search(I do not remember or have it all in my mind enough to know when this search was done on home computer?) and while watching NG(Hello Friend!)she did show excerpts from that episode and I lean toward one of the three: george, cindy, casey, who described the nanny was/could very well be describing that actress and her role/plot line of that episode.

I understand saying: Casey made up all of this and the rest is coincidence. But that is not satisfying. There are too many: they all either point to one big thing that we don't know or...?

...jmo...Thanks for letting me a part of such a great site! :)

Chiquita, I don't think JG ever actually worked for LE. He graduated, but resigned shortly after. He did contact several of Casey's friends and they worked out a calendar timeline, which Jesse gave to LE. This was probably discussed on the Jesse Grund interview thread.
Well, when I chose my vacant condo, just nosing around the complex, listening to casual conversations (without even asking) gave me a lot of info re: the last owners.

KC had friends at that complex. There could be casual mention of people touring for consideration for moving in. There was when I was a renter.

Nobody at Sawgrass is a conspirator. KC was all alone.

So, are you suggesting that KC was just randomly taking note of the vacant apartments in the complexes where, friends had previously lived, looking for people with a name that would fit "Zanny"? And she happened upon a random conversation, about a ZG visiting the day after Caylee was murdered?

Even if KC overheard this ZG's information at the CIT (which I am not convinced of that theory...yet), how did that all align with the dates she needed? If she followed this ZG, then why not follow her to her actual residence- Oh, that's right! ZG, fortuitously, was busy documenting her visits to VACANT apartments that day :waitasec: Good thing- How awkward would THAT have been if she gave the cops ZG's real address and had to have a face to face with her "Nanny", while accusing her of kidnapping a child she had never heard of! :eek:

If KC found THIS ZG after she had already killed Caylee, she would really have to have the luck of the :shamrock: to find ZG in these circumstances on June 17th, of ALL days...

If KC found THIS ZG previously, she would have had to been clairvoiant to foresee ZG's future plans(visiting apartments) and anticipate how this visit would become useful to KC's future plans.....

UNLESS, of course, KC had been stalking this ZG for years, and the future apartment hunting plans were a well known fact to KC before June 16, and the knowledge of this future event is what precipitated the murder of Caylee, not a fight with Cindy!:eek::eek::eek:

**Sorry, saying this all tongue-in-cheek ya know... couldn't help myself:biggrin:
So, are you suggesting that KC was just randomly taking note of the vacant apartments in the complexes where, friends had previously lived, looking for people with a name that would fit "Zanny"? And she happened upon a random conversation, about a ZG visiting the day after Caylee was murdered?

Even if KC overheard this ZG's information at the CIT (which I am not convinced of that theory...yet), how did that all align with the dates she needed? If she followed this ZG, then why not follow her to her actual residence- Oh, that's right! ZG, fortuitously, was busy documenting her visits to VACANT apartments that day :waitasec: Good thing- How awkward would THAT have been if she gave the cops ZG's real address and had to have a face to face with her "Nanny", while accusing her of kidnapping a child she had never heard of! :eek:

If KC found THIS ZG after she had already killed Caylee, she would really have to have the luck of the :shamrock: to find ZG in these circumstances on June 17th, of ALL days...

If KC found THIS ZG previously, she would have had to been clairvoiant to foresee ZG's future plans(visiting apartments) and anticipate how this visit would become useful to KC's future plans.....

UNLESS, of course, KC had been stalking this ZG for years, and the future apartment hunting plans were a well known fact to KC before June 16, and the knowledge of this future event is what predicated the murder of Caylee, not a fight with Cindy!:eek::eek::eek:

**Sorry, saying this all tongue-in-cheek ya know... couldn't help myself:biggrin:

Hey! I can go with tongue-in-cheek! Do it a lot, myself!

You have a point, there.

I woulda thunk she was sitting on steps, waiting for friends to come home, and heard about Zanny.

Except she had spoken of the nanny before that date.

I can't remember.. folks, did she call the nanny "Zanny" before that date?

Sorry, but I just got off a 12-hour shift. I'm short a couple neurons. :confused::eek:
So, are you suggesting that KC was just randomly taking note of the vacant apartments in the complexes where, friends had previously lived, looking for people with a name that would fit "Zanny"? And she happened upon a random conversation, about a ZG visiting the day after Caylee was murdered?

Even if KC overheard this ZG's information at the CIT (which I am not convinced of that theory...yet), how did that all align with the dates she needed? If she followed this ZG, then why not follow her to her actual residence- Oh, that's right! ZG, fortuitously, was busy documenting her visits to VACANT apartments that day :waitasec: Good thing- How awkward would THAT have been if she gave the cops ZG's real address and had to have a face to face with her "Nanny", while accusing her of kidnapping a child she had never heard of! :eek:

If KC found THIS ZG after she had already killed Caylee, she would really have to have the luck of the :shamrock: to find ZG in these circumstances on June 17th, of ALL days...

If KC found THIS ZG previously, she would have had to been clairvoiant to foresee ZG's future plans(visiting apartments) and anticipate how this visit would become useful to KC's future plans.....

UNLESS, of course, KC had been stalking this ZG for years, and the future apartment hunting plans were a well known fact to KC before June 16, and the knowledge of this future event is what predicated the murder of Caylee, not a fight with Cindy!:eek::eek::eek:

**Sorry, saying this all tongue-in-cheek ya know... couldn't help myself:biggrin:

thanks for scratchin my itch.... :biggrin: too funny

Also.. ping records do not show her sittin around SG all day. There is a 3 hour break that day between 5:30 and 8:30 pm. However, if ZG was there during the AM.. well that just would not work. IMO,Casey was near JBP and prolly looking for a burial spot.. OR SHE was at Chris S. house as per his interview... :waitasec:

Realize the odds are better that the coinky dink happened than winning the lottery .? We all have a better chance of our son being an NFL player is better than winning the lottery. Some people win the lottery.

Sorry folks... coinky dinks happen.. if they didn't there we wouldn't have gamblin'. She matches on a car, name and NY tags and SG the real Z doesn't match age, looks, number of children, financial status or education....

Unless, is Harry a friend of ZG? The org date the visit was in the "system" was April 17th. Maybe Harry is a friend of ZG wrote out a fake card... dated it June 17th and then said.. lets set her up.. she is already in trouble with the law.. nobody believes because she lies... hmmmmmm maybe to the real Z.. George and Cindy had money. :waitasec:

Could help but to throw that out there.
I am so behind with the ideas shared on this thread as to how in the world KC cam up with this name..........but, it has always nagged at me how to tie in the visit to the other apartment complex, looking for AL, I think on 6/19. Has it been discussed how it's possible that when KC had to stay in the ofc since she didn't have her driver's licence, that maybe, just maybe, she saw a form on a desk showing that ZG had been there and maybe a note that she had also considered Sawgrass? Seems like a huge stretch, but I just keep wondering how this visit could have possibly tied back to SG. Any thoughts on this that I've missed?
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Now that sounds.... likely...
and that.... Apt hunting L@@King thing...
the T A T T O O O O O O parlor....

remember.... the Neighborhood... Burial/Dumping (SORRY!~ Sounds sooo bad ~~~ = KC is to blame !) with the names of the two 2 houses
One = Zanida and one G O N Z A L E S ... just
tooooooo weird...

But your POST Spy Houston !
does make sense to me....

but you know... with KC the ____:liar:

who knows ????

He saw her !!!!

Has this ZFG been to the same tatoo parlour for the past couple of years when KC was there? She could have heard all sorts of things from there considering the amount of time it takes to get a tatoo.

Yes, Amil, I do believe that the real ZG has been to the same tattoo parlor that KC went to and had a friend at. I've also wondered how in the world did this just fall into place for KC when she needed it to. Purely speculative on my part is that maybe KC had heard the ZG name at the tat place and just decided to use it as her "babysitter's" name. Then perhaps she heard at the tat place that ZG was going to SG to look for an apartment--I know, I know, it's still pretty farfetched. I have no proof that KC was even in or near the tat parlor to overhear anything like this, so I admit I'm stretching it till it's nearly broken. I don't think she just lucked out though. Part of it may have fallen into her lap, but she found something out on the sly in order to make it all "fit" in her little head, that is. Sure is puzzling though.
The whole thing is mind boggling. I do think this ZG was one of those "six degrees of separation" things, where someone KC knew knew someone who knew a guy who used to date her, etc. Or maybe the tattoo parlor connection.

She couldn't have known TOO much about her because she got the names of her kids wrong, made up the names of her mom and stepdad and added "Fernandez" to her name. But, correct me if I'm wrong - she did get the car correct and the fact that she used to live in NY?
Yes, Amil, I do believe that the real ZG has been to the same tattoo parlor that KC went to and had a friend at. I've also wondered how in the world did this just fall into place for KC when she needed it to. Purely speculative on my part is that maybe KC had heard the ZG name at the tat place and just decided to use it as her "babysitter's" name. Then perhaps she heard at the tat place that ZG was going to SG to look for an apartment--I know, I know, it's still pretty farfetched. I have no proof that KC was even in or near the tat parlor to overhear anything like this, so I admit I'm stretching it till it's nearly broken. I don't think she just lucked out though. Part of it may have fallen into her lap, but she found something out on the sly in order to make it all "fit" in her little head, that is. Sure is puzzling though.

This is a theory that makes sense to me. KC overheard a conversation between ZG and someone at the tatoo place. ZG was talking about needing an apartment and the tatoo guy suggested she try Sawgrass. KC may have been aware enough of Sawgrass to know there was a vacant apt available including its exact location. Voila! The plan comes to together! Must be fated!

When and if this occured is of course only speculation. I will go back and see if I can find an interview between the tatoo guy and the police. Does anyone know where it was actually determined that there was a connection between ZG and the tatoo parlour?
I actually wanted to piggyback a few things onto Shadow of My Minds post;

I also believe it is too much of a "ko-inky-dinky" as you put it. Factor in a few other seemingly random pieces of the puzzle, and it rockets into ANOTHER REALM:eek:
  1. Finding someone with a full name that suggests the possible nickname "Zanny" that you, for some reason, decided on using years before- LUCKY?

  2. Finding a name that has no "obvious" connection to the small group of people in which you have associated with your whole life, but oddly specific enough to appear to have been familiar to you.- LUCKIER?

  3. Finding said "name" to be common enough (all 3: ZENAIDA, FERNANDEZ & GONZALES) to have multiple listings in multiple databases, but bizarrely unique in the arrangement of the hyphenated last-name. Choosing to insist upon an uncommonly known usage (while using it correctly in your explanation to Lee in Jail Visit video) of hyphenated names(not thru marriage), where the Father's surname is used first, followed by the Mother's maiden name. In a nut-shell, finding a common name that's rarely seen that way- EVEN LUCKIERER?

  4. Finding a someone with said "name", at a residence, with a documented PAPER TRAIL, but not physically living there, avoiding that awkward confrontation- REALLY LUCKY?

  5. Choosing an apartment number that is coincidentally vacant, again avoiding a confrontation with an actual person while still maintaining a thread of mystery- uuuhhh....REALLY REALLY LUCKY?

  6. Finding that specific/non-specific someone, RIGHT WHEN YOU NEED HER (like the very day you reeaalllly need someone with that name to pin a murder on).- OUTTA THE FRIGGIN' BALLPARK LUCKIEST OF THE LUCKY??
How did KC find someone with such a rare name, that she had previously used in connection with Caylee, out looking at homes, right when she needed an address (like the very next day!!), but knowing that she wouldn't be there if anybody came asking pesky questions??

No scenario (I've seen) explains KC predicting the future, nor placing her in possession of any prior knowledge while maintaining the most thoroughly documented footprint I have ever seen... Come on peeps- I really don't wanna give KC credit for being that smart, so we've gotta find the simple answer... 'cause we know she's a creature of habit and she doesn't like to go the extra mile. BUT, I do not believe this is a random, made-up name. There IS a reason for THIS "name"....

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::woohoo::dance:
that is some p o s t ! ! !

Guess all things are possible....

Thanks !
G o d Bless !
Hello WS!

If this has been figured out and I am behind, sorry all.

First we have the Zanny mystery about how Casey would know she was going to show up on June17th at the apartments Casey needed to say she left her daughter at. (I dont know much but on some threads it is now said that Casey says JB park is where she last saw Caylee-huh?)

*resp snipped. my bold.
hi chiquita, casey never 'needed' to say she left caylee at sawgrass. if she'd tripped over anyone w/ a name that 'zanni' could be a nick for (zanita, zandra, zanthia etc) she'd just have chosen that name and a different place.

in fact i'm beginning to wonder if she needed anyone at all. if she hadn't happened across zenaida what would really be all that different? the nanny would still be ficticious, the police would still have been unable to locate her, casey would still have given them the wrong address and a list of bogus friends and relations for her. as far as i can see the only difference is that the name may have been been altered and we'd all have spent a couple of hours last summer googling 'zanetta garcia torres'.
Agreed! However, Casey herself was throwing around the name Zanny in 2006. JG and RG have stated this to be the case. We know that nobody has physically seen Zanny however, there is proff now that Zanny existed in Casey's mind as far back as 2006. I don't think we are debating weather or not Zanny exists in reality, more that Zanny exists and had existed for the past 2 years in Casey's mind. This is huge in terms of Casey's mental status and could hold the key to unraveling this mess! JMO

Maybe not.

I invented a "Trudy" when I wanted to stay out overnight, when I was young.

My guess is that KC did the same thing.
*resp snipped. my bold.
hi chiquita, casey never 'needed' to say she left caylee at sawgrass. if she'd tripped over anyone w/ a name that 'zanni' could be a nick for (zanita, zandra, zanthia etc) she'd just have chosen that name and a different place.

in fact i'm beginning to wonder if she needed anyone at all. if she hadn't happened across zenaida what would really be all that different? the nanny would still be ficticious, the police would still have been unable to locate her, casey would still have given them the wrong address and a list of bogus friends and relations for her. as far as i can see the only difference is that the name may have been been altered and we'd all have spent a couple of hours last summer googling 'zanetta garcia torres'.

Or, Zandra Maria Ramirez.

I agree. Good point.
The whole thing is mind boggling. I do think this ZG was one of those "six degrees of separation" things, where someone KC knew knew someone who knew a guy who used to date her, etc. Or maybe the tattoo parlor connection.

She couldn't have known TOO much about her because she got the names of her kids wrong, made up the names of her mom and stepdad and added "Fernandez" to her name. But, correct me if I'm wrong - she did get the car correct and the fact that she used to live in NY?

I think she got the car slightly wrong (but named a similar car). She got the NY thing right. The NY thing was on MySpace. She also got the racial mix right.
It's been awhile since I have looked at the CIT threads, but I don't recall anyone establishing ZG going there at all. I think the connection stemmed from a (possible?) ex-boyfriend of ZG's having CIT on his myspace page, and from there, posters began suggesting the link. KC was at CIT on July 3, and possibly for her other tat long ago...

So, we have:

ZG- No proof that she went to CIT

POSSIBLE EX of ZG- has CIT on his myspace and possibly used them for his tattoos

KC- visits CIT on July 3rd, 17 days after ZG made her visit to SG

As far as Sawgrass, KC's connection to Sawgrass is thru Dante and Annie. Annie was KC's best friend. DS and AD were living together at the same apartment, but then broke-up, and Annie moved out. I believe this happened months earlier and KC and Annie had not been close for most of 2008.. KC had not been making social visits to Sawgrass anytime close to the time-frame for the murder per Dante's interview.

There are a 2 other names of acquaintance's of KC tied to sawgrass- Vicki and...ahhh, drawin' a blank on the other girl... I don't think anything of substance was found with either girl. I think Exit13(Dante) provided some background info on that as well..

Sorry if I'm off on some of the details, but it's the best I could do- runnin' on memory and not searching everything out again :) Hope this helps further along the discussion a little.
It's been awhile since I have looked at the CIT threads, but I don't recall anyone establishing ZG going there at all. I think the connection stemmed from a (possible?) ex-boyfriend of ZG's having CIT on his myspace page, and from there, posters began suggesting the link. KC was at CIT on July 3, and possibly for her other tat long ago...

So, we have:

ZG- No proof that she went to CIT

POSSIBLE EX of ZG- has CIT on his myspace and possibly used them for his tattoos

KC- visits CIT on July 3rd, 17 days after ZG made her visit to SG

As far as Sawgrass, KC's connection to Sawgrass is thru Dante and Annie. Annie was KC's best friend. DS and AD were living together at the same apartment, but then broke-up, and Annie moved out. I believe this happened months earlier and KC and Annie had not been close for most of 2008.. KC had not been making social visits to Sawgrass anytime close to the time-frame for the murder per Dante's interview.

There are a 2 other names of acquaintance's of KC tied to sawgrass- Vicki and...ahhh, drawin' a blank on the other girl... I don't think anything of substance was found with either girl. I think Exit13(Dante) provided some background info on that as well..

Sorry if I'm off on some of the details, but it's the best I could do- runnin' on memory and not searching everything out again :) Hope this helps further along the discussion a little.

I believe the other girls name was Katie, IIRC. KSR.
The whole thing is mind boggling. I do think this ZG was one of those "six degrees of separation" things, where someone KC knew knew someone who knew a guy who used to date her, etc. Or maybe the tattoo parlor connection.

She couldn't have known TOO much about her because she got the names of her kids wrong, made up the names of her mom and stepdad and added "Fernandez" to her name. But, correct me if I'm wrong - she did get the car correct and the fact that she used to live in NY?


It would make sense that maybe this ZG's information was not all available to KC, but keep in mind, KC wouldn't have benefitted from the description being too tight. She needed to leave herself a little open. That is KC's trademark, after all.

If she tried for a real person, that would have smoked KC out a lot faster because ZG could have confronted her that first night. A phantom ZG doesn't bring problems like that. Of course, she does bring alonga few others .. :biggrin:
*resp snipped. my bold.
hi chiquita, casey never 'needed' to say she left caylee at sawgrass. if she'd tripped over anyone w/ a name that 'zanni' could be a nick for (zanita, zandra, zanthia etc) she'd just have chosen that name and a different place.

in fact i'm beginning to wonder if she needed anyone at all. if she hadn't happened across zenaida what would really be all that different? the nanny would still be ficticious, the police would still have been unable to locate her, casey would still have given them the wrong address and a list of bogus friends and relations for her. as far as i can see the only difference is that the name may have been been altered and we'd all have spent a couple of hours last summer googling 'zanetta garcia torres'.

Could be... but, if you consider this:

and believe that KC created this myspace, then she was tied into the name "Zenaida" on June 16th. ZG visited Sawgrass June 17th, the day after. You also have Cindy and RevG testifying to usage of "Zenaida", months if not years earlier... for whatever that's worth :crazy:

FWIW, I do think it made a difference that she picked "Zenaida-Fernandez-Gonzales" and "Zanny" for that matter.

IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE IN THE BEGINNING IF SHE USED "ZANNY" OR "ZENAIDA". It would have been easier to think of, and go with a common "jane smith" type of name. As far as we know, it wasn't attached to a real person. She could have buried a common name within a million databases all over the World, but she didn't. Instead, she chose a unique name. This name, She spelled correctly, and without hesitation, when she gave it to the 911 operator. I still can't spell that name consitantly after writing it for months! She has never contradicted herself on anything regarding the name. KC has SOME connection with THIS name, it's familiar to her. If the myspace was set up by KC, under the name "Zenaida", on June 16th- THEN, ON JULY 15TH, IT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD, THAT SHE USED "ZENAIDA".

Oops, ETA: Forgot to mention the address. I think it would have made a BIG DIFFERENCE if someone answered the door that KC said her Nanny lived at and where Caylee stayed all the time.. :twocents:
Maybe not.

I invented a "Trudy" when I wanted to stay out overnight, when I was young.

My guess is that KC did the same thing.

Okay Brini, fess-up.... what's the last name you gave your "Trudy"?

.... or did she just go by "Trudy" like "Madonna" and "Cher"?:blowkiss:
Just Wondering ~:waitasec:

if any one ever heard/hears KC :liar::liar: ~ singing & :dance:
To the Z A N N Y ZANNY ~:Banane13: Bo Banny ~ :Banane57::Banane48: B A N A N N A ~ Fannna fo :Banane35::Banane10: F A N NY - F * E * E * E :Banane19: F~~I ~ ! ! ! :Banane43: FO ~~~~:Banane41: F AN N Y ~~~:Banane14::Banane27: ~~~~~~~~~~Z * A * N * N* Y * ~ ~ ~ ~:Banane15
::flashbak: *:crosseyed: *
HE MADE ME DO IT :kilroy:

:crazy: Just wondering ? ? ?

Cause how this KC came up with this W~I~L~D & Crazy story

is just * BEYOND * me.....

Thank GOD LE is NOT giving up....

God Bless !
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