ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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Maybe defense has not had a chance to look at the video yet. Not that it would make much difference. It's not as if there will be scribner's errors on a tape. lol
Maybe defense has not had a chance to look at the video yet. Not that it would make much difference. It's not as if there will be scribner's errors on a tape. lol

So are you telling me Mr. Greene has ADD? He was there wasn't he? :floorlaugh:
Why is it that anytime OCA is gonna have to face some kinda music, attorneys spring forth yelling "emergency"??
Why is it that anytime OCA is gonna have to face some kinda music, attorneys spring forth yelling "emergency"??

IMO...It's because she is a sick person...the defense knows it, and they are doing damage control.
So are you telling me Mr. Greene has ADD? He was there wasn't he? :floorlaugh:

LOL.....from what I understand HE answered the questions for KC, right??? I'm thinking maybe in Florida once they get a copy of the transcript (video) the attorney for the person sitting for the deposition has the right to check it for errors (errata sheet) so I'm thinking M&M just received the video, reviewed it and was about to file it when Attorney Greene may have said he had not had a chance to review it yet and may have objections. Guessing he has a short period of time to review it and file a motion if they choose. jmo
Why is it that anytime OCA is gonna have to face some kinda music, attorneys spring forth yelling "emergency"??

Because ANY face time in the press cuts her value for a paying customer and she has signed a chit load of money away.

LOL.....from what I understand HE answered the questions for KC, right??? I'm thinking maybe in Florida once they get a copy of the transcript (video) the attorney for the person sitting for the deposition has the right to check it for errors (errata sheet) so I'm thinking M&M just received the video, reviewed it and was about to file it when Attorney Greene may have said he had not had a chance to review it yet and may have objections. Guessing he has a short period of time to review it and file a motion if they choose. jmo

Why wouldn't MM have the taped session right away? Surely he is using something he could upload as it tapes? I think this is very civil of you but weren't we having much the same conversation at least a week and a half ago? When was this deposition done - I can't remember with all this fratzing around...
Matt Morgan doesn't have caller ID????? Why on earth would you answer the phone? :waitasec:
Matt Morgan doesn't have caller ID????? Why on earth would you answer the phone? :waitasec:

while I share your sense of "dag nabit" I suspect the call came from his office, and I further suspect that they don't want to do anything to potentially jeopardize their case -
while I share your sense of "dag nabit" I suspect the call came from his office, and I further suspect that they don't want to do anything to potentially jeopardize their case -

yeah ITA this is how you behave when you do your damn job and do it right...OCA's attorneys, basically all of them, could learn a lot of morgan&morgan.
I'm not sure the video was done by M&M's office. I would imagine the same company that normally takes the depositions may also do the video taping. If that is the case they both received the tape at the same time but since Atty Greene was "out of town" and could not review his they waited until he returned. Obviously the tape could not have been on his priority list because no paperwork with the court had been filed. Just guessing but I know they have a reasonable length of time to respond to an errata sheet from a written deposition.

Also not sure how they could object. She did not say anything of value and they have already reported she took the 5th. Her location was not disclosed and her identity was altered so what is the big deal. In that case the video would be no different than a written transcription of the deposition which they would have to release. Not sure why defense is being so defensive when she garnered sympathy from the Pinellas 12 easily enough. Some will, again, see KC as the victum. jmo
There is a hearing today at 3:30. Greene says the video will inflame the public against poor OCA. I can't link but it was at either wesh.com or cfnews13.com.
There is a hearing today at 3:30. Greene says the video will inflame the public against poor OCA. I can't link but it was at either wesh.com or cfnews13.com.

Is that even possible, to inflame the public against OCA more than it already is?
There is a hearing today at 3:30. Greene says the video will inflame the public against poor OCA. I can't link but it was at either wesh.com or cfnews13.com.

Here you go!

Posted today at wesh.com
Casey Attorney: Releasing Depo Would 'Inflame' Public Opinion

Matt Morgan, John Morgan's son, who works with his family's law firm, said that he was at the Orange County Courthouse on Tuesday to file the deposition when he received a call from Anthony's attorneys, saying they were going to file a motion to seal the video.
If the deposition had been filed, it would have been available to the public. Morgan and Morgan also planned to post the video on its website, Matt Morgan said.
A hearing on the objection is now scheduled for Thursday at 3:30 p.m.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/29530674/detail.html#ixzz1bKFJrcrE
M&M seriously need to get with a police sketch artist and describe her outlandish disguise so I have something to tape to my dartboard in the bar downstairs.....
I predict the emotion and action that will intensify around here will be the Laughter
I for one, can NOT wait to guffaw at this video with you Logicalgirl:floorlaugh:

Thank You! What I want to know is how many Halloween costumes exactly like her "disguise" will immediately pop up for trick or treat night!

Maybe her lawyers realize this and it's the real reason behind blocking the depo video....:skip: :skip: :skip:
Is that even possible, to inflame the public against OCA more than it already is?

Oh come on, she disguised herself for the public - if she thought this was going to be sealed, why would she be in disguise?

I can't wait to see it - the only comic relief in this entire case.
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