ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

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Say what? :newhere:

Leave! Leave now! If you value your sanity don't read another post, just slowly back away from the keyboard and run like hell!:rocker:

jk I really do :welcome: you to WS!
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Court confirmed 3:30 pm #CaseyAnthony defamation hearing. Room will hold first 7 people who arrive.
ZF hypen Gonzalez....everytime I hear her voice on the phone with the dispatcher spelling out this name with the HYPHEN I want to stick a pin in my eye..............who speaks like this??? Oh I forgot...a liar......puleeeeeeeeeze.:loser::banghead:
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
Court confirmed 3:30 pm #CaseyAnthony defamation hearing. Room will hold first 7 people who arrive.

Thank You. Do we know if today's Hearing will be televised ? TIA !


I hope Zenaida and her attorneys are SUCCESSFUL today !

bobkealing bob kealing
Court administrators say only seven people will be allowed in a very small conference room for 3:30 hearing. I'm one of them. #CaseyAnthony.

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Court officials say only 7 people can be in #CaseyAnthony hearing room at 3:30p. Longo and I are #1 and #2 -jfell
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Casey Anthony News
OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
We made it into the hearing room. We were No. 5 in line. Whew! #CaseyAnthony

So, if it's in a small conference room, it possibly won't be televised? That's what I'm thinking.
bobkealing bob kealing
No live coverage says InSession“@WalkerBunch06: @bobkealing Will there be live coverage?”

Dang it! Well, maybe there'll be lots of tweets.
MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
getting ready to walk into #CaseyAnthony hearing. will let you all know the outcome ASAP.
WFTV claims to be streaming live...

Casey Anthony WFTV
New judge assigned in civil lawsuit against #CaseyAnthony. Hearing set for 3:30pm today. We'll have it live
Gonzalez' attorney Matt Morgan says former case Judge Rodriguez accused of bias by #CaseyAnthony attorney before recusal this AM.

by bobkealing via twitter3:13 PM
@OSCaseyAnthony Casey Anthony News
BREAKING NEWS: Zenaida, #CaseyAnthony hearing not broadcast live. We'll get a copy some time after it ends.
@RedHuber Red Huber
I'm in tiny conf. room for #caseyanthony / #ZGonzalez hearing. Looks like there is more media in hallway. Seating limited to a few ppl.
Court spokeswoman trying to calm angry reporters who can't get in conference room.
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