ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

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Sounds like it is getting heated in there. Ohh the joys of twitter.
Mitnik says he has tried to be polite and courteous but now he is going to "tell it like it is." #CaseyAnthony -jfell [via Twitter]

Mitnik says they tried contacting Greene. He says Greene's allegations are "offensive." #CaseyAnthony -jfell [via Twitter]

Mitnik says they've gone through hoop after hoop just to get a hearing today. #CaseyAnthony -jfell [via Twitter]

Judge tells Mitnik to address her not Greene. Mitnik apologizes and says Greene's comments are "offensive." -jfell [via Twitter]

Greene is writing feverishly on his legal pad. #CaseyAnthony -jfell [via Twitter]

Mitnik says he is concerned because even #CaseyAnthony 's counsel to say whether or not she is taking off after jail release. -jfell

Mitnik says #CaseyAnthony is counter suing Zanaida Gonzalez. Mitnik says his clients rights matter too. -jfell
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Greene is writing feverishly on his legal pad. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
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Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge tells Mitnik to address her not Greene. Mitnik apologizes and says Greene's comments are "offensive." -jfell
30 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
Mitnik: Greene has been stalling. Suggested we just get default judgement. #CaseyAnthony.
Oh my.

bobkealing bob kealing
Mitnik: We will never have answers we need without depo. Even if she takes Fifth. #CaseyAnthony.

What anwers does he expect to get if she takes the Fifth. I am starting to think M&M's ethics are worse than Baez's
It figures this is the hearing we don't get to see on tv. Yikes, the wftv link went to color bars and a really high pitched beep.
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge asks if they can agree on a date today? greene says evaluation of #CaseyAnthony shows she is emotionally unstable -jfell
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bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
Munyon: Any reason we can't agree on a date? Greene says psych eval shows #CaseyAnthony unstable. Breaking News.
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Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mitnik says what is the harm in going to jail for an hour if she is in fact going to plead the 5th #CaseyAnthony -jfell
50 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mitnik says this case isn't "frivolous" to his client. (Zanaida Gonzalez) -jfell
38 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
Mitnik: #CaseyAnthony is countersuing my client. It isn't frivolous to my client.
49 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mitnik says #CaseyAnthony is counter suing Zanaida Gonzalez. Mitnik says his clients rights matter too. -jfell
1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mitnik says he is concerned because even #CaseyAnthony 's counsel to say whether or not she is taking off after jail release. -jfell
The #caseyanthony ct hallway is a lovely beige. Green carpet, and rich wood trim. Bet u didn't know I used to produce HGTV shows. (true!)

by jimlichtenstein via twitter 3:46 PM

:floorlaugh: Awww I guess poor Jim didn't get in!
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge asks if they can agree on a date today? greene says evaluation of #CaseyAnthony shows she is emotionally unstable -jfell
58 seconds ago

bobkealing bob kealing
Munyon: order granted no depo Tuesday. #CaseyAnthony.
12 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge grants protective order. Meaning #CaseyAnthony will not have to be deposed Tuesday. -jfell
9 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Judge asks if hearing time is needed before depo. Greene says he wants some ground rules discussed. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
44 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
bob kealing
bobkealing bob kealing
Lawyer says #CaseyAnthony is psychologically unstable now.
50 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Casey Anthony News13
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Greene says he saw this last night as well. Asks for date in a month of so to give #CaseyAnthony some time. -jfell
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