ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

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If she files an appeal then she can take the 5th in the deposition for ZG.

That will probably set her up to lose it.

After she files the appeal I think the court ordered fines and payment for LE searches will be put on hold.

I guess what I was trying to say is that I don't think they are going to be willing to put anything on hold anymore. I think the 'process' has had it with her. Hear it, decide it, let it get reversed later, whatever, but I think the whole system is tired of Casey Anthony becoming their life's work.
A "Burka" is what the muslim women wear over in Afghanistan to cover themselves from head to toe.

What's a "burka"? Well, to be clear Jose has nothing to do with the civil case afaik. He's a criminal atty and Casey has a new lawyer for this. The Mr Green who said they didn't request the judge to step down? At this point, nothing surprises me. Did this judge just get the case or was he on it back in 2006?
It's exhausing trying to keep that mane free of knots and mites. And choosing between hot peanuts and jerky...and shouting at Ms. Baker, plastering the smile accross her sociopathic cranium each morning like a Stepford murderer-worst of all, she has to walk to the shower...every other day even!
Oh, the hard life of someone in confinement at a local jail! The women at Chowchilla have nothing to complain about compared to the exhausting life at the OCJ!

bwahahhaa! I was only chuckling til I re-read it and saw "mites" the second time around :floorlaugh:
So nobody knows why this Judge recused himself. WTF?

It can't get any more bizarre than this. AND now we hear Casey is appealing her 4 guilty verdicts. Geeez:banghead:

Is this the judge who was all about sweeps week and tv ratings and long speeches? If so, I say good riddance from this case. He annoyed me, lol.
WTF? Unable to pay the charges at $20 a month starting in February 2012? How are they thinking they will get away with this one?

JB - you got lucky the first time - okay? It wasn't about your motions or your court brilliance. It was about a perfect vortex. Get over yourself and stop wasting the court's time!!!

Really, right?

Don't you just wonder how she is going to pay to flee Orange County, change her identity and appearance, pay rent, buy food, pay utilities, etc etc etc.

No source of income my butt. I am guessing some media company is going to be supporting her for a while. That is income, too.
Maybe the Judge took himself off the case because he knew he couldn't be fair and unbiased to FCA.

I thought FCA was already declared indigent. Why would she have to be declared indigent again? If this is to be considered a separate appeal, would the State require her to get a court appointed attorney?
The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom. - MattMorganESQ
aha, I knew he would tweet about it.

Matt Morgan
MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom.
1 minute ago

I assume this will be on tv as well. matt has been tweeting a bunch in the last hour about this. I love this kid's enthusiasm.
aha, I knew he would tweet about it.

Matt Morgan
MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom.
1 minute ago

I assume this will be on tv as well. matt has been tweeting a bunch in the last hour about this. I love this kid's enthusiasm.

They can't allow tv camera's or streaming from within the jail. They can do a video taped depo. But they can't allow media within.
aha, I knew he would tweet about it.

Matt Morgan
MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
The hearing has been reassigned to be heard by Judge Munyon today at 3:30 pm. We will be requesting to take #CaseyAnthony depo in jail tom.
1 minute ago

I assume this will be on tv as well. matt has been tweeting a bunch in the last hour about this. I love this kid's enthusiasm.

I thought this was M&M Case, is he involved in ZFG case as well?
I thought this was M&M Case, is he involved in ZFG case as well?

Matt Morgan I do believe is John's son? I could be wrong. In every law firm is a pool of attorney's. Always to take up the slack in any event. It's JOHN's case but there are always others within the team to work it.
This is a burka:

Gotcha. I think I usually associate the other spelling (burqa) with that. Not to be dense but I'm not following the relation to the case. Someone mentioned one last week here as well. Is it because it would disguise her? (anyone wearing one of those kinda stands out). What am I missing?

If I had to guess, if she changes her look it would be a little more subtle. Assuming she actually listens to someone. It's semantics. The biggie is whether she listens to anyone on the DT or whatever security they get for her because Casey lives for attention. Even negative attention.

It's one reason why I think the facebook campaigns xxxx yyyy(city/state/country/planet) doesn't want Casey may not be the best idea since it generate news reports and more cameras. Reporters chasing after Casey to ask how it feels that the whole world hates her are still chasing after her. The next 2 -3 days will be quite interesting.
Matt Morgan I do believe is John's son? I could be wrong. In every law firm is a pool of attorney's. Always to take up the slack in any event. It's JOHN's case but there are always others within the team to work it.

Oh geez, I knew that.. I totally knew that, don't know what I was thinking. I'm blaming the Dayquil.
Matt Morgan I do believe is John's son? I could be wrong. In every law firm is a pool of attorney's. Always to take up the slack in any event. It's JOHN's case but there are always others within the team to work it.

And the same is true of Attorney Green's office, imo.
They just announced on InSession that there will be a new hearing at 3pm today, that there has been a new judge assigned, but I didn't catch the name of who it will be....It sounded like Munnion or something like that.
Matt Morgan I do believe is John's son? I could be wrong. In every law firm is a pool of attorney's. Always to take up the slack in any event. It's JOHN's case but there are always others within the team to work it.

Yeah, he's brand new and just joined the firm in the last year. Someone mentioned the very amusing tv ads they have done so I found their youtube channel

His commercial isn't there but you can see it here [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soyGOZfjwSg"]‪Matt Morgan's first commercial‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

I had never heard of this firm before last month, (somehow missed seeing their banner ads everywhere) but I think I am a fan from the commercial with the dogs alone.
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