ZG Hires Attorney - Lawsuit Against Casey Anthony Part 2

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  • No, it is not, it is reasonable to ask the family these things

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I find it bizarre that they can sue her parents homeowners. I have so many questions about this. Would she have had to live at the home when the accusation was made? What if she lived at a friends, would she be able to sue a friends homeowners?

Her parent's home is where she lives and has lived for 22 years. Think about what you're saying... :crazy:
Her parent's home is where she lives and has lived for 22 years. Think about what you're saying... :crazy:
I was under the impression she was kicked out of her parents house and no longer lived there when this all happened. I understand she lives there now.
I saw her on Nancy Grace last night and she deserves to have her name cleared and as Nancy said, you can't get blood from a rock.......but you can dang make sure if that rock gets book/movie rights it will be reduced to mere fine sand. Go ZG!! Bless her heart...six kids and cleaned for a living....and then comes the nasty KC.
I saw her on Nancy Grace last night and she deserves to have her name cleared and as Nancy said, you can't get blood from a rock.......but you can dang make sure if that rock gets book/movie rights it will be reduced to mere fine sand. Go ZG!! Bless her heart...six kids and cleaned for a living....and then comes the nasty KC.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
ZG has six kids of her own, but only two of them live with her.

Really? Are alll six alive and accounted for?

ZFG is not the criminal, here. Nor has she done anything wrong.
I was under the impression she was kicked out of her parents house and no longer lived there when this all happened. I understand she lives there now.

Well, CA said, during bond testimony, that KC has lived with them, "since birth."
As I understand the situation, Casey told police that the babysitter/nanny was Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales. She said she last saw her with ZFG at Sawgrass. When shown a picture of this Zenaida Gonzales, Casey said she never saw her before.

How can this ZG file suit for deframation when it was never confirmed that she was the ZG being spoken about. It was not her and Casey confirmed it was not this ZG. This is just one more incident where an attorney is seeking fame and fortune off of Caylee. How sad.

There are 3 other people with my name in my county. One was arrested for Drugs. I am sure that damaged me with people who did not know me but hey that's life. You can't go around suing everyone. Why did ZG lose her job?
What employer who was satisfied with an employee terminate her for these foolish allegations without finding out the truth first. Shame on them. Shame on this ZG and attorney for getting their day of fame. Yes the police questioned Zee as they should but immediately dismissed her as a suspect.

I agree with you. The details Casey gave to LE do not match this ZG at all, except for the similar name.

My husband has a bro-in-law with a fairly not-too-common name. They lived in this area for a couple of years, then moved to Alabama. To make a long story short, he was pulled over by the cops there and when his plates were run, they found out that someone with his name had a warrant out for his arrest here in Texas for not paying a fine or something like that. He was arrested, and brought back to Texas. It took a week or so to get it cleared up, and my f.i.l. had to search through all his papers to find proof that he did not even live here at that time, they had already moved to Alabama. It was a simple case of mistaken identity.

I want to know... does this ZG have the two last names hyphenated? Does she have a roommate named Raquel? Does she have a sister named Samantha? Is she of mixed race? When these questions are answered then I will sympathize with her. But... I think her lawyer is just not fully informed.
IF she is doing this because of her name, and there are a dozen other women with that name... then it's going to have them all coming out of the woodwork and jumping on the bandwagon. She can't claim that just HER name was ruined, as long as they can prove that there are others with the same name. None of them have filed a suit, have they?
And for all we know... there might be a REAL Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales out there that Casey actually knew and SHE has a real claim.
The only claim Casey has made is that she dropped Caylee off on the 9th, 8 days before ZG visited the Sawgrass. Of course we know that Casey did not actually hand Caylee over to ZG on any day and that it couldn't possibly have been before the 15th even if it were true, but I wonder how that's all going to play out in court.

That she lied is likely to enhance ZFG's chances of winning, in my lawyers' opinions. She slandered the woman over a period of time, insisting that she handed off her daughter to ZFG at the Sawgrass. She even insisted that ZFG at the Sawgrass took Caylee, after LE confronted her with the fact that there IS no nanny named Zanny. She gave enough detail that an image fitting this woman formed in the public mind (race, appearance, NY connection) but backed off on the photo array to preserve her "defense."

You can't make the aggressor into the victim, here, CW. ZFG is not the aggressor.
The only claim Casey has made is that she dropped Caylee off on the 9th, 8 days before ZG visited the Sawgrass. Of course we know that Casey did not actually hand Caylee over to ZG on any day and that it couldn't possibly have been before the 15th even if it were true, but I wonder how that's all going to play out in court.

Wonder how the Blanchard Park mugging will play in court, one the Sawgrass story fell apart?
And anything they say can be used against them in the criminal case . If there's an out of court settlement in the ZFG case can it still be used in the criminal ?

Their testimony can be used in the criminal.

I think they'll settle, though. They don't dare testify.
I saw her on Nancy Grace last night and she deserves to have her name cleared and as Nancy said, you can't get blood from a rock.......but you can dang make sure if that rock gets book/movie rights it will be reduced to mere fine sand. Go ZG!! Bless her heart...six kids and cleaned for a living....and then comes the nasty KC.


I agree. I feel so sorry for ZG!
I 100% totally agree with you. Someone out there for fame and $. Next she will be writting a book about how Casey ruined her life. She is the one that went on the news ECT there is more then one person with her name in the area I don't see the others on the news or filing suits.

For starters, wshe is the ONLY one with all THREE names, JUST as KC stated them. She is also the only one who visited the Sawgrass.

Above all, had KC NOT tried to use this woman to distract LE and buy time, none of this would be happened.

Let's try to keep track of who the victim is, here. KC started it, KC kept is going, as long as she could, with two different crimes stories about the ONLY ZFG in town.

ZFG, on the other hand, did NOT tell lies about criminal acitvities to hurt KC.

The fact that most people NOW know that KC is a prolific liar will not be seen as a defense. She DID try to throw this woman in LE's way.
I agree with you. The details Casey gave to LE do not match this ZG at all, except for the similar name.

My husband has a bro-in-law with a fairly not-too-common name. They lived in this area for a couple of years, then moved to Alabama. To make a long story short, he was pulled over by the cops there and when his plates were run, they found out that someone with his name had a warrant out for his arrest here in Texas for not paying a fine or something like that. He was arrested, and brought back to Texas. It took a week or so to get it cleared up, and my f.i.l. had to search through all his papers to find proof that he did not even live here at that time, they had already moved to Alabama. It was a simple case of mistaken identity.

I want to know... does this ZG have the two last names hyphenated? Does she have a roommate named Raquel? Does she have a sister named Samantha? Is she of mixed race? When these questions are answered then I will sympathize with her. But... I think her lawyer is just not fully informed.
IF she is doing this because of her name, and there are a dozen other women with that name... then it's going to have them all coming out of the woodwork and jumping on the bandwagon. She can't claim that just HER name was ruined, as long as they can prove that there are others with the same name. None of them have filed a suit, have they?
And for all we know... there might be a REAL Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales out there that Casey actually knew and SHE has a real claim.

She IS the only one in town with all three names, and she is of mixed race exactly as KC described. That was clearly enough for people to harrass her.

ZFG didn't make this up. KC did.
Doesn't matter that Casey then changed her lie after naming ZF-G as the kidnapper. It also doesn't matter that LE cleared ZF-G. The damage to her reputation was publically done and that bell can't be unrung. If it weren't for Casey falsely naming her in public, and the media running with the info., the woman wouldn't be receiving death threats for something she had nothing to do with, other than to innocently check out an apartment, and she most likely would still be employed! I hope ZF-G is able to clear her good name and gets any future earning potential that Casey and the Anthonys will generate off Caylee's death. It's called the "Son Of Sam" law, and it was designed to prevent criminals from profitting off their crimes. ZF-G is the victim of identity theft by Casey. Casey looked her up online months ago, got the details of her children's names, her heritage, what kind of car she drives, and that she was at Sawgrass apartments. Even if she claims ZF-G "Zanny" the nanny was fictional, it was a close enough resemblance to majorly defame/slander ZF-G. Ironic, that on her own blog now Casey talks about being slandered, what a hypocrite!

I think the whole point that people such as myself think is the reason that this will fail is simply that she NEVER mentioned anything PUBLICLY she spoke with the police in PRIVATE. It was not until later that the police, after clearing this woman in fact, released this information to the press and the media went bonkers seaking to hunt out every ZFG till they found the one they thought fit the POI best and laid into her....
Really? Are alll six alive and accounted for?

ZFG is not the criminal, here. Nor has she done anything wrong.

I do not believe anyone is doubting that at all, just the validity of the case.
I think ZG's claim is total hogwash. It's unfortunate that her name was connected yes, but it just goes to show how much of a sue-happy society we have become.
I think the whole point that people such as myself think is the reason that this will fail is simply that she NEVER mentioned anything PUBLICLY she spoke with the police in PRIVATE. It was not until later that the police, after clearing this woman in fact, released this information to the press and the media went bonkers seaking to hunt out every ZFG till they found the one they thought fit the POI best and laid into her....

The media did not file the criminal complaint with ZFGs name-- KC did. Information re: kidnappers of always released to the press, right away. It is not private. We've discussed this, before, honey!

After the Sawgrass story fell through, KC made one up re: ZFG and the park. She told her security person, knowing that he would repeat it.

The information about LE clearing the woman was published as soon as it happened. However, the lady's image, name, race, and rental ap was already in the public mind.

That LE cleaned up KC's mess does not absolve KC from making it, to begin with.

I hope ZFG is given a HUGE award, despite the fact that (as she knows) there is little chance to collect.
I think ZG's claim is total hogwash. It's unfortunate that her name was connected yes, but it just goes to show how much of a sue-happy society we have become.

Well, if MY name was used in a criminal report, and MY kids were threatened because some people believed it, I'd do what ZFG is doing, but faster, harder, and more publicly. I would use the legal system to shove every, single slanderous, word back down that mendacious mouth.

KC did this. ZFG did not.
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