Zodiac Killer

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The Zodiac killer came over from the Process Church to the Manson family and was the real driving force behind the Manson murders. I think the real motive behind the killing is that they were making Snuff films! Can't tell you his name but he's listed as an associate of the Manson family his initials are VFW.
The Zodiac killer came over from the Process Church to the Manson family and was the real driving force behind the Manson murders. I think the real motive behind the killing is that they were making Snuff films! Can't tell you his name but he's listed as an associate of the Manson family his initials are VFW.

What makes you think this? Can you place your suspect in the Bay Area between December 1968 and October 1969? Are you sure of his initials, or was he a Veteran of Foreign Wars?
Foxinbox wrote in April.
not DNA, but ciphers used to be examined under UV to see "invisible" writing that was commonly used in covert correspondence.

That maybe possible because here in 2021 there are modern lasers and a lot more. Things that were just science fiction 50 years ago are now happening. And his letters are available for us to read and try to understand what type of person he was. For example he was using words like i hope your having fun trying to solve the cipher. We can than find the why, what and when for writing this line.
Foxinbox wrote in April.
not DNA, but ciphers used to be examined under UV to see "invisible" writing that was commonly used in covert correspondence.

This is a whole topic relating to the letters . Over On The website Zodiac killer site under New to the zodiac case, Ask Your Question here. There is a posting thread starts with RadioGraphic and UV or similar . And they show some of the work that was done and mention UV scanning would make rubbish of any hope of finding DNA. They do show a Diamond pattern. i think came from the original envelopes that came in a box set with the paper our suspect used. It was Writing paper.
Has anyone spent any time on the ciphers since they last has been claimed to be cracked? I thought I found his name in it. I can’t be sure. His spelling mistakes have a clear pattern.
Has anyone spent any time on the ciphers since they last has been claimed to be cracked? I thought I found his name in it. I can’t be sure. His spelling mistakes have a clear pattern.
The Cipher was cracked last December
And could be a break through in the case, since it is so similar to the first one. It proves the first one was correct. I think it does matter that in the cipher he wrote ,i now have enough. This means he is NOT going to focus on the same thing. And is than going to focus on something else.
A expert in decoding ciphers wrote in the Newspapers that he wanted the zodiac to send his name in a cipher no matter how hard it is. The 13 letter code he sent was almost certainly not a serious reply
I have read others post about looking for clues in the mistakes and letters that were left out. But really he was on something stronger than a cold beer, during that time. So he was more liking writing in a rage, rather than trying to bring in tipsters and building a house of cards. Hope this helps.
Well the code has been broken if you believe it says

"I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me. That wasn't me on the TV show which brings up a point about me. I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradice (paradise misspelled) all the sooner. Because I now have enough slaves to work for me where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradice so they are afraid of death. I am not afraid because I know that my new life will be an easy one in paradice death."

Although I believe that is an accurate decipher, I think there is more to be had. Just for a start any misspellings etc. in a cipher are an indication that there is more than one code in the correspondence. And why bother to code the above message... it's hardly going to shake up California. He promised his identity, and I believe that it is somewhere in there...keep looking folks.
But First Read the Card

This cipher was sent with The dragon card. And in his funny man way he wrote.
But you won't get it for a while. So he bloody well knew he was going to make it really very hard to decipher. Which it was.
And so that made it more taunting to Decoders and any rational normal thinking person.He really was aware of the impact this Card would have..
To get the card right, my mistake

The 340 cipher was with the Dripping Pen Card. And there we see he wrote, But you won,t get it for a while yet. And i would add it seems to than go with the Cards printed Saying.
..And Can,t Do a Thing With IT. He was a bit of a con-artist..
How much longer is this going to take already? GEDmatch identified DeAngelo within only a few months, if I remember correctly. In 2018, it was announced that the same method would be used to identify the Zodiac. The results were expected in several weeks. But it’s 2021 now and there’s still nothing.
Has anyone cross referenced the physical description and composite sketch or the psychological profile to suicides in the area after the last known crime or letter? He said he was gathering servants for the afterlife. Perhaps he met his goal and took himself out.
I have a theory about the zodiac killer. They never found him because they weren't looking for dead people. In one of his letters he mentioned his goal was to gather enough souls to be his slaves in the afterlife. Well, maybe he met his goal and all that was left was to off himself. That way he cements his win against the PD ensuring he couldn't be caught and his taunts are successful and he wins his little game. He knew eventually he'd get caught if he stayed alive and kept going. He ended the game while he was winning. Like a true narcissist. His approach is you can't win if I end the game and I decide my own fate.
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I have a theory about the zodiac killer. They never found him because they weren't looking for dead people.
Your theory is a good one because it is backed by facts. The de-ciphering of his last message does matter to this case. And like in a game of cards, a good player will fold his cards and forfeit the game.
In this case we have the zodiac who was not being a good player.
Another good point is when you wrote. Did he know he would get caught? Many people have stated the zodiac was angry when he saw the posters with his sketch all over town.
Hope this helps with the websleuthing and your view of the case.
This new suspect is currently on the Foxnews.
He is a new suspect since he was not listed on other sites. It will be interesting to find out more about his past and weather he was known to L.E. at the time.

The story is from a team of cold case investigators. Are they also on any of the zodiac websites. Because most of what we know about the zodiac is made available to read.
The article accompanying this info is so poorly written and scattered that I can’t really follow it.
The information missing is whatever it was that made these cold case investigators think this is the guy! Except for vague references to “scars” on his forehead what do they have on this guy none of us have ever heard of?
I’m aware of the old case they are connecting him to but again nothing in the article about the connection.
If someone can clear this up or point me to an explanation to it all I would appreciate it.
I don't for a moment buy this, and I don't believe the Zodiac died as late as 2018. There's no way the guy just stopped killing and then went off-grid for the best part of fifty years.

It's just another straw-grasping exercise with (presumably) a book to promote.

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