Zodiac Killer

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Did you also notice in the leter where it says "binary theory"?

I absolutely did. And before G.P. wrote Times 17, who in the world ever came up with a Radian Theory. I still don't understand it, honestly. But, I'm not a member of mensa like G.P.

I don't know if you have seen this before, it's from Christopher Farmer's site. someone posted a pic of G.P. from 1980. If you ask me, it's the closest I have ever seen to the SFPD 1969 composite of Z leaving the Stine murder scene. Take away the beard, give him a crew cut and the same glasses and, viola!


I think your theory about him being spooked after Stine is absoutely accurate. I have read that G.P.'s second wife had their first child in 1970 and they had another in the late 1970's which could explain why Z's life "changed". I have 3, it is indeed a life changing experience.

This is all circumstantial, and all of this stuff has been laughed at by Voigt and others... but I'm telling you, my gut tells me otherwise.

- He would have access to Wing Walkers.
- He could have escaped into the Presidio and would have been confident in his surroundings.
- He came up with a theory that NO ONE had ever considered as a motivating factor, or at least a reasoned factor behind Z's killings.
- He accused someone else of being Z and tried to ruin his reputation. Why? To deflect attention?
- He claims to have been a suspect at one time but to my knowledge, never was. Why does he claim this?
I absolutely did. And before G.P. wrote Times 17, who in the world ever came up with a Radian Theory. I still don't understand it, honestly. But, I'm not a member of mensa like G.P.

I don't know if you have seen this before, it's from Christopher Farmer's site. someone posted a pic of G.P. from 1980. If you ask me, it's the closest I have ever seen to the SFPD 1969 composite of Z leaving the Stine murder scene. Take away the beard, give him a crew cut and the same glasses and, viola!


I think your theory about him being spooked after Stine is absoutely accurate. I have read that G.P.'s second wife had their first child in 1970 and they had another in the late 1970's which could explain why Z's life "changed". I have 3, it is indeed a life changing experience.

This is all circumstantial, and all of this stuff has been laughed at by Voigt and others... but I'm telling you, my gut tells me otherwise.

- He would have access to Wing Walkers.
- He could have escaped into the Presidio and would have been confident in his surroundings.
- He came up with a theory that NO ONE had ever considered as a motivating factor, or at least a reasoned factor behind Z's killings.
- He accused someone else of being Z and tried to ruin his reputation. Why? To deflect attention?
- He claims to have been a suspect at one time but to my knowledge, never was. Why does he claim this?

Great find on the photo. I have only seen a couple pics of him,and they were newer than 1980. WOW,take off the beard,and give em a haircut and he does look like the Z sketch. As far as radians,binary,etc,math and geometry are not my strongest areas,so i dont know anything about that stuff. But if you add his background,his connection to the area,his history of writing to papers,etc, he certainly makes an interesting person of interest.Once again,i am not saying he was Zodiac,and i am not trying to ruin his name or rep.By the way,here is a sample of what i am almost positive is Penn's handwriting(which i have to say does NOT match any Zodiac writing i ever saw,but then again i dont know that Zodiac ever wrote in cursive)

In regards to Penn and how he relates to BOSTON,heres a youtube video about Joan Webster. Joan Webster was the woman from Harvard who was killed,and who Penn accused Michael Ohare of murdering. Watch the video and at 6:47 into the video,listen to what she says,and see who it sounds like:
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbym7FjN5xY"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbym7FjN5xY[/COLO"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]


  • Penn handwriting.jpg
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ZOBSESSED,i wanted to send you a PM,but you have your settings setup so that I cant send you a private message. Please send me a PM,i would like to talk with you privately
Great find on the photo. I have only seen a couple pics of him,and they were newer than 1980. WOW,take off the beard,and give em a haircut and he does look like the Z sketch. As far as radians,binary,etc,math and geometry are not my strongest areas,so i dont know anything about that stuff. But if you add his background,his connection to the area,his history of writing to papers,etc, he certainly makes an interesting person of interest.Once again,i am not saying he was Zodiac,and i am not trying to ruin his name or rep.By the way,here is a sample of what i am almost positive is Penn's handwriting(which i have to say does NOT match any Zodiac writing i ever saw,but then again i dont know that Zodiac ever wrote in cursive)

I hear you, and I agree I definitely don't want to smear anyone. I think the only reason his name has ever surfaced is because he injected himself into the investigation. Yet another trait of those that are guilty is that they want to help investigators.

Very interesting find on the hand writing. I've never seen a Z writing sample in cursive either, to my knowledge there isn't one. But it is, again, interesting that G.P. wanted so badly to implicate O'Hare. Have you read O'Hare's article where he breaks his long held silence?

Crazy..lots of Z stuff bubbling up in the last few weeks..Perez..Gaikowski's DNA testing..O'Hare publishing an article. Z's greatest hits.......

In regards to Penn and how he relates to BOSTON,heres a youtube video about Joan Webster. Joan Webster was the woman from Harvard who was killed,and who Penn accused Michael Ohare of murdering. Watch the video and at 6:47 into the video,listen to what she says,and see who it sounds like:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbym7FjN5xY[/COLO"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Sounds like someone of note, for sure. Would love to see that composite..
ZOBSESSED,i wanted to send you a PM,but you have your settings setup so that I cant send you a private message. Please send me a PM,i would like to talk with you privately

I can't seem to PM you. I don't have that capability apparently. Let me work on that.
I can't seem to PM you. I don't have that capability apparently. Let me work on that.

You have to go in the control panel function,and edit your settings
Heres a neat coincidence regarding Penn,"In 1965, Penn entered the United States Army in Berlin , Germany and received basic training at Fort Dix, NJ." Fort Dix is 5 minutes from my house! Elvis Presley also processed thru Fort Dix
Heres another Penn coincidence:
"In a recent appearance on a WE Television's "Case Reopened: The Zodiac", Gareth Penn wore glasses and a beard [ [http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/gareth.htm WE Photograph of Gareth Penn] ] . The Zodiac made reference to a disguise that could simply have been a beard in what is known as his 'bomb letter', i.e., where he was clean-shaven "like the description" on the wanted posters when he did his "thing," and having a full beard otherwise.

On the night of her murder, Riverside police connected Zodiac victim Cheri Jo Bates with a young man, about 25 years of age, wearing a brown beard. Hmmm,a beard,and about 25 years old, that would mean that the guy seen with the man that police connected with Bates would have beeb born aprox 1941...hmm,wait Penn was born in 1941!

You know what,rather than me list the tons of "coincidences" regarding Penn,just look here:
Some of the Zodiac sites are very political too,and if you dont agree with the common beliefs of try to think for yourself,you get banned,or deleted.I dont need that childish stuff.We are all adults,and are entitled to our own ideas,thoughts and beliefs.

Very true..

See all you working together for 1 common cause and you done sloved 1 huge world wide mystery..

"V" people skill's are = Z ...,,, For Zero..... I never saw none myself, I even try to stay away from the guy.. I saw he get upset very easy real fast..I never ever seen so much banning before or after that bad experance in my whole life...

He ban me over such a simple question I asked and it was not even directed at him, It was to a other guy matter fact a Mod on there.. But it did not fit into his suspect neatly and real nice.. LOL..

So he banned me like we was kids in kindergarden... I told him where he could put his web site and even offer to help the process along... I am such a nice guy..

I meet some very nice people on that site ( No Joke Very Nice People) the small time I was there, All I can say what a shame & waste it was..

Back To Bussiness.

That Penn guy is looking interesting to me.. I got to do some checking into that guy..

Got any real good places to pick up more infro. that not allready posted??? Please no places I got to sign into only to get ban quickly :woohoo:

Glad to see all you have somewhere to go without getting banned every few day's ... I would go back but never sign it just to see if anything new I really kind of felt sorry for some of you..

Keep up the fine work on here and play nice now..

I check back in with you later..

Welcome and Good Luck to All...
Here is a good one-stop-shop for all of your Penn needs:

Yeah,as far as T.V.'s site,its a great site,and like you said there are some nice people there too,and have some good ideas.But it's his way or the highway.Dont come up with your own ideas,or theories,and if you do,ur banned.His people skills suck! I get along with just about anybody too,but not him. I hope to God that one day Zodiac is proven to be someone that T.V. laughed off at some point,banning the person who brought the name up. That would make my day. And he thinks Gaikowski was Zodiac,please
Great find on the photo. I have only seen a couple pics of him,and they were newer than 1980. WOW,take off the beard,and give em a haircut and he does look like the Z sketch. As far as radians,binary,etc,math and geometry are not my strongest areas,so i dont know anything about that stuff. But if you add his background,his connection to the area,his history of writing to papers,etc, he certainly makes an interesting person of interest.Once again,i am not saying he was Zodiac,and i am not trying to ruin his name or rep.By the way,here is a sample of what i am almost positive is Penn's handwriting(which i have to say does NOT match any Zodiac writing i ever saw,but then again i dont know that Zodiac ever wrote in cursive)

In regards to Penn and how he relates to BOSTON,heres a youtube video about Joan Webster. Joan Webster was the woman from Harvard who was killed,and who Penn accused Michael Ohare of murdering. Watch the video and at 6:47 into the video,listen to what she says,and see who it sounds like:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbym7FjN5xY[/COLO"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Quoting myself here. Take a look at the letter written to the FBI that i believe was written by Penn. Look at the very top after the word Hoover. Do you see it? .........."CHEIF",which should be spelled CHIEF! Hmm.Zodiac used to do that as well. If this letter is from Penn,he's pretty smart and i could not imagine him spelling that word wrong,and i bet the FBI missed it. I didnt see any other words spelled wrong in the letter,wow

UPDATE: I am still trying to verify that the letter I believe to be fromPenn to the FBI dated 1971,is actually from Penn.In the meantime here are pics of definate Penn handwriting samples. One is a divorce agreement he signed,and the other is a diagram he drew


  • GarethPenn-hishandwritingOct1982.jpg
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  • Penn Diagram.jpg
    Penn Diagram.jpg
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Gaikowski is an interesting POI. The one thing that bothers me is that after all of the scrutiny that he has received, the worst offense that he has been shown to have been involved in was the sending of a prank letter claiming that the governor of his state had died. He seems to have been a respected member of the SF alternative art community. Only one acquaintance (the mysterious "Purple Goldcatcher") seems to believe that Richard was Zodiac.

According to zodiackiller.com, Gyke's DNA is currently being tested against the Zodiac letters. Jack Tarrence is also being tested, but it has been many months since that test was initiated and it is suspected that a negative match has already been told to Kaufman but he has not announced the results in an effort to keep his fifteen minutes of fame going. Hopefully, someone's DNA will match and settle this thing once and for all.
Amen to that.
Of course there seems to be some contention about how reliable the DNA from those stamps are...of course as Im sure you know there's contention about nearly every aspect of this case.
I still wouldnt be surprised if the truth be known if the Zodiac was NONE or the known POI's.
Ive always made the comparison that if the Manson Family had avoided detection broke up and faded to the four corners of the map people could have poured over the Tate Victims associates and peripheral characters in their lives until Gabriel blew his trumpet and never came within a mile of the truth.
There obviously were scores of dangerous weirdos in California in the late 60's and early 70's
There is so much about this case we dont know.
Its like the iconic image of the Zodiac with the hood and all....If Bryan Hartnell hadnt miraculously survived we wouldnt even know about that costume.
(And no I dont believe for a minute that he 'let' Hartnell live after plunging a knife into his back 6 times. I also think in light of the fetid and savage hands-on manner in which he slaughtered Cecelia Sheppard that the notion that murder was just a means to an end for an intellectual 'media terrorist' is as offensive as it is risable.)
Which leads one to speculate that there are in all probabilty huge aspects about this Killer that we are clueless about and without that knowledge we dont have the piece we need to identify him.
You have to go in the control panel function,and edit your settings

Morf, for whatever reason I don't have that option under my User CP. I go under the Edit Options section and I have all of the other stuff there about emails and what not but no way to turn on/off Pirvate Messaging. I apologize. I'll post my email here though if you would like to email me (it's my back up email)

No problem,i will shoot you an email with the info i wanted to share with you.I am going to attach a word document that is pretty big,so if you cant open it,let me know.
FYI, after finding out the identity of Mr. X (which didn't take that long with the clues) - it's really not worth the bother. He doesn't look like the pictures drawn - rather, he had the same hairstyle and thick glasses that everyone had at the time.

Plus he would have been 50 when the murders occured, and was working on some major business deals.

Some of the "facts" I can't find any verification on.

It's one of the sillier accusations I've seen - up there with Prince Albert for being Jack the Ripper.
I agree about Mr. X,put him in the file with alot of other suspects
ZODIAC Letter to the FBI...Take a look,do you think this is authentic?
The first letter is a verified letter from Zodiac. The second letter is a letter to the FBI that i found in their declassified files,along with a copy of the return envelope.The return address is blacked out,but the city it is post marked from is there,but hard to read.

I personally believe that the lower case letter "d" is a spot on match in both letters.The way it leans to the right,and has a bit of a loop at the top. In addition,in the letter to the FBI,he crosses out a word that looks like the word PUTTING,and writes over top of it the word ESTABLISHING. Zodiac on more than one occasion crossed out a word,and wrote another word over top of it.I also went on to read the following from the FBI regarding this letter:
"These are letters received in the Zodiac case.It has not been definately established that all of these letters were written by the Zodiac"
Also if you look on the envelope that the letter was sent in to the FBI,the lower case letter "f" looks alot like Zodiac's as well. The envelope was addressed and mailed to the FBI office in Boston. And the return address as i said is blacked out but the postmark is visible,but hard to read.If anyone here is computer savy and could enlarge it and clean it up,it would be much appreciated.I wish i could determine who the letter is from.From the subject matter in the letter,it almost sounds like an investiagtor communicating with the FBI office, or a citizen trying to give the FBI some info,but there is no way to determine where/who sent it with the return address blacked out.I wish i could make out the postmark.Since it is 11 years after the last confirmed Zodiac attack,the postmark could be important if it is from another city or state,showing that perhaps Zodiac moved.

I think i know why the letter may have been sent to the office in Boston,and that makes me think of one person that may have written it to the Boston FBI,but i will not comment on it here at this time.

Please give your opinions on the samples when compared to each other. Do we have any hand writing experts here?

UPDATE: Full breakdown on the letter-
Heres the synopsis of the letter which was sent to the FBI Boston office.
1-dated 4/29/82
2-the sender name is blacked out
3-it appears that the writer is writing about a scheduled meeting they have with the FBI in Boston on 4/30/82(no way to know if this meeting ever occured)
4-Writer urges the FBI to forward info to the Washington DC office to check "handwriting" and "the___ binary theory" as a "plausible or non plausble" theory( as soon as i read binary theory i thought of Penn,but in the line above,the word before binary is blacked out.It's a shortword,and may be the word Penn,as in "penn binary theory". I believe Penns book was out by now,so it could have been anyone that knew of his theory or read the book.The fact that the writer chose to send it to the FBI Boston office,makes me think its related to the Ohare accusation,or someone playing games with the FBI)
5-Also mentions that the Harvard Police should be checking an airline manifest to see if _____ can be placed on a flight from Newark to Logan airport.Also says "he could have used an alias"
6-To my untrained eye,the lower case letter "d" and the lower case letter "f" look alot like Zodiac's writing.
7-In one of the lines,the writer crosses out a word ,and writes one in its place above it.(Zodiac did this same thing before)
8-The envelope that the letter was sent in is also shown,with return address blacked out.But the postmark is there,but very dark and hard to read.It also has a cute little message stamped on it that reads "crime prevention belongs to everyone"(sounds like the kind of smart comment that Zodiac was known to leave)
9-On the page after this letter,there is an FBI note that reads "these are letters received in the Zodiac case. It has not been definitely established that all of these letters were written by the Zodiac" (Thats ironic because the writer wants the FBI to check out someones writing,and heres this form that makes it sound like the FBI thought this letter was possibly a Zodiac letter)
I am so convinced that this writing in this letter looks like Zodiac's,i am thinking about having a handwriting expert take a look. .
I will say that a few people have told me,that they are discussing this letter,and topic over at the www.zodiackiller.com messageboard(i wouldnt know because i have been banned for like the 4th time from there and cant view the discussions,but i have had a couple people tell me about the post). Someone there supposedly saw it on the other site i posted this letter at, http://www.opordanalytical.com/phpBB3/index.php?sid=bc3eab8c40034cf57c3686cc199dad37 and then brought it up on the messageboard.

From what i have heard,there are some over there that have the opinion that the writing does look like it could be from Zodiac. I am sure Tom,the owner of that site zodiackiller.com, if he finds out that i brought up the topic,will immediately try to blow it off,and dismiss the possibility since he and I can't stand each other. If he does,then that means anyone over there that said it could be Zodiac's handwriting,better fall in line behind Tom,because if you dont agree with Tom,or want to have a mind of your own,you could be banned from his site,the way i was multiple times.I have finally given up on trying to be a member on his site,too much BS,from a guy that's considered to be a jerk by many.
Alot of people and investigators believe that the Zodiac killed Donna Lass,a Tahoe nurse who disapeared on Sept. 6,1970 ,and was never found.

In addition,they also believe that Zodiac killed Robert Domingos and his fiance Linda Edwards on June 4,1963 on a secluded beach in Santa Barbara county.

Over the years,there has been a surprising number of unsolved murders at beaches in Calif.along with cases of murdered nurses.

If Zodiac was responsible for the Lass,and Domingos/Edwards murders,then perhaps he is responsible for many of the murders on beaches and those of nurses. (important to note that Ted Bundy was in Calif in the 60's and early 70's,and as I recall,he killed a few nurses)

I am trying to make a list here of various unsolved murders/attacks/disappearances in California as related to Beaches,and nurses.Perhaps some people here also know of some cases in Calif,or even sorrounding states that can be added to this list.

1963-(Domingos/Edwards)(Beach Attack)
In a Vallejo Times-Herald story that appeared on November 13, 1972, Santa Barbara Sheriff's Detective Bill Baker (ret.) theorized that the murders of a young couple in [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Barbara_County"]Santa Barbara County[/ame] may have been the work of the Zodiac.
On June 4, 1963, five-and-a-half years before the Zodiac's first known murders on Lake Herman Road, high-school senior Robert Domingos and fiancée Linda Edwards were shot to death on a beach near Lompoc, having skipped school that day for "[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senior_Skip_Day"]Senior Ditch Day[/ame]". Police believed that the assailant attempted to bind the victims, but when they freed themselves attempting to flee, he shot them repeatedly in the back and chest with a .22-caliber weapon. He then placed their bodies in a small nearby shack and tried, unsuccessfully, to burn it down.(the attempted tying of their hands sounds like the Zodiac attack 6 years later at Lake Berryessa,and the part about shooting them multiple times in the back ,and using Western Super X ammo,sounds like the Zodiac murder 5 years later of Betty Lou Jensen,who was shot multiple times in the back as she ran off)The attacker stacked the bodies in a seaside shack about 30 feet from the site where the two were first accosted, Linda face-up on top of Robert. The killer apparently tried to set the shack on fire.
The killer forced Linda to tie Robert,(just like the Zodiac berryessa attack) and it was while this was being done that the couple tried to flee. The killer knew how to shoot to kill, though.
No rape, no robbery. There seemed to be no discernible motive for the assault.

1966-(Floyd C. Martin)(Beach secluded area attack)

The Modesto Bee
Tuesday, May 31, 1966
San Francisco (AP) Detectives appealed today for help from the anonymous persons who reported finding the body of a mysteriously slain Stanford University chemist.(Zodiac annonymously called in to report his attacks more than once)
Two telephone calls alerted police who found the body of Floyd C. Martin , 37, of Milipitas on a grassy plot near Lands End, where couples often park cars with a view of the Pacific.
Martin, senior laboratory technician specializing in dermatology at Stanford Medical Center, was found with a loaded and un-fired pistol in his pocket. a pair of binoculars around his neck and a small flashlight near his right hand. He had been shot through the neck.
His hands were stretched over his head.
An unidentified youth, who had been fishing nearby, said he had seen a blue station wagon parked in the lover's lane area of Merric Way and Point Lobos avenue about three hours before police found the body Sunday.

1967-(Anna J. Anderson) (Murdered Nurse)

Murdered Woman Is Identified 4-25-67
CARSON CITY, Nev. (UPI)-The body of a woman found in
the hills one week ago has been identified as Anna J. Anderson,
48, of Oakland, Calif., a nurse at the Richmond, Calif., General
Hospital. Sheriff Robert Humphrey said the case was definitely
a homicide.

1970-(Judith Ann Hakari)(murdered nurse)
The detective was referring
to Judith Ann Hakari,
23. a nurse who disappeared
March 6, 1970, and
whose body was found
April 26 in a shallow grave
in Placer County.
1970-(Donna Lass)(Missing and presumed dead Nurse)
Donna Lass worked as a nurse at the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon_Casino_Resort"]Sahara Tahoe[/ame] resort casino in Stateline, Nevada. On [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_6"]September 6[/ame], [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1970"]1970[/ame], she signed her last entry in her log book at 1:50 a.m. She was never seen leaving the Sahara, however her car was found at her apartment complex at Stateline. Lass, then 25, was never seen again.
The next day, Lass's landlord and employer both received calls from a man who told them that Lass was ill and had left because of a family emergency; the call proved a hoax.A month later, a paste-up postcard was received by the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Chronicle"]San Francisco Chronicle[/ame], hinting that Lass's disappearance was connected to the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_Killer"]Zodiac Killer[/ame]. Six months later, another paste-up [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postcard"]postcard[/ame] was received by the San Francisco Chronicle, the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_Examiner"]San Francisco Examiner[/ame], and the San Francisco Times. No evidence was ever uncovered to connect Donna Lass's disappearance with the Zodiac Killer
1970-(Carol Hilburn)(Dead XRAY tech.)
Carol Hilburn, a Sacramento X-ray technician, found beaten to death in a ravine on Friday, November 13,1970(no a nurse,but still in related medical field)
1970-(Multiple victims)(Beach murders)
7/6/70 Press-Courier, The
Two Youths Found
Hacked to Death
An early morning beach stroller
found two young men hacked to
death in their sleeping bags and
a Ihird critically injured with
multiple head gashes.
Investigators said the three apparently
were attacked as Ihey
slept on a beach next to Ihe
University of California at Santa
B a r b a r a . The blood-spattered
bodies were found al sunup Sunday.
The victims were identified as
Larry .Sieve Hess, 20, of La Grange,
Ind., and Thomas Victor Dolan, 17,
of Manhattan Beach, Calif.
Thomas M. Hayes, 19, Hermosa
Beach, Calif., was reported in crilical
condition but improving at
Goleta Valley Hospital aller five
hours of surgery.
Sheriff's deputies said Hayes
remained unconscious and was
under light security at the hospital.
Hayes' parents said Ihe youths
were on a trip lo San Francisco.
Officers said the death weapon
apparently was a halchel or meat
cleaver. The victims still had
money and watches, officers added.
Two other persons were killed
last Feb. 22 on a Sanla Barbara
County beach, 20 miles from the
latest murder scene. John Franklin
Hood, 24, of Oxnard, and Sandra
Garcia, 19, of Sanla Barbara, were
beaten and slabbed to death. Their murders remain unsolved
1970-(multiple Victims)(Beach murders)
From the PRESS TELEGRAM 1/18/71
Find Slain
on Beach
The nude body of a young
woman, apparently beaten
lo death, was found early
i oday on a beach near Isla
Visla. a student eommunil.
v adjacent to the University
of California at Santa
II was the sixth slaying
;ill unsolved — on
beaches of that area in
Inss than ;i year.
Sheriff's Sgl. Rtiberl.
Prince, said the woman,
-still unidentified, had a cut
on the right side of her
head and her face was
"badly mutilated." Her
head had been covered
with a coat, Prince added.
The woman's death was
the third murder on the
Isla Vista beach in just
over six months, officers
said. Thomas V. Dnlan, 17,
Manhattan Beach, and Homer
Shadwick, H), a soldier
from Monterey, were
stabbed to death on the
beach last July. A ihml
youth, Thomas M. Hayes,
I!), also was slabbed in the
attack but survived.
John Franklin Hood, 24,
of Oxnard and his fiancee,
Sandra Garcia, 20, of Santa
Barbara, were bcalen
and slabbed to death on a
nearby beach last February
1994-(Lindsay Cutshall and Jason Allen)(Beach murders)
Jason Allen and Lindsay Cutshall, two Christian camp counselors who planned to be married, were shot in their sleep in their sleeping bags as they camped on Fishhead Beach in Jenner, California. Their bodies were found Aug. 18, 2004.They were both shot in the head at close range.There was no sign of sexual assault or robbery
Here is a link to a story about multiple unsolved murders up and down the west coast along the ocean: http://www.truecrimediary.com/index.cfm?page=cases&id=17

I have a few more articles about murders on Calif beaches around here some place.Once I find them,i will post them.Again,its possible that these victims are Zodiac victims,or that of another serial killer.If you have any cases that you know of that are similar in the Calif. area,please add them here

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