While I hate that the last words the jury is going to have in their heads tonight are those of the defense team, I think that Judge Perry made a sound decision in recessing for the evening.
If the State had to get up right now to do their rebuttal, I am sure that they would do a fine job. However, they would not be able to saliently and succinctly shred all of Baez's blustering. They would have to be speaking off the cuff with little time to prepare in a cogent manner in order to attack each point that Baez tried to diminish in his closing.
This is going to give Jeff and Linda a very good opportunity to perfectly craft their rebuttal closing argument. They are going to be able to take the time to go over each and every point that Baez tried to use against the State. They will be able to expertly put together a precise and exact rebuttal.
I have great faith that Linda and Jeff are going to be able to ensure that Justice for Caylee is imminent.