"The chatboards buzzed with those who allege conspiracy, and say he took the plea simply for a shorter sentence. "
There is no more active chatboard on this than WS, and the "allege conspiracy" comment could have been pulled straight from one of your posts. We are not alleging conspiracy, we are alleging a rush to judgement and injustice. The "conspiracy" charge is one leveled by you and others against those who challenged the states version of events. It is dishonest, inaccurate, and amounts to trashing those who disagree with you by making false and loaded accusations which are then repeated in the media.
Curious about the use of the word
conspiracy" in this case
, especially since you previously asserted that no such thing was alleged by those who question Brad's guilt nor was the word used by those who think Brad is or might be innocent and now that you've further asserted WS has to be the source for that writer, I did a google search to see what might come up. What I found in just one search is not only is the word "conspiracy" used, but the word "framing" or "framed" is also very often used in this case by those who think Brad is not guilty. Here are 3 examples discovered in one quick search:
1. William Anderson Blog.
http://williamlanderson.blogspot.com/2011/06/framing-of-bradley-cooper.html I doubt that
framing Cooper was a difficult decision. And, if there is a
conspiracy to lie, destroy or alter evidence, and to railroad an innocent man into prison, what better people to do it than the men and women who wear the blue costume.
2. Justiceforbradcooper blog: part of entry by someone named John:
http://justiceforbradcooper.wordpre...imony-and-its-impact-on-the-brad-cooper-case/ Too inconsequetial [sic] to be the object of a grand, coordinated
conspiracy. But the fact that a
conspiracy existed is obvious. Is it possible that Nancys murder was just the tool used to bring about Brads destruction?
3. Justiceforbradcooper blog: part of entry by someone named Jack:
http://justiceforbradcooper.wordpress.com/2014/09/22/brad-coopers-plea-deal/ As a fellow Canadian, I can explain a societal issue that in all likelihood is completely foreign to you (as it was to me) and that is the concept of
As for "chatboards" WS is not the only game in town, by far. There are many out there. In addition there are social media sites and lots of comments after every article published on WRAL or ABC or the local newspaper site. WRAL is the most active and is certainly better known.