BBM Translated: "As soon as uncle Carl makes payment, we will announce that the other driver will be charged."
Sorry to be so bitter, but it seems the fix is always in for these people.
We need an emoticon for :disgusted:
Carl is looking like his brother (on Twitter):
That's an interesting eye mask Pistorius is sporting there .. bit like what he did to Reeva's head :notgood:
[h=1]Oscar Pistorius News: Older Brother Carl To Be Formally Charged For Reckless Driving[/h]http://www.ibtimes.com/oscar-pistor...-be-formally-charged-reckless-driving-1779252
Hi, guys! I just ran across this update on Carl.
Anyone know or be willing to speculate about the reasons Carl would have been unwilling to / refuse to give a statement to the police?
The reason is obvious IMO…
"You have the right to remain silent… If you choose to waive that right, everything you say can and will be used against you"
Whether one is being arrested or not, Police officers are NOT there to help you… they "protect and serve" the public/society not individuals per se… as it turns out, the best way to serve society might be to prosecute you (even if you did nothing wrong)
If one cooperates with police by making statements before having consulted with an attorney, one must realize those police officers will be writing reports a few hours to a few days after you made your statement and eventually be called to testify for the State perhaps 1 year or more after the incident.
… even the most honest police officer can make mistakes, misunderstand, misconstrue statements, etc… just as any other witness can… OR possibly bend reality to corroborate other statements, help investigators, etc…
There is NO personal advantage whatsoever in volunteering information of any kind… remaining silent may avoid you criminal charges, may offer you leverage in a plea bargain, may offer you greater flexibility in possible Defence strategies, may avoid you a guilty verdict or may even avoid you a possible civil suit…. may be denied insurance claim, etc...
On a side note… the worst possible time to be talking to police is right after an accident : you are hurt, in shock, stressed, etc…
Therefore, the real question is why would anyone be willing to volunteer a statement to police in those circumstances ?
Great points.
It's not like they don't have plenty of lawyers at the ready and money to pay them with. Not so, if it was me.
Look like CP will get away with it yet again.
AJ - I don't know who are bumbling idiots. I just know that whenever a Pistorius is involved in something shady, they come out smelling of roses. CP previously killed someone in a road accident, and now we have this situation where he was about to be charged, and something's suddenly "changed" and he probably won't be, just like he wasn't charged with wilful tampering of evidence when his brother was on trial for killing Reeva. Seems like they live by their own rules (in between killing women) and God help anyone who wants to hold them to account.