Casey Anthony... unanswered questions for me

Bottle could be anything, could have been linked, but the fact that it's there. What was the syringe for?
where can i access the public records in this case? i would like to see original, well copies of the originals or what was used as actual evidence in the case rather than just news articles that were put out or media stories. and ive read some articles that suggest there might have been evidence which may have been allowed to be held secret from one party or the other, and also that a lot of information on this case is sealed to the public.....does anyone know if this is true?
what the hell happened to caylee?? and why does casey have so many questions about her own daughter?
where can i access the public records in this case? i would like to see original, well copies of the originals or what was used as actual evidence in the case rather than just news articles that were put out or media stories. and ive read some articles that suggest there might have been evidence which may have been allowed to be held secret from one party or the other, and also that a lot of information on this case is sealed to the public.....does anyone know if this is true?
Not sure if you are still looking for files, etc. but the podcast The Prosecutors did this case and their case website has a lot of links to files like the autopsy report and such.
There's something very off-putting about George and Cindy, it makes my stomach turn... Someone needs to dig deeper for answers, George and Cindy are hiding something and Caylee needs justice!
I agree that they are very odd, although I do believe Casey was her killer.
It bothers me deeply. Three people and nobody is convicted? Someone is responsible, and regardless of who did it, all three of them are keeping it a secret. I hope one day someone comes out with the truth, for Caylee's sake.
This remains one of the most infuriating cases, for me. I cannot believe for the life of me that neither of them are locked up. So obvious!!! I tried to watch "Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies" but within minutes my blood pressure shot up thru the roof and I was filled with rage watching her spew lies!!! I just wish someone was held responsible for that sweet baby's death.
This remains one of the most infuriating cases, for me. I cannot believe for the life of me that neither of them are locked up. So obvious!!! I tried to watch "Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies" but within minutes my blood pressure shot up thru the roof and I was filled with rage watching her spew lies!!! I just wish someone was held responsible for that sweet baby's death.
I know how you feel. I was living in Florida at the time and everyone I know felt Casey was either guilty or hiding something from day one. Her parents were as well.
It angers and saddens me at the same time every time I hear her name.
"Casey Anthony overdosed Caylee by giving her to many drugs to sleep her , while she went into the bars to sing and dance :(
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