Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #24

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A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned
Chaffee County woman missing since Sunday after neighbor said she went out for bike ride

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Oh I’ll be watching for sure! I wonder what this new information is? Does anyone already know what this is about?

I don't think so. In the description it says; Join this special broadcast with the Profiling Evil team and learn what they’ve uncovered in the Suzanne Morphew missing persons case. This is the first time this will be discussed.

Im super curious.
Please continue discussion here.


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It made sense at the time. They eventually found him, because several people called in a man whose behavior was bizarre/threatening. He had gone up where there were some trails used by many runners and some bicyclists. Because LE already had a BOLO for a missing man, they figured out pretty quickly who he might be (he refused to give his name, had no id, was taken into custody and transported to an ER). I had already contacted the ER, so they put two and two together and called me.

I was glad I had answered all those questions for all those people. Original police, ER, his doctors, more police, and then more police at the ER. Never felt angry at anyone, fear was the main feeling. I was very glad I knew what he was wearing.

When trauma or danger comes calling it really can rattle a person. It feels reassuring when LE or doctors, etc are there to help and are above the emotion, professional. Did you not find that to be the case ? Anger and opposition is not a normal reaction toward people who are there to help.

I had an experience years ago. A neighbor's child was banging on my door. His mom had sent him to tell me to call the fire department. Her house had caught fire. I did, but at first I could not remember my own county road number to tell them where the fire was. It was astonishing, my mind stopped working. The calm
dispatcher knew how to deal with this blithering idiot and I finally remembered.
A small example of a well trained professional.
Just thinking about the first evening when SM was reported missing. We’ve talked about the early disconnect between BM and LE. But why?
I think right from the git go BM’s attitude did not make sense to LE. If your wife was missing and you got home to find LE all over the scene trying to find her, would your first reaction be to get angry at LE? Yet, BM admits he was angry that first night. I am including here a screenshot of that part of the transcription from the TD interview with BM.

"I mean I was really upset that first night and uh I was in Denver so I didn't get here until 9 o'clock that night ..."

IMO it's a bit ambiguous .. BM was talking about being upset that night while he was in Denver. IMO, all indications that he was upset with LE's actions were only stated in the TD interview, perhaps after he had that length of time to realize what LE had or had not done during their earlier investigation.
I don't think so. In the description it says; Join this special broadcast with the Profiling Evil team and learn what they’ve uncovered in the Suzanne Morphew missing persons case. This is the first time this will be discussed.

Im super curious.

Admitting I'm not holding my breath here.

I'm enjoying the content, and especially the collaboration between PE and LS but I also understand PE announced monetization or "memberships" for their content this week.

It follows that this action would be followed-up by promoting a tune in for "first time discussed" program, now that they have our interest. MOO

ETA: To be clear, I don't mean to imply PE's content not reliable, and sorry if my post was unclear.

I just think the announcement follows a sound marketing plan for a channel with a "for-profit business plan."
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"I mean I was really upset that first night and uh I was in Denver so I didn't get here until 9 o'clock that night ..."

IMO it's a bit ambiguous .. BM was talking about being upset that night while he was in Denver. IMO, all indications that he was upset with LE's actions were only stated in the TD interview, perhaps after he had that length of time to realize what LE had or had not done during their earlier investigation.
Actually, I thought he was very specific. He told us in detail what LE did wrong (according to BM).
In my opinion she is close to home. A personal item connected to SM was found on Thursday, day four of the search on an abandoned trail 3/8 mile from her house. I doubt that many people visit an abandoned trail near a house with no close neighbors. I even doubt that SM would cycle on an abandoned trail for safety and terrain reasons. BM would be aware of the dangers of leaving a scent for dogs in the car, increasing the likelihood of the proximity of the crime. There are caves in the area, which is one possibility. The river, possible. When TD interviewed BM, he said that he once met Barry and that he was soaking wet and ice cold like he was in a creek. One very astute poster noted a similarity to another crime where the perpetrator occasionally went to check on and weigh down the body. The thought sickens me, but there are not many reasons that I can think of why you would walk around in soaking wet in clothes in the evening.

"I mean I was really upset that first night and uh I was in Denver so I didn't get here until 9 o'clock that night ..."

IMO it's a bit ambiguous .. BM was talking about being upset that night while he was in Denver. IMO, all indications that he was upset with LE's actions were only stated in the TD interview, perhaps after he had that length of time to realize what LE had or had not done during their earlier investigation.

It's his syntax that needs CPR. I believe what he's MEANING imbedded in what he's SAYING is that he was upset that LE was looking at HIM when IMO he felt certain his Denver alibi fully excluded him from suspicion. Couldn't'a been him, he was in Denver, not on scene until 9pm.

False premise.

If Suzanne went on a morning or afternoon bike ride AND BM was out of town, therefore BM couldn't have been responsible. (Excluding murder for hire) (But this is IMO BM's thinking, not mine, and murder for hire wasn't on his long list.)

If, however, LE doesn't buy into the bike ride, it doesn't matter WHERE BM said he was during the bike window.

Back to his sentence, IMO I DON'T think he's saying he was upset while in Denver or even en route.

I think he's saying he was upset that LE wasn't impressed with his storied absence.

In my opinion she is close to home. A personal item connected to SM was found on Thursday, day four of the search on an abandoned trail 3/8 mile from her house. I doubt that many people visit an abandoned trail near a house with no close neighbors. I even doubt that SM would cycle on an abandoned trail for safety and terrain reasons. BM would be aware of the dangers of leaving a scent for dogs in the car, increasing the likelihood of the proximity of the crime. There are caves in the area, which is one possibility. The river, possible. When TD interviewed BM, he said that he once met Barry and that he was soaking wet and ice cold like he was in a creek. One very astute poster noted a similarity to another crime where the perpetrator occasionally went to check on and weigh down the body. The thought sickens me, but there are not many reasons that I can think of why you would walk around in soaking wet in clothes in the evening.
For those of us who followed the Casey Anthony case. In one of the jail videos, she kept telling her brother that Caylee was "close to home."

Many of us debated on whether she was saying close to Holt or close to home.

That said, Caylee Anthony was found close to home. And like you, I have a feeling SM will be found close to home.

If, her body had been beaten at all, her body will have to show it was banged up going down a ravine or banged up be cause of being hit by a vehicle.

These are just my own opinions...
Admitting I'm not holding my breath here.

I'm enjoying the content, and especially the collaboration between PE and LS but I also understand PE announced monetization or "memberships" for their content this week.

It follows that this action would be followed-up by promoting a tune in for "first time discussed" program, now that they have our interest. MOO

True but until now they are doing a pretty decent and honest job. I can't imagine it being click bait. If so, they are less reliable than i thought. Jmo
In my opinion she is close to home. A personal item connected to SM was found on Thursday, day four of the search on an abandoned trail 3/8 mile from her house. I doubt that many people visit an abandoned trail near a house with no close neighbors. I even doubt that SM would cycle on an abandoned trail for safety and terrain reasons. BM would be aware of the dangers of leaving a scent for dogs in the car, increasing the likelihood of the proximity of the crime. There are caves in the area, which is one possibility. The river, possible. When TD interviewed BM, he said that he once met Barry and that he was soaking wet and ice cold like he was in a creek. One very astute poster noted a similarity to another crime where the perpetrator occasionally went to check on and weigh down the body. The thought sickens me, but there are not many reasons that I can think of why you would walk around in soaking wet in clothes in the evening.

I only recently learned about both the caves in the area and Salida's own 2009 murderer Kristin Durgan, convicted of the murder for hire of her estranged husband James Durgan. JD's brutal death was featured on Oxygen's "Snapped," and I was really surprised to see the caves!

Also, I think TD described that he believes it was BM that he observed shirtless and wet the day before he actually met BM and had a conversation with him (better known as the interview).


Tanner guilty of murder in James Durgan slaying
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True but until now they are doing a pretty decent and honest job. I can't imagine it being click bait. If so, they are less reliable than i thought. Jmo

I never meant to imply PE's content not reliable, and sorry if my post was unclear.

I just think the announcement follows a sound marketing plan for a channel with a "for-profit business plan."

Thanks for this @Poedelini, and I'll edit my post to add the same.

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I never meant to imply PE's content not reliable, and sorry if my post was unclear.

I just think the announcement follows a sound marketing plan for a channel with a "for-profit business plan."

Thanks for this @Poedelini, and I'll edit my post to add the same.


Oh i never meant to imply that you did. Sorry Seattle!
I don't envision BM having trouble transporting a body quite a distance. If done, I think the body was under a large pile of dirt in a flatbed. 100% conjecture here and I'm not psychic, but this image has been in my mind's eye from the moment I heard his alibi.

That image was further reinforced by the neighbor's report of construction noise Saturday night. I think the perp was rushing a job he initially planned for Sunday or Monday and that he also needed the equipment for his "Denver job" (including a detour along the way).

My hope is that he made a lot of mistakes.
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"We had cars over here, well the sheriff let everybody drive through here messing up all the evidence. They were walking all over this area. They would have had fingerprints on the bike. They let 10 other people touch the bike."

“We had cars over here” This has always struck me as Barry called a buddy or two and let the neighbor call 911. Barry called a buddy and gave them a possible route to check. ( possible Cough, cough) They did find the bike…but LE moved in and took over by invitation or luck.

And RATS, don’t you hate it when LE has not a clue how to handle evidence/fingerprints. Is it any wonder why Colorado is such a crime haven and nobody ever gets caught?
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It has amazed me that there has not been a single person willing to come forward with a statement that they helped BM with his massive 200 mile radius search. You'd think a lot of people would have been involved. Surely someone would have been willing to confirm that it actually happened. After all, it might be helpful PR for BM. Lord knows he could use some.

I'm thinking that IF a search occurred, it must have been a small one, with BM deciding where to search and where not to search.

Maybe Suzanne is nearby, and BM doesn't want her found unless and until a COD will be undetermined.
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