Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #5

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Chaffee County Sheriff's Office (2 hours ago)

Please see the following news release from the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office providing an update on the Suzanne Morphew Missing Person Case.

Salida, Colorado
May 15, 2020 (update)

Nearly 90 investigators searched a 2.5-mile area near County Road 225 and Highway 50 in search of clues into the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew (age 49) of Chaffee County, who went missing on May 10, 2020.

Local, state and federal investigators searched steep and rugged terrain in an effort to attempt to locate additional items of Ms. Morphew after investigators believed to have found a personal item of the missing woman on Thursday.

While investigators aren't releasing details about what may have been found they can confirm that Ms. Morphew has not yet been located to date.

The Chaffee County Sheriff's Office continues to seek tips in Ms. Morphew's disappearance. Anyone with information is asked to call (719) 312-7530.

The Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, with support of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will continue to follow-up on tips forwarded to investigators.

Agencies assisting in Friday's Search Include:

Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office
Chaffee County Search and Rescue North and South
Chaffee County Combined TAC Team
Department of Corrections Search Team
Department of Corrections East Canon Search Team
Colorado Department of Transportation
Colorado State Patrol
K9 Assistance
FBI (Evidence Recovery Team)

*****Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze*****
Everyone please read The Rules (linked in my signature). All members are expected to familiarize themselves with those rules (in this case The Rules: Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, etc)

Sleuthing anyone other than the victim or an officially named POI/suspect is NOT allowed. This includes their social media.
I noticed that too! That’s a strange way to police tape an area?? What about the little bucket thingie (yeah I don’t know correct names of equipment) and that trailer? Can that bucket dig into the ground? And I noticed some remnants of something - possibly dirt or gravel - on the trailer. It looks like it matches the driveway. Did they just resurface their driveway with the darker dirt/gravel? I listened to NG tonight and she said the fact that LE have the house this long tells her they are focusing on a crime scene inside the home! I was convinced she went on that bike ride and someone followed her. Now I’m not sure anymore.
That video is too small for me to see, but the earlier one looked like they were installing some "hardscape" in the yard, a pathway, terracing, etc. The differ would be used for that, to move big rocks and piles of dirt around. The tape would be to keep people from stepping in an unifinished area. It doesn't look suspicious to me, but having a ditch digger in the yard could provoke an active imagination.
But as we've discussed here, the "reported bike ride" came up when the neighbor made the missing person report on May 10. Missing Person - Chaffee County Sheriff
Since no one apparently saw SM on her bike on May 10, what made the neighbor think SM went on a bike ride?
The fire chief said it was widely known that she took a bike ride every Sunday morning.

So maybe her daughter's assumed she was on a bike ride when she wasn't answering their calls/texts? And when it became later in the day they became more concerned?

They likely called the neighbour and asked if she could check on her and said she may have been on a bike ride earlier.
So the fire chief said her husband was in Denver for a landscaping job, not fire training! Sounds like he has another successful business going in Co. as he had in Indiana. Probably more so! This has to be devastating for him. A new life, a beautiful area and now this.

Well. Not exactly.

The fire chief said he "had heard" that her husband was in Denver for a landscaping job.

He didn't say that her husband WAS in Denver that day for a landscaping job.

Meaning, he has no direct knowledge of where or what BM was doing that day.

Reading between the lines, both literally and figuratively, it isn't that difficult to figure out where he "heard" that from, and who the original source of that info was:

‘Pacing around, staring out windows’: Chaffee County Fire Chief addresses questions about missing Suzanne Morphew’s husband Barry Morphew


“Due to [the coronavirus pandemic], our firefighters have not been attending any trainings sponsored by us,” Bertram said, adding that sometimes firefighters will pay for training courses on their own. The fire chief said he had heard, rather, that Morphew had been working a landscaping job in Denver on May 10. <snip>

The fire chief has not had direct contact with Barry Morphew since Suzanne disappeared, but has spoken to firefighters who have.

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Well. Not exactly.

The fire chief said he "had heard" that her husband was in Denver for a landscaping job.

He didn't say that her husband WAS in Denver for a landscaping job.

Meaning, he has no direct knowledge of where or what BM was doing that day.

Reading between the lines, both literally and figuratively, it isn't that difficult to figure out where he "heard" that from:

‘Pacing around, staring out windows’: Chaffee County Fire Chief addresses questions about missing Suzanne Morphew’s husband Barry Morphew


“Due to [the coronavirus pandemic], our firefighters have not been attending any trainings sponsored by us,” Bertram said, adding that sometimes firefighters will pay for training courses on their own. The fire chief said he had heard, rather, that Morphew had been working a landscaping job in Denver on May 10. <snip>

The fire chief has not had direct contact with Barry Morphew since Suzanne disappeared, but has spoken to firefighters who have.

yea well I don't believe the husband did this. Sorry
Just saw on Twitter that the gravesite contained an animal.

Ok good whew that’s a relief because I google mapped it and it’s looks like it’s right about midway between Maysville/Salidas and Denver and it’s a huge park with trails and stuff. I wonder if LE are searching areas on the way to Denver?
That style is pretty popular with both men and women in the mountain west. My niece is seriously into a similar decor. Of course she shot several of the heads herself, so that might make a difference :D

When I said I liked the style of house, I hadn't seen that Christmas photo yet. Now I can't get that out of my mind.
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