Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #6

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Apr 22, 2010
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Chaffee County Sheriff's Office (2 hours ago)

Please see the following news release from the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office providing an update on the Suzanne Morphew Missing Person Case.

Salida, Colorado
May 15, 2020 (update)

Nearly 90 investigators searched a 2.5-mile area near County Road 225 and Highway 50 in search of clues into the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew (age 49) of Chaffee County, who went missing on May 10, 2020.

Local, state and federal investigators searched steep and rugged terrain in an effort to attempt to locate additional items of Ms. Morphew after investigators believed to have found a personal item of the missing woman on Thursday.

While investigators aren't releasing details about what may have been found they can confirm that Ms. Morphew has not yet been located to date.

The Chaffee County Sheriff's Office continues to seek tips in Ms. Morphew's disappearance. Anyone with information is asked to call (719) 312-7530.

The Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, with support of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will continue to follow-up on tips forwarded to investigators.

Agencies assisting in Friday's Search Include:

Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office
Chaffee County Search and Rescue North and South
Chaffee County Combined TAC Team
Department of Corrections Search Team
Department of Corrections East Canon Search Team
Colorado Department of Transportation
Colorado State Patrol
K9 Assistance
FBI (Evidence Recovery Team)

*****Chaffee County Sheriff John Spezze*****

Tricia wants members to know that she feels very badly that anyone was upset by the thread specific decision she made yesterday to allow discussion of the rumors in this case. She will revisit this matter as the situation warrants.

The Sheriff has specifically stated that Suzanne’s body was not found and Barry has not been arrested. Accordingly, Tricia has reversed the decision to allow discussion of any of the three rumors, specifically that:

- Suzanne’s body was found
- there is a mistress involved
- that Barry was arrested

Do not discuss those rumors.

The thread is open once again for members to discuss the case details within the regular WS parameters (i.e. as we believe them to be factual via MSM and LE).

Thank you.
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If it is allowed I can't get that photo out of my thoughts. The big square concrete piece missing from the slab. Can anyone tell where those buckets of dirt are coming from that they're sifting through? I see a ton of dirt there!

I guess it is coming from the dirt that is arround the concrete slab in the rest of the garden. Hoping to find minor pieces of evidence?
If it is allowed I can't get that photo out of my thoughts. The big square concrete piece missing from the slab. Can anyone tell where those buckets of dirt are coming from that they're sifting through? I see a ton of dirt there!

I think it's from under the big square they removed.

It looks to me like it's going to take at least another day or two to process that area, and if it's not exactly right, many more days as they move methodically to the next area. Even if they're onto something, we might be waiting for a while. Hard for them and terrible for the family waiting.
If it is allowed I can't get that photo out of my thoughts. The big square concrete piece missing from the slab. Can anyone tell where those buckets of dirt are coming from that they're sifting through? I see a ton of dirt there!
I personally believe they are digging under the white tent that can be seen under the trees, the photos of them digging show a white tent with all that lumber behind them. looks like they are also digging under the square of concrete under the navy tent... so possibly two areas of interest?

Thank you to @Tricia and @sillybilly and other mods for all your hard work during this, you are appreciated!!!
If it is allowed I can't get that photo out of my thoughts. The big square concrete piece missing from the slab. Can anyone tell where those buckets of dirt are coming from that they're sifting through? I see a ton of dirt there!
It looks like the dirt is being removed from underneath the concrete pad and sifted.
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