ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 15

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Oct 5, 2019
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This tragedy seems to be breaking news:

Police said they responded to King Road for a report of an unconscious person. When officers arrived, they “discovered four individuals who were deceased...”

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Press photo album (compilation courtesy of WS member cujenn81)

Moscow ID Police Departement Facebook page

City of Moscow re King Road Homicide

Detectives are looking to develop context for the events and people involved in the four murders at 1122 King Rd in Moscow, Idaho. Anyone who observed notable behavior, has video surveillance, or can provide relevant information about these murders:

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As Kaylee's parents said she was "a websleuth", we don't know if they meant she was an actual WSer or if it was used in a more generic sense.

If any member or guest reading here knows that Kaylee was in fact a Websleuths member, and her user ID, please send me a private message to advise. Tricia has asked me to find out as she would like to send flowers or make a donation to something in Kaylee's name.

Thank you.
Please read The Rules (linked in my signature), and continue discussion here.

Also, for anyone other than victims or an officially named POI/suspect, use initials or your post will be removed.

No sleuthing or insinuations/accusations against anyone who is not officially named a POI/suspect by LE.
The following Johnny Law youtube was originally posted by Mayboy1998 earlier today but because it was not a podcast host we were familiar with and we did not have time to view it in its entirety, it was removed. Having now had time to view it, it is being approved on a one-time basis because it does seem to provide an excellent analysis of the layout of the house, where individuals may have been sleeping, and it speaks to the location of the red liquid in relation to the overall layout of the house.

Thread is open again.

When someone posts a rumor, please do NOT respond. Just Report and let us nip it in the bud.

Responding makes a lot of extra work for us, and we get cranky when we have to read through almost an entire thread to find and clean up 25+ responses about something that should never have been posted in the first place.

Thank you.
Thread 13, post #977 has the pic with obvious berries on the tree right next to the deck.

Sorry, can't get it to link.

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I have seen almost no discussion of the furnace room on the lowest level as a place for the perp to hide and wait. How much attention do people, anywhere, really pay to the area where their furnace is located? Change the filter once a month or every three months, depending on the type of filter used, whether the homeowner, maintenance guy, or tenants are the ones changing it. Turn the heat off in the spring and on again when the weather starts getting chilly in the fall. Maybe run the vacuum cleaner in the furnace room a couple of times a year to get the cobwebs and dust.
The following scenario is MOO:
Perp gets into the supposedly empty house-Perp doesn't realize that B. and D. are there because they are asleep and their lights are out. Hiding upstairs is too risky, plus location of the dog is unknown to Perp. Perp is familiar with the floor plan either from Zillow or because Perp has been in the house previously. Perp sits or crouches in furnace room or behind the furnace and hears the other 4 arrive home. Waits an hour or two until things upstairs are quiet, then proceeds upstairs to the victims' rooms.

On a side note: the house my siblings and I grew up in had a large furnace in the darkest corner of the basement- large enough that 3 people could easily have hidden between the furnace and the exterior wall. As a child, it terrified us to go into that area of the basement to get the laundry or canned goods that my mom needed in the kitchen.
IMO the frat house offers the best vantage point to observe the house without being noticed. The front of the house is fully visible from there. It has a direct view of the front door, living room, Xana’s bedroom, third floor bathroom, and Kaylee’s room.

I‘m not saying the fraternity had anything to do with it. I’m just pointing out that it’s a good spot to observe the house from.
Cops are upset that the other roommates called their friends before 911.
That speaks volumes about trust in LE. I just checked CNN and the story is no longer in the home page. Fox has it as the third headline but only to say that now that students are back there are a lot of tips. I think it is either a young student who will be caught this semester or it is a juvenile or young neighborhood kid who frequents the woods. He may steal their alcohol or other party items and may be very familiar with breaking into that house. We need footprint analysis and what direction the perp headed when he left the house. His height and weight will also be available from that.
Cops are upset that the other roommates called their friends before 911.
That speaks volumes about trust in LE. I just checked CNN and the story is no longer in the home page. Fox has it as the third headline but only to say that now that students are back there are a lot of tips. I think it is either a young student who will be caught this semester or it is a juvenile or young neighborhood kid who frequents the woods. He may steal their alcohol or other party items and may be very familiar with breaking into that house. We need footprint analysis and what direction the perp headed when he left the house. His height and weight will also be available from that.
I didn’t read this as being upset with the roommates, but more as “hey, please call us first” based on the current calls they’re getting. I read it more as a response to a trend than as being upset with anyone. JMO.
Cops are upset that the other roommates called their friends before 911.
That speaks volumes about trust in LE. I just checked CNN and the story is no longer in the home page. Fox has it as the third headline but only to say that now that students are back there are a lot of tips. I think it is either a young student who will be caught this semester or it is a juvenile or young neighborhood kid who frequents the woods. He may steal their alcohol or other party items and may be very familiar with breaking into that house. We need footprint analysis and what direction the perp headed when he left the house. His height and weight will also be available from that.
That’s not what it says. They are talking about calls coming in now re: suspicious circumstances, not the roommates: (BBM)

As of Sunday, Moscow Police Department has seen an uptick in calls from people reporting "unusual circumstances" or requesting welfare checks on loved ones in the weeks since four University of Idaho students were discovered murdered on November 13. Police have received 78 calls for unusual circumstances and 36 requests that police perform a welfare check – up from the 70 and 18, respectively, they received during October as a whole, the department said in a Sunday press release.

Police are also sounding the alarm on a trend in which the callers are notifying their friends or family before phoning officers to respond, authorities said. “
An updated statement was released yesterday I see but it doesn’t appear to have added much.

Confirmed that it was an individual on the 2nd floor who they believed was passed out. The call was made from inside the house (I’d presume if the surviving housemates and those gathered had any indication of the horrific scene they would be outside)

LE reiterating again they are interested in any CCTV from 3-6 AM whether it’s shows anything or not. I find that promising, as has been mentioned before all I can imagine that relates to is trying to disprove an alibi
That’s not what it says. They are talking about calls coming in now re: suspicious circumstances, not the roommates: (BBM)

As of Sunday, Moscow Police Department has seen an uptick in calls from people reporting "unusual circumstances" or requesting welfare checks on loved ones in the weeks since four University of Idaho students were discovered murdered on November 13. Police have received 78 calls for unusual circumstances and 36 requests that police perform a welfare check – up from the 70 and 18, respectively, they received during October as a whole, the department said in a Sunday press release.

Police are also sounding the alarm on a trend in which the callers are notifying their friends or family before phoning officers to respond, authorities said. “
I guess in retrospect it does apply to the November 14 911 call. Young people do tend to do this. I recall in the Amanda Knox case much was made of the fact that she called her boyfriend, her roommate, and her mother first before calling police.
I just can't get over how many potentially risky situations this killer walked into to accomplish their goal. Let's assume killer was just walking in never having been into the house before.

1. Going into a house with 5-6 people minimum who may or may not fight back, not be asleep etc.
2. Going into multiple rooms where he didn't know the layout of beds, preseence of weapons etc.
3. Going into a house with MANY ways to exit.
4. Entering a house with at least 1 male who was fairly large in size.
5. Going into rooms not knowing what could be heard from rooms under, above or next to someone else.
6. Choosing a house with so much visibility to the houses around due to it's positioning.
7. Entering a home with a dog. As a lifelong Lab owner, my dogs might lay on someone coming in, freak out and bark, want to "play" and jump all over them thinking it was a game. They are such wildcards.
8. Entering a home potentially with so much technology, their's maybe included. Anyone could dial 911 if they heard something, their phone if they brought it could try to access the wifi, etc.

And so much more. It just really boggles the mind that this killer took so many risks, and thus far has managed to remain under the radar, at least publicly.
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