Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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AJ van Dort @vandortaj · 22h 22 hours ago
@MelanieDavisSA @becsplanb Am I the only one who thinks of #OscarTrial when I see this #Coke ad?

No, I'm the next one! "I'm yours in life and death ..." - and that he needed. IMO
First: I have no answer, unfortunately.
Could it be, Reeva defended herself against his fingers in her mouth as long as she wasn't dead and then the position of the jaw remained as had been until then?

Not if you believe the Standers testimony.
She was dead in the toilet after the head shot.
OP then carried her down and laid her down at the bottom of the stairs and left her at various times (to get bags and tape for Carice).
However,his fingers were locked in Reevas mouth when Stipp arrived approx 5 mins later !.
Which means she either clamped her teeth on him then,at the bottom of the stairs, or he pretended his fingers were stuck in her mouth so she couldn't talk as he wasn't sure at that time if she could still speak or not.......................
Roux Defense Fail #4,078

Having his female witness scream like OP screaming like a woman - instead of producing the sound test of Oz screaming his head off like a terrified two year old toddler for no apparent reason the night of the murder.
If you look at the way Reeva expressed herself in her whatsapp messages to OP: “you f*cked up a special day for me …. I’m not some b*tch who wants to spoil your vibe …, you picked on me incessantly….etc” one gets a very clear picture of an assertive, feisty, mature woman who was not about to put up with OP’s emotional immaturity, selfishness and arrogance. She was a far cry from his previous adoring, star-struck girlfriends and he couldn’t handle that.
- William

Exactly. This helps explain the puzzling, numerous arguments and fights in their very young relationship.

Reeva had a strong and independent personality. While she was clearly a warm, generous person, she also challenged OP in big ways and small - she called him out on his s##t and his ego couldn’t take it. He was used to submissive girlfriends who deferred to his every whim, women he could bulls##t 24/7 or mentally/physically intimidate into compliance.

A narcissist’s entire life revolves around power and control (OP himself admits to being an obsessive perfectionist - even joking about making “perfect” toast). When a control freak loses control, his whole world starts unraveling. He will do and say anything to reassert his sterling self-image, his total dominance, his perfect world. Wholesale denial, lies and blame are his stock in trade to maintain that facade. It explains why OP had no problem throwing everyone but God under the bus, including his own defense team. Worst of all, he actually blamed Reeva for not letting him know she was in the toilet!

“My Lady, at no point did Reeva shout out or scream. I wish she let me know she was there. She did not do that.”
- Oscar Pistorius, testimony pg 432

Or, put another way, it’s Reeva’s own fault she’s dead.

This is how devious and calculating, how utterly devoid of conscience sociopaths are. They don’t hesitate to twist everything to blame their crimes and offenses on anyone but themselves, most especially their victims.
Hours after Judge Thokozile Masipa sentenced Pistorius on October 21, legal experts said she had been strategic.

Imposing a sentence longer than five years would have meant he was ineligible for house arrest, Wits School of Law Professor Stephen Tuson said at the time.

"The number 'five years' was not an ordinary number, it was carefully selected,"
he said.

Thanks to Masipa's inexplicable sentencing of OP for the senseless killing of another human being, she must have been expecting an appeal given that she knew OP could be released in just 10 short months. I sincerely hope he doesn't get bail if the appeal is successful. He's a convicted killer and should not allowed to mingle among other people, particularly since we all know (Masipa included) that he is unable to control his temper when out and about. And if he is allowed out on bail, then there should definitely be a ban on alcohol, because it just makes him aggressive and a danger to others. Nel should point this out loudly if an application for bail is put forth.
Not if you believe the Standers testimony.
She was dead in the toilet after the head shot.
OP then carried her down and laid her down at the bottom of the stairs and left her at various times (to get bags and tape for Carice).
However,his fingers were locked in Reevas mouth when Stipp arrived approx 5 mins later !.
Which means she either clamped her teeth on him then,at the bottom of the stairs, or he pretended his fingers were stuck in her mouth so she couldn't talk as he wasn't sure at that time if she could still speak or not.......................

bbm= that anyway!!!
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