Ok I've looked at the evidence again and need these questions answered if possible by someone

During the evidence given by the Standers ( father and daughter) they both mention OP having his fingers in Reevas mouth but he was leaving at times,which means they weren't 'clamped' at this time ( 2 minutes before Stipp arrived).
IMO gunshots were at 3.17 as witnessed by Stipp/Burger and Johnson.
OP phoned Stander at 3.19 and he said it took him 3 minutes to get there...........arrived at OP's house 3.22 or close to that.
Stipp arrived at 3.27 so by the time he got into the house it was 3.29'ish and OP's fingers were clamped in Reeva's mouth..........this is approx 12 minutes after the head shot that killed her.
Now my main question is.............would Reeva's body be able to clamp down on his fingers 12 minutes after her death?
And a more interesting question is.............if I'm wrong and the first set of bangs were the gunshots (3 to 3.05'ish),which is 25 minutes after the head shot would she still be able to lock onto his fingers after this length of time?
12 minutes or 25 minutes!!
Are either possible?
I'm thinking 12 minutes might be possible and if 25 minutes isn't possible then the first set of bangs couldn't have been the gunshots IMO.
All pure conjecture of course