TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #21

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Something is very odd here. I, and others, are still wondering why(and who) ask all middle Tennessee farmers to 'check their farms' in relation to this case. The TBI nor the TFB would never issue a public statement like that. I don't see anything about it in the posts here-I can't read them all-however if anyone else has heard this please clue me in. I got a e-mail snippet from other concerned land owners who had seen it posted on other missing persons forums.
I, most assuredly, don't need anyone telling me to check my land for a crime scene and nothing as large as a human body is going to stay on the ground very long in Tennessee this time of year without discovery. As a large land owner I have always had a good relationship with law enforcement and know this is not how cases-even one with all the oddities this one has-are handled.
Who could have issued a -somewhat insulting- request like this?


In VA a young woman (Morgan) was found months after going missing on a farmer's large land as he drove his tractor around checking his fences. The body had been dumped there. The farmer had nothing to do with it. But the parents had to wait all of those months to know what became of their daughter.

My guess is it's just a suggestion to ask the locals to help out by eliminating if Holly could have been left on some unsuspecting landowner's land.

I really don't think it's meant as an insult. :twocents:
Thanks. That's what I thought. Both Parson Police Dept. Offices are within 15 minutes of the Bobo home. Mom got called first and left work heading home and would have had to have at least a 15 minute head start before LE was the abductor at least an hour before LE got involved.

True but that assumes the responding deputy was at the station and not leaving another call. Most of the time, officers are on patrol and not sitting in the station house.
Went full screen but when I paused it to capture the shot it went back to small screen...ugh.

Thank you. Now I get a clearer picture of their setup. To me this looks like a detached garage with no doors. When I think of a carport, it is a cement slab with a roof over it usually attached to a side door to the house.

Anyway, I see a road leading out behind the 'carport'. Where does that road lead?
I know it has been reported that Holly loves horses and I have seen pictures of her with one.
From the beginning I have wondered if there are horse trails around that house.
Looks a little like an area for exercising a horse that goes almost around the house. A common setup. I grew up with horses and it looks to me like Holly could have had one.
I know all the pets we have heard of is the two dogs.
Just thinking out loud and reserving all hope that Holly is alive and coming home.
View attachment 14945

I removed the text and enlarged this photo. Don't know whether it will help or not.

I'm confused about trying to find cars in the carport. The picture was taken at a random time, correct? Therefore, there could be two cars, one car or no cars. What do the cars have to do with our understanding the carport issue?

Thanks for the picture though. For what it's worth, I can't see a car in the slot on our right.
I hope this article is okay to post being from the Examiner. It has some info on James E. Nickell, the SO that has been arrested for stalking two 19 year olds.

snipped, it's down a ways on this page

Update on local sex offender, Jason Everett Nickell

A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, reported Tuesday that a local auto body shop manager remembered Jason Everett Nickell came to their shop in Jackson asking to have a vehicle totaled just days after Holly went missing.

The source said that the following day Nickell’s wife allegedly came to the shop to remove items from the vehicle. Nickell’s marital status has not been confirmed.

I hope this article is okay to post being from the Examiner. It has some info on James E. Nickell, the SO that has been arrested for stalking two 19 year olds.

snipped, it's down a ways on this page

Update on local sex offender, Jason Everett Nickell

A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, reported Tuesday that a local auto body shop manager remembered Jason Everett Nickell came to their shop in Jackson asking to have a vehicle totaled just days after Holly went missing.

The source said that the following day Nickell’s wife allegedly came to the shop to remove items from the vehicle. Nickell’s marital status has not been confirmed.


Oh, no!
Nickell is listed at 6' and 210 lbs...fits description, such as it is.
Jane Valez Mitchell is covering some of the HB case on HLN. At least that is what she just announced.
I know it has been reported that Holly loves horses and I have seen pictures of her with one.
From the beginning I have wondered if there are horse trails around that house.
Looks a little like an area for exercising a horse that goes almost around the house. A common setup. I grew up with horses and it looks to me like Holly could have had one.
I know all the pets we have heard of is the two dogs.
Just thinking out loud and reserving all hope that Holly is alive and coming home.

Somehow I missed the confirmation on the Bobo's dogs. What kind do they have?

Bobo case on ISSUES now.
JVM has another cousin of Holly's on (Christian?); asked about new piece of evidence from a few weeks ago, she says they don't know either.

Jane is a little behind...

Here comes Levi...
Levi says everyone has been cooperative, according to TBI, but they would not answer whether or not anyone took a polygraph.

Janes says the brother and boyfriend, at least, should have taken them.
Levi hopes there is a good reason for no info coming out.

TBI did not detect drag marks (per Levi).

Jane says LE believes this is a local, although she is not sure how a local could get away this in such a small town. Reviews the things LE asked residents to watch out for.
If that is true about this guy wanting to have a vehicle/truck totaled, it's awfully strange. In AZ, people beg to haul away your old vehicle or pay you a little for it so they can sell it for the metal. Most don't pay to have it totaled that I know of.

He was driving a blue vehicle when he was stalking the young girls per the article posted.

Well, if it is him, I'm sure they want Holly to charge him or they are awaiting test to come back?

I wonder what type work he does?

TBI isn't confirming if polygraphs were given.
No info forthcoming.
Clarifying there were no drag marks found near home.
Still saying abductor is thought to be a local.
Showing men in ATV's going off into woods.
Mike Brooks - they are not saying anything at all.
JVM wants to help, what can we do?

I know it has been reported there were two dogs at the Bobo home.
I think one was a retriever and the other was a smaller dog.
Someone have the link?
I still don't believe this perp is a real local. I believe he is living off the grid and will not be missed in the community.
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