Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #3

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that's a good question....imo
I think I asked this question (sort of) on another thread about the media reading what goes on here. One of the mods said "yes"...that they're supposed to go through WS...but don't always (Help Christine!). I definitely think they should have at least posted where they found that snip.
I had to identify my brother inlaw after his death. Im sure someone went from the family and not just brad! JMO

I am so sorry you had to go thru that lucky:blowkiss:. I am sure that her parents or syblings would be able to enter the morgue to view her.
Dinnr was over hours ago is after 3 am here...everyone is tucked in bed and here I am on WS.
Wish we had stores open 24 hours....I would be going for a treat though, not bleach!:rolleyes:

Lol you better not go out for bleach, you might be suspected of something. You are the night owl queen.:)
here ya go:)
(regarding the "multiple affairs"...i think that's how it was worded....)

we don't know for sure if he actually left the children at home while out disposing of Nancy's body, but it's sure a possibility, imo....
Oh, please don't tell me if it is him that he would have brought his children?
I need to go now and replace that thought in my mind!
I am so sorry you had to go thru that lucky:blowkiss:. I am sure that her parents or syblings would be able to enter the morgue to view her.
im thinking they probally sent a brother inlaw. They never go for immediate family if the body is not knowledgable! thats what happened to me! jmo
Dinner was over hours ago is after 3 am here...everyone is tucked in bed and here I am on WS.
Wish we had stores open 24 hours....I would be going for a treat though, not bleach!:rolleyes:
Thank goodness for Dunkin Donuts!
Hi petra! :) Her name was Dr. Melinda Superville. She went missing in Dec. 2005. They were in Houston TX. BTW, the husband's brother is a judge. I still think there's something not right with that suicide ruling, but just my opinion.

Thank you, thank you panthera. It has all come back now that I read the name Superville. IMO, suicide (and especially in that manner and place) just seems off to me too.
I sure hope their little boy is doing well, adjusting, the best he can. Must be at least 5 now. Poor little one.
Then information that someone claims they know about the cause of death could not possibly be true. Would her family know? Would they have seen her?

Where have these claims been posted ?
Not here, correct? I've tried to follow closely , yet may have missed it.
You said....

By the way, if I was ever in need of a fair Jury...I would hope it was filled with WSers! They look at every piece of evidence and do weigh all the options. They are intelligent and very thorough at what they do.

I respectfully have to disagree with that, from what I have seen here in the past 3 days from the vast majority of posters, they found Brad Cooper guilty long before Nancy's body was even found. They will not even begin to look at any other evidence if there was any. I feel they look at some really crazy things as evidence. They look at him getting a lawyer as evidence. If LE was searching my home, my cars, my body for DNA, I would be getting a lawyer to, and I about guarantee that you would also, even though you or I were 100% innocent. Also, his not attending Press Confrences-I don't see this as a sign of guilt either. He owes nothing to the public as long as he is co-operating with police. I think this depends on the individual some peole are just more private than others.

Let me say I am not defending him, the evidence does seem to be stacking up against him, but if you are not looking in any other direction for eveidence it would. What I am tyrying to say about jurors, is that they could not have the closed mind I have found here.
Since you chose to quote me...let me say that I have never looked at "lawyering up" as evidence of guilt nor did I mention him not attending the press conference as any kind of evidence either. Do I think it makes him look suspicious? Absolutely. After you work on a number of cases, you begin to see patterns emerge. Definite patterns when it involves men who kill their wives. While some of the things they do cannot be considered in a courtroom, you can use logic to decifer the meanings behind their actions. These men have much in common besides becoming the number one suspect in their wives' murder/disappearance.

If you look at every other scenario which could have happened to Nancy Cooper, they don't fit. The pieces won't go together no matter how you try to cram them together. No one saw her on Saturday morning. They stated the area was "alive with activity" that particular morning. Someone would have seen her if she had been jogging as he said. No one saw her. This is evidence. It means he was the last known person to see his wife alive. He has no alibi, no verifiable explanation of her whereabouts that morning, and if they verify the store visit (which I believe they have, but aren't saying) means he lied to the police. More evidence.
Was this the straw that broke the camels back? :(

Friends of the Coopers tell us that Nancy Cooper wanted out of her marriage to husband Brad Cooper, she had had enough of the extra-marital relationship Brad Cooper carried on with a friend of hers.
Thank you, thank you panthera. It has all come back now that I read the name Superville. IMO, suicide (and especially in that manner and place) just seems off to me too.
I sure hope their little boy is doing well, adjusting, the best he can. Must be at least 5 now. Poor little one.
You're most welcome! I remember the case so well. It just seemed so odd to me, for a woman to kill herself that way, especially in that abandoned house where she was found ~ and the timing of her supposed to be at work, leaving the half-eaten yogurt on the desk and the keys in the door. I too hope their little boy is doing well. :)
You said....

By the way, if I was ever in need of a fair Jury...I would hope it was filled with WSers! They look at every piece of evidence and do weigh all the options. They are intelligent and very thorough at what they do.

I respectfully have to disagree with that, from what I have seen here in the past 3 days from the vast majority of posters, they found Brad Cooper guilty long before Nancy's body was even found. They will not even begin to look at any other evidence if there was any. I feel they look at some really crazy things as evidence. They look at him getting a lawyer as evidence. If LE was searching my home, my cars, my body for DNA, I would be getting a lawyer to, and I about guarantee that you would also, even though you or I were 100% innocent. Also, his not attending Press Confrences-I don't see this as a sign of guilt either. He owes nothing to the public as long as he is co-operating with police. I think this depends on the individual some peole are just more private than others.

Let me say I am not defending him, the evidence does seem to be stacking up against him, but if you are not looking in any other direction for eveidence it would. What I am tyrying to say about jurors, is that they could not have the closed mind I have found here.

First I commend you for welcoming Reanne, and Welcome Reanne as well.
At the risk of sounding defensive, I AM a regular poster and this is the second thread for this case. I was wondering if you took the time to read the first one? I mention this because I have been on this for days and with very few exceptions, I see diligent, honest, well-intentioned and damn intuitive WS'rs. You would have to check with Tricia or a MOD, but I have to think this case has brought a firestorm of new posters and some of the best local perspectives I have seen in my short tenure here. I think I counted 5 new posters commenting on how welcome they felt, and how much information they got from here.

I found Reanne's post very articulate and relevant, however, for me, well after a bulk of evidence is already known, and for that which is not, I personally do my best not to speculate. I am folllowing and contributing to a dialog that is based on known facts, evidence, intuition and extensive experience. Nevertheless, I left at 11am today, there were 2 pages to this thread, there are 16 as I am typing this, but because I care about the integrity of what I post, and respect what others have, I read every one before posting so I can best contribute productively on this thread.

The last I checked this was NOT a Voir Dire, therefore calling out people's potential bias's- real or perceived, imo, is inappropriate.
Was this the straw that broke the camels back? :(
I don't know if this was the final straw or if she finally got tired of his totally self-centered ways. If you will read any of his blogs, this guy sounds like a very self-obsessed individual who isn't even married. He makes no mention whatsoever of having a wife or children. He talks about working on his MBA, taking time off from training, getting back to training for his next triathlon. He talks about a few of his fellow triathletes.

I used to compete in marathons and triathlons myself. Training for them is very, very time consuming. If he is working and training, he has time for nothing else. What a life Nancy was leading. Sad and pathetic. I'm sure that Brad didn't want to lose that lifestyle. His home was like a pitstop for him. That's all, IMO.
Thank goodness for Dunkin Donuts!

:hand:bbbaaahhaawwaa..not in norway. nothing so yummy!
I'll have to go out and pluck some blueberries from the bushes!
At least I have some cream in the refrigerator.
Since you chose to quote me...let me say that I have never looked at "lawyering up" as evidence of guilt nor did I mention him not attending the press conference as any kind of evidence either. Do I think it makes him look suspicious? Absolutely. After you work on a number of cases, you begin to see patterns emerge. Definite patterns when it involves men who kill their wives. While some of the things they do cannot be considered in a courtroom, you can use logic to decifer the meanings behind their actions. These men have much in common besides becoming the number one suspect in their wives' murder/disappearance.

If you look at every other scenario which could have happened to Nancy Cooper, they don't fit. The pieces won't go together no matter how you try to cram them together. No one saw her on Saturday morning. They stated the area was "alive with activity" that particular morning. Someone would have seen her if she had been jogging as he said. No one saw her. This is evidence. It means he was the last known person to see his wife alive. He has no alibi, no verifiable explanation of her whereabouts that morning, and if they verify the store visit (which I believe they have, but aren't saying) means he lied to the police. More evidence.

Your dead on! JMO
You said....

By the way, if I was ever in need of a fair Jury...I would hope it was filled with WSers! They look at every piece of evidence and do weigh all the options. They are intelligent and very thorough at what they do.

I respectfully have to disagree with that, from what I have seen here in the past 3 days from the vast majority of posters, they found Brad Cooper guilty long before Nancy's body was even found. They will not even begin to look at any other evidence if there was any. I feel they look at some really crazy things as evidence. They look at him getting a lawyer as evidence. If LE was searching my home, my cars, my body for DNA, I would be getting a lawyer to, and I about guarantee that you would also, even though you or I were 100% innocent. Also, his not attending Press Confrences-I don't see this as a sign of guilt either. He owes nothing to the public as long as he is co-operating with police. I think this depends on the individual some peole are just more private than others.

Let me say I am not defending him, the evidence does seem to be stacking up against him, but if you are not looking in any other direction for eveidence it would. What I am tyrying to say about jurors, is that they could not have the closed mind I have found here.
:cow: ( opinion only)
I agree that he owes nothing to the public and am happy he is working with police. Good point. His not showing up may mean nothing or it may be a little piece of something.

Yes, the evidence is stacking up.

As for not looking in any other direction, I am confused here, wherego. Evidence that Nancy had been having an affair has not surfaced. The police have stated that this is not a random act of violence and that the community need not be afraid to run in the parks. We tend to look at the bricks as they are stacked and yes, they are building a nice wall around BC right now. As I said earlier....add a different direction to the convo but the flaming of what people discuss here should not be a flaming point. It is simply not nice to call names.:shocked2: WSers are not closed minded in any sense of the word... WE ARE DISCUSSING WHAT IS KNOWN OR ALLEGEDLY KNOWN SO FAR. And it, as you stated, is pointing at BC.
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