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This is a very interesting dream. Thanks for posting. :)

The only cemeteries I have found are Palatka's and San Mateo's. I wonder if there are older and abandoned ones nearby?

Oh my heavens, there are dozens, maybe over a hundred.

I need to let the "Annie" part gel or whatever in the back of my mind.

If no answers by Wednesday mid-morn, please p.m. me so I can dig around in my Putnam County History books.
i need to try and explain the dreams.i had 2 dreams the first was about a very large desolate fied.heavy wooded areas were in the back ground.there was mounds of dirty white sand with large black letters that were waving in the wind that spelled annie or ann something.i could see a dirt road at the edge of the field.
i cannot believe i am going to post this,but here goes.idreamed of a large plowed field with white sand.there were black letters with the word annie on each row like showing the way to something.also i dreamed of an old cemetery near a place with new construction beside of it.it was a black cemetery with huge oak trees and palms .i saw 2 black ladies standing beside old grave placing flowers...

Hi nurse-I ahve been doing a little sleuthing today. TY to Shadow for the link to Putnam co cemeteries.

There are a few that stood out, but this one caught my eye because of the location. It is private property, not sure if someoen could walk onto the property and not ahve to go past the house, so they wouldn't be seen. Maybe someone can google earth it and see what it looks like.

It's near a small lake. I don't think it is necessarily historically black cemetery, but I'm not sure. It's the Berklemann-Mathe cemetery in
Mannville. The reason this stood out to be is because m-A-N-N-v-I-l-l-E
Might be a stretch but tell me what you think. It is 27 miles from Haleigh's home. Going sw, I believe.
This is my second dream that I've had of Haleigh. The first I saw her in a cylinder shaped object. Last night my dream of her was alive and in a rural town in FL I thought I saw Arcadia on a sign. I also remember seeing Desoto or something like that on a building. There is a town Arcadia about an hour east from where I live and I think it is in Desoto county. It is a rural town with farms, rodeo, and a campground. Has anyone else saw or felt anything along these lines? I usually don't have feelings or dreams but like I said it is more of a deja vue occurrence and I just can't get this out of my mind today.
ok everyone, I had found this one day last week while searching around and I called the Putnam County Sherrifs office and reported it just in case. A psychic lady had posted this on a forum. Does it make since to any of you? Here it is : "I’m praying for her to be alive ..I live in Nevada .. I am a Psychic been for 38 yrs… I believe she was taken ..and it was planned or thought about for awhile ..ron does know the {man} who has taken her .. I’m picking up a name like williams and a street that sounds like clove coven or coover and a dark brown old shingled house behind a lot of shubbery or trees set back from road. with an open field nearby. I’m seeing something wrong with her arm.. I see a man older greyish beard big stomach about 48 to 52.. skin problem liver spots on his arms . a 3 in the address number tan or brown vehicle older model that’s all i can get .. May god be withe family … " Makes you wonder, ya know .
Hi nurse-I ahve been doing a little sleuthing today. TY to Shadow for the link to Putnam co cemeteries.

There are a few that stood out, but this one caught my eye because of the location. It is private property, not sure if someoen could walk onto the property and not ahve to go past the house, so they wouldn't be seen. Maybe someone can google earth it and see what it looks like.

It's near a small lake. I don't think it is necessarily historically black cemetery, but I'm not sure. It's the Berklemann-Mathe cemetery in
Mannville. The reason this stood out to be is because m-A-N-N-v-I-l-l-E
Might be a stretch but tell me what you think. It is 27 miles from Haleigh's home. Going sw, I believe.
hi, thats good work.i have no idea what any of this means but you could be on to something.thanks
Regarding the references to Ann or Annie . . .

Haleigh's middle name is Ann-Marie.
Okay, I had one a couple of days ago-- it's still with me, so I'll share. A maroon colored sedan with a small fishing boat attached. Blue tarp covering the boat. Parked in a large empty parking lot. The car and boat had drifted out of its parking space because it was left in neutral, this called attention to it and it was related to Haleigh. Vague, but such a stubborn and lingering image. idk
Okay, I had one a couple of days ago-- it's still with me, so I'll share. A maroon colored sedan with a small fishing boat attached. Blue tarp covering the boat. Parked in a large empty parking lot. The car and boat had drifted out of its parking space because it was left in neutral, this called attention to it and it was related to Haleigh. Vague, but such a stubborn and lingering image. idk

These stubborn, lingering images are for a reason..............
This is my second dream that I've had of Haleigh. The first I saw her in a cylinder shaped object. Last night my dream of her was alive and in a rural town in FL I thought I saw Arcadia on a sign. I also remember seeing Desoto or something like that on a building. There is a town Arcadia about an hour east from where I live and I think it is in Desoto county. It is a rural town with farms, rodeo, and a campground. Has anyone else saw or felt anything along these lines? I usually don't have feelings or dreams but like I said it is more of a deja vue occurrence and I just can't get this out of my mind today.

Did your dream give you any indication of cold [as in the temperature of a room]?
This is completely serious.
Did your dream give you any indication of cold [as in the temperature of a room]?
This is completely serious.

I have spent the last couple of hours going over the dream. I can't feel if it is cold but what I did realize is that there was an "ice house" or a place where ice was made in an old building. My dream is very specific, which usually they are not and I have a memory like I am right there. I don't remember many dreams. Hope this helps!
I don't usually remember my dreams but a couple of nights agoI had a dream in the early morning hours. In my dream I was in Florida near an unpaved sandy road There was a chain-link fence to my right I think there was an in-ground pool beyond that with sparse dried grasses growing around it. I was trying to concentrate on getting a feeling or a thought of where Haleigh was located. All I could get was that I felt very cold and I couldn't breathe. In my dream I had to stop concentrating on that because the feeling of not being able to breathe was so strong. In my dream I also noticed that it was strange to feel so cold when the sun was so hot that day. That is all I can remember of it.

I hope my dream is wrong.

I think that looks a lot like him, great job, but a little scary...:eek:
I completed a sketch of a POI in Haleigh's disappearance while meditating on 2-25-09. It is in an album on my profile page. Here is a link for you. Thoughts anyone? TIA matilda


Passion flower posted this link in the parking lot..Friends, Family of Haleigh link, asking could this be "white boy Greg" that was talked about in the Cobra tape, I think he looks a lot like your sketch Matilda. Spooky.
Passion flower posted this link in the parking lot..Friends, Family of Haleigh link, asking could this be "white boy Greg" that was talked about in the Cobra tape, I think he looks a lot like your sketch Matilda. Spooky.

Thanks for bringing that link over, Becky. It is spooky! I was chilled and trembling when I saw WBG's pic this morning. And even more so after comparing it to my drawing....:eek:

Thanks to you and Bern for the feedback. :blowkiss:
I think that is uncanny. Great job if this is him. I'm impressed. Looking at them side by side, there it an eerily close resemblance. :bang:
I been reading some psyhic sites found one I thought was very interesting, I am not sure if i can post the link.
she has the visions in dates.' march 5 2009
" look for a groundskeeper who have access to the park, he is a watcher, "
*saw five barrels that hold water or waste the middle one is where the child is*
* look for a pile where the keeper burn rubbish*
*he round at the waist*
*tatto symbol of occult of the devil*

*date 2/26/09*
*a women knows the truth that is close to the child-she assist with body -is a part
demis, is this women pregnant?*
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