OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #5

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Regarding Madyson's ill fitting clothing. Has anyone in the family or close to the family seen her in that shirt before? Just seems kind of odd, a shirt that is too short and too tight, and jeans that are practically falling off her hips.

Oriah, very glad to hear you are going to have a photo expert examine that photo!

No problem. I would like to put the photo situation to rest (at least as well as it can be) by an expert in the field. I think it's vitally important.
Just one more thought about the photo, then I'll "zip" it.

When justthinkin posted about seeing the letters "SHC", I decided to check for ranches in the Wilburton area. I found a Hickory Creek Farm about an hour away from where the Jamisons truck was found. The ranch is also for sale.


little, I'm sorry- somehow you lost me on this one. Could you elaborate a little more in the direction of thought? Thanks. I'm confuzzled. Is it the possibility of another property looked at?
little, I'm sorry- somehow you lost me on this one. Could you elaborate a little more in the direction of thought? Thanks. I'm confuzzled. Is it the possibility of another property looked at?

It's probably just my mind spinning outta control, AGAIN!!

Yes, another property the Jamisons might have looked at. If the initials "SHC" really are photo shopped on the rock, they could mean "? Hickory Creek".

Just slap me if you think I'm out of control....:slap:

Don't criminals like to leave their "mark" at the scene of the crime??
It's probably just my mind spinning outta control, AGAIN!!

Yes, another property the Jamisons might have looked at. If the initials "SHC" really are photo shopped on the rock, they could mean "? Hickory Creek".

Just slap me if you think I'm out of control....:slap:

Don't criminals like to leave their "mark" at the scene of the crime??

"Search Hickory Creek." There! Now we're both in need of slapping!!

No problem. I would like to put the photo situation to rest (at least as well as it can be) by an expert in the field. I think it's vitally important.

I do too, but please take photos of that rock and background yourself, particularly if that camera has been lost. I really don't like the sound of evidence being lost on a case that's only one year old. Makes me wonder if someone in LE was responsible for the Jamesons disappearance.
Does anyone know if there is hunting allowed on the mountain for the general public or is it leased for hunting?Bow season for Deer and muzzle-loader season was just over a week or so back.I had hopes that hunters might stumble onto something.Gun season will open next weekend and that should put several people in the woods.Has local LE been putting anyone on the ground at all anymore?
Did anyone even find the location on the rock where I said I saw what looked to be initials or are you wild turkeys just poking fun at my sleuthing? There's something funny about those lichens.

I'll see your green man, and raise you some initials! LOL

Seriously, I see either what looks like SHC or JHC or THC and very definitely see HC. The first letter tends to alter when I change the size of the photo, and it might just be some lichen, but that H is stronger, and the C is clearly there even when I enlarge the photo to 6 power magnification on my paint program.
I think others saw it too. (whispers, "little726, jump in here anywhere!") As I didn't have much in the way of technology I mainly enlarged it on-site and squinted at it through my magnifying glass.

(We really do need a dreams/visions thread; this sort of thing - if not strictly useful in the concrete sense - does inspire our imaginations and sets them to working. Then of course Oriah can win hearts and minds, and channel our interest into useful investigation!)

Bit of a setback on the timeline as I accidentally threw away the paper plate I was writing it on the back of;
I never realized before going through the threads that there are actually THREE reported dates they were last seen -
October 07-08-09. Oh well, easy to re-do, I still have the links I looked at.
Did anyone even find the location on the rock where I said I saw what looked to be initials or are you wild turkeys just poking fun at my sleuthing? There's something funny about those lichens.

I'll see your green man, and raise you some initials! LOL

Seriously, I see either what looks like SHC or JHC or THC and very definitely see HC. The first letter tends to alter when I change the size of the photo, and it might just be some lichen, but that H is stronger, and the C is clearly there even when I enlarge the photo to 6 power magnification on my paint program.

Honestly, I can see the C very clearly. The H is a little harder to spot. I don't see the S.

About the lichens. The one right in the middle of the rock is out of place. It looks more like a gunshot through metal. Like the gunshots on the blue truck sitting on Panola mountain. I have already tried to compare them, but none match.
I think others saw it too. (whispers, "little726, jump in here anywhere!") As I didn't have much in the way of technology I mainly enlarged it on-site and squinted at it through my magnifying glass.

(We really do need a dreams/visions thread; this sort of thing - if not strictly useful in the concrete sense - does inspire our imaginations and sets them to working. Then of course Oriah can win hearts and minds, and channel our interest into useful investigation!)

Wfg, this is for you....:nono::eek:ther_beatingA_Dead
Did anyone even find the location on the rock where I said I saw what looked to be initials or are you wild turkeys just poking fun at my sleuthing? There's something funny about those lichens.

I'll see your green man, and raise you some initials! LOL

Seriously, I see either what looks like SHC or JHC or THC and very definitely see HC. The first letter tends to alter when I change the size of the photo, and it might just be some lichen, but that H is stronger, and the C is clearly there even when I enlarge the photo to 6 power magnification on my paint program.

I saw it clear after you pointed it out. I see it in all the photos I have looked at .Oddly ncmec has cut the photo so it does not include the "artwork".
The deadhead in the photo is just as clear to me .

This excited me so much as it waas the first post I saw as I returned home from my trip to autozone AFTERmy can of tilt. Fun stuff but who could do that everyday?

Case is as good as solved now. It was all so simple, lol.

Sadly it is not that easy.
Niki S. on blogtalk:

Truck usually cluttered...."meeting the sister I should have had"...."no expectations other than being there for each other"....Jamisons wed in 2004....Bobby one of "kindest most gentle guys I've ever met" - "heart of gold"; "partner in crime"....Niki and the statue...."Certainly I hope that somebody, somewhere, will realize that maybe they've seen them - or one of them"...."My interest always in this is to find them"...."It's very true that this is a very, very bizarre case"...."they attended the prayer meetings of the church [in Muskogee] in Eufaula [but not the church itself]....a woman present during the "demon" conversation says it was taken out of context...."now everyone thinks [Sherilyn] is psychotic"....

Cotton the cat was [one of the cats] killed...."if she were to imply that maybe she was a witch, people would quit messin' with her"...."speculation that she was into witchcraft and that Bobby was hallucinating"....not drug-heads, or dealers...."dad had stated he was going to kill all of them, except for Madyson"....afterwards, Star insisted on camera outside the house...."I think there were books in there or donating clothes to Goodwill" [in the brown briefcase]....[people think] it was a drug deal gone bad"...."they smoked marijuana from time to time"...."If I have to bring out ugly truths, I'll do it"...."We did smoke meth a little bit together" - six months, maybe eight months - on the weekends kind of thing - both made "a pact" to quit....

"She was always very paranoid about traveling with anything" [i.e.drugs] - and "would never have Madyson with her" if they were...."She would never ever put Madyson in a position like that"...."I wish that there was more coverage - national coverage"....many on Facebook page have mailed Nancy Grace, America's Most Wanted...."Unless you have something new on it, it's not newsworthy" [news stations have told N.]....Eufaula Indian Journal coverage = good, supportive....Tulsa channels 2 and 8 covered balloon release....

....no talk yet of actual theories....much talk about kindness of people etc. ....distinguishable traits or habits?...."Bobby is quite tall, he kind of walks slow and hunched over a little bit"...."He's not a real big talker"...."Madyson - wasn't one of these little rambunctious kids"...."Like pulling teeth to get her to talk"....Sherilynn "will speak her mind at all costs".....Sherilynn would pick her fingernails - Bobby smoked....Witness protection plan? ...."No, I don't [think it's a possibility]....Sherilyn's 16-year-old son....Sherilynn wouldn't put her son nor Bobby his mother through this....Madyson would scream and cry if Maisie was left behind...."It was a woman from Michigan - she did do a lot of research on the internet"...."She did find some good stuff out"....spent most of time looking for "rocks that Madyson's picture was taken at"...."bashing me on the internet"....etc. etc. etc.

Uh, whatever, on that last mean note about one who may know more about the case than anyone, and has been eternally helpful to us here. Generally, we heard what we've long known. Most of it was a defense of Sherilynn and Bobby and a denial that other expressed opinions had basis in fact, imho. Still, N. did get her message across, and listeners would be now more intrigued with the case. Other than last sour note, a good job.
I do too, but please take photos of that rock and background yourself, particularly if that camera has been lost. I really don't like the sound of evidence being lost on a case that's only one year old. Makes me wonder if someone in LE was responsible for the Jamesons disappearance.

First of all, for the sake of clarity this post is NOT directed at justthinkin. I just want to answer justthinkins question later on in the post, so I quoted that post to jump off off.

I am in fact feeling the need to slap several of ya'll here (hey, ya'll asked for it, so don't tell me ya didn't!) however, instead I am going to utilize this icon::saythat: and let ya'll discern who you are that this particular icon might apply to.

Now- back to business.

#1: If someone would please post the pic where these initials on rock, as well as hunters, spirits, demons, and the like are decipherable by anyone other than a trained professional, I would greatly appreciate it.

#2: The picture taken of Madyson that is on NCMEC was taken by a cell phone. By 'lost' I mean that the phone was returned to next of kin along with other evidence, and then subsequently damaged to the point of no return- perhaps by accident.

#3: I have no evidence of a GPS device (separate from what may have been a feature on a cell phone) recovered from the vehicle at the time.

#4: The coordinates of the picture of Madyson listed on NCMEC were taken from the cell phones GPS.

#5: Hunting season in Oklahoma is not, IMO, something that is followed with any sort of, er, respect for legalities.

Now, can we please continue after everyone figures out which icon applies to them?

As always, I love you guys- you're awesome. But please. PLEASE. Remember...we want to find the Jamisons because we are worried they might not be well or safe.

So lets try and keep focused.


Does this mean that the Hickory Creek search won't be going forward?

(Don't hit me! I've selected my icon: :bowdown: )
Does this mean that the Hickory Creek search won't be going forward?

(Don't hit me! I've selected my icon: :bowdown: )

That would be a correct on the lack of search support for Hickory Creek, unless someone is willing to give me a very good lead there. Sorry, folks- it's about 150% unlikely that searching every property for sale in the region a missing person(s)goes missing is a good utilization of resources. Sorry- wish we could- but doesn't work that way. A good lead? That I'm willing to work.

And as a side note to the above post (don't remember who posted it) but you can in fact photoshop a pic from a cell phone. Send a pic from your cell to your email addy (or anyones' email addy for that matter) with the proper function enabled (it depends upon the type of cell device and their capabilities) and you can photoshop like crazy. Over and over again, because it is now in your email and you have saved it to your hard drive.
Not saying that's the case here- just sayin.
Does this mean that the Hickory Creek search won't be going forward?

(Don't hit me! I've selected my icon: :bowdown: )

wfgodot: I accept your icon. I am a pacifist at heart and don't believe in slapping children, even when they have had an (unauthorized) shot of wild turkey and therefore had a moment (moments?) of insanity.
I prefer the, "We'll talk about this in the morning" approach myself.

Then again, I don't have children. HAHAHA!

(Slightly O/T but I didn't listen to the blogtalk. Thank you for transcribing. In your opinion, was the last bash at Oriah's posts? or another poster? don't care one way or the other, just curious. :) )
Okay, I'm now pondering the whole context of the disappearance: the pastor's account of the Jamisons; the alleged third party who witnessed the "spirits on the roof" conversation; the revelations of prior (and present, around the time of disappearance) drug use, including meth at one time; the fact people were carrying around $32,000 in a vehicle; the gun-pointing episode and the disappeared briefcase (which I've a feeling didn't contain clothes for donation to Goodwill - but I don't know what it did contain); the evident disappearance of another large sum of money; the reason why trying to get Madyson to talk "was like pulling teeth"; the missing handgun -- all this sort of thing, all this stuff we've talked and talked and talked about before, and....

.....I'm not feeling too good about this old case.

Oh, did you catch the fact that Niki said Sherilynn's son is 16? So that's out of the question entirely. Any other possible avenues to investigate (within the sleuthing limits of WS) that particular path - not the son himself, mind, but....other avenues?
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