Person doing a backbend or hanging upside down in dense foliage

On more hat in the arena. I honestly have no idea on gender, every time I think it's a woman, I look at it again and become convinced it's a man....
...., or has already been mutilated in some way, thus the reason that the mid section was cropped out. Just my perspective.

I agree. For me personally I think if its a male he has been mutilated, and that body part is stuff in his mouth. I think that branch has been photoshop across the mouth area. The running blood is from the part stuffed in his mouth. But I could change my mind again because this photo is hard. :banghead:
I agree. For me personally I think if its a male he has been mutilated, and that body part is stuff in his mouth. I think that branch has been photoshop across the mouth area. The running blood is from the part stuffed in his mouth. But I could change my mind again because this photo is hard. :banghead:

There was no Photo Shop back in the 70's.
I wonder why Alcala would take the pic with the branch there, and not remove it so that the mouth area can be seen. On various sites that show the pics some are cropped different than others. Some also show more of the pics than others. I just wondered if the LE gave these news outlet the negatives and let them crop the photos themselves and/or were given permission to photoshop some perhaps the news outlets signing some confidentiality agreement.
I wonder why Alcala would take the pic with the branch there, and not remove it so that the mouth area can be seen.

plait the guy is a bona fide loop. An evil, manipulating creeper. I don't think he focused on moving that branch or not. No doubt he took a bunch of photographs of this same person in this same pose and we're not seeing them. There's so much foilage I think it would be tough even for this lunatic to move it all out of the way. Plus he probably wanted to stay concealed as possible. JMO
There is no way of knowing how long this person was held and tortured before this photo was taken. I still think it is a woman who has not shaved in days. JMO though.

I've been reading the media thread and catching up. I learned Alcala posed his victims after death and photographed them. ugh gives me the creeps.....I think this person was posed.

One other thing that I have observed in the photographs is that some of the victims face and throat area are covered by their though it was planned....not natural.

My suggestion/theory about this picture is that the foilage is used to conceal injuries at first glance. Since the body is upside down the hair could not be used to swoop over the forehead and other injuries.

RA is the scariest kind of killer...he is highly intelligent and as tricky and wiley as a coyote. A predator who, (like a cat who drags in a bird, mouse or lizard) tortures his prey and bats it around and 'plays with his catch' and lays with it for awhile before finally killing his victims. IMO, the only difference in RA and a wild animal is his IQ and he walks upright and has thumbs. I've had nightmares about this demon removing his shoes in court and he has cloven hooves!!!! ICK!

Sorry, didn't mean to go on a rant there. I just feel sad and sick when viewing this photo and many others that we discuss here.


One other thing that I have observed in the photographs is that some of the victims face and throat area are covered by their though it was planned....not natural.
Excellent observation. He does seemed obsessed with hair. thats why I feel that some are dressed in wigs. Even the fur coat girl that many posters think may be Ellen Hover he seems to have brushed her hair.
There is no way of knowing how long this person was held and tortured before this photo was taken. I still think it is a woman who has not shaved in days. JMO though.

I've been reading the media thread and catching up. I learned Alcala posed his victims after death and photographed them. ugh gives me the creeps.....I think this person was posed.

One other thing that I have observed in the photographs is that some of the victims face and throat area are covered by their though it was planned....not natural.

My suggestion/theory about this picture is that the foilage is used to conceal injuries at first glance. Since the body is upside down the hair could not be used to swoop over the forehead and other injuries.

RA is the scariest kind of killer...he is highly intelligent and as tricky and wiley as a coyote. A predator who, (like a cat who drags in a bird, mouse or lizard) tortures his prey and bats it around and 'plays with his catch' and lays with it for awhile before finally killing his victims. IMO, the only difference in RA and a wild animal is his IQ and he walks upright and has thumbs. I've had nightmares about this demon removing his shoes in court and he has cloven hooves!!!! ICK!

Sorry, didn't mean to go on a rant there. I just feel sad and sick when viewing this photo and many others that we discuss here.



WM, We'd discussed way back also about heads. The headphones, a helmet on a naked, suffering girls head. A funky hat on another.

He fashions the hair in alot of the pictures around the neck. Ala Frieda Kahlo was the only person I could think of. She used so many different ways to symbolize things around her neck. He actually swoops the hair around the neck like a garotte.
There are so many pictures with necklaces and things around the neck I think he may have put necklaces on them and was leading up to strangling them.
Going to modify this a little. When Photoshop DID come along, it borrowed a lot of concepts and terminology from pre-existing retouching and other doctoring. The Soviets made an art out of painting people out of group shots with Stalin once they had been arrested for treason or whatever.

Minor retouching was routinely done to paint out blemishes, etc. Extensive doctoring of pictures was rare in the pre-photoshop era because it was tedious and hard to do well.

Let me extend THIS a little. Alcala was an accomplished photographer. (On a good day, anyway.) However, nothing published would indicate he cared about darkroom wizardry or could paint a fence. There are no alterations in these pictures except for the obvious cropping by the usual suspects.
I'm puzzled though about the bush hanging by this person's mouth. Maybe RA set the timer off on his camera, and didn't get time to remove the bush.
It may be that Alcala wanted the person's face only partially exposed. An artistic choice.
Anything further on this? It seems like this thread just suddenly stopped.
Hanger's pupils register as black. Other people have been creeped by this already, yes. Nobody seems to know what that comes from.

There are several reasons someones pupils dilate but since the UID - drugs, poisoning disease, death and so on - the UID has completely blown pupils which leads me to believe the person is dead.

It really sucks that we have so little to go on with this UID.
My suggestion/theory about this picture is that the foilage is used to conceal injuries at first glance. Since the body is upside down the hair could not be used to swoop over the forehead and other injuries.

With Alcala's MO its unlikely he attempted to conceal his victim - it would take away from the overall thrill of someone finding his victim.
Gosh I don't even know anything about this case or who Alcala is! The photo in the OP though I noticed a few things. When you do a back bend (go do one now) you would have a lot more muscle tightness showing, not only in neck, but arms too. In this photo all muscles seem to be in a relaxed state except for one arm but to me that could be due to swelling in the tissue area. The eye's to me look fixed but hard to tell but whenever I do a back bend, very difficult to look like he is without having any neck strain and this photo has none of that in my opinion.

I also notice in other photo's it looked to me like if this person traveled around the world. Some pictures to me made me think of Portugal for some reason.

Alright going to go read up on Alcala's.
Maybe it's just me, but the photos of these ladies brought back haunting memories of Ted Bundy. Before the very end, TB picked his victims carefully, the same hair style, same build, etc., and these girls all have that TB victim look. I also noticed in the photos of girls this photographer took several pictures of, their mood seemed to go from happy to oblige a photograher, to a "this is getting creepy" look to a dazed and or horrified thought process going on in their head. Anyone else get that feeling?
As for the back bend / bridge photo, the person looks to be stretched to the max and in gut wrenching pain to me.
Its hard to know what we are looking at honestly, the person being upside down and having their face mostly covered almost plays tricks on perception.

Seeing the person in an unnatural position as well as knowing where the photo came from makes it nearly impossible to look at the photo without making assumptions.

This also applies to all the other photos; Had we just been given these photos without any background info I dont think we would read so much into every little thing trying to find clues - Im not suggesting that we shouldnt have been told, only that the facts behind the photos make it hard to not look at them with bias.

When I saw this photo I would have bet 100% that she was dead yet she was identified.

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