Sidebar Discussion #2

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Man - oh - Man! Wise up Jose - it probably isn't too smart to poke the hornet's nest!

Cindy and George supported their pathological lying monster daughter to the point of looking like absolute fools. All Jose needs now is for George to start singing about what KC was really like and what she really put them through their entire lives. Keep poking, Jose!

OH, I soooo pray that George ends up writing a tell all book ... complete with all of the facts about Jose's scheming and lying .... what Jose knew and when ... what Jose wanted the Ants to say and do ...
It would be a best seller if he does !!
I have a feeling that the A's support of Casey is totally for the public's benefit and not at all what goes on behind the scenes.
What did he call her in court? A *advertiser censored* and a liar? Was it liar or something worse?
So, all American girls are *advertiser censored*? Nice, Mr. Baez....very nice....:banghead:

You must stop this behavior during work hours while I am supposed to be working. LOL. My boss knows accounting reports aren't THIS funny!!!!
I was wondering what to wear for Halloween. I am going to a party in scrubs, with a hairnet and surgical mask and name tag that says JB. Hahahaha.......can't wait. Think I will stick a few velveeta wrappers to my "uniform".

OMG, I am losing it. :)
I laughed when I read the TMZ "News Report" - but then I actually felt nauseous that someone could say something this stupid and so far from being even in the same neighbourhood as the truth...
He's probably so ticked off that his little darlin isn't gonna get the same kind of (positive) media attention AK will.
Didn't he have some inside connection to TMZ? This is most likely a deliberately provoking statement to rattle people (including the As) to get them talking about / interested in Casey again.
I have a feeling that the A's support of Casey is totally for the public's benefit and not at all what goes on behind the scenes.

That may be the case, but if CA showed us anything in the past 3 years it is that she would stop at nothing to save KC from the DP or spending her life in prison. She made it her mission, IMO, to get KC off, or at least get her a lighter sentence, from the get-go. I would LOVE to know what she and GA would say about it when they were alone and there were no cameras around! Lol! I'm sure they knew what she was capable of and just how far she would go to get her way. I just don't think CA ever wanted to truly believe that her own flesh and blood would kill her own flesh and blood. Lie, steal, and manipulate: yes! But, IMO, CA probably always held onto the hope that KC couldn't possibly have done this. Not her child. That said, something must be brewing behind the scenes between JB/KC and CA/GA. For him to have lobbed such a personal and hurtful jab at them at this point in time is curious.
I would like the Knox family to let Baez know they don't take to kindly to their daughter being compared to Miss Anthony. Realize they know enough to ignore the likes of Baez...but it is offensive to say the least.
That may be the case, but if CA showed us anything in the past 3 years it is that she would stop at nothing to save KC from the DP or spending her life in prison. She made it her mission, IMO, to get KC off, or at least get her a lighter sentence, from the get-go. I would LOVE to know what she and GA would say about it when they were alone and there were no cameras around! Lol! I'm sure they knew what she was capable of and just how far she would go to get her way. I just don't think CA ever wanted to truly believe that her own flesh and blood would kill her own flesh and blood. Lie, steal, and manipulate: yes! But, IMO, CA probably always held onto the hope that KC couldn't possibly have done this. Not her child. That said, something must be brewing behind the scenes between JB/KC and CA/GA. For him to have lobbed such a personal and hurtful jab at them at this point in time is curious.


I think you're right. He's trying to get the public interested in what CA has to say in a book or interview so that she'll get money in her pocket and get FCA off his back. He knows that CA will take FCA back. I think they're all cooking something up as well.
I was wondering what to wear for Halloween. I am going to a party in scrubs, with a hairnet and surgical mask and name tag that says JB. Hahahaha.......can't wait. Think I will stick a few velveeta wrappers to my "uniform".

OMG, I am losing it. :)

As long as you don't pretend to be a chemist !! :crazy:
That may be the case, but if CA showed us anything in the past 3 years it is that she would stop at nothing to save KC from the DP or spending her life in prison. She made it her mission, IMO, to get KC off, or at least get her a lighter sentence, from the get-go. I would LOVE to know what she and GA would say about it when they were alone and there were no cameras around! Lol! I'm sure they knew what she was capable of and just how far she would go to get her way. I just don't think CA ever wanted to truly believe that her own flesh and blood would kill her own flesh and blood. Lie, steal, and manipulate: yes! But, IMO, CA probably always held onto the hope that KC couldn't possibly have done this. Not her child. That said, something must be brewing behind the scenes between JB/KC and CA/GA. For him to have lobbed such a personal and hurtful jab at them at this point in time is curious.

I would not be surprised if Casey sued George for molesting her ,and Cindy for not protecting her.
Casey has a way of believing her own lies and JB plays along,especially when money is involved.Maybe JB caught wind of a deal for GA and CA and wants a piece of it.
I know I'm going to get chastized to the hilt on this but I have to agree with Baez on this one.

No chastizing at all! Here's a hug! :hug: Now, persuade me. IMO, CA could not have been more supportive. I will admit that I used to think that every time CA went in front of the camera with a different telling of something I would think that she is actually locking KC's cell door tighter with each interview. But, now I see that it didn't. Clearly, since KC was found NG. But, can you tell me why you feel that CA and GA would be viewed as NOT having been supportive. I'm just curious. TIA!

He's probably so ticked off that his little darlin isn't gonna get the same kind of (positive) media attention AK will.

BINGO !! No doubt, it's getting to him .. all the money, too, that Amanda stands to make must be really eating away at him ... there's been a lot of talk about offers for Amanda to tell her story ... It must be going up Jose sideways that his client not only doesn't get these kind of offers, but is piling up huge debt for all of her lies ... :crazy:
So is JB comparing KC to his daughter????? She must love that. jmo

No, to Amanda Knox. Apparently, they're both All Americans Girls, but poor wittle Casey has bad parents. :sick:
I was wondering what to wear for Halloween. I am going to a party in scrubs, with a hairnet and surgical mask and name tag that says JB. Hahahaha.......can't wait. Think I will stick a few velveeta wrappers to my "uniform".

OMG, I am losing it. :)

Don't stop there! You have to add a bag over your head, smoke marijuana (fake if you want), and eat meat. Add a car around your waist to where the trunk is out front. Heck, maybe put a squirrel in your pocket! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Baez is trying to broker a reality show showcasing AK and FCA traveling the usa in an RV.

His cash cow isn't living up to expectations thus far.
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