Caylee opening the sliding glass door photo

This is what eats at me.


I will never understand how the P12 made these baffling, illogical, convoluted leaps that make no sense... To them, a photo of a child on tippy-toe reaching for the handle of a sliding door equals an accidental drowning that was never reported. WTH?

And they arrived at this conclusion without reviewing any evidence or court testimony -- and with no explanation for why a beautiful and beloved baby was allowed to die with no resuscitation attempts nor any calls for help made by her mother or the grandfather who supposedly witnessed this "drowning;" no clue as to why this "accidental" death was covered up by them both in the first place; why her grandfather who loved her dearly would callously dump her body out in the woods to rot and be eaten by bugs and ravaged by animals; why this grandfather would stand by wearing a "Find Caylee" t-shirt while his daughter was charged and jailed, why he would point investigators to evidence of his daughter's guilt and beg her to tell them the truth... or why this grandfather allowed his "innocent" daughter to sit in jail for three years, unjustly accused and facing not only the death penalty, but the scorn and wrath of the entire nation as well, racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars at the expense of Florida taxpayers... Nor why anyone with something to hide would rather face the story of a child that's missing, abducted, duct-taped, murdered, garbage-bagged, dumped... than a child who "accidentally drowned" in the family pool...

How could anyone with even one functioning brain cell possibly swallow this bogus story, given the facts and the evidence presented?

And yet, to these jurors, when the same baby -- whose very life was denied by her family for the first 7 months of her existence, and whose lying, thieving, con-artist mother referred to her as "snothead" and "the offspring" and "the kid" -- was found discarded dead and skeletonized in pieces in a swampy trash dump (conveniently right down the street from her house) in garbage bags with duct tape around her face and wearing a shirt implying she was "big trouble;" a baby who was the subject of an ongoing war between her mother and grandmother, and was never reported missing by this "spiteful b*tch" of an "unfit mother" who abandoned a decomp-reeking car (and lied about it), stayed away from home for 31 days, made up lies about where her baby was -- a mom who blamed an innocent woman for kidnapping, allowed thousands of people to waste thousands of dollars and hours searching and raising funds for a child she allegedly knew was dead, and allowed her attorneys to blame, point fingers, and ruin the lives of many innocent people -- a woman who herself sat silently in jail for three long years with the death penalty hanging over her head before her attorney dropped the outlandish zinger at her murder trial, and who went forward with that trial, brazenly allowing the family dysfunction and forensic photos of her baby's remains to be broadcast to the entire world -- Yeah, for the stellar P12, all these facts bizarrely added up to:


If I live to be 100, I will never get my head around this travesty, nor the unspeakable injustice done to poor sweet Caylee with their verdict. Shame on them, and shame on the A's and the DT for using pictures of Caylee to blame the baby for her own death. IMO the word 'sickening' doesn't even begin to cover it.

Grrrrrr.... :banghead:
(All IMO. Sorry for the rant and the run-on sentences; just had to vent.)

If there was a stand up and clap button, you would have deserved it in this post. :goodpost:

You summed it up for me. Injustice is the one and only word to describe anything to do with this case.
This is what eats at me.


I will never understand how the P12 made these baffling, illogical, convoluted leaps that make no sense... To them, a photo of a child on tippy-toe reaching for the handle of a sliding door equals an accidental drowning that was never reported. WTH?

And they arrived at this conclusion without reviewing any evidence or court testimony -- and with no explanation for why a beautiful and beloved baby was allowed to die with no resuscitation attempts nor any calls for help made by her mother or the grandfather who supposedly witnessed this "drowning;" no clue as to why this "accidental" death was covered up by them both in the first place; why her grandfather who loved her dearly would callously dump her body out in the woods to rot and be eaten by bugs and ravaged by animals; why this grandfather would stand by wearing a "Find Caylee" t-shirt while his daughter was charged and jailed, why he would point investigators to evidence of his daughter's guilt and beg her to tell them the truth... or why this grandfather allowed his "innocent" daughter to sit in jail for three years, unjustly accused and facing not only the death penalty, but the scorn and wrath of the entire nation as well, racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars at the expense of Florida taxpayers... Nor why anyone with something to hide would rather face the story of a child that's missing, abducted, duct-taped, murdered, garbage-bagged, dumped... than a child who "accidentally drowned" in the family pool...

How could anyone with even one functioning brain cell possibly swallow this bogus story, given the facts and the evidence presented?

And yet, to these jurors, when the same baby -- whose very life was denied by her family for the first 7 months of her existence, and whose lying, thieving, con-artist mother referred to her as "snothead" and "the offspring" and "the kid" -- was found discarded dead and skeletonized in pieces in a swampy trash dump (conveniently right down the street from her house) in garbage bags with duct tape around her face and wearing a shirt implying she was "big trouble;" a baby who was the subject of an ongoing war between her mother and grandmother, and was never reported missing by this "spiteful b*tch" of an "unfit mother" who abandoned a decomp-reeking car (and lied about it), stayed away from home for 31 days, made up lies about where her baby was -- a mom who blamed an innocent woman for kidnapping, allowed thousands of people to waste thousands of dollars and hours searching and raising funds for a child she allegedly knew was dead, and allowed her attorneys to blame, point fingers, and ruin the lives of many innocent people -- a woman who herself sat silently in jail for three long years with the death penalty hanging over her head before her attorney dropped the outlandish zinger at her murder trial, and who went forward with that trial, brazenly allowing the family dysfunction and forensic photos of her baby's remains to be broadcast to the entire world -- Yeah, for the stellar P12, all these facts bizarrely added up to:


If I live to be 100, I will never get my head around this travesty, nor the unspeakable injustice done to poor sweet Caylee with their verdict. Shame on them, and shame on the A's and the DT for using pictures of Caylee to blame the baby for her own death. IMO the word 'sickening' doesn't even begin to cover it.

Grrrrrr.... :banghead:
(All IMO. Sorry for the rant and the run-on sentences; just had to vent.)

Excellent post...
I can't let it go. I just want to know that someway, somehow she (caseyAnthony) the felon will be held responsible for what she did to Caylee. When that day comes, it will be so "exciting". A word she likes to use when referring to herself.
I've wondered that myself. I can only speak for myself. I think the SAs thought the jury would understand that a child touching a door is a far car cry from opening it. There were mothers/fathers on the jury that should have picked up on it right away. In fact, the sliding doors usually have fingerprint all over them from the child trying to push open the door.

Since that door played a big part in their deliberation, the jury should have taken a trip to the A's house and tried the door for themselves.


Was also wondering the same thing all this time...that left arm has ALWAYS looked too weird to's NOT in a "natural" position, IMO, there's a "roundless" to it...not straight OR elbow bent. It also looks too "white" compared to the rest of her body. I always wonder if the prosecution even thought of some of these things...or checked the pixilation on the "original", if they even asked for it??
And...those sliding glass doors are pretty heavy...even I have to give it a hard yank to close it, and I'm 5 in the world did the jury even FATHOM that a small child could open it?
And while I'm at it...LOL...who takes a picture of a person, let alone a CHILD, opening a sliding door, anyways??? It's her back, for cryin out loud!
These pictures AND that stupid animal burial "ritual" just seemed to pop up right at trial, too.
Like CA's so distraught, and she thinks, "hmmmm...lemme dig out that picture we took of Caylee opening a sliding door....I KNEW it would come in handy one day".
And, lets tell everyone, after 3 YEARS of lies and stories defending KC, that "we buried our animals in a blanket in a garbage bag sealed with tape".
Lord, I'll NEVER get over this whole sham either!!
I can't let it go. I just want to know that someway, somehow she (caseyAnthony) the felon will be held responsible for what she did to Caylee. When that day comes, it will be so "exciting". A word she likes to use when referring to herself.

God, I just wish I were older, crazier and had only 1 week left to live.....:maddening:

ETA: Had to come back and say I'm just being facetious...don't take that seriously at all....
This is what eats at me.


I will never understand how the P12 made these baffling, illogical, convoluted leaps that make no sense... To them, a photo of a child on tippy-toe reaching for the handle of a sliding door equals an accidental drowning that was never reported. WTH?

And they arrived at this conclusion without reviewing any evidence or court testimony -- and with no explanation for why a beautiful and beloved baby was allowed to die with no resuscitation attempts nor any calls for help made by her mother or the grandfather who supposedly witnessed this "drowning;" no clue as to why this "accidental" death was covered up by them both in the first place; why her grandfather who loved her dearly would callously dump her body out in the woods to rot and be eaten by bugs and ravaged by animals; why this grandfather would stand by wearing a "Find Caylee" t-shirt while his daughter was charged and jailed, why he would point investigators to evidence of his daughter's guilt and beg her to tell them the truth... or why this grandfather allowed his "innocent" daughter to sit in jail for three years, unjustly accused and facing not only the death penalty, but the scorn and wrath of the entire nation as well, racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars at the expense of Florida taxpayers... Nor why anyone with something to hide would rather face the story of a child that's missing, abducted, duct-taped, murdered, garbage-bagged, dumped... than a child who "accidentally drowned" in the family pool...

How could anyone with even one functioning brain cell possibly swallow this bogus story, given the facts and the evidence presented?

And yet, to these jurors, when the same baby -- whose very life was denied by her family for the first 7 months of her existence, and whose lying, thieving, con-artist mother referred to her as "snothead" and "the offspring" and "the kid" -- was found discarded dead and skeletonized in pieces in a swampy trash dump (conveniently right down the street from her house) in garbage bags with duct tape around her face and wearing a shirt implying she was "big trouble;" a baby who was the subject of an ongoing war between her mother and grandmother, and was never reported missing by this "spiteful b*tch" of an "unfit mother" who abandoned a decomp-reeking car (and lied about it), stayed away from home for 31 days, made up lies about where her baby was -- a mom who blamed an innocent woman for kidnapping, allowed thousands of people to waste thousands of dollars and hours searching and raising funds for a child she allegedly knew was dead, and allowed her attorneys to blame, point fingers, and ruin the lives of many innocent people -- a woman who herself sat silently in jail for three long years with the death penalty hanging over her head before her attorney dropped the outlandish zinger at her murder trial, and who went forward with that trial, brazenly allowing the family dysfunction and forensic photos of her baby's remains to be broadcast to the entire world -- Yeah, for the stellar P12, all these facts bizarrely added up to:


If I live to be 100, I will never get my head around this travesty, nor the unspeakable injustice done to poor sweet Caylee with their verdict. Shame on them, and shame on the A's and the DT for using pictures of Caylee to blame the baby for her own death. IMO the word 'sickening' doesn't even begin to cover it.

Grrrrrr.... :banghead:
(All IMO. Sorry for the rant and the run-on sentences; just had to vent.)

I want to post this everywhere. I want to wear a T shirt with this on it.
Why I doný really know because this is something the whole world knows... well everyone except the brilliant jury.
Was also wondering the same thing all this time...that left arm has ALWAYS looked too weird to's NOT in a "natural" position, IMO, there's a "roundless" to it...not straight OR elbow bent. It also looks too "white" compared to the rest of her body. I always wonder if the prosecution even thought of some of these things...or checked the pixilation on the "original", if they even asked for it??
And...those sliding glass doors are pretty heavy...even I have to give it a hard yank to close it, and I'm 5 in the world did the jury even FATHOM that a small child could open it?
And while I'm at it...LOL...who takes a picture of a person, let alone a CHILD, opening a sliding door, anyways??? It's her back, for cryin out loud!
These pictures AND that stupid animal burial "ritual" just seemed to pop up right at trial, too.
Like CA's so distraught, and she thinks, "hmmmm...lemme dig out that picture we took of Caylee opening a sliding door....I KNEW it would come in handy one day".
And, lets tell everyone, after 3 YEARS of lies and stories defending KC, that "we buried our animals in a blanket in a garbage bag sealed with tape".
Lord, I'll NEVER get over this whole sham either!!

ITA with your entire post.

If the picture is Caylee I think it was a snapshot from a video then photoshopped. Hmmmmm, who in the A family would be able to do that? GA/CA don't seem like the computer savvy type.

Caylee could barely reach the handle. I'd like to see anyone from that jury get on their knees to reach Caylee's height and with one hand open a sliding glass door.

I think the pet cemetery story was a complete and total lie. It was a desperate attempt to make the way Caylee's body was dumped in a trashy swamp as some sort of loving gesture.

Sham---that's the best word to describe the DT.

I can't let it go. I just want to know that someway, somehow she (caseyAnthony) the felon will be held responsible for what she did to Caylee. When that day comes, it will be so "exciting". A word she likes to use when referring to herself.

I feel the same way and would include the perjurer CA in that. She betrayed Caylee almost as horribly as FCA.
This is what eats at me.


I will never understand how the P12 made these baffling, illogical, convoluted leaps that make no sense... To them, a photo of a child on tippy-toe reaching for the handle of a sliding door equals an accidental drowning that was never reported. WTH?

And they arrived at this conclusion without reviewing any evidence or court testimony -- and with no explanation for why a beautiful and beloved baby was allowed to die with no resuscitation attempts nor any calls for help made by her mother or the grandfather who supposedly witnessed this "drowning;" no clue as to why this "accidental" death was covered up by them both in the first place; why her grandfather who loved her dearly would callously dump her body out in the woods to rot and be eaten by bugs and ravaged by animals; why this grandfather would stand by wearing a "Find Caylee" t-shirt while his daughter was charged and jailed, why he would point investigators to evidence of his daughter's guilt and beg her to tell them the truth... or why this grandfather allowed his "innocent" daughter to sit in jail for three years, unjustly accused and facing not only the death penalty, but the scorn and wrath of the entire nation as well, racking up hundreds of thousands of dollars at the expense of Florida taxpayers... Nor why anyone with something to hide would rather face the story of a child that's missing, abducted, duct-taped, murdered, garbage-bagged, dumped... than a child who "accidentally drowned" in the family pool...

How could anyone with even one functioning brain cell possibly swallow this bogus story, given the facts and the evidence presented?

And yet, to these jurors, when the same baby -- whose very life was denied by her family for the first 7 months of her existence, and whose lying, thieving, con-artist mother referred to her as "snothead" and "the offspring" and "the kid" -- was found discarded dead and skeletonized in pieces in a swampy trash dump (conveniently right down the street from her house) in garbage bags with duct tape around her face and wearing a shirt implying she was "big trouble;" a baby who was the subject of an ongoing war between her mother and grandmother, and was never reported missing by this "spiteful b*tch" of an "unfit mother" who abandoned a decomp-reeking car (and lied about it), stayed away from home for 31 days, made up lies about where her baby was -- a mom who blamed an innocent woman for kidnapping, allowed thousands of people to waste thousands of dollars and hours searching and raising funds for a child she allegedly knew was dead, and allowed her attorneys to blame, point fingers, and ruin the lives of many innocent people -- a woman who herself sat silently in jail for three long years with the death penalty hanging over her head before her attorney dropped the outlandish zinger at her murder trial, and who went forward with that trial, brazenly allowing the family dysfunction and forensic photos of her baby's remains to be broadcast to the entire world -- Yeah, for the stellar P12, all these facts bizarrely added up to:


If I live to be 100, I will never get my head around this travesty, nor the unspeakable injustice done to poor sweet Caylee with their verdict. Shame on them, and shame on the A's and the DT for using pictures of Caylee to blame the baby for her own death. IMO the word 'sickening' doesn't even begin to cover it.

Grrrrrr.... :banghead:
(All IMO. Sorry for the rant and the run-on sentences; just had to vent.)

I can't believe Perry allowed that picture and the nonsensical implications to be introduced at the trial. Thank god he will be out of office soon. Disgraceful.
ITA with your entire post.

If the picture is Caylee I think it was a snapshot from a video then photoshopped. Hmmmmm, who in the A family would be able to do that? GA/CA don't seem like the computer savvy type.

Caylee could barely reach the handle. I'd like to see anyone from that jury get on their knees to reach Caylee's height and with one hand open a sliding glass door.

I think the pet cemetery story was a complete and total lie. It was a desperate attempt to make the way Caylee's body was dumped in a trashy swamp as some sort of loving gesture.

Sham---that's the best word to describe the DT.


:seeya: Never underestimate any of those A's. Being clueless about computers isn't exactly in their vocabulary. I am sorry for being so AAARRGGGHHH about it, but just for instance, GA knew plenty enough about computers and said so on his Resume. I do appreciate each and everyone's input and opinions about all that has happened, but I sure do not and never will EVER trust anything any of them have said or have done. I used to give some benefit of doubt-especially to 1 of the grandparents, but no more. Imo, each are just as guilty if not more than the one who actually did the horrible deed, because each imo covered up and went to extremes to do so and that's something I can never forgive. Deplorable.

Added: Imo, fwiw, the details how the dogs were wrapped and buried was beyond something else - Like they were getting some kind of sadistic pleasure from saying all that since that is how Caylee was found-whether the dog burials were true or not depends....:banghead:
:seeya: Never underestimate any of those A's. Being clueless about computers isn't exactly in their vocabulary. I am sorry for being so AAARRGGGHHH about it, but just for instance, GA knew plenty enough about computers and said so on his Resume. I do appreciate each and everyone's input and opinions about all that has happened, but I sure do not and never will EVER trust anything any of them have said or have done. I used to give some benefit of doubt-especially to 1 of the grandparents, but no more. Imo, each are just as guilty if not more than the one who actually did the horrible deed, because each imo covered up and went to extremes to do so and that's something I can never forgive. Deplorable.

Added: Imo, fwiw, the details how the dogs were wrapped and buried was beyond something else - Like they were getting some kind of sadistic pleasure from saying all that since that is how Caylee was found-whether the dog burials were true or not depends....:banghead:

I think that picture is a symbol of a family united. It's obvious (to me at least) it was altered. I can imagine GA/CA scouring over videos and calling Lee for some computer help.

I think CA/GA/LA should be in prison right now. They are all despicable and they lied their arses off during the Morgan depos. While they pointed the finger at innocent people, they refused a polygraph. Every single person they looked at sideways took a polygraph willingly. I don't even want to get into the scamdations. I don't know how they sleep at night.

:seeya: Never underestimate any of those A's. Being clueless about computers isn't exactly in their vocabulary. I am sorry for being so AAARRGGGHHH about it, but just for instance, GA knew plenty enough about computers and said so on his Resume. I do appreciate each and everyone's input and opinions about all that has happened, but I sure do not and never will EVER trust anything any of them have said or have done. I used to give some benefit of doubt-especially to 1 of the grandparents, but no more. Imo, each are just as guilty if not more than the one who actually did the horrible deed, because each imo covered up and went to extremes to do so and that's something I can never forgive. Deplorable.

Added: Imo, fwiw, the details how the dogs were wrapped and buried was beyond something else - Like they were getting some kind of sadistic pleasure from saying all that since that is how Caylee was found-whether the dog burials were true or not depends....:banghead:

Even the Dog stories to me pointed to her guilt. so it's ok if you dump your child like you dumped your pets? Are you serious????? Ughh
:seeya: Never underestimate any of those A's. Being clueless about computers isn't exactly in their vocabulary. I am sorry for being so AAARRGGGHHH about it, but just for instance, GA knew plenty enough about computers and said so on his Resume. I do appreciate each and everyone's input and opinions about all that has happened, but I sure do not and never will EVER trust anything any of them have said or have done. I used to give some benefit of doubt-especially to 1 of the grandparents, but no more. Imo, each are just as guilty if not more than the one who actually did the horrible deed, because each imo covered up and went to extremes to do so and that's something I can never forgive. Deplorable.

Added: Imo, fwiw, the details how the dogs were wrapped and buried was beyond something else - Like they were getting some kind of sadistic pleasure from saying all that since that is how Caylee was found-whether the dog burials were true or not depends....:banghead:

YES. YES. YES. That came out of left field and was so very rehearsed with the As and the defense team. Despicable. "Ok....let's explain how poor, nut mom KC bagged and duct-taped know, just like we did our pets. Yeah, that'll work with this group....."
YES. YES. YES. That came out of left field and was so very rehearsed with the As and the defense team. Despicable. "Ok....let's explain how poor, nut mom KC bagged and duct-taped know, just like we did our pets. Yeah, that'll work with this group....."

I never realized they successfully put the idea out there that it would somehow make sense to bury a loved one the same way you would bury a pet. It's as if they could say any kind of utterly nonsensical thing and the jury would automatically fill in the blanks for them.

How does anyone with an above room temp iq think it would make sense to bury a family member like a pet? We buried our dog in the back I guess in some people's view it would make sense to do the same if someone in my family died?
Even the Dog stories to me pointed to her guilt. so it's ok if you dump your child like you dumped your pets? Are you serious????? Ughh

I bury my pets with a whole lot more respect and care than she did for Caylee.
I have never buried a pet, always cremated them, is it "normal" to wrap them in plastic with duct tape?
My beloved cat died several years ago. We wrapped him in his favorite cotton towel (the one he liked to pee on LOL), had a little service for him, and buried him in my friend's backyard with some fresh catnip and a few of his favorite kibbles, along with his little ID tag. No tape of any kind involved.

I suppose a person could wrap their deceased pet in plastic and bury it, but there is really no need whatsoever to tape the bag's not like the pet's gonna crawl outta there! And this may just be the Oregonian hippie in me, but plastic and duct tape are not biodegradable, so I would never bury anything in plastic. Also, what's the point? I could maybe see using a plastic bag to carry the pet, although that isn't respectful enough for me--I carried my little guy in his pet carrier. But it's not like a deceased buried pet is gonna "make a mess" if they aren't contained within a plastic bag.

That whole nonsense about well maybe Casey used duct tape around the handles of the laundry bag and then they somehow migrated immediately after death (b/c we know the coroner stated the tape was placed there before at the very beginning of decomposition) and just happened to layer itself edge to edge to edge and then wrap perfectly around Caylee's nose and mouth and both sides of her face so well to keep her mandible in place during numerous storms and flooding conditions is just freaking absurd. I mean, if the tape had lost its stickiness enough to slide off the bag handles, then how in the world did it not stick to the two garbage bags, or float away, or slide down the outside of the canvas bag...seriously sometimes the lack of logic in people just blows my freaking mind.
My beloved cat died several years ago. We wrapped him in his favorite cotton towel (the one he liked to pee on LOL), had a little service for him, and buried him in my friend's backyard with some fresh catnip and a few of his favorite kibbles, along with his little ID tag. No tape of any kind involved.

I suppose a person could wrap their deceased pet in plastic and bury it, but there is really no need whatsoever to tape the bag's not like the pet's gonna crawl outta there! And this may just be the Oregonian hippie in me, but plastic and duct tape are not biodegradable, so I would never bury anything in plastic. Also, what's the point? I could maybe see using a plastic bag to carry the pet, although that isn't respectful enough for me--I carried my little guy in his pet carrier. But it's not like a deceased buried pet is gonna "make a mess" if they aren't contained within a plastic bag.

That whole nonsense about well maybe Casey used duct tape around the handles of the laundry bag and then they somehow migrated immediately after death (b/c we know the coroner stated the tape was placed there before at the very beginning of decomposition) and just happened to layer itself edge to edge to edge and then wrap perfectly around Caylee's nose and mouth and both sides of her face so well to keep her mandible in place during numerous storms and flooding conditions is just freaking absurd. I mean, if the tape had lost its stickiness enough to slide off the bag handles, then how in the world did it not stick to the two garbage bags, or float away, or slide down the outside of the canvas bag...seriously sometimes the lack of logic in people just blows my freaking mind.

I dont understand how it held her mandible in place either. I dont buy the laundry bag idea .I do think the tpe was on Caylee's face. I just dont buy that it was still there holding the mandible. I think Roy kronk set the skull on the mandible and used the tape to kepe the skull from tipping back over. JMO.
Even the Dog stories to me pointed to her guilt. so it's ok if you dump your child like you dumped your pets? Are you serious????? Ughh

Yea, I'm sorry, but I will never accept it or condone the deplorable way things had transpired only for the family's benefit. All this talk of shells and dumping and nobody does 1 thing to remedy any of it? Maybe there will come a time in the near future that some of these questionable acts or utterances will come back and bite every one of them in their buttocks. I sure hope so. My goodness, I know half the world would never go to those extremes; to be so blatant and thumb their noses-this was not a murdering crazed killer that was dumped inside a trash bag, this was an innocent not quite 3 yr old baby girl. FGS! The illogical ways these people who call themselves parent and grandparents idk, but they need more than their heads examined. Something aint right. We all who cry our silent tears for a child we never knew have more compassion, kwim?
Sorry, I'm having a very bad day and now will have to go to my smoke room corner now since I fell off the darn wagon.
I dont understand how it held her mandible in place either. I dont buy the laundry bag idea .I do think the tpe was on Caylee's face. I just dont buy that it was still there holding the mandible. I think Roy kronk set the skull on the mandible and used the tape to kepe the skull from tipping back over. JMO.

I'm going to respond here, but then any more discussion we should move to the sidebar thread as to not veer this thread off topic.

So how did the tape get removed from her face and manage not to float away and how in the world did Roy Kronk allegedly know it had been on the face and was able to replace it including getting in immeshed in the hair mat and stick to the hair and bone long enough and well enough for the tape to still be there when it was actually found? I would think that if the tape had been on her face then fell off, then it would have floated away or got more crunched up than it was (it seemed to still have the contours of what was Caylee's nose, IMO)...sorry, but I just really disagree with your hypothesis.

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