State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-27-12

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I’ve been lurking for days now. Finally got my registration set up. I personally believe the circumstantial evidence in this case is OVERWHELMING. JY would have to be the unluckiest man on earth to have that many coincidences happen on the one night his wife is brutally murdered. There are 3 pieces of the puzzle that really stand out to me and I think are unable to be explained by any other possibility than JY was the likely murderer. These 3 pieces are the removal of the diaper, the fact that CY was carried to the bathroom, and the movement of the cameras at the HI that fit perfectly with the timeline. They seem small, but it’s difficult to explain away. I know the NG believers would love to have found that diaper in JY’s car, or believe that CY had wings or a child loving murderer in her presence that night, and fingerprints on the cameras. JY was prepared with gloves and trashbags….plain and simple…he covered his tracks. No Stranger would bother removing a diaper and carry a child to a safe area. There is nothing "reasonable" about that. Any one of these “pieces” do not point to guilt, it is the sheer volume of CE. These pieces added together paint a picture of brutal killer. I hate the burden of proof has become more difficult it seems b/c of technology. Juries want video, dna, etc….It’s absurd that common sense is not being applied like it should to overcome the burden of “reasonable doubt”. I don’t make these statements lightly. I firmly believe that there is only one thing worse than letting a guilty man go free and that is locking up an innocent one. IMO

Awesome post!
I agree Stella he wasn't exactly "in the vicinity". But it makes me wonder... Assuming he did commit the murder, wouldn't it have made more sense for him to pack up and hightail it home ASAP after his meeting and find the murder scene himself? Heck he could have worn his bloody hush puppies right into the room and had a plausible explanation for any evidence/footprints he might have left. (Just kidding with that, well sort of, I realize the blood would have dried) Plus that way he would have "found" CY himself and not needed to use the bizarre (imo) "paper in the printer" excuse? And he'd also have a ready excuse for CY ever telling anyone daddy "was there". I mean he had a decent (sort of) alibi so why bother going to his mom's house?

No way did JY want any part of finding his murdered wife. Not only do LE start with the closest person to the victim (especially murdered pregnant women) and investigate outward, but the person that found them is especially scrutinized..including their 911 call etc It's a lot easier to just keep dropping calls in the mountains and put an act on in front of his family...

He didn't even want to come out on the porch and tell the police at MF's house that his lawyer advised him not to speak so he wouldn't have to look into investigators' faces - people who are trained to be able to tell when someone is lying. He could have gone to the police station and invoked his right for an attorney and answered no questions - but he did not want his own demeanor on tape to be played out later...

I don't think he went there thinking CY would ever wake up from the surprise blow to MY, knock out and then strangling her...
My ex-wife gave me a beautiful platinum band that was almost identical to mine but more valuable as an anniversary gift.

It doesn't make sense other than that.

Unless they just didn't wear them a lot.

Sadly, I still have my wedding bands. What does that say about my ability to donate things? :floorlaugh:

What I remember reading about the man's ring that is missing, is that it belonged to Jason's Dad, and it was a keepsake, but I can't
confirm that because after 5+years I don't even know where I read it.

That is why I hope either side will bring out the list of missing items through Pat Young before she is excused from the stand.

Absolutely...they had people coming to stay at their house that night for the game the next day...don't believe that was planned at all.

The friends that were going to stay with them changed their minds and decided to go to either their parents or inlaws that Fri nite instead.

Jason knew this, and MY must have to, because she did not tell SS that or was making plans to get the home ready, like setting up a guest room.

Jason also said he would be back in time for the football game in the afternoon on Sat.

Not positive about when they knew they were not coming though.

I am pretty sure they were enroute to Raleigh when they learned MY was dead.

I’ve been lurking for days now. Finally got my registration set up. I personally believe the circumstantial evidence in this case is OVERWHELMING. JY would have to be the unluckiest man on earth to have that many coincidences happen on the one night his wife is brutally murdered. There are 3 pieces of the puzzle that really stand out to me and I think are unable to be explained by any other possibility than JY was the likely murderer. These 3 pieces are the removal of the diaper, the fact that CY was carried to the bathroom, and the movement of the cameras at the HI that fit perfectly with the timeline. They seem small, but it’s difficult to explain away. I know the NG believers would love to have found that diaper in JY’s car, or believe that CY had wings or a child loving murderer in her presence that night, and fingerprints on the cameras. JY was prepared with gloves and trashbags….plain and simple…he covered his tracks. No Stranger would bother removing a diaper and carry a child to a safe area. There is nothing "reasonable" about that. Any one of these “pieces” do not point to guilt, it is the sheer volume of CE. These pieces added together paint a picture of brutal killer. I hate the burden of proof has become more difficult it seems b/c of technology. Juries want video, dna, etc….It’s absurd that common sense is not being applied like it should to overcome the burden of “reasonable doubt”. I don’t make these statements lightly. I firmly believe that there is only one thing worse than letting a guilty man go free and that is locking up an innocent one. IMO

Great points. I think he's going down... For me, after today, I'm thinking that jury is going to vote guilty!!! Unless the dt has some big plan we don't know about, which I don't think is the case, I don't see how the jury can find reasonable doubt. I think the smoking gun is all the circumstances surrounding the HI also. Coming in a close 2nd is the hp shoes... 3rd is the missing clothes, 4th is everything related to cy, and I could go on and on and on. I think the state got it right this time. There's too much, and the defense does not have the same case this time... JY's unknown testimony was to their advantage last trial, but it's to the state's advantage this trial....
he's smart enough to do all that but not wear a different pair of shoes???

I've thought about that one too and have a theory/scenario that seems plausible. Here it is: I believe JY had an “Oh *****” moment the night of the murder that resulted in him stepping in blood with his “clean” HP shoes. I think this happened after the murder was committed once he “cleaned up” and bagged the bloody clothes and Franklin shoes (wherever that may have been…bathroom, outside, downstairs). When he returned to gather everything he needed (jewelry drawers, etc…) he was surprised that Cassidy had woken and was standing by her Mom in the blood. JY panicked and went to grab her instinctively without thinking about dirtying up his nice clean HP’s that he had already changed into. The HP’s were slip ons, so they were easy to slip off while holding CY in the Master bedroom so he wouldn’t track blood through the hallway while he carried her to the bathroom (no CY prints tracked to bathroom). I also think this is why the HP’s only left partial prints…..he was trying to be careful and tiptoe/maneuver but failed to keep them blood free, so he had to kick them off. I think he told her to wait in the bathroom and that he would be right back, then closed the door trapping her from tracking blood through the house. I’m sure he didn’t want to “take a bigger hit on the house” by having to replace more carpet, etc…! JY was now forced to have to move MY and access his closet for a 3rd pair of shoes. Bad luck for him that his HP’s got bloody. That 3rd pair were probably the pair he used the next day…whatever they were. That 3rd pair didn’t have blood on them, so they are really irrelevant in the big picture. I believe Jason never intended to have 2 sets of bloody footprints to be at the murder scene. I think he purchased those size 10 Franklins for the purpose of being disposable shoes. I don’t think the size 10 was a planned thing either. I’m thinking maybe the store didn’t have “his” size in them, so he got the biggest size they had (size 10). He had to take what was available b/c he didn’t have time to “shop around”. If they would have had a size 12 I think he would have gotten those. He probably tried them on real quick and realized he could cram his foot in them….heck he was only going to need them for about 10 minutes. Of course this is JMO and we'll never know EXACTLY how it happened, but I have a vision of this scenario taking place. I feel certain that if JY saw CY enter the room she would have never gotten close enough to get blood on her feet before he would have "intercepted" her. I believe CY approached her Mommy and stood in the blood when the killer (JY) wasn't looking or was in another area....hence the "Oh *****" moment when he did find her standing there = NOT PART OF THE MASTER PLAN! My theory though doesn’t support the concept that CY saw the murder happening, unless she watched hiding in the doorway and approached her Mommy once JY went to the Master bathroom to change clothes, etc…which is highly likely. Most children don’t come running loud into their parent’s bedrooms in the middle of the night….they creep like little mice (all 3 of my kids are super quiet when they sneak in our room in the middle of the night). JMO
Something I can not figure out.....

The dress shoes in the back of the SUV.......

Are they the ones he had on for his meeting and then they were seized by LE?

I am just confused as to what shoes are what, and the reason he would
have to buy new shoes is only because he could not get to the ones in the SUV?

PS: I know none of the shoes in question are the Hush Puppies, I am just wondering if he had dress shoes on,another pair of dress shoes in the SUV, and then went out and purchased more dress shoes for the funeral that he wore to the NTO.?

I've thought about that one too and have a theory/scenario that seems plausible. Here it is: I believe JY had an “Oh *****” moment the night of the murder that resulted in him stepping in blood with his “clean” HP shoes. I think this happened after the

<respectfully snipped> and :welcome:CGW......

Unless someone gets Jason to put on the size 10 Franklins, I don't see any way he could squeeze his foot into a hightop athletic shoe
enough to make an definite impression.

These were not sandals, loafers or slip ons.

I am so confused about the dress shoes, though.

Welcome CGW!

Awesome posts and so very logical too. I agree with your analysis.
Something I can not figure out.....

The dress shoes in the back of the SUV.......

Are they the ones he had on for his meeting and then they were seized by LE?

If so, did Jason grab a pair of shoes at his Mom's , but then MF said he
had on dress shoes., did he pack 2 pair of shoes, or did he keep shoes in the car?

I am just confused as to what shoes are what, and the reason he would
have to buy new shoes is only because he could not get to the ones in the SUV?

PS: I know none of the shoes in question are the Hush Puppies, I am just wondering if he had dress shoes on,another pair of dress shoes in the SUV, and then went out and purchased more dress shoes for the funeral that he wore to the NTO.?


The shoes are what some of us believe to be the smoking gun. In the SUV were a tan pair of square toed worn looking casual shoes and a brown swede pair of a hiking type shoe. I saw them in evidence Friday in the courtroom. In The CB and HI pictures he had on a brown pair of round toed casual/ dress type shoe. These were the shoes the HP expert said were consistent in appearance to HP Orbitals. These shoes were not seen again. JY then went out right before the NTO and bought brown round toed casual /dress shoe that looked like the shoe he had on in the HI and CB picture. I think a reasonable person could infer he got rid of those shoes he had on in those HI and CB pictures and got new ones that looked like the others. I believe they were HP Orbitals.
I've thought about that one too and have a theory/scenario that seems plausible. Here it is: I believe JY had an “Oh *****” moment the night of the murder that resulted in him stepping in blood with his “clean” HP shoes. I think this happened after the murder was committed once he “cleaned up” and bagged the bloody clothes and Franklin shoes (wherever that may have been…bathroom, outside, downstairs). When he returned to gather everything he needed (jewelry drawers, etc…) he was surprised that Cassidy had woken and was standing by her Mom in the blood. JY panicked and went to grab her instinctively without thinking about dirtying up his nice clean HP’s that he had already changed into. The HP’s were slip ons, so they were easy to slip off while holding CY in the Master bedroom so he wouldn’t track blood through the hallway while he carried her to the bathroom (no CY prints tracked to bathroom). I also think this is why the HP’s only left partial prints…..he was trying to be careful and tiptoe/maneuver but failed to keep them blood free, so he had to kick them off. I think he told her to wait in the bathroom and that he would be right back, then closed the door trapping her from tracking blood through the house. I’m sure he didn’t want to “take a bigger hit on the house” by having to replace more carpet, etc…! JY was now forced to have to move MY and access his closet for a 3rd pair of shoes. Bad luck for him that his HP’s got bloody. That 3rd pair were probably the pair he used the next day…whatever they were. That 3rd pair didn’t have blood on them, so they are really irrelevant in the big picture. I believe Jason never intended to have 2 sets of bloody footprints to be at the murder scene. I think he purchased those size 10 Franklins for the purpose of being disposable shoes. I don’t think the size 10 was a planned thing either. I’m thinking maybe the store didn’t have “his” size in them, so he got the biggest size they had (size 10). He had to take what was available b/c he didn’t have time to “shop around”. If they would have had a size 12 I think he would have gotten those. He probably tried them on real quick and realized he could cram his foot in them….heck he was only going to need them for about 10 minutes. Of course this is JMO and we'll never know EXACTLY how it happened, but I have a vision of this scenario taking place. I feel certain that if JY saw CY enter the room she would have never gotten close enough to get blood on her feet before he would have "intercepted" her. I believe CY approached her Mommy and stood in the blood when the killer (JY) wasn't looking or was in another area....hence the "Oh *****" moment when he did find her standing there = NOT PART OF THE MASTER PLAN! My theory though doesn’t support the concept that CY saw the murder happening, unless she watched hiding in the doorway and approached her Mommy once JY went to the Master bathroom to change clothes, etc…which is highly likely. Most children don’t come running loud into their parent’s bedrooms in the middle of the night….they creep like little mice (all 3 of my kids are super quiet when they sneak in our room in the middle of the night). JMO

That is exactly how I think jy got blood on his hp's... Few differences, I think cy did witness the murder, but I agree that while he was cleaning himself up cy went to her mommy. I think jy had his hp's back on at that point and stepped in the blood to grab cy, like you described. I think jy purposely bought a size 10, though. He's a practiced prankster... one size off could still point to him, because different shoes can run bigger or smaller, but 2 sizes would point away from him.
:wagon: to the :rollercoaster: CGW! Glad you came out of :lurk: dom to join us.

THANKS! I joined WS back during the Anthony fiasco, but forgot my id and password, so I had to register again :waitasec: I've been following this case from the beginning when Greta used to air it on On the Record. It hit close to home for me b/c I attended NCSU at the same time as JY and was also in a sorority (not MY's). MY attended NCSU the year after I graduated with a Criminal Justice degree. So you can see why I got sucked into this vortex :what:
Something I can not figure out.....

The dress shoes in the back of the SUV.......

Are they the ones he had on for his meeting and then they were seized by LE?

If so, did Jason grab a pair of shoes at his Mom's , but then MF said he
had on dress shoes., did he pack 2 pair of shoes, or did he keep shoes in the car?

I am just confused as to what shoes are what, and the reason he would
have to buy new shoes is only because he could not get to the ones in the SUV?

PS: I know none of the shoes in question are the Hush Puppies, I am just wondering if he had dress shoes on,another pair of dress shoes in the SUV, and then went out and purchased more dress shoes for the funeral that he wore to the NTO.?


Honestly I haven't paid any attention to this part of the shoe stuff. But off the top of my head I guess I assumed that no matter what, he had two pairs of shoes when he returned. (Either the original ones he brought with him, or, if he committed the murder, one original pair and one pair he took out of his closet to replace the hush puppies) LE seized both pairs (in the SUV and the ones he was wearing) Or maybe he needed "suit" type nicer shoes for the funeral and the ones he was wearing weren't dressy enough for a dark suit (assuming they let him keep any which I doubt)? I really don't know what I'm talking about here so I'm going to bed. Nite Cammy!
The shoes are what some of us believe to be the smoking gun. In the SUV were a tan pair of square toed worn looking casual shoes and a brown swede pair of a hiking type shoe. I saw them in evidence Friday in the courtroom. In The CB and HI pictures he had on a brown pair of round toed casual/ dress type shoe. These were the shoes the HP expert said were consistent in appearance to HP Orbitals. These shoes were not seen again. JY then went out right before the NTO and bought brown round toed casual /dress shoe that looked like the shoe he had on in the HI and CB picture. I think a reasonable person could infer he got rid of those shoes he had on in those HI and CB pictures and got new ones that looked like the others. I believe they were HP Orbitals.

In the SUV, 2 pairs of shoes were found?????????? :confused:

What did he wear when he arrived at MF's then?

Thanks, Grammy Jean.
Honestly I haven't paid any attention to this part of the shoe stuff. But off the top of my head I guess I assumed that no matter what, he had two pairs of shoes when he returned. (Either the original ones he brought with him, or, if he committed the murder, one original pair and one pair he took out of his closet to replace the hush puppies) LE seized both pairs (in the SUV and the ones he was wearing) Or maybe he needed "suit" type nicer shoes for the funeral and the ones he was wearing weren't dressy enough for a dark suit (assuming they let him keep any which I doubt)? I really don't know what I'm talking about here so I'm going to bed. Nite Cammy!

Nite CeeKer, I am leaving too.
I just can't get the shoes in the SUV figured out..
I could understand buying new shoes if LE had them....
Ack, nevermind, lol.

Curious to see what tomorrow brings!!
Welcome CGW!

Awesome posts and so very logical too. I agree with your analysis.

Yes, I also think he hit MY with a large landscaping rock he may have picked up somewhere, can't be traced and easy to dispose.

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