jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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IS replaying parts of JA's testimony.
She doesn't remember taking the shower shots, then DOES remember her attacked her, then doesn't remember the stabbing. lol

And she remembers exactly what she was wearing when she was arrested. CAN NOT STAND HER!!
I'm gonna guess that JM starts out with all of her stories about the murder to establish what a liar she is.
My hunch is that nothing JA described at the crime scene happened. Her story is a total fabrication. At least the ninja story had some elements of truth upon which JA could build.

All the struggles, body-slams, linebacker tackles, jump for concealed gun, all the harsh words all the drama played out in the bedroom and bathroom controvert the forensic evidence and Sony photo timeline.

The JA story was completely manufactured from ground up in order to relieve her of premeditation and 1st degree murder. JA has, all along, wanted a 2nd degree murder conviction.

I agree completely with you.

BBM: I think it was an epic fail. We'll find out for sure, but I think she blew it. Lots of people here think that she went "off script." (I don't have an opinion on that because everything out of her mouth totally surprises me and I can't conceive of what her script might have been.) The responsible gun owner and panning for gold getaway vacation were just too far out there. Any plausibility momentum she had gathered was destroyed at that point.
I really think he was posing for the pictures. Who folds their arms and leans against the shower in different places like that? Who sits in the shower? I think she tricked him into posing so she could confine him in the shower and attack without him fighting or running away.

I still say him sitting in the shower is still fishy to me. Because she would have gotten his face in the picture. But I am with you about all the other pictures...I think he posed for them also. I think you have a pretty good theory going on there!!!!
I am sure the neighbors will hear me yelling at my tv all day...they must think...

she's WHACKO!!!! lolz
One thing I forgot about yesterday-at one point when they were showing a shot of Arias from above and left-looking down at her-it looked like she was sitting cross legged in the chair-like a little kid. Did anyone else notice that?
I just thought it was odd.
Thanks for the insight. I thought it was really weird that she was allowed (or so she says) to buy a bunch of Advil AND have a razor. Really?? I highly doubt that, Miss Priss.

I've never heard of being able to buy Advil from canteen. Reason being is that you wouldn't want inmates to stockpile it. Another crazy story!
Any medication dispensed in jail comes from the nurse who gives inmates their meds and they have to take it in front of the nurse and guard.
Good morning! It's gonna be a great day!

One question... What time was it when TA supposedly spun her around and forced himself on her? Were his roommates still home?

Just curious.
I've never heard of being able to buy Advil from canteen. Reason being is that you wouldn't want inmates to stockpile it. Another crazy story!
Any medication dispensed in jail comes from the nurse who gives inmates their meds and they have to take it in front of the nurse and guard.

That's what I thought. And aren't the razors safety razors?
So JA says she lied because she didn't want anyone to know what she had done, I thought she said she didn't rememebr what she had done.

She says in the 48 hours show that to her knowledge nothing was taken by the ninjas after the event, but how would she know if she had fled the scene before the intruders?

ETA Not a very good liar really. Even her lies are lies!
I still say him sitting in the shower is still fishy to me. Because she would have gotten his face in the picture. But I am with you about all the other pictures...I think he posed for them also. I think you have a pretty good theory going on there!!!!

Even her camera dropping story is crap. She was crouched down according to her looking at the pic she took... The fall of the camera would be like what? 6 inches? She claims she almost caught it but it bounced and rolled.

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I am so so sorry for what happened to you. I understand and morally feel the same way you do about the process. I don't know how defense attorneys sleep at night. They certainly earn every penny they make. But I also understand their legal purpose and they are given wide latitude to defend ..within the bounds of the law. IMO the problem is the system...not the attorney.

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I disagree. There are upstanding attorneys, prosecution or defense, and there are slime - prosecution and defense.
Ethics need to be made into laws so there is no gray area for slimy attorneys to take advantage of the unwritten laws.
Good morning! I've had to miss a lot of the last couple of weeks due to work (grumble) and the court's schedule, but I'm off today, Monday and Tuesday. Perfect timing! I've been able to keep up thanks to you all, so thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Cannot wait for cross today. She won't have Nurmi leading her through her script, won't get to tell her life story, won't get the "awww... tell us how you feel?" carp. Juan is going to wake her up out of that black out real quick, yes indeed.

I need some Juan pom-poms! Juan-poms!

Found your pom-pom's ----------> A JUAN-ETTE had them! LOL

I think the photos with the KY were legit, they were having sex. I think she then left and came back, Travis was in the shower and she surpised him there. JMHO :moo:

That was my first thought when I saw the photos, she creeped in and was taking photos of him in the shower without his knowledge. The one of him looking directly into the lens just screams "shock and WTF are you doing!" jmo

I think she had threatened to tell lies about him liking lil' boys and planned to use these photos as a way to blackmail him and destroy his life.
Can you please direct me to those pictures from the trail, from the autopsy,and the day of the murder. I remember seeing them on here,but I can't find them now.

Thank you so much,
Debbie Rio
Sometimes that picture looks like he's posing. But, the more I look at it, it looks to me as if she was holding the gun pointed at him. She told him to sit down and she is threatening him. He looks a little scared and uncertain. MOO

You might be right. When surprised or in fear, you would think there would be obvious expression in the face, but when I think about it, when I was robbed at gunpoint I can remember having no expression at all, just a dead stare (best I could do while looking down the barrel of a gun. I couldn't move, boy with gun in my face and his cohorts surrounding me with a wood board. I did what the boy with the gun told me to do, gave him my purse very carefully. They ran, then I fell apart. I have always thought there is something familiar about that picture!
I believe this is the picture being discussed;


That picture is beyond haunting. It makes me cry and it makes me nauseous. I don't want to look at it but I can't stop staring into his eyes. That was literally seconds before she attacked him.

Geez...I guess my taste in music isn't 'hip'. LOL I REALLY disliked it. I'm just not cool enough I guess. LOL

I loved, loved, loved that whole album. That song was the best dumped girl anthem ever lol! It's perfectly fine to be angry at guys who you feel have used you or dumped you, it's just not ok to kill anybody!!
JA says when she showed up at 4am, TA was in his office watching You Tube....was there anyway to check if You Tube was on his laptop at that time?
Did the closet have 2 doors? One from the BR and one from the bathroom? Did JA pole vault to the top shelf of the closet?

yes, the closet was a walk-through...

i posted this early, early this morning.. but this should give you an idea of the layout of Travis' bathroom, bed, and closet...

i created the image using an HLN youtube video screen cap, and j.a's own version of events (aka "lies" IMO!)..
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