trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #119

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Still going through yesterday's testimony.

Question: does JM have a DV expert he is going to question in rebuttal?

I'm really hoping they destroy ALV's testimony. What a load of bull-hockey!
Good morning, friends!!

I know this is OT but a girl in the next town over (we live in a very small town), same age as my son (14), committed suicide last night. Apparently she was a victim of bullying. :( Prayers for her family, please!!

This world can be so cruel. I feel so sad today thinking about that, thinking about Travis, thinking about his family. It's not fair. Life just isn't fair.

Yesterday was the 8th death anniversary of my close friend who committed suicide. My heart breaks when I heard the word 'suicide'

My heartfelt prayers for that young girl....
No, I didn't mean the judge threatened her with any action against her but just that I'm sure she explained that any statements made to the press will be intensely scrutinized and could be used as grounds for a mistrial so could she please, pretty please, STFU until it's all over.

When Gus was discharged he was free to discuss anything with the media. A juror, in theory, knows nothing more than what we have already seen in court so the only comments she could make would be personal ones and comments about what happens in the jury room. She probably bonded with many, if not all of the jurors, and she is being respectful by not commenting. I doubt the judge told her to STFU, nor did anyone from the court tell her anything other than she was dismissed. She was a target, no more, no less and Jodi managed to eliminate her and showed her pleasure in court. Another victim, another notch on Jodi's belt.

Look at all the people she has tried and in some cases succeeded to destroy so far in this trial. MM, DB, the Hughes, RB, Jodi's parents and family, RS, Gus, etc.

When Jodi's Dad said in the video that she said she needed to get away and needed the gun for protection where she was going, Monterey, any one else think MM was the target. jmo
After watching the video of Jodi's parents and watching her mom in court every day! I have come to the conclusion that they really do believe Jodi snapped because either Travis had cheated on Jodi or led her astray. This is a good reason to meet the parents of someone you are dating. Know what their past is about because maybe he would have broken up with Jodi sooner. Although I believe she would have murdered him anyway, being the psycho that she is. Her parents likely cannot accept the Jodi that we all see as a non- human who slaughtered a man. I hold her defense team as totally responsible if she gets the death penalty for allowing her to plead self defense. There is no way this was self defense. She should have pled insanity and gotten LWOP. Her team knows she is insane. They are negligent. They have to live with that.
Alice said she saw no jealousy on the part of Jodi. JM should show her the autopsy pics.
I think ALV may have suffered from an attack of IBS brought on by that little slip regarding testimony. I think she may have to put on some Depends before JM begins his cross-examination which is sure to bring on more IBS attacks.


LOL ... I think she is going to need more than just Depends -- things like a helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, maybe a bullet-proof vest ... because he is going to rip her to shreds !

Oh well ... when you lie down with a dog who has fleas, you get fleas :waitasec:

Arias wrote this a year prior to murdering Travis:
8/2/17 @8:00AM

Create a new truth for yourself(<-sentence underlined twice)

I love him. I could not possibly love him
not, though I WISH that I can stop. Turn it
off like a light switch. Duct tape it down
so it can't turn back on or better yet, just
unplug(<-line through word) cut the circuit. Cut off it's life source.
Make it dead in a second. Lifeless. A
meaningless network of wires that do and mean nothing
:what: "Duct tape it down" :what:
Remember the mysterious duct tape found? Just sayin'...
After watching the video of Jodi's parents and watching her mom in court every day! I have come to the conclusion that they really do believe Jodi snapped because either Travis had cheated on Jodi or led her astray. This is a good reason to meet the parents of someone you are dating. Know what their past is about because maybe he would have broken up with Jodi sooner. Although I believe she would have murdered him anyway, being the psycho that she is. Her parents likely cannot accept the Jodi that we all see as a non- human who slaughtered a man. I hold her defense team as totally responsible if she gets the death penalty for allowing her to plead self defense. There is no way this was self defense. She should have pled insanity and gotten LWOP. Her team knows she is insane. They are negligent. They have to live with that.

I have seen a lot of posts saying she should have plead insanity, which I don't get at all. I don't see how she even approaches the legal definition of insanity.
:seeya: Help with 3 questions please!!

1. Can JM call JA's parents as hostile witnesses?

2. Can the Alexander family file a wrongful death suit against JA?

3. JA's broke now, but is it legal for her to write a book and profit from it?

TIA :seeya:

An Arizona lawyer could answer these, but IMO....
1. No. The parents would be sympathetic. Jurors would feel sorry for them.

2. Yes if she is found guilty. They can keep her from profiting fom the murder.

3. Depends on Arizona laws. Anyone?
Good morning, friends!!

I know this is OT but a girl in the next town over (we live in a very small town), same age as my son (14), committed suicide last night. Apparently she was a victim of bullying. :( Prayers for her family, please!!

This world can be so cruel. I feel so sad today thinking about that, thinking about Travis, thinking about his family. It's not fair. Life just isn't fair.

I am so sorry to hear that. Prayers are in order.
Arias wrote this a year prior to murdering Travis:
8/2/17 @8:00AM

Create a new truth for yourself(<-sentence underlined twice)

I love him. I could not possibly love him
not, though I WISH that I can stop. Turn it
off like a light switch. Duct tape it down
so it can't turn back on or better yet, just
unplug(<-line through word) cut the circuit. Cut off it's life source.
Make it dead in a second. Lifeless. A
meaningless network of wires that do and mean nothing
:what: "Duct tape it down" :what:
Remember the mysterious duct tape found? Just sayin'...

Did they ever say that duct tape found was involved? I thought it was just random. What is super creepy to me is the "Cut off it's life source... Make it dead in a second"... or 62.

I just read the exteded interview with Sandy, Jodi's mom.

When asked by police if she had any suspicion of her daughter in the murder, she said:

"I asked her, because that's the first thing I asked her.....I said, did you go to Arizona and she said no, I was nowhere near Arizona and I have gas receipts and everything to prove it."

THAT RIGHT THERE should be enough to show she deliberately planned the location of those gas receipts to specifically give the appearance of her not being in Arizona. And she could have never done that without the gas cans. And we now know she was in Arizona and that in the days following the murder she was already planting the seed of her alibi by offering up the tangible evidence she premeditated.

Think of it this way....SHE knew she was in Arizona, so the only reason she knew it was safe to offer up the alibi of the gas receipts was because SHE ALREADY KNEW that was what the gas receipts would prove - because she planned it that way.

A person taking a long trip would not remember every single gas station you stopped at and if you were faced with a traumatic situation shortly after that trip, there is no way you would make any definitive statements about where you had stopped for gas because that wouldn't be a detail with high priority relative to the tragedy- the ONLY way you could make that kind of definitive claim is if you already knew where you PLANNED to stop for gas in advance.

Frustrating - I don't know why Sandy's interview can't be used in court? If ALV can get up there and regurgitate Jodi's words, why can't her mother???

Great post!!

BBM - Is there an extended version available? I can't possibly read through everything I missed from last night into this morning. Gracias!
After watching the video of Jodi's parents and watching her mom in court every day! I have come to the conclusion that they really do believe Jodi snapped because either Travis had cheated on Jodi or led her astray. This is a good reason to meet the parents of someone you are dating. Know what their past is about because maybe he would have broken up with Jodi sooner. Although I believe she would have murdered him anyway, being the psycho that she is. Her parents likely cannot accept the Jodi that we all see as a non- human who slaughtered a man. I hold her defense team as totally responsible if she gets the death penalty for allowing her to plead self defense. There is no way this was self defense. She should have pled insanity and gotten LWOP. Her team knows she is insane. They are negligent. They have to live with that.

There was no documented mental illness. She planned it out. Jodi wanted to plea to second degree. The state said no. Jodi never would have agreed to plea to first degree.
Arias wrote this a year prior to murdering Travis:
8/2/17 @8:00AM

Create a new truth for yourself(<-sentence underlined twice)

I love him. I could not possibly love him
not, though I WISH that I can stop. Turn it
off like a light switch. Duct tape it down
so it can't turn back on or better yet, just
unplug(<-line through word) cut the circuit. Cut off it's life source.
Make it dead in a second. Lifeless. A
meaningless network of wires that do and mean nothing
:what: "Duct tape it down" :what:
Remember the mysterious duct tape found? Just sayin'...

That is really disturbing, especially "Cut off it's life source". Considering she stabbed him in the heart and almost severed his head - it is very disturbing indeed.
I have seen a lot of posts saying she should have plead insanity, which I don't get at all. I don't see how she even approaches the legal definition of insanity.

I agree. I don't think she's insane. Psychopathic/sociopathic but not insane. She knew what she was doing.
Guesses on what time ADL comes in and JW finishes up with her?

09:30h Arizona time and 16:10h next Wednesday. She's going to drag, this last hurrah for JA alooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggggg so the jury can keep bonding with her. :floorlaugh:
:seeya: Help with 3 questions please!!

1. Can JM call JA's parents as hostile witnesses?

2. Can the Alexander family file a wrongful death suit against JA?

3. JA's broke now, but is it legal for her to write a book and profit from it?

TIA :seeya:

Not an atty.
But pretty sure #2 is yes. And case is always stronger after a criminal conviction. Point is moot if she is penniless. Monetary aspect anyway.

#3 Each state is different. Don't know if AZ has law preventing this. If no such law, then OK. I think the states that have a law RE this, cannot ban a murderer from writing a book, but the state can take all profits, and such a state law often mandates profit be given to family of the murdered person.

#1 I do not know. A Q for an atty.
February 2008 he said he wanted to buy a gun -- but according to Jodi's testimony he already had a gun as of 2007. Oops

Btw, just to confirm you have the date right.

From the jurors' questions.
The jury's questions and Jodi's answers- no discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
127: When did you find Travis's gun?
A: It would have been October, November sometime in the fall, it was before Christmas 2007, I know it was before Christmas I don't remember the exact time in the fall.

This catch by Minor blew me away.
Think there will be court today? :fence:


IF there is court today, no doubt the DT was "up to something" yesterday ... which does not surprise me ... their shenanigans and "unethical tactics" are getting old ...

IF there is NO court today and ALV is "sick," I would be demanding a doctor's certificate ...

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