GUILTY Australia - Andrew, 45, Rose, 44, & Chantelle Rowe, 16, slain, Kapunda, 8 Nov 2010 #3

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I recall her saying that the guys at work had been ribbing/teasing the accused because he was wearing a jacket in the hot shed. I am pretty sure she mentioned that he eventually took the jacket off and they saw the cuts. Apparently no one thought anything of it at the time because they didn't think he was capable of murder.

I also recall reading that he eventually took the long sleeved top off. She also said that they were giving him s**t about the cuts saying to him he was going to get charged - at the time they were not at all serious, she said.
There are other neighbours that are just as close to the house.I can't understand either that 3 people could be attacked in that way with many defensive wounds to the victims without someone hearing something more. He(the neighbour) had said she sounded quite upset,as a male and friend of the family would you not check it out?

People are often hesitant to interfere in domestic disputes. I don't know why really, considering that most abuse (mental and physical) and violent crime tends to be perpetuated by people that know the victim, and more often then not, by close relatives. If I heard a domestic then I would hope that I had the courage to call the police. Just because the feud is happening within the family unit does not make it acceptable, and it does not mean that you should turn a blind eye. In fact, considering that most violence is committed in the home, it's even more reason to report it.

I do feel sorry for the guy though. None of us really know how we would have reacted in his situation. It sounds to me like he always thought that he would be one to call the police in such a situation, but when push came to shove he didn't, and is obviously heartbroken over that choice.

Also lets assume there were 3 mobile phones and a house phone.Not one of them could get to it? Most people keep their phones next to their beds do they not? Like most have mentioned, too many holes in the story far.[/B]

Teenagers might sleep with their phone next to their ear, but I don't think many adults would (we arn't as addicted to the constant stream of SMSs that our younger brethren are :)

Even if they had a phone nearby I doubt that their priority at that instant would be to call the cops. If you saw a loved one being stabbed then more likely then not your first instinct would be to try to stop the person from stabbing them. Once you had done that then you would try call the police. Calling the police is all well and good but would not have saved the lfie of the person being attacked at that instant. As such, if it were me, I would try to disarm the perp first, call the cops second.
Hi Mrs G. Sorry, I am certainly not implying there is an alternative suspect. Nobody knows what he heard so I am not saying he should feel guilty about it.I am sure a lot of people don't ring the police when they perhaps should.The only good thing that may come out of this is that perhaps we may consider making a call if in the same situation.
Basically I was just thinking out loud. LOL

Oh that's OK....I was just worried about him, thinking back to my own time living in a small town I guess :) Look I agree, god, my neighbors fight like mad some nights, and I often hear loud bangs and NEVER call the police, makes you wonder....I mean I guess this is why people say yell 'FIRE' isn't it?
I still think that the alibi the accused will submit will be to say that he was at the house in the afternoon or evening prior to the murders, but just as a friend visiting.

I think this is information he did not give to the police in his original statement.

I think the police jumped on this as meaning he had something to hide. But probably he was either scared to say he was there or didn't want his best friend (CR's boyfriend) to know he had been there.

The fact that all the links to news stories with details of his arrest have all been removed and/or deleted, makes me think there is something in those reports that points to the discrepancy between his statement and whatever the police found out later.

I reckon the son-in-law of the lady who posted earlier, was asked to drive him to the police station to sign his statement and at that point the police did not consider the accused as a serious suspect.

When the accused got to the police station to sign his statement, I reckon he decided he had better tell them he had been there earlier, before the murders.

It is also possible that the police arrested him for withholding information and then charged him so they could hold him. Perhaps because he knows something more, heard or saw something more, that will lead to the real killer.

I agree that if the police do not seriously believe he is the killer, then holding him and charging him is an extreme action, but it may have been done to protect him.

Suppose something he knows, saw or has said is the missing bit needed to solve the crime. He may be in danger if he was out in the community and the police may have advised him that the safest otption was to stay locked up.

Is this sounding like the script of a B grade movie, or do you think there could be something in my ideas?
They should publish details of how to donate to that trust fund IMO....that boy will need all the financial support he can get poor thing :(
It is really strange how much has been taken off the internet. Adelaide times have deleted all pics of the house,crime scene etc. Anyone heard of this happening before?
^ No, and wowsers....they're really trying to shut this story down aren't they? So fecking odd IMO!! Any reason why?? Do not say insanity defense.
It is really strange how much has been taken off the internet. Adelaide times have deleted all pics of the house,crime scene etc. Anyone heard of this happening before?

It is really, really' really strange.

I have never seen all the news stories pulled before.

Ok, they need to adjust any that had the accused name in it, but I don't recall that any did.
Curous statement from that news story about the funeral

A police spokesperson has confirmed the person who killed Andrew and Rose and their 16-year-old daughter Chantelle acted alone, saying police were not looking for an accomplice.

Brevet sergeant Al Hayter, officer in charge of Kapunda Police, said police will continue their investigation into the murders over the next two to three weeks.

“They’re just continuing investigations to cover all leads,” he said.

“The strong police presence will continue…just to reassure the residents of Kapunda.”

Police and State Emergency Service crews have conducted searches throughout the town over the past week.

Police would not comment on what they were looking for.

Reading that article, I feel like the journo who wrote it is trying to drop a hint that all is not as it seems.
They should publish details of how to donate to that trust fund IMO....that boy will need all the financial support he can get poor thing :(

Donations can be sent to the

Christopher Rowe Trust Fund,

PO Box 58, Tanunda 5352.

For details contact Tamara Meyers on 8653 3357 or after hours on 0422 564 272, or email rowebenefit@bvgroup.

Terrific idea and cause, I have posted the info on every page of my blog relating to this as well! Donate something if you can guys and gals
OK what are you guys searching for ... I can see all her

here is the one about the boys long sleeves and what they saw when he removed jumper, but unsure who exactly saw.... description of cuts Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The bodies of Chantelle Rowe, 16, and her parents were found in their home, murdered
Hi misus g, I click on all of them and get, not found try other search terms? Might be a post count thing?
Curous statement from that news story about the funeral

A police spokesperson has confirmed the person who killed Andrew and Rose and their 16-year-old daughter Chantelle acted alone, saying police were not looking for an accomplice.

Brevet sergeant Al Hayter, officer in charge of Kapunda Police, said police will continue their investigation into the murders over the next two to three weeks.

“They’re just continuing investigations to cover all leads,” he said.

“The strong police presence will continue…just to reassure the residents of Kapunda.”

Police and State Emergency Service crews have conducted searches throughout the town over the past week.

Police would not comment on what they were looking for.

Reading that article, I feel like the journo who wrote it is trying to drop a hint that all is not as it seems.

Why follow all leads if they are sure they have their man? hmmmmm
i'm asking an (ex police) friend of mine why the media may retract all articles...
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