Benefactor - Discuss here

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Trying to catch up on the Aisenberg case. Baby vanished in the middle of the night on Nov 24. After intense questioning by LE and FBI, parents stop talking and hire high-powered attorneys two days later.

in the end, the Aisenbegs sued the local LE and won. The payout was in the millions.

Your post isn't giving the full story at all. LE wiretapped the Aisenberg's home, and charged them with conspiracy for things they supposedly said. A judge ruled that LE did not have permission to record the family, it was illegal, so the charges were dropped. And that's when the family sued. I've seen you bring up the Aisenbergs many times before...and by not including the reason WHY they sued, you're making it sound like they won a case against LE for daring to ask them questions. It's not as simple as, "They stopped talking to LE...and then won millions in a lawsuit against them!"
You know what is really interesting? Twitter. It's such a small, small world.
Has anyone considered the possibility of the "benefactor" being unwillingly drawn into this scenario?
Has anyone considered the possibility of the "benefactor" being unwillingly drawn into this scenario?

ML was tweeting to KS and DS on a public account - not thinking he was trying to keep it a secret. In fact, I'd bet he enjoys the assumed association. Tweets are easily deleted.
ML was tweeting to KS and DS on a public account - not thinking he was trying to keep it a secret. In fact, I'd bet he enjoys the assumed association. Tweets are easily deleted.

Huh? Wrong tweets.
Trying to catch up on the Aisenberg case. Baby vanished in the middle of the night on Nov 24. After intense questioning by LE and FBI, parents stop talking and hire high-powered attorneys two days later.

in the end, the Aisenbegs sued the local LE and won. The payout was in the millions. I see fame and fortune dreams in the Bradley/Irwin horizon.

The lawsuit was dismissed, wasn't it?
Huh? Wrong tweets.

I'm saying that M. Lerette wasn't keeping his association with the benefactor or the benefactor's son a secret - he was tweeting back and forth with them on a public twitter account.
I'm saying that M. Lerette wasn't keeping his association with the benefactor or the benefactor's son a secret - he was tweeting back and forth with them on a public twitter account.

Yes, I understand that. See no reason why they would not be tweeting back and forth if they are friends. Do not understand why you brought Mr. Lerette up? There are many people on twitter.
Who among us would refuse the help DB and JI are getting if our child was abducted ? The fact that her cousin knows a wealthy benefactor indeed helps. If one of our cousins offered to help knowing that their baby cousin was abducted would they not try to do whatever possible ? I know my family would. Perhaps ML truly believes DB . I see nothing wrong with that.

I wish all families of abducted children would get this kind of attention.
Who among us would refuse the help DB and JI are getting if our child was abducted ? The fact that her cousin knows a wealthy benefactor indeed helps. If one of our cousins offered to help knowing that their baby cousin was abducted would they not try to do whatever possible ? I know my family would. Perhaps ML truly believes DB . I see nothing wrong with that.

I wish all families of abducted children would get this kind of attention.

See nothing wrong with it either. If it is the benefactors that have been rumored, these look to be very generous people who give back to their community. In this case they have extended the kindness to a friend and their extended family. That everyone should be so blessed.
Your post isn't giving the full story at all. LE wiretapped the Aisenberg's home, and charged them with conspiracy for things they supposedly said. A judge ruled that LE did not have permission to record the family, it was illegal, so the charges were dropped. And that's when the family sued. I've seen you bring up the Aisenbergs many times before...and by not including the reason WHY they sued, you're making it sound like they won a case against LE for daring to ask them questions. It's not as simple as, "They stopped talking to LE...and then won millions in a lawsuit against them!"
O/T but here's a USA TODAY story about misconduct by the prosecutor in the Sabrina Aisenberg case. I sure hope that prosecutors don't resort to tactics like this in the case of Lisa Iriwn.

TAMPA — What happened to the baby girl is a mystery.

What happened to the federal prosecutor who handled the case against Sabrina Aisenberg's parents is not: A Justice Department inquiry found that he recklessly broke the rules when he charged them with lying about her disappearance.

The Lisa Irwin forum appears to be made up of cliques. You know, the type you have in high school before you begin to understand that there are a lot of interesting people and places in the world and your fear of such limits the personal boundaries you set for yourself. The disrespect between the two cliques is tiresome.

That being said, we need another review of the rules (which is really just a curtesy as everyone should know them or how to find and read them by now): This is NOT hard. Post YOUR thoughts, theories and interpretations (easy enough right?). Read the thoughts of others (not hard). Respond to those that may be of a like mind (okay, that should work). If you disagree with another poster and cannot post nicely, MOVE PAST THEIR POST (how hard is that?) If another poster gets under your skin, PUT THEM ON IGNORE (only takes about a minute). If you must refute their post - then use a link and state the fact as YOU see it (you all know this case, it can't be that hard). THEN DROP IT! That's it. See, not hard. If a post offends you, ALERT it, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT, and MOVE ON. It is okay to disagree, but it is NOT OKAY to attack or make fun of others. AND THE SNARK...well, that needs to just STOP.

It is our hope this gets the message across. There are many good posters here and no matter what opinion we may hold on who we feel is responsible we all are here for Lisa Irwin and want her to come home safely and soon.

Thanks so much,

The Lisa Irwin forum moderators
I live in Savannah, GA. I noticed a few weeks ago there is a new electronic billboard close to my home (the kind that changes pictures or ads every minute or 2), and there is a "Have you seen Baby Lisa Irwin" missing poster with reward info. Savannah is a long way from KC. I wonder if there are others throughout the country. This is my first post and I am not sure I'm in the right place to post, hope so.
I live in Savannah, GA. I noticed a few weeks ago there is a new electronic billboard close to my home (the kind that changes pictures or ads every minute or 2), and there is a "Have you seen Baby Lisa Irwin" missing poster with reward info. Savannah is a long way from KC. I wonder if there are others throughout the country. This is my first post and I am not sure I'm in the right place to post, hope so.


Great to see a new poster on Lisa's forum!

Those billboards are all over the country. Lamar Advertising is doing them free of charge.

Lots of pics of the billboards on this FB page, as well as other efforts to keep Lisa's face out there.

These posts should probably go in the searches for Lisa thread. Hope that helps! :)

[ame=""]Searches for Lisa - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I live in Savannah, GA. I noticed a few weeks ago there is a new electronic billboard close to my home (the kind that changes pictures or ads every minute or 2), and there is a "Have you seen Baby Lisa Irwin" missing poster with reward info. Savannah is a long way from KC. I wonder if there are others throughout the country. This is my first post and I am not sure I'm in the right place to post, hope so.

Welcome GADeb :woohoo:
I live in Savannah, GA. I noticed a few weeks ago there is a new electronic billboard close to my home (the kind that changes pictures or ads every minute or 2), and there is a "Have you seen Baby Lisa Irwin" missing poster with reward info. Savannah is a long way from KC. I wonder if there are others throughout the country. This is my first post and I am not sure I'm in the right place to post, hope so.

Welcome to the forum and thank you for the info. :greetings:
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