Benjaman Kyle - Those who still need investigation - WE NEED YOUR HELP!

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Has BK been compared to Roger Ellison?

I've been reading through the links and couldn't find this name in a thread search.

I am only asking because this young man was missing from Colorado and presumed dead- but I haven't found anything to verify his death.

Roger Ellison may be too young to be BK, height is close. What caught my eye was the similarity in the structure of the nose.

Personally, it does not jump out as me as a match. This big one would be the shoe size. 13 is large! Even over time that is not going to really change if RE feet were a 13 at his age of dissapearance, which I think was 17.
Personally, it does not jump out as me as a match. This big one would be the shoe size. 13 is large! Even over time that is not going to really change if RE feet were a 13 at his age of dissapearance, which I think was 17.

Thanks for your opinion. After more reading and seeing BK- this boy would be too young. The nose in the lower picture just stood out to me.

Thanks again!
I don't know if this has been suggested before - but perhaps Benjamin Kyle should take a genealogical DNA test and if he's lucky - he'll find out what family he is from.

Of course I'm assuming he doesn't know his real last name - if that isn't the case - sorry.

I told my husband that as we were watching Dr. Phil... We had my family line's genealogical DNA test done and the cost was virtually nothing considering that matching him to a family history would be so very beneficial to him. I think our 12 marker test was around $100.00. It can determine his father's last name. From there I can do genealogical research online pretty easily.

Christine, Whooo Hooooo....Believe....anyone....Is there someone listening...who can get in touch with BK and suggest this option to help narrow the search. :confused:
I told my husband that as we were watching Dr. Phil... We had my family line's genealogical DNA test done and the cost was virtually nothing considering that matching him to a family history would be so very beneficial to him. I think our 12 marker test was around $100.00. It can determine his father's last name. From there I can do genealogical research online pretty easily.

Christine, Whooo Hooooo....Believe....anyone....Is there someone listening...who can get in touch with BK and suggest this option to help narrow the search. :confused:

Oh! That would be great!!
I told my husband that as we were watching Dr. Phil... We had my family line's genealogical DNA test done and the cost was virtually nothing considering that matching him to a family history would be so very beneficial to him. I think our 12 marker test was around $100.00. It can determine his father's last name. From there I can do genealogical research online pretty easily.

Christine, Whooo Hooooo....Believe....anyone....Is there someone listening...who can get in touch with BK and suggest this option to help narrow the search. :confused:

Yes-whoo-hoo, lol!!! I love the idea...I think I stated that a few back. I am going to kick it to FBI Bill-there has to be a way for us to be able to avoid the fee....jmo.
I think he looks a lot like Vernon Henry too. Plus Vernon Henry was last seen on I 95 heading northbound from Idaho. I would have to look at a map to see where he might be heading. I don't want to believe BK could be VH though. Yikes!
I think he looks a lot like Vernon Henry too. Plus Vernon Henry was last seen on I 95 heading northbound from Idaho. I would have to look at a map to see where he might be heading. I don't want to believe BK could be VH though. Yikes!

Vernon Henry (on AMW) is said to have brown eyes. BK has blue eyes, right?
I looked on the Dr Phil board to see what people were saying and they mentioned several people one of which was a Tom Dewey. I checked out the website which was just a memorial page and no info but did look like BK. Then I found a Steve Dewey missing person who has some similarities to BK. Blue eyes, 5'11", weight 185 and he went missing 8-3-2004 while windsurfing around the Canary Islands I think. Has he been ruled out already?
There sure are alot of people that look like Benjamin. I feel like I should know him!
Ok I saw steve Dewey on the comparison thread so nevermind.
Steve Dewey is still my favorite match.

The timing, the circumstances, and Indiana/Colorado connection plus the really similar features has had me hooked for a year now.

I understand BK feels it is not him.
Funny you should mention him as I was thinking of him a few minutes ago. I have always felt he was a strong possibility, but others seem to have ruled him out. I wish they would do actual testing against Dewey to be certain.
Wanted to add, the length of time Steve Dewey would have been in the sun, probably unconscious, if BK is him, would surely explain the cataracts better than any explanation I have heard so far.
Wanted to add, the length of time Steve Dewey would have been in the sun, probably unconscious, if BK is him, would surely explain the cataracts better than any explanation I have heard so far.

BK was 252lbs when found according to NB-that is pretty impressive weight gain from when Steve was last seen to when BK was found, JMO.

Aside from that I am certain the Dewey family has been contacted multiple times-we have a poster who was PM'ing communications with the Dewey family IIRC. I will try to comb the threads to find out.

Perhaps if the Dewey family does not mind, we can just post some of the correspondence on the board to rule Mr. Dewey in or out???
Wanted to add, the length of time Steve Dewey would have been in the sun, probably unconscious, if BK is him, would surely explain the cataracts better than any explanation I have heard so far.

This is copied from the original Savannah Morning News article (first post about Benjaman Kyle)....

"According to the paramedics' reports, three depressions showed on the right side of Kyle's head, which could have come from blows delivered with a blunt object. The report also indicated Kyle was unconscious but breathing when he was found, and that he was sweaty. Prolonged exposure to the sun had left him blinded."
BK was 252lbs when found according to NB-that is pretty impressive weight gain from when Steve was last seen to when BK was found, JMO.

Aside from that I am certain the Dewey family has been contacted multiple times-we have a poster who was PM'ing communications with the Dewey family IIRC. I will try to comb the threads to find out.

Perhaps if the Dewey family does not mind, we can just post some of the correspondence on the board to rule Mr. Dewey in or out???

This is copied from the original Savannah Morning News article (first post about Benjaman Kyle)....

"Do you know HIM?
The man who calls himself Benjaman Kyle is trying to learn his real identity. He is in his late 50s to early 60s, stands about 5-foot-11 and weighs 240 pounds." (this was in 2007)
This is copied from the original Savannah Morning News article (first post about Benjaman Kyle)....

"Do you know HIM?
The man who calls himself Benjaman Kyle is trying to learn his real identity. He is in his late 50s to early 60s, stands about 5-foot-11 and weighs 240 pounds." (this was in 2007)

Thank you, MC-NB said in conversation yesterday that he was 252 lbs when found and has told me in the past that he lost some weight since being found...he is currently in the 240's if I read my notes correctly.

Steve Dewey went missing from the Caymans on August 4th 2004 and was at last report 185lbs, I think if I am reading all of the posts right. Sorry to be stuck on this point, but how do you go from 185 to 240's-252 in three weeks if there is no bloating because of medication etc??? JMO.
This is copied from the original Savannah Morning News article (first post about Benjaman Kyle)....

"According to the paramedics' reports, three depressions showed on the right side of Kyle's head, which could have come from blows delivered with a blunt object. The report also indicated Kyle was unconscious but breathing when he was found, and that he was sweaty. Prolonged exposure to the sun had left him blinded."

Yup, that is the theory around his cataracts-however if you go to the way backs of the threads, lol, you will see active discussions regarding if this was indeed possible.

So-here we are again-is it possible for the cataracts to have formed strictly during the time of his injury and rescue or were they forming prior to his injury....Why do I continue to discuss it? I think it is one of the tools to use to find out who he is.
Steve Dewey is still my favorite match.

The timing, the circumstances, and Indiana/Colorado connection plus the really similar features has had me hooked for a year now.

I understand BK feels it is not him.

Funny you should mention him as I was thinking of him a few minutes ago. I have always felt he was a strong possibility, but others seem to have ruled him out. I wish they would do actual testing against Dewey to be certain.

This is copied from the original Savannah Morning News article (first post about Benjaman Kyle)....

"Do you know HIM?
The man who calls himself Benjaman Kyle is trying to learn his real identity. He is in his late 50s to early 60s, stands about 5-foot-11 and weighs 240 pounds." (this was in 2007)

I found this on another BK thread:
Post 343
Macon Change wrote-
I contacted Steve Dewey's family last year. PM me for more information.

Macon did the family indicate that they though Mr. Kyle was Steve?

The medical records should clear that up, too. Where did the intial story get 240 lbs. then?
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